Ordinance 843 ~ ~
SECTION 1. Repealing Clause.
Section 1.1: Ordinance No. 441. No. 533. No. 533(a), No. 533(b), _
No. 533(c), No. 576, No. 622, No. 644, No. 657, No. 659. No. 680. No. 688,
No. 690, No. 706, No. 709, No. 717, No. 769 and No. 817 are repealed.
SECTION 2. Definitions:
Section 2.1: Highvay: A"highvay" is a vay or place of vhatever
nature, publiclp maintained and opea [o the usa of the publit for purpose
of vehicular travel. Highvay includes street.
Section 2.2: Holiday: "Holidaqs" are: The first daq in January,
'!emorial Day, Iadependence Dap. Admission Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Daq.
and Christmas.
Section 2.3: Zntersectioa: An "intersection" is the area embraced
srithin t6e proloagation of the latezal eurb liaes. or, 1f none. then the lateral
bouadary lines of the roadvays, of tw highvays vhicb join one aaother at
approximately right angles or the azea withla c~hich vehicles traveling upon
diiferent highvaqa joining at aay other angle may come ia coafliet. '
Seetion 2.6: Pazk: "Park" i~ to s und or lesve standiag any veh3cle.
vhether occupied or not, othervise than temporari~p :ha purpose of and
while actually engaged in loadiag or unloadiag of passengers or ctacerials.
Section 2.5: Parkvay: A"parkvaq" is Chat portion of a street
ocher thaa a roadvaq or sidevalk.
Section 2.6: Raadway: A"roadvay" is that portion of a highvap
i~.proved. designed, or ordinarilq used for vehicular travel.
Section 2.7: Sidevalk: A"sidevalk" is chat portion of a highvay,
other than che roadvay, aet apazt by eurbs, barriers~ rarkings or other deliaea-
cion for pedestrian travel.
Seetion 2.8: Stop oz Stoppiag: "Stop or scoppiag" vhen prohibited
shall Weaa aay cessation of xvemeat of a vehiele, vae[her ocevpied or not, except
v:~en necessarq to avoid conflict vith otber traffic ar in conpliance vith the
direc[ion of a police offieer or official traffic control device or signal.
~ ~
Seetion 2.9: Straet: a"street" is a vay or place of whaCaver
, nacuze, publicSy maiacatned aad open to Che u5e of chs public for purposes
o.f vahiculu cravel. Streec includas highway.
SECTIoN 3. Curb :iarkinss and Siaas to Indicate !to StoooinS aad Parkin¢
5actioa 3.1: Tha City Tralfic Eagiaeer 1~ haraby authoriz~d, aubjecc
~ to the provisions aad limitacioas af this Chapcer, to place, aad vhea required
hereia ehall plice~ the folloviag curb mazkiags or curb markiags and ai~ns~
to iadieate parkiag or standiag re~ulacions, and ~aid curb marlcings ehall
have thn auniag~ a~ hareiaafcer aat forth.
Section 3.2: vo Parsiaa Zone: Red shall meaa ao atopping, ~tandiag
ar psrking at any cime ezcspc as paaaitted by the Vehicle Code, aad Eacepc
that a bus may stop ia a r~d zone xarked or aigaed as a bus zona.
Section 3.3: Loadin~ Zone: Yallov ehali meaa ¢o atoppiag, ataadiag
or puking for aay purpoaa ocher than the loadiag or ualoadiag or panaeagers
or aaterials to aad from co~ercial vehicles makiag commercial deliveriaa,
provided chat chn loading or ualoading of paasengara ahall not consvmn nore
thaa chree (3) miautea, nor che loading or unloading of macarials more thaa
cJaacy (20) miaucaa, ualesa th~ Citp Sraftic Engiaeez haa caused sigas co ba
poeted gioing notice of different period in which the reatrtctiana shall
Section 3.4: Pas9enster Loadiaa Zone: Gliite ehall mean ao stopping,
staadiag ar parkiag for aaq purposa ocher thaa :he loading or unlaading oi
pas:engers. vhich ahall not esceed three (3) miautes, ualess the City Traffic
yngiaaer has caus~d sigae to be postad giviag nocice of a differant pariod
i-s wh~ch [he restrictiona sha11 apply.
