Ordinance 963 . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ORDI:VANCE N0. 963 AN ORDINANCE OF TfiE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMEPiDING SECTION 1 ' OF ORDINAt7CE N0. 2 BY PREZOIJING APPROXIMATELY .6 OF A GROSS ACRE FROM SANTA CLARA COWiTY C-N TO CITY OF CtIPER- TINO PRE P; LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD AND MANN DRIVE THE CITY COIR7CIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOFS ORDAIN aS FOLLOWS: [JHEREAS, on September 7, 1979, an application was filed by Hariua E. Nelaen (Application 21-Z-79) for the prezoning of property from Santa Clara Couttty C-N (Yeighborhood Commercial) to City of Cupertino pre P(Planned Development with ; Commercial and office intent) zone; and WHEREeiS, upon due notice and after one public hearing [iie Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the Prezoning be granted; and WHERE.IS, the property to be prezoaed is presently in a Santa Clara County C-:J ('Jeighborhood Commercial) zone; and h'HEREAS, a map of [he subject proper[y is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" as a proposed anendnent to the :laster Zoning rfap of the City of Cuper- tino. NOW, TEiEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the property described in attached Exhibit "A" be and hereby is prezoned to a City of Cupercino pre P(Planned Aevelopment vith coc~mercial and office in[ent) zone, aubject to conditiona listed in attached Exhibit "C"; and that Exhibit "B' a[tached hereto is made part of the .tas[er Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. I:iTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the Cicy Council of the City of Cupertino this day of November , 1979 and E27ACTL•D at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Cicy of Cupertino this 4th day of Dece~her , 1979 by the following vote: Vote `le~bers of the City Council AYES: Jackson, O'Keefe, Rogera, Sparks, Meyere :70ES: None ~BSE:IT: None dBSTAI:i: None aTTEST: APPROVED: --F~ " City Clerk :fayor, Ci[y oL Cuper[in • L:.^~: D:SC.'.=_-T_C:~ • ^>,?C~l_ ~;r'GlrtrtlNC P,T TI,E auvtiienUterlt~ corner u1' Lat :2, is o!tid i~ot lu sl~u~m uunn tnnt ccrtnin rfap entitled. "TRr1CT PtO, i:,•?0 tSr~ni~l Cra!'t nnnar urtiit i", rhich Mnp wna i'ilad fur r~curd .tn The af1'icc ot chc Recnrdcr o•t' ~t,.~ Coun*:~ of ~unta Clara. 3tatc oF Cn2i£ornln, on Februnrv 8. 1?5S in t+ook r~ ~ti~p5. Pnq~ ?,i, nn Ni~ Eusterl!~ lina of that cartaln -i0.24 qcra nc* o+ 1~~nU descriGed !n ihe Gead froM Duvid 7. Davie,, Qt ox, tu MnnN Con~strvctlon Cu., Inc.. ~orporntlon, dated Deeer~ber 2;, 195q, recorded Lecer~6e; 29, 195q in Ifook :304~ pffieinl Recards, p~qe ,01, 3nntR Clnru Covntv Records~ rvnnina thence fron sni~i posnt of h~qinninq North Ud deqrees ~1 fii.nutea biest alona th~ Southerlv line o" snid Lot 22, for d.i~tnnc~ ~f 125.67 feet to the 9outh~lascerlv corner theruof on