Ordinance 915 _ . ~ ~ ORDZNANCE N0. 915 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING SECTIONS 11.12.030 AHD 11.12.040 0£ TH~ CUPERTII~D MU[4ICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHIIENf OF PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS AND SPEED LIMIT SIGNS TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES liEP.EBY ORDAIPI that Section 11.12.030 is amended to read as follows and is amended to in- clude Vallco Parkway on the list of applicable s[reets and highways. Section 21.12.040 is amended co read as follorrs: ' 11.12.030 Escablishment of prima facie sveed licdts. The priaa ' facie speed limits on certain atreets or highways, situated within the City of Cupertino, State of California. . DECLARED PRIMA FACIE :IA.'~ OF STREET OR PORTION AFFECTED SPEED LIMIT B;,a:tEY ~VEN[TE presently or hereafter within the 30 milea per hour City of Capertino, and situated between Bollinger Road and Beekman Place BL.~.~'E1 AVE:NE situated between Beekman Place and 35 miles per hour Homestead Road BL'BB ROAD presently or hereafter within the City 3b miles per hour of Cupercino, and situated between Rainbov Drive and ~1cClellan Road BCBB RQAD situated between McClellan Road and 35 miles per hour Stevens Creek Boulevard DE a::Z~ BOULEVARD eituated betaeen Bollinger 35 miles per hour Road and Alves Drive DE A:Z~ BOITLEVARD presently or hereafter within 40 miles per hour the City of Cupertino, and situated bet~reen Alves Drive and Homestead Road r00THILL BOULEVARD presently or hereafter vithin 35 miles per hour the City of Cupertino, and situated between .`tc- Clellan Road and Stevens Creek Boulevatd FOCTHILL BOULEVaRD presencly or hereafter wi.thin 40 miles per hour the Cicy of Cupertino, and situated betweer. Stevens Creek Boulevard and Junipero Serra Freewaq _ . Ordinance No. 915 ~ • • DECI.ARED PRIJ41 FACIE `L1`~ OF STREET OR PORTION AFFECTED SPEED LIMIT HO?lESTi~~A ROAD presently or hereafter wlthin 35 miles per hour the City of Cupertino, and situated between Foothill doulevard and a point 850 fee[, more or les's, east of Tantau Avenue .*fARY <1VE~UE situated becveen Stevens Creek 35 miles per hour Boulevard and Meteor Drive MCCLELUN ROAD presently or hereafCer within 30 miles per hour the Cicy of Cupertino, aad situated between De dnza Boulevard and Bubb Road MCCLELLAN ROAD situated between tiira Vista Avenue 20 milea per hour and a poinc 900 feet southerly and easterly thereof ~ i MILLER AVENUE presently or hereafter withia the C1ty 30 milea per hour of Cupertino, and situated between the southerly City Limits and Stevens Creek Boulevard PRUNERIDGE AVE.*NE situated between Wolfe Road and a 35 miles per hour point 350 feet, more or less, east of Tantau Avenue STELLI:vG ROdD presentlv or hereafter with the City 30 miles per hour of Cupertino, and situated between Homestead Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard STEVc:7S CA.`lYON ROAD presently or hereafter within 35 miles per hour the City of Cupertino, situated between Che southerly City Limits and McClellan Road STEVE:IS CREEK BOCLEVARD presently or hereafter within 35 miles per hour the City of Cupertino and situated betveen the westerly City liaits and the easterly City limita TA.~TAU AVENUE situated between Stevena Creek Boulevard 35 miles per hour and Homestead Road VALLCO PARKWAY situated between Wolfe Road and Tantau 35 miles per hour ,~venue wOLFE ROAD situated betveen Stevens Creek Boulevard and 35 miles per hour Homestead Road 11.12.040 Speed Limit Signs: The City Manager is instructed to have a standard type oc speed limit sign installed at each applicable intersection of the street or hlghwap enunerated herein. _2_ _ . . . . . _ ~ : . . • ~ I:ZTRODGCED ac a regular meeting oi the City Couacil o£ che City of Cuper:ino ,this ,;~ti day of tan~iz~ ~ 1979, and ENACiED at a cegular meeclag oi cha Cit: Couacil ot [he City oz Cape::ino chis Sth day oi e~~hruary ~ 1979, by tae iolloc~ing vo[e: _ Voce Members oi che City Council AYES: ;feyers, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks, Jackson ' YOES: Noae i I dBSE;IT: Yoae ~ ABST1,I:t: Ncae i A APPROVED: ~r"'?-~ Ma , itq crb aTTEST: i' l City Clerk ~ -3- t