Section 3.5: Rastricted Parkinst Zona: Greea ahall mean no 9topptag,
staadiag oz parlcing for longar thaa tuelve (12) miautas ac any tiae bec•.reea
7:00 a. m. aad 6:00 p. m. on any day eacapt Suadap' aad hol3days, ualee'
the C1~ Traffic Eagineer has cawed signs. markiags or curS ma:king~ and sigbs
:o be pos~ed gtving notice of a diffareat period ia wt~ich cae rescriction~
Section 3.6: Haadicapved Parkin¢ Zone: Blue shall meaa no stopping,
etandiag or parlciag excapt for vahicles oi phpsicalSy handieapped pernons.
SECTZON L. Purpose.
Section 4.1: ?he prov~ions of this Ordiaaace prohibiting the atopp ag,
staad3ag oz parlciag of a vehicle shall apply ac all c3.aes, er a~ those cimes
hereia specifiad, excapt vhen it i~ aecessary niehnr ta s:co a vehicle to a~o?d
conflict with other tzaffic, or ia compliance vith tha diraccions of a lau
eaiorce:aeat ofiicer or o£:icial ~:afzic eontral device.
_ ~ _
~ `
Section 4.2: The provisions of chis Ordinance iaposing a
cime limit on stopping, standing or parking shall not relieve any
person from the duty to observe other and more restriccive provisions
of the Vehicle Code of the State of Califoznia, or the ordinances of
the Cicy prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of
vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
SECTION 5. StoppinR. StandinR or Parking in Parkways.
Saction 5.1: No parson ahall stop, ataad or park a vehicle
vithin any parkway.
I SECTION 6. Parkinst for More than SeventY Two Houre - Prohibited.
~ Section 6.1: No persoa vho ovns, or has in hia possesaion,
custody or control, any vehiclee or trailer ahall park auch vehicle
or trailer upon any public atreet or alley for more than a coneecutlve
period of aeveaty two (72) hours.
SECTION 7. [iemoval of Vehicles from Street.
~ny regularly employed aad salaried amployee who ia eagaged 1a the
direction of traffic or enforcement of parking regulations vhen desig-
nated by the ahariff may zemove a vehicle from a street, eacept a free-
vay, in the manner and aubject to the requiremeats of Division 11,
Chapter 10, Article 1, 2 aad 3 of the Vehicle Code of the Stace of
California uader the following circumataaces:
(a) When aaq vehicle is illegallq parked so as to block the
entraace to a private drivewaq aad it is impractical [o
move such nehicle from in front of tha drivewaq to aaother
point on the atreet.
(b) Sihen anq vehicle ia illegally parked so as to prevent
accesa bq firefighting equipment to a fire hqdrant and it
ia impracticable to move such vehicle from in front of the
fire hydrant to another poiat on the atreet.
(c) When a nehicle ia parked or left standing upon a highvaq for
aeventy two (72) or more consecutive hours.
(d) When a vehicle is parked or left atanding upon a street where
the use of such street or a portion thereof is necessary for
the cleaaing, repair or construction o£ the street or for the
inatallation af underground utilities or where the uas oi the
atreat or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose
other than the normal flow of traffic or where the uae of the
atreat or any portion thereof is necessary for the movemant
of equipment, articlas or structuras of unuaual size, and the
parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such
uae or aovement; provided that aigas giving notice that such
vehicle may be removed are erected or placed.at least forty-
eight (48) hour~ prior to removal.
- 3 -
~ ~
(e) GThea a vehicla is parkad or left standiag on a hi~hvay ~o as to
obstruct the nor.aal movemeat of craz~ic.
