Ordinance 953 ~I;~ANCE ~0. 953 • 13, :Ioverroer, 1979 - AN OROINAtICE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIP~O ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 10.25, TO THE CUPERTINO MUyICIPAi. CODE, REGULr1TIVG THE IPISTALLATION. OPERATION • ANO'MISUSE ~E ?OLICE AL;aRM SYSTEMS AP~D OE'IICcS, . AYD IMPOSIYG A.SERVI~E CHARGc FOR THE MISUSE THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUP.ERTINO OOES OROAIN AS FOLLONS: Chapter 10.26 is hereby added to the Cupertino MuM cipal.,Code to read as foilows: ' Chapter T0.26 ~ REGULATION OF POLICE ALARM SYSTEMS AND OEVICES Sections• ~ ~ , . 10.26.010 Purpose - 10.Z6.020 Oefinitions 10.~6.030 OeTeted 10.26.040 Outside Audible Alarm Requirements. 10.26.050 Automatic teTephane connections to coirrnuni,cations center prohi bi ted. - 10.26.060 Exemptions. 10.26.070 Investigation oP False Alarms. _ - 10.26.080 Notice to Owner or Operator. „ - 10.26.090 False Alarm 5ervice Charge. 10.26.100 Assessment of Service Charge. ' 10.26.110 Payment and Hearing. „ 10.26.120 Hearing procedure. 10.26.130 Failure to Request Hearing. 10.26.140 Collection af Changes. 10.26.150 Reimbursement for 4lillful Conduct. 10.26.160 Separabitfty. 10.26.170 Violation: Penalty. - - 10.26.180 Review for Effectiveness. 10.26.010 Puraose. 7he purpose of this ordinance is to set forth requlatians governing Police alarm systems and devices used within the City of Cupertino, aod to establish service charges to be assessed in the event of repeated false alarms. The cost to the City and the risk to police persunnet incurred by providing proper police response-to all such,alarms is found to be a significant burden which must be remedied by appropriate measures. ~ 10.26.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and phrases•snall be construed herein as set forth in this sectfon. unless it is apparent from the co~text that a different meaning is i~tended. A. Citv. City means City of Cupertino. _ . B. Fals2 Alarm.~ls2 aiarm means a potice ala~ystem activated througn unexcused inadvertance, negligence, or malfunction of any se9ment - of the alarm syst~rn, :o ~Nhich personnel of the police service serving the City of Cupertino must respond, in circumstances where no police ~nergency ~ as herein defined exists. C. Notice. Notice means r~rftten notice, given by personal service to the addresse~ or given by the United States mail, pastage prepaid. addressed ~ to the persan to be•notified at his last known address. Service of such ' notice shaTl be effective upon the wmpletion af personal service, or ~ upan the placing of said notice into the custody of the United States t Postal Service. ~ ` • D. Premfses. Premises shall be those buildings, structures, vehicles or other faci ities to be protected by a police alarm system and shall not ' include smaller or discrete subdivisions within such buildings, structures or facilities. ~ E. Person. Person means natural person, firm, partnership, assecia N on, ar corporation. F. Police Atarm Svstem. Police alarm system means any mechanical or electrical device which is designated or used for the detection or warning or unauthorized entry into a building, structure, or faciiity, or for alerting others of the cortmissian of an unlawEul act within a building. structure, or facility, or both, and whlch ~nits a sound or transmits a signal ar message when actuated. Alarm Systems include but are not limited to direct-d1a1 telephone devices, audible ala?ms. and proprietor atarsns. Devices which are not Cesignated or used to register alarns perceptible fram outside of the protected building. structure, or facility are excluded from this definitfon, as are auxiTiary devices installed to protect the telephone system from damage or disruption by the use of an ala rtn system. G. Police Emeraencv. Police emergency means the unauthorized violent breaking, and/or entering, damaqing or burglary of a buiTding, structure, vehicle, or other facility, or the comnission of a violent act 1lkely to produce immediate badily harm, or an attempt or serious threat of any of the acts described herein. H. L~vner. Owner means the person actually responsibTe for the operation and maintenance of the police alarnr system. I. Resoonsible Occuoant. The responsible accupant includes but is not Timited to easees. tenants, or ather agents of the legal owner of the premises aherein the alarm system is installed, provided that such aqents had actual control of and responsibility for the operation of the premises at the time of any false aiarm. 