Ordinance 938 ~ ~ ' ORDINANCE N0. 938 , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING SECTIONS 11.16.030 AND 11.16.040 OF TNE CUPEaTINO MUNICIPAL CODE REI.ATING TO DESIGNATION OF THROUGH STREETS OR HICHWAYS AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN that Sections 11.16.030 and 11.16.040 are amended to read as follows: 11.16.030 Designation of through atreets or highways. A s[udy of traffic conditions has lndicated the neceasity of declaring certain etreets or highvays as being through streete or highways. to.preserve the public safety by reducing the hazard to pedeatrain and vehicular traffic~ as followa: ALVES DRIVE betveen the east line of Stelling Road and the vest line of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. • BLANEY AVENUE between the south line of Nomestead Road to the nortfi Iine of Bollinger Road except at its intersectiona vith Merritt Drive. Foreat Avenue, Stevens Creek Boulevard, Rodziguea Avenue, Clifford Drive, Suisun Drive and John Drive. BUBB ROAD between the south line of Stevens Creek Boulevard and the north line of Rainbow Drive except at 1ta intersection with McClellan Road. BOLLINGER ROAD betveen the eset line of Stelling Road the West line of Lawrence Expresaway except at its intezsectiona vith De Anza Boulevard. Blaney Avenue. Miller Avenue and Johnaon Avenue. DE ANZA BOULEVARD from the nor[hezly City limit line to the north line of Prospect Road except at its intersections vith Homestead Road. Junipero Serra Freevay (Route 280), Mariani Avenue. Lazaneo Drive, Stevens Creek Boulevard, Rodrigues Avenue, McClellan Road and Bollinger Road. FOOTHILL BOULEVARD from the northerly City limit to the south line of McClellan Road, except at ite intersection with Stevens Creek Boulevard. HOMESTEAD ROAD between the eastezlq City limits and the weaterly City limits except at its intersections with Tantau Avenue. Wolfe Road. Blaney Avenue, De Mza Boulevard, Stelling Road, and Mary Avenue. MCCLELI.AN ROAD betveen the east line of Foothill Boulevard and the west line of De Anza Boulevard except at its intersections vith $ubb Road and Stelling Road. MILLER AVENUE betveen the south line of Stevena Creek Boulevard and the north line of Bollinger Road except at its intersection vith Calle De Barcelona. • Ordinance No. 938 " YORTAL AVENDE betveen the nor[h line of Drnke Drive nn~the sou[h line of Price Avenue except at i[s intersectiona aith Merritt Drive and Stevens Creek Boulevard. PROSPECT ROAD be[ween the west line af Stelling Road and the west line of • Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. ~ RAINBOW DRIVE between the east line of Bubb Road and the weat line of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road except at its itttersection vith Stelling Road. ' SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD betweea the eouth line of Sollinger Road and the north line of Prospect Road except at its intersection With Rainbow Drive. STELLING ROAD betWeen the south line of Homea[ead Road and the south line of Pzospect Road except at its intersectiona vith Creenleaf Drive, Stevena Creek Boulevard. Pepper Tree Lane, McClellan Road and Rainbow Drive. , STEVENS CANYON ROAD between the south line of McCiellan Road and the southezly City limit. STEVENS CREEK SOULEVARD from the eaeterly City limit to the vesterly City limit except at its intersectiona with Tantau Avenue. Finch Avenue, Wolfe Road, Miller Avenue~ Parfineter Road.•YoLtal°Avenue, Blaney Avanue~ De Anza Boulevard. Bandley Drive. Stelling Road, Marq Avenue~ $ubb Road, and Foo[hill Boulevard. TANTAU AVENUE betveen the south line of Homestead Road and the•North line of Bollinger Road except at its intersectiona with Yruneridge Avenue~ Stevena Creek Boulevard and Tilson Avenue. WOLFE ROAD from the south line of Homeatead Road to [he north 11ne of_.Stevens Creek Boulevard except at its interaections with Pruneridge Avenue~ Juninero Se=za FrP.P.- - - - way (Route 280) and Vallco Park~aay. : 11.16.040 Stop Signs. The City Managar be and ie hereby inetructed to have a standard type of stop sign lnetalled at each appiicable intersection of said through streeta or highvays enumerated in Section 11.16.030 above~ the costs of vhich are to be paid from the appropriate funds of the City. IIRGENCY. Thie ordinance is hereby declared an urgency measure and shall be in full force and effect immediately upon ite enactment. The facts constituting such urgency are as follows: The City Council of the C1ty of Cupertino believea that it is necessary to have and ordinance to substantiate the exiatance of traffic control devicea in the area of the City of San Jose that is to be annexed to the City of Cupertino on the date of such annexation and that date vill be Julq 1. 1979. Thezefore, it is neceasary to enact this ordinance and have it effective prior to that date. INTRODUCED AND ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Citq of Cupeztino thia 18th day of June , 1919. by the folloWing vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Jackson, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Sparke, Meyers POES: . None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST:-, APPR • ~ i~ ~ ~ ~f~ ~ G~J ~ City Clerk~ Ma or, City of Cupe [i -2-