SECTION 8. Parkinst for Puraoee~ of Displav, Seraicins or Repairia3.
Saction 8.1: No p~raon shall park a vehicle upon anq roadway
for th~ priacipal purpoae of:
(a) Diaplayiag sueh vehicle for aala; ar,
(b) Sarviciag or repairing auch vehicle, except vhen ancanaicacad
by aa emergancy.
SECTION 9. Stoa~ia¢. Staadiast or PazkinA Prohibited ia Certain Places.
Section 9.1: Parkiag Prohibitad at Ceztain Locations: It ahall
be ualawtul for aay paraon to stop. acaad, or parc anq vehicle aa dafined ia
the 7ehicle Code of Califoraia, at aap time vhen the City Traf£ic Eagiaaar
~as erected aigas or plaead mar7ciaga giv;,ng aocice that parkiag is protsibited
ac aay place vithin a distnace nct to exceed fifcq (SO) feet of: ~
(a) Aa intarsaction eroeswalk ia aaq eommereially-zonad araa; or,
(b) The approach to any traffic sigaal, boulavard stop siga, or
officisl elacczic flashing device; or,
(c) Eithar or boch siden of any drivewaq approach; or,
(d) Tha curb rntura at the 3nternection of aay two (2) scrents.
Tha City TraFfie Ea~iaeer shall give aatice of the prohibition
ot pukiag at aay of the placaa deacribed ia this sectian,
eithaz by erectiag aad maiataining signs giviag nocicn, or bp
" placiag a curb markiag consisting of red paiat upoa che Cop
aad Laca of each curb.
Section 9.2: Obedieaca to Signs: h'henever sig~ss hane beea erecce3.
pureuant co Sect2ons 3 and 9, no person shall atop, ataad or park aay vehicle
ia chn aru designated by such aigna.
Sectian 9.3: Parfcing Soaee Markiatta: 2he City Traffic Eagiaeer is
authorized to install aad maiataia parkiag space mar:ciags to iadicace parlciag
space~ ad~aceat to curbiage vhare authorized pazkiag is peraicted. 4'hea
such parkiag spac• markings are placed ia che highvay, subjeet to other aad
xore rentzicttva liaitatioa~, no vehiele ~hall be stopped, lett staading or
parkad, ocher thaa withia a aiagle apaca, ualass the sixe or shape o£ 9uch
vehicle makes compltaaca impoasible.
Section 9.4: ,~uthoritp to Estab2lsh Loadin¢ 2ones: 'Lhe City Tza:iic
~ngiaeer is herebq auchorized to deteraine and to mark loadiag zoaes aad
~assenger loading zones ia ca~ercially zoned areas and e2ser~here, either ia
iront of the entraace co aay place of busiaess, or 7,n front of anp hall o:
place used for the purpoee of public assemblq.
-4- _
, ~
i •
Section 9.5: Loadinst Zones. ~larkiag: Loadiag zonas ehall be ~dicated
by a yellov paiac liae upon the cop aad iace oi all curbs wichia such zones.
Seetion 9.6: Pasaanxer Lcadinrt Zoaes: Pasaeager loadiag zones
shall be iadicatad by a wtiit~ lSae atencilad with black lecter~ "PASSEICcR
LOAD~C ONLY" upon Che top of all cuzbs in aaid zonas.
S_ection 9.7: Auchorit9 to Establinh Paricina Svacea for the EscSusive
Use of Handicapved Persona• :larklnas: Thn Citq Tzaffic Eugiaeer is harebq
authorized to dacacmi.aa aad to mark par;cing epacen on public streecs for the
ezclusiva u~e of vehicla~ vhl,ch diaplap a distiaguishing licease place or
placard issued by the Caligoraia Depanmeac of :iocor Vehicl~s to haadicapped
persons or to diaablad vaceraas pursvaat to Sectiona 22521.5 aad 9105 of
the Calitoraia Vehicle Code. .111 parlciag spaces so desigaacad aha11 be
idantified by blus paiac on the curb or ndge os ~he paved portion of tha stzeat
adjacent co the space. Ia addition to blue painc, the space may also be iadicaced
by signa or och~r auitable '~-nn~~
SECTION 10. Parkinq :teQUlations.