10.26.030 Deleted in enti~ety. 10.26.040 Outsid? Audibie Aiarm Requirements. Every person ma1n- taining an outside audible alarm shatl post a notice containing the names and telephone numbers of the persons to be notified in order to render repairs and service ar secure the premises d~ring any hour of the day or -2- nishC in the event th~~ he alar~ is actua[ed. Such n ce shall be posted near the alarm in suc}1~posit3on as to be legible fro~e ground level adjacent to the building where the alarm is lucated. The wording police ' alarm - call Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department: shall be placed on the gong covers immediately below auch alarm device. It shnll be un- lamful to install or use a police alatm system which upon activation emits a souad similur to sirens in use on public emergency vehicles or for public disaster warning purposes. All local exterior bell, gongs, noise making , devices or pulsating lights ahall have a timing device that will silence or turn off such divices or lights within 10 minutea following initial . activatioa. 10.260.050 Automatic Telephone connectiona to communications center prohibitad. IC ahall ba unlawful for any peraon to uae, cause to ba used, or engage in the buainese of providing, any [elephone device br attachment which automatically selects a pnblic primarv telephone trunk line of the i Santa Clara County communicationa center. and ehen emits:a prerecorded meesage for the purpose or reporting any police emergency, fire, or other emergency. 10.26.060 Exemptions. The proviaions of this chapter, with the exception of Sectioa 10.45.050, shall not apply to alarm systems affized co motor vehiclea. Thare ahall be a 30-day exemption for new alarm syatem installations. Thoae falae alarms evidanced to be caused by acts of God shall be exempt. Alarm systeme installed in public schools shall be exempt. 10.26.070 Investigation of False Alatms. One of the law enforcement officera responding to each emergeacy alarm as defined herein shall attempt to ascertain by investigation vhether said alarm was activated with reasonable cause therefore or was a"false alarm" within the meani~g of Section 10.26.020 above. In the event that his investigation indicates to the investigating officer that the alarm vas a false alarm, said officar shall forvazd a report of thia investigatioa to the Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Cupertino or such other parson as mag be desigaated by the City Manager, stating hia conclusiona and the factual basis for such concluaiona. 10.26.080 Notice to Ovner or Operator. Upon receipt of the report described in Sect on a ove, t e o e n orcement Officer or other authorized person may cause a written notice to be served by mail or personally upon the responsible occupaut of the pretaisea on which the alarm Was located. Said notice shall indicate that a false alarm was made from said premises, and [hat steps ahould be taken by the ovner to prevent future false alarms. Said notice also shall state that in the event of a 3rd falae alarm occurring on the premises in the same calendar year as the first. a service charge shall be assesaed against owner for every such subsequent false alarm occurring within that calendar year. In the event that the mmer of the alarm system is not also the respoasible occupant of the premises wherein auch alarm system is installed._thea_the responsible ~7ccupant shall, upon receipt of notice i~ediately:.; 1. Inform the owner of the alarm syatem and cause the notice co be delivered to the owner, and _3- _ . Z. ?~otify th~ode anf~rcement or'icer of t~dentity of the . ewner oi the alar,n and that the notice has been delivered ~ to the o~~vner. In the event of failure of the resaonsible occupant, when not the owner. to camply with the abave notification procedure, then the responsible occupant shall bear the responsibility of the owner or the alarm as , provided in this ordinance. , 10.26.090 Faise Alarm Service Charce. There is hereby imposed a ~ service charqe upon every owner who reports, causes to be or permits to be reported~ a false aiarm as defined in this chapter. Said service charge shall be in an amount fixed by the City Manager which is determined reasonably to refTect the costs to City of responding tn each~ such fatse atarm. Said charges shall bear interest at the leqal rate from the date thirty days follcwing confirmation by the City Council. 