1194 (2) 0 0 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER AND Is CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY • APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION STREET ADYRSS OF P, ECT; 7.25 �/iV.[.. .t..4.6. .......A_�......:............_......... r ' • ' • Legal Description: Tract........................ Block.......-.... Lot...................... Description of Work: L[. ..h.G,s=.....CAN�..t'..Gt�7T...... PlansReceived By....................................................Date ......................... REQ.: Plans.... Survey.... Calcs: Struc.._. Ener ............_.__.......... ........._.. .........._..............._..._..A....a......._..._......_....... Y gy.... Elect....- Mech.._ 1st Struct. Improvement on Parcel:Yes_.. No... Area of Bldg............... Plans Checked By......................... Date ....... .... Separate Structure..........:. or Addition/Alteration to Exist. Bldg Application Approved B L:.....,.._„""""" 7 '"""-""-' ........�}•......................... Date .... .a�.... PP PP Y”" No. of Stories.......... Use of Building .........._.._.. ........._...._._-------... Validated By .......... ...... .. ...- ....Date -. ... Valuation of Pro act $ _ ... ........... ._.... .. .. . Compensation Certificate Verified By ........ Date ... .. .. .. .... Owner: C.R TCti) r•=AA_ .... Phone 2: -F.°/ 6 Contractor: ^^R{F•f . 14eo Ti/(1 G. • • - • E . .. hh Icy Bus LIC AL620L7 Contractor's Address X0A.) 72 r(/,JI.,z,,., "S.Z Phone..3..7.9..fty. Permit Fee (plus penaltyf applicable) Contractor - Electrical: ..._....5 ..- "S _........._.......................... Plan Check Fee (less deposit of$.........- Rct. #_.__...)$._................... City Business License *........._......... Phone:.........._........ Energy Plan Check Fee (Dep. of $........ Rct. #........) $...... ............... Plumbing: ..........._..................... ._........._._.. Strong Motion Fee .....,..,. _ _ _"$ "., """""._ City Business License #_................. Phone:..._...._-..._... G.r"v."CU---Tl,0 Heating and Cooling PlumbingPermit Fee ._..._..... ...._................................._..._................_.. ._........._..._...............$........__........... Electrical Permit Fee ..... .... ..$..........._... City Business License +�........._......... Phone:......... ......... " T C 100(1 " ipo, Architect/Desi Designer:Mach. Hig./Coolg. Reutu[ ........ . $_...�.z..r-+ 9 ........,.._......._._......_................. Phone:.................... .�1rw................ .-.. Engineer: .......... _ . _ _ ...._..................... .... .. ..... Phone:.................... Residential Construction Tax .._._.....__._..............._....$..._...:a..._:._"" Lender: Unknown . .. .............. .. Misc. Fee ...__.._........ ...._...._.._...........$.............._..._.. . ..... ... .._................._....._._............ ❑ Misc. Fee ................_�_........._..H....�.. """'"""""'$. - "I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit isssuenot employ "- id I shall r7 d" any person in any manner so as to become subject • $ /��• to the workman's compensation laws of California." SIGNATURE OF • • APPLICANT/OWNER ................. DATE........................ .._................_........._.._...__..... .. Environmental Status: Exempt ._......._ Other............._ .. .............. "I Cerny that as the applicant I am licensed unde the"" PP provi Ippa D ) Design Review Approval: Bldg. ............ Site _..._..... Sign ........ Contractors License aw and further that my Licens. No. 3. 3._ 6a.a Use Zona P.D. Conditions ...._.........._ in Classification ...�.,—. 2. CJ.......... is in full force and effect: or Cond. Use Permit Ar.,... Variance A........... Parking Spaces........._ - .- I certify that I am exempt from the 'Licensed Required' provisions of the Approved By. Date _ contractors License Law. (State basis of exemption.) By.,-,.-,....... _.._...._.......... I hereb """""""��"" �"'���������� y acknowletlpe That I have read this application and stale that the above is • . • _ corroct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State Laws regulating • building. ICf08Chme0t Permit......................_ Grant Of EaSem¢nL............._. I (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino...... against liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way 'urb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Driveway: Replace.-........ Repair.......... accure against said City consequen a of the granting of this permit." Sewer............ Cann. Fee $......._—.... Water........... .... Meter $._...—....... SIGNATURE OF Agreement for Completion of Public Works Improvements _......I.- APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR ......_._... DATE .., Plans Checked By........ Date....... Approved By........ Date....... .... ..... NOTE, When properly validated this form comet as a Building Permit. This permit expires and becomes null and void should work not be commenced within • • - 120 days from validation date, or should authorized construction be suspended or PERMIT INSTALLATION NO. EACH abandoned for a period of 120 days after work is commenced. FEE Light Outlets............ Switches..... APPLICATION • • PLUMBING PERMIT ....... Fixtures.......-.... Receptacles............ PERMIT INSTALLATION NO. EACH FEE TOTAL NUMBER (less than 1000 watts) ............ $ ,50 "-""""""""" Gas System with up to 5 outlets .................................$4.00. ............. Range........ Cooking Unit........ Oven.....__._ .............._ 2.00 ..�..........�- Each additional outlet ......._.......................... .....-.. 1.00............... Dryer........ Garb. Disp......... Dishwasher ............. ....... 2.00 .. ............ Water System (Installation, Alt. or Repair) ...-............. 4.00............... MOTORS: 1 HP or less ................... ... . 2.00 """" . "" Water.Closet.... Water Heater.... Ld. Tray................. ... ................... . .... 4.00. ... ....... Greater than 1 HP not more than 5 HP ._........... . 3.50 .............. Lavatory_.. Shower Pan.... Bathtub.... Sink......... ......... 3.00....... . .......... Temporary Power Pole or Service — 100 amp .I..... . 5.00 .. ............ Wash. Mach..... Dishwasher.... Garb. Disp.. .. 3.00,""""",".... ... ............. ... —200 amp......... 7.00... .........._ Sewer -.. 8.00............... ._.............ys..$5. _..._a._.......Sys...$2............. Time Clock .......... ............... .............._....................... . 1.50... ........... Lawn Sprinkler Sys. $5.00 Ea. add Sys. $2.00......... Misc. f see Ord. current 1.... .......f..... Vacuum Breakers ..............3.50.............. ............................................ ew esidential Occupancies Flat Rate Interceptor........ Water Softener........ . .. ................4.00. 0-500 sq. ft. $22.00 1501-1750 $34.50.............................. Plumbing Piping without fixtures ..................i............."4.00"" ............. 501-750 24.50 1751-20000 37.50.............................. Misc. (See Ord. Current) .................................................... 751-1000 26.00 2001-225C 39.50.............. ... Permit Fee ..........................................................................$ 6.00 1001-1250 28.50 2251-2500 42.00.............................. TOTAL PLUMBING PERMIT FEE (plus penalty, if app. 7) E 1251-1500 32.00 2501-2750 49.50.............................. APPLICATION PermitFee...............................................$6.00 TOTAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE (Plus penalty if app.p) $ PERMIT INSTALLATION NO. EACH FEE INSPECTION RECORD Forced Air UniL.........._..._to 100M _................. $6.00- a • . over 100M ........................ . 10.00.. ........... Forms / Foundation .................._. ... _I By:_...... . ..... . Date:................ Comfort Cooling Unit._...to 3 ton/HP ........_........ .......... 6.00,.............. Plumbing Ground Work . ....._._....... I. to 15 torl.._..._-..... .._.... 9.50.............. Rough Electrical ............................... ...................._.... to 30 ton/HP..................._...... 12.00. ..._....... .__t......................... The - Plumbing and Heating ........ .t._................ to 50 ton/HP.........................�..17.00.............. . .. .. ......._.._......_..... Space Heater........ Wall Heater .. ........ .................. 6.00 sul Test & En. .....ergy ........._._............_. .............. ........_............... ........_......._..._... Flues - other than above ..........................__....... .Gas Test I .. 3.00.. ............ .........._..._..............._........ . .... ........._.__.... Vent Fan: Kitchen.. ..... Bath ......_........._...................... 3.00... ............ Temporary power Gas / Elect. . ..._... ....... Commercial Range Hood 6.00 Final - Electrical ............... ...._...._...-.........._.............. .. ............... _........_..............._._........_..I_.._...._..........._.. Misc. (See Ord. Current..._.............._...__...._._..............6.0 Final - Building /Mechanical ..................... 6 00 ._..............I_...._....._._...._.. Permit Fee ........... $ Final - Design Review / Landscaping . -"""�"��."""....".... .................................. , TOTAL Htg./ Coolg. Permit Fee (Plus penalty if app. ❑) E Final-Public Works ...........................................................