Section 10.1: Paricinst Prohibited alona Certaln Streeta: :to person
shall ~cop, ataad or park any vah7,cle as daiined ia che Vehicln Code oi
r>>+foraia on anq day on aay of th~ Eolloviag atraacs, or portiona of ntrests,
srit'~.ia the City of Cupnrtiao, to wit:
Sides of
Street Stzeet Portion
Anton i7ay Both Bet~Jeea Stavms Creek Boulevud aad
A1vas Drine
Hlaaey Av~nue Both H~t7een Villa De Aaza BouLanud and
Homestead iZoad
Blaney Avenue Botb B~cweea Steveaa Creek 3oulevard and
a polat 4S0 teec nozth thereof
Blaney Avenua Eaat Hetveea Steveas Creek Boulevard and
a poiat 350 feet oouth thereof
Blaaeq aveaue 4Tast Batweaa Stevens Creak Boulevard aad
Rcdr3gues avenu•
Blaaey Avenue Waat Betveea Bollinger Road aad a point
SSO gast ~torth chereof
BolSiager Yoad :iorth Batveea a poinc 140 feet eaat of
Farallone Drive aad a poiat 490
feat vest of Blanep avenue
- S -
~ .
Sides of
Sezeec Street Portion
Bubb~Road Boch Batvaen ;ScClellaa Hcad aad Stevaas
Cseek Boulavard
Hubb Rcad East Batvean McClellaa Rcad aad a poinc
SSO fut acuth thereof
De Aaza Boulevazd West Batvaaa St~vaas Creek Boulavard aad
a poiat 450 feet north ch~raof
?e Aaza Boulavud Wa~t Batveea R,odrigue~ aveaue aad a poiat
100 f eet north cheraof
De Aaza Boulevard Wast Batvpa Suarisa Dr1va and a poiat 100
feat north thareof
Da aaza 3oulavard Waat Betx~aa McClellan 6cad and a point
650 feat north chareof
De ~nz$ B°u]'~°ud Aat Satveea Stavene Creek Boulevazd aad
Scalield Drive
English Oak Way Eaat Betwaen Ha~aetic Oak '~Tay aad a
poiat 400 faec north chereof
Finch Aveaue Wast Betweea a poiat 300 :eec south
ot Sorenson avenue ar.d a poiat 250
fa:t south cheraof
R{tlcrast Road Hoth Betvam Crnacent Boad and the
northerly tnraiaus of Hillerest Road
Hamastead Raad South B~tveaa a poiat 200 faec veat of
' Maxiae Drive aad tha east Cicy liaits,
all portion~ currencly or hareatter
vlthia the City limica
Homeatead 8uad North Batvean a poiat 1300 feat weat of aad
a poiat 550 feet ea~t of De Aaza
Lubec Street Both Betveaa Marq Aveaue and dason Aveaue
Lucille Avenue North Becweea Villa De ,1nza avanue and a
po:at 150 feet vest of Larzy Aveaue
~Sa~estic Oak GTap South Hetweea Califoraia Oak Gaq aad Eaglish
- - - _ . _ _ Oaic Way .
variani avenue Both Betveea a poiat 350 feet vest af De Aaza
Boulevard aad the eastezly terainus thereoi.