10.26.100 Assessment of Service Charae. The City Manager is hereby i empowered and authorized to designate such person or persons who shall enforce t6e provisions of this chapter. Upan receipt by said enforcement officer of a report of a faise alarm originating from premises to which was sent a notice as descri6ed in Section 10.26.080 above, he shali cause to be served a notice of assessment of the above-described service charge, which notice shali describe the da*.e and time of the ~Tleqed fals2 alarm, and whether police personnel respanded thereto. Said natice shall further request payment of said service charge within *.hirty (30) days following receipt. and shali indicate the existence and terms of the hearinq provisions contained in this chapter. 10.25.110 P3yment and Nearina. On or before thirty (30) days following issuance of the nntice and assessment described in Section 10.26.100, the recipient of such notice shall cause to be re~nitted to the Office of tfie City Treasurer the full amount of such service charqe. Any such persan dissatisfied Nith the assessment may attach to such payment a written request for a hearing regarding the investigation~ determination, and assessment of said service charqe. 10.26.120 Hearin Procedure. Upon receipt of a request far a hearing the C t~ Treasurer sha 1 forward such request to the Offfce of the City Manager. The City Manager or such other person or body as the City Council may designate, shall schedule such a hearing to be held on a date not more than fifteen (15) days from receipt of the request. arid shail cause notice af the hearing date, place and time to be maited to the person requesting said hearinq. At the hearing, evidence shall be heard informally, and written findings of fact shall be made by the hearing body. Said findings, together with a recortmendation that said service charge assessment be either set aside or conflrmed, shall be forwarded to the City Council. The City CounciT shall hold a hearing Nith respect there*.o, and, upon considera- tian of safd findings, recomnendation, and such other evidence as it deans relevant, shail set aside or confirm said assessment, in whale or in part. The person requesting the hearing shall be inforned by mailed notice of all hearing dates, places and times, and shall be af`~rded an opoortunity to offer testimony in his behalf at each. In the event that any portion- of said assessment is set aside, a corresponding sum of money shall be refunded to the persan by whom it was paid to the City. . -4- ~ ~ 10.25.130 Failure :a ReQUest Hearinv. In the event that any person to whom a nottce as described in Section 10.26.110 was mailed shatl fail either to remit the full amount af said service charqe or to request a hearing on such matter within the time allowed, the hearing body shall make , such findings and recortmendation as it is warrant2d by the evidence. ' 10.26.140 Collection of Chanaes. In the event of the failure of any . person to pay Lhe charges assessed pursuant to the provisions of this ~ ordinance, the City may institute an action in any court af competent ,I ,~urisdiction to collect any charges which may be due and payable in the same manner as any other debts awing to the City may be collected. 10.26.150 Reimburse~nent for ~illful Conduct. In the event that any owner or ather person shall be convicted of intentionally reporting a false emergency alarm, as prescribed by Penal Code 5148.4, the enforcement officer designated by the City Manager is hereby authorfized to for,~ard to the office of the District Attorney, Probation ~epartments, or Court having jurisdiction, a record of proceedinqs conducted pursuant to this chapter, includinq a statement of any delinquent service charges assessed, for the purpose of obtaining restitution of said amounts Lo City as an element of any criminal penalty thereby impased. 10.25.160 Seoarabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence, . clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconsti*_utional 6y the decisian of any court of competent ,~urisdictian, then such decision shall not efrect the vatidity of the remafning portions of this ordinance. 10.26.170 W olation: Penaitv. Violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is hereby deemed an infraction punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 10.26.180 Reviev for Effectivenese. This Ordinance shall expire 30 aonths after ita enactment. Council shall review in 24-30 months [he effectivenesa of [his ordinance for posaible reenact~nt. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, this 19th day of November , 1979, and IIJACTED this 4th . day of December , 1979, at a regular meetiag of the City Council by the follawing vote: Vote Members of the City Council . AYES: Jackaon, 0'Keefe, Rogera, Sparka, Meyera NOES: None ABSENT: None AI3STAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: ~W City Clerk Mayor, City of Cup ino