ihc~ [u>tvrl~~ line of HnnN Lrive a; uald Lrivc~ is shown upon Trr~ct No. 135?0 I~ereinnbova referred to: runninu thene~ ~outh ~ denrr_es ib winutes 15 second~ East alonq the sr1jd ~nsterl~~ line ef HnnN D^ive for n diatnnce o+ 133.0-~ t'eet: th~nca ~~utneastarlV alonq ~he arc ui' n curve to th~ '°t tnnqant to the precc~dinq coursa o-~ith e rndiu~ oY 20.00 f,:at thruugh :ant:al nnula of p4 ~~:yr~e6 Oa Hinuees ~5 seeond~ Por on are distance oP ~4•'s5 {`~aet !o a puint on th~ proposed t~ortherl>> llne of :;tevsns Cr~ek °ond, ~:s ;nid lln~ iy •~ho~m upon Traci t~~~. 1390 I~er~in~ibove referred to; ;unnlnq ?hance 5auth 34 da~rees 2i ninotes En3t alohq th8 ,nld arnno~au ~•lortherly line nF 5ict~anu Creak P.ond t'er a ~lstnne~ af ~i.L~ Peet; tti~nce contlnvinq nlonq r,nld last nnned line En~ttrlv nlonq the arc o*' u c~~rt~e to the lCi't tunyent tu tfie. p; r.ceAinq covr,e arlYh u rndlus 04 1.~4Q.00 feet throuah a central nnqle of 3 deqreses 02 nln~itQ~ 07 ~:.cond; 4'or nn arc di~tane~ ot' 10~,77 tett to the point vf incerseetiun thereof uith the ~n~terly llna of enla aG.~4 acre trnct hersinahove ~~Ferred to; runninq thence iJorth 0 deqraes ib ~~inuten 15 secunsts 4le~t ulunq rhe snld casterlv linz of *he 40.24 acrr_ t,^net for A dintnnea of' i 19~.;~ f~~at to thN point uf buqinnlnq and b4inu n po~•tion of the tdorth~.+est i/4 of 5aetion i3, Toidnship ? 5outh, n~nn+s 2!~?eat, ~fuunt I Oiablo Enae nncl tioridinn. _?TING TtiEREFROM tha foliowinq d¢SCrlbed pnrcel of landc , PCGIta~JlidG A7 A aoint ln tha Ensterly line nf Han~~ Drl~~e dist4nt tl~ereon ' 3~uth 0 deqre~s ib ninutn6 !5 saconds Enat ?5.07 Feet r"~on nn iren ploa ~~:t nt the ~outhwa,terlv corner of Lat ~2, ns snid Dri!~a nnd Lut arc ~;ho~,n upo~ thnt careain Map sntltled, `Tract t~lo, 1390 ManN t:raf*. Mnhor Ur~lt i~~. .,nicn tSap a~ns ~'il~d 1'or record ln ihc of~F1~~ o;' the f~ecorde~ uF the Countv of ~anta Clara, State of Gnllfornia, on ~ebruary 8, 1455 in C~aok ~4 of t;nps, nt naae 31; thi:nce t'r~n Said onint o4 beqlnn.lna North D d?areea iS r+inutas 15 :,econda !de~t nlona ~n~d Eastprl~~ 11ne o~f ttant~J C~r ?~~a ?1,.0; f~et to the snld Sovth~iastc: 1?~ cnrner ot Lot 22; thc:nc~_ ~outh 3•3 deqrees 21 r~lnutes E+aRt nlonq tha 5outherl7 line of ~rlid Lat ~2 *~r ,i d?~ranca uf 125.b7 faai to an iron pipe set nt tlie ~out~i~ast4rlv corner th~reoFi thenee Sauth 0 Jeqreea lu ninute~ 15 ~~aeond~ East ~~lonq *he Southarlv nrolenq~~tinn of the Enaterlo llna ri' ~n.d 7ruet No. i39Q "or n d~stnnce o;' 7b,07 fe?tc th~nc~a North ~J4 dea~ ee:: 21 nlnutas 19est and nnroll~_t ~+ith the snid 5ovtherl;• line uf lot 2~ {'or n dlctnnce uf 125.57 fret to th~ point of ~eqlnnlnq, nnd belnn n portlon uf ths ~~~rthuest 1/4 ef ;eetion 14, To4!nship ? ~outh, Rnnae 2 Fle~t, tluvn~ Dinblu L'r1S~ and Msrldlnn. Ci ~a~9~e",'""'' 99 ~d~~ ~~1~~ ~ ~ P~:RCL•"L • • CL.GIt;V.ifi~~ riT ~i p0.Lf1C lfl ttlc: rU:;t~:(`1V Llll~: U~ (':4tlrt '/~"!t'~t +~ln?