~ ~
Sides of
Streec Screac Portion
:iary l,venua Both B~tvaea Stevens Creek Boulevard and
Homestaad Road
:ScClallaa Road Both Hatue:n Mira Vi~ta Road :ad a poiat
350 faec ~ast ot Stnl].iag Road, all
portiom curraatly or hareatter
vichia cha city li,aics
:itSlar Avaaue Que B~tsraen Stnveae Creak Boulavazd and
Richvaod Drive
Mount Crnst Drive Both Bar+eea :iouat Crest Placa aad che
~outharlp tezmiaus cheraoE
:Sount Crast Plac• Both Batveea :louac Crest Drive aad ths
southerly termiaus chereof
Palm Aveaua Soth Batweaa Foothill Boulnnard and Palo
Vista aveaue, all porcions currancly
or hareafter vlthia che Citq limits
Pealasula Anaaua iTast Betvaea Stavma Czeek Boulanard and
IIniveraity FTay~ all portions eurreatly
or heresfter vithin cha Cicq ltmics
Portal Avaaue iJu t . N Batve:n ~lmherat aveaua and a polnt 350
feet ~outh thareof
- • - _ . - - . . y - P
Prica Nosth BaC+eea Blaae .lvnnue and a oiac
250 faat east thereai
Pr.inerid~s Aveaue Both Ber.reaa Wolfe Road aad a point 350
faet sast of Tantau Avenue
aoarigues aveaua aoth Becuean a poiat 300 faet vasL
of De Aaxa Soulevard aad a poiat 800
faat vast of Blaney aveaue
Stelling Rcad Both Batxeaa the aouth Citp limits and
~ScClellan Road, all portions eurreacly
or hereafter vithin cha Cicq limits
Scnlliag Road iJe~t Bat.temma HcClellan ~oad and Hazalbrooic
Court, all portions currsatly or
haraafter withia the Cit~ 1:3ics
Stelliag Road West Bntueen Gardena aveaue aad Honeatead
Bcad, all por.ione eurrea~ly or
hezeafter :rithia the C_ty lisits
Stelliag Road EaSt 3etveen Stevens Crcek Boula•ra:d and
Alves Drive
- 7 -
~ ~
Side9 of
Streec SLreet Portion
Stelliag 3cad East Bstvaea Graealuf Driva aad Homaatead
Baad, all portions cunaacly or
heraaftar vithia c'sa C3ty limita
Stevens Caayon Road ~ Eaet Batvaea Saata Lucia Road and San
Jutn Road
Stevens Creek Boulevard Boch Betveea De Anza Boulanard aad Tancau
Aveaue, all pottions curreacly or
heraafter wic~ia tha Citq limics
Steveas Craek Boulavasd Both Secvaaa Bubb itoad aad StslSing 3aad, -
all poztions currenclq or herea£ter
vithia the Citq l:.mit~
Stev~ CrneSc Boulevasd South Batveea a poiat 150 feet vest of
Saich Way aad a poiat 150 :eat uest
Stev~as Creak Boulavard South Sscwaea De Aaza 3oulevard and a poiat
300 faet weat chereof
Scnvens Craak Boulevard North Hetvean Stalliag Ruad and a poiac
800 feac east tharecf
Taacau ~veaue Both Baew~en Steveas Creak Soul.evard aad
Homestead :toad
Villa De Aaza .lnenue Eaat Batvaea Blaney aveaue and Luc111e
Gilla De daza .lvmua South Batvean Hlaaey .lneaua aad a poiat 150
teet west thereof
tJolfe Aoad Both Betvaen 3teveas Creek Boulevard
aad Homentead Road
Sectlan 10.2: Parkina Prokibitad Durina Certaia Eour~: :to pernon
shall stop, staad or park aay vahicle aa degined ia the Pahicle Code of Cal-
iforaia on any day e=cept as hareia pzavid~d on che followiag sczeeea, or
portians of streees, rrlthia the City of Cuperiao betweaa the respective houzs
aec oppoaite cha name of each etreec, Lo wit:
Sides of
Street Hours St:eat ?ortion Exeaatione
3eardon Orive 8 a. m. ;7ast All w.onday, Tueadap, Thur~day,
:rithia City li~it~ co Fridap, Saturday, Suaday
2 p. m. aad 3olidavs.
