Ordinance 0971 ~ ~ ORD2NANCE N0. 971 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIPTO AMENDING SECTIONS 11.24.150 AND 11.24.160 OF TAE CUPERTINO MtTIIICIPAL CODE. REI.ATING TO STOPPIN6, STANDING OR PARKING ON PUBLIC STREETS ANA PROVIDING FOR SIGHS N(YfIFYING THE PUDLIC THIiREOF ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CITPERTINO DOES HEREBY ORDAI:T that Sections 11.24.150 and 11.24.160 are amended to lnclude the followinRs Section 11.24.150 Parkinq Prohibited alonq certain streets. Street Sides of Street Portion Emplre Avenue ~ Weat ' Bets~een University Way and Grand Avenue Grand Avenue North Setween Peninsula Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue Grand avenue North Between Santa Clara Avenue and Empire Avenue Santa Clara Avenue West Setween University Flay and Grand Avenue Section 11.24.160 Prohibited During Certain Hours ~ Sides Street Houra of Street Portion Exceptions Ft. Baker Dr. 8:00 a.m. West Setwaen Hqannisport Days School not to . Drive and Preaidio in seseion 3:30 p.m. Drive Presidio Dr. 8:00 a.m. Both Be[ween Ft. Baker Days School not to Drive and New in session 3:30 p.m. Haven Court ItrfRODIICEA at a reguiar meeti^g of the Cit} Council of [he City of Cupertino this ~th day of January , 1980, and ENACTED at a regular meecing of the Citq Council of the City of Cupertino this 218t day of .7anuary 1980 by the following vote: i ~ • ORDINANCE N0. 9~1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIZTO AMENDING SECTIOt73 11.24.150 AND 11.24.160 OF THE CUPERTINQ MUNICIPAL CODE. RELATIHG TO STOPPING, STANDINC OR PARKING ON PUBLIC STREEfS ANA PRqVIDING FOR SIGMS NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY AF CUPERTINO DOES HEREBY OROAIN that Sections 11.24.150 and 11.24.160 are amended to include the followina: Section 11.24.150 Parking Prohibited alonR certain streeta. Street Sides of Street Portion Empire Avenue ~ West ' Between llniversitv Wav and Grand Avenue ~ ~ Grand Avenue North Between Peninsula Avenue and Sanca Clara Avenue Grand Avenue North Between Santa Clara Avenue and Empire Avenue Santa Clara Avenue West Between Univeraitp Way and Grand Avenue Section 11.24.160 Prohibited DurinR Certain Hours ~ ~ Sides Street Boura of Street Portion Exceptiona Ft. Baker Dr. 8:00 a.m. West Bets~een Hyannisport Days School not to . Drive and Presidio in aesaion 3:30 p.m. Drive Preaidio Dr. 8:00 a.m. Both Between Ft. Haker Days School not to Drive and Nev in session 3:30 p.m. Haven Court ItTfRODUCED at a regular meetir.g of the Citp Council of the City of Cupertino this ~th daq of J~u8r5' , 1980, and ENACTID at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this Zlet day of January ~ 1980 by the follrnring voCe: • • Ordinance No. 971 Vote Members of the City Counci2 ~YES: Jackson, 0'Keefe, Rogere, Sparka, Meyers NOES: None ABSENT: None _ _ , z, .;j:. . , ABSTAIN: None , _ , i ~ _ . ' . ~ ~kP: , _ . , .,f~ r: ~ _ . . - - _ _ APPROVID: ~ w Mayor, Citq of Cupertino ATTEST: _ ~ . - , Citq Clerk ; _ . . . -