~I(1? tiY~`Y~~G(1 ~~~~uth 9~1ea; ze~ 1:~ i~inut?s i5 ~saeonds G~i~t '~.J? teet f'run ~ln lron c~l~~ ~~:s nt til~: .~JUflltJi;9fc'!'LY carn~~r ~~f t_c~ 2~. a~ ~;axd Or~~~~ an~i l.ot nr~: ~no~+~ upon thit certnin i~np entstled, "'irnct f~o, i3'>0 ~1~1nN C; nft Ma~~or ~~:~_T t", whlcli iinn s~+i~~ fllatl ior rscord in thc ~f~ icc cf th~ f?ecur~.far u+ the ruvntv oF Snnta Clarn, :itnc~; nF Cnlii'ornin. on ~ebruurv .3, i~55 in 5ook S-i of t1arys, ~tt pa~l~ ~S: thenc~ fron snid polnt ot' beqinnina rlarth U depreaN i~ n~.nute, 15 ~ecand3 ~iJ~nt nlo~q >nid ~asteTlv llne o~ iiuni) Gt'iv: ~i~.~'~ f~£'t t0 thd a41d :iOUt~'1WLt3tr~P~y curner 01~ LOt ~i~; tl1~:f1C8 ' :,n~th G4 daqrees 21 ninutes Enst Clonq tha aOUtOiCT3.!~ linu of void Lac fur n di:.t~~nca of 125.L7 i'aet to un iron plp~: set rtt th~ Eovt~~esterlt~ co~ ner• th~reof; thence Suuth 0 daqreea iS :,inuteti 15 second~+ cast aluna +1ia_ '3uuth~rl;~ urolonqntlon af the L'asterl~ lin~ uf said Trnct tto. 13!10 for n dlstance af 70.0? featt tl,~nce iJorch E34 de0rn.,~t5 ~i ninutas Weat j~nd onrnllel i~.ith the ~nid Southerlv line ui' Lat :'u~' u dletnnce of I 12:~.u^ fcat to the point of beoinnL~q, nnd beina n partian of SaCtiun L=:, i;unsh?p 7 South, t'nnqe 2 b7~~t, ilount Ulu~lo En~^_ an~ 1lerldlon. FARC~L 3: EH~Ei1~NT FOR th~ lnstallatiun ond F~alntrn.ince nf a::ar~lt+irv sawer iina> ~is nrante~ in tne Leszd ProM John !•1, Clark, t?t nl, to Kannwth L~ ichn~on, at ul. ~ecordad Octoba: ~tl. i,?0 in P.ook ^iU~ ud Uft'icial t~cords, qnpe 715. Uascrlbad a~ folluus: C_G::~tJIi1G nT A 1 inch iron ui;.~e .ln the blesterl~; l.knu of Adrinna A~~enue nt thc 3outheasterly corner of thnt c¢rtuin parcul of land da~cribe.d in .~~:d f;duard r;. Kirklsh. at ux, reeorded ~~~der Racor~ic:r~ti ~s~laK :~vr~der 37C73~, 5nnta Claru Couniy Records, anid point of b.~alnntnq b~inn South U daqrees 01 ninutes i5 cecnnds Enst 0.00 fee! fron ths Su~,tha~•~ta,^lv corner of Lot ~2. Trnct b!:i, knnil l~1Ltn ~ubdioislan. u Mnp of whict? is recorded in Bonk 24 of Nnpa, paue .7~J, Santa Clnrn ~.ounty Record~; chance alonq thc: Soutlsarlv line o4 land c:un~reved to I(irki~h dv~ ~dast 12?.99 Peet to the lasaterl~~ line aF ~aid crncc, ~niq lnat point ino ;ovth 0 deqreas 25 ~iinutes a5 eecon~s Cnct ;.3.1.1 feet frun th~ _.,u?he~i>te~~lv corner ~f Lo* 22 or TrRCt i']40, i^r~nii Crrjt't ~+anor, u~ina of wh ~ch i~ ; ecurdud in Dook 54 of ilnps, pQys ?,i, Santa Glara CovnTt~ :ecordas ttrenee nlonq tha lina bati.reen 7rnCts ~Si nnd i390, t~urth 0 dLnr~•~:, ~5 nlnvtss i5 raconds L!a5t 2.00 feet: ih`rice dua E~~st 13U.00 ;'eec -o the: !•lejtarlv line uf' Adr3ana Auen~~ei thance ~ilunu tha lnst nar~e~d lir~•~. Sovth 0 deu~r.~t Ot ritnutea iS aeconds L•:~.,•t :,QO Caet tu the puint cf beainnlna. ~ i.>-ea3ur~a Pareal No.~ 32G-iS-ilA, 326-19-115 , ~ _ _ . E l: ;m ' 15 ~ = i ° . . Y ;+,j ~ ~a i~:~ . _ y