- 8 -
Seardoa Drive R:00 a.m. Eaac All ~onday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
~ithin Cicy l:.~ics ~ 2:00 p.m. ~ Friday. Saturday, Sunday
aad 8olidays
Blaney Avenue 7:00 a.m. East Betveen None
to 8 p.m. Villa De
Aaza and a
point 450
. faet Nozth
' of Steveas
Crenk Boul-
Blaaey Avaaue 7:00 a.m. West Batvesa None
to $s00 p.m. . ltodrigues
Avmue aad
a poiat 150
faet North
of La Har
Drive '
Blaaey Aveaue 7:00 a.m. Eaat Betveen None
to 8:00 p.m» a poiat 330
faet North
of La Har
Dzive aad
Blaney Avenue 7d00 a.m. SJesc Betveen liona
to 8:00 p.m. Joha Driae
and a poiat
SSO f~et '
Horth of
' Bubb Aoad 7:00 a.m. Both Betwaaa Saturdaq and Suaday
to 5:30 p.m. lScClellan
Rcad and
I Rainbw Drive
all portion~
' currantly or
hareafter withia
i ` City limits
Finch Aveane 8:00 a.a. East Batveen .Holidays .na s~na.y:
to 5:00 p.m. Cratt Dzive
aad a point
300 feet
South of
Foothill Boulevard 8:00 a.m. Ea~t Betvem Handay. Tuesday, Redaesda.y,
to 2:00 p.m. Salem Drive Friday, Saturday~ S~mday and
and Alpine Solidays
_ o _
~treet ; auti ~ . , ,~-r.=s~_
Greenvaod Couzt 'OD a.m. Both All Monday, Wednesday, Thurs-
~0 2 p.m. • day, Frfday. Saturday,
Suaday and Holidays
Leola Court 8:00 a.m. Both All Monday, Wednesday, Thurs-
to 2 p.m. day. Friday. Sacurday,
Sunday and Holidays
Lindy Place 6:00 p.m. Both All None
to 6:00 a.m. .
Orange Avaaue 7:00 a.m. Eaat Batveea Saturday. Sunday aad Holiday
Co 5:00 p.m. Steveas Craek
Boulavard aad
Harmosa Aveaue
Park Circle Drive 8:00 a.m. North All Hondtq, Tuesday, Thurs-
to 2s00 p.m. dsp~ Fr2daq, Saturdaq,
' Suaday and Holida~s
I~ Park Circle Drive 8:00 a.m. South AlI Honday, Tuesday, Wedner
~ co 2:00 p.m. day. Friday, Saturday,
I , Suaday aad Solidays
Park Circle Eaat 8:00 a.m. East All Mcnday. 2uesday. Shurs-
to 2:00 p.m. day. Fridaq. Saturday,
Suaday aad Holidaqa
Pazk Circla East 8:00 a.m. West Al1 Monday, Tuesdaq. Slednen-
to 2:00 p.m. daq, Erlday. Saturday.
Suadaq and Holidays
Pazk Circle West 5:00 a.m. We~t All Monday. Suesdsy. Thure-
to 2:00 p.m. day~ Fziday, Saturdaq.
Simday aad Holidaye
park Girel~ Wast 8:00 a.m. East All •tlonday. Tuesday, Wedne~-
to 2:00 p.m. day. Friday, Saturday,
Simday and Holidays
Riehvood Court 8:00 a.m. Botb All Hcnda7. Wadnesday, Thuzs-
to 2:00 p.m. day, Friday. Saturday,
Suaday and Holidays
Rodrigues Avenue , 7:00 a.m. Soush Hatveea Neae
to 8:00 p.m. Hlaae7
~ Aveaue and
a poiat 80a
feet vest
Rosemarie Plaee 8:00 a.m. BotL All Honday, Wednesday, Thurs-
to 2:00 p.m. ~ ~ day, Friday. Satuzdap,
S~mda~ aad Holidayi
, ,
, ~ . , . . ~ ~ _
- =.t ~ ,
. s •
Sides of
. Screet Hours Seraee Pertion Exce~tions
Sarenaan Aneaus 8:00 a.m. $outh Hetween Satiirdays, Simdays aad
to 3:00 p.m. Cratt Drivn Holidaya
aad Fiach
I Stelliag Road 7:00 a.m. Waat Havtam :tona
to 8:00 p.m. Haznlbrook
' Court and
Dzive, all
portion~ cur-
raatly or hera-
aftaz vithi^
the Citq limits
Stalliag Raad 7:00 a.m. Eaat Betveea :ic- :Tone
to 8:00 p.m. Clellaa &cad
aad Scevena
Creak Boule-
Stalling Bcad 7:00 a.m. East Satvaea :ione
to 8:00 p.m. Alvea Drivn
and Green-
laaf Driva,
all portians cur-
zeatlq or herr
aftar wit5la the
City limlcs
Valley Green Driw 8:00 a.m. Nortb b HaC•reea 2Scnday, Tuaaday, 'Phursday, ~
to 2:00 p.m. Eaat Stalling Fridaq, Saturday, Simday,
Road xnd and Holidaqs
' Beardon Drive
4ailey Grem Driva 8:00 a.m. South b Hetweaa ycnday, Tuesdap, 'dednea-
to 1:00 p.m. Kest Stelliag day. Friday, Saturdaq,
Road aad S~mday and Holidaqa
Vieta Driva 2:00 p.m. Kut Batveea Holidaya aad Suadaps
to 3:00 p.m. Apple Tree
Laaa aad a
point 200
feet ~outh-
erlq .
- 11 -
~ s, r< . ,r . - .
. ~ ~ ~
Section 10.3: Parfciast Limitations A7.anA Certaia Streecs: Yo per-
' son ahall atop, ~taad or park aay nehicle aa dafiaed ia tas Vahicla Coda
of Callforaia, or as haraatcar amsadnd, on the follaving streete, or portions
of atzaats.vithia the City of Cup~rtiao for a pariad oE time loager chaa that
iadicatad opposica che aame oY wch street betweea the raspactive hours ~at
apposite the name of auh str~et on aap daq (or oa aaq one day aad cha nezt
easuiag day) except aa heraia providad, to vit:
Pariod of Time
(Consacutivn Sidaa oF
Stzeet Hiauta~) Hoi:re Street ?ortion Exceacions
lach Aveaue 110 8:00 a.m. IJe~t BaC~aea Craft Suadaqa and Holi-
to 5:00 p.m. Dr1va aad a daps
poiat 300 feet
south of Sorea-
aan Av+eaua
evaas Crask 15 A11 Hours South Stelliag Raad Co Simdaqs aad Holi-
- 100 tut aast of days
~ Saich Way
.~aza Blvd. 15 A11 Hours fiaat Batvaea a poiat Suadays aad tioli-
650 faec south dape
of :Saziaai Aveaun
and a poiat 950
fesc south chereof
Section 10.4: Diagonal pukiag pas~icted oa certaia screaca. Yo
panon ahall stop, stand ar psric aay vehicla as dnfined ta the Vehicla Code
oP Califoraia axeept withia the parlda~ ~tal]a provided. marked and daliaaated
on the followiag named straeu ~ to vit:
Hoaemaria Place
SECIION 11. 0!£street Parkina for ehe Exclu~ioe IIae of HaadicaDOed
Section 11.1 Property Owned or Opnrat~d bp the Citp; Markinas:
The City Tra:fie Eaginaer maq desigaata atall~ or spacns in anq off~treet parking
facilitp owned or opezated by the City for the esclusive use of nnhiclea
vhich di~play a distinguishing license place or placard issuad by the Califorsia
Depaztment of Motor Vehicl~s to haadicapped persons or to disabled veteraas
pursuaat co Sactiana 22511.5 and 9105 of tha California Vehicle Cade. ~iLl
apacea or stalls so dasigaaced shall be marked by poating iamediatnly adjaceat
to. and viaibla from, aneh sLall or apace, a siga coasisting of a profile viev
oE a vhesl ehair with oce.~aac ia white on a blue backgroimd.
Section 11.2 Re.moval of IInauthorized Veaicles: '^~e Cicy map cause
the removal, from a~tall or space designated £or phy~ica2ly handicapped
persons in a parkiag facilicy owned os operated by the CSty, of any vehicle
not displaqiag one of the distiagvishiag placards or licrosa places specified
~ ~ ~
' ia Sactions 22511.5 aad 9105 of the Califoraia 'lehicle Code ii a sign is posced
. •ia conforsanca vich Section 22511.8 of tha Ca2ifo rsia Vehicle Code which clearlq
. and con~picuouslq gives che notice apacified ia said eection.
Section 11.3 Desi~tad Parkina Areas oa Prlvate Prooartv: The
proviaiona o~ Saction 11 of this ordinance shall aot be cooatruad co rastzict
the righu o! privata proparty owaer~ to de9i~nata pukiag araas !or tht ax-
' clu~iva use of haadlcapped pezaona ~mdar the provisioa~ of Sectians 22511.7
aad 22511.8 of the Cali!`oraia Vehicla Cod~. • `
SECTION 12. Penaltiea.
Section 12.1: dap person, firm or corpozacion violatia~ anq provision
oi c'sis Ordinaace shall be deemad guilcq of a mi~demeanor, aad upon conviction
thereof, ahall be puntahed by a fia. not co eaceed Fiva Huadred (9500) Dollara
or bp impriaonmeat ia cha Couaty Jail noc to escaad six (6) month~ for each
violation, or by both auch tias aad L~apriso~eac.
SECTIDN 13. Sevarabilitv Clauaa.
Section 13.1:~ If any sectioa, anbseetion, a~ntance, clauss or phrase
of chis Ordiaaace ia for aay reaaan held to be vaconstitutioaal, ~uch deci~ion
shall not atfect tha va.Ltdity of the r¦*~n+*i~g portlons of this Ordiaaaca.
'I~se legislative body h4rnby declarea that ic vould have pasaed ch~.a Ordiaance
aad aach eection, aubsection, eanteace, clause or phrase chereof, i:respective
of :he fact :hat aay cne or more nection, aubsaction, sentaace, clausa or
phraae be declared nacon9tieutional.
SECiION 14. Eniorceaent.
Seccion 14.1: Thn City Clark is h~rebp authorizad aad iastruccad
to fila a eertifi~d copy of thi.e Ordinaace npon ita bacomiag effective ~ri:h
~he Sheriff's Otfice of the Ceuaty of Santa Claza, Scate of California.
SECTION ].5. PubllehinR Clausn.
Section 15.1: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and di:ecced co
cause a certified copy of this Ordiaance to be published ac lea~t once within
:1?teen (15) daya after 1ta aaact.aent ia tha Cupertiao Courinr. the official
ne~rspaper of tha City. publiahed and circulaced ~rithin the City of Cupartiao.
LvTRODIICED at a regular meetin~ of Cha Cit? Co~mcil of the Citq oP
Cupertino chis 16th day of January ~ 197~. aad E:7.ICTED at a regular
aeetiag of the City Couacil of the City of Cupertino this 7th day of
February , 197g, bq the falloving vote:
- 13 -
Ordinance Ko. S43
~ •
' Voce Members of [he Ci[v Council
AYES: Jackson, "ieyers. Nellis, 0'Keefe. Frolich ~
' NOES: None
.1SSENf: None
~O~-'U `~-[1 ~ /rT~V"`~"N~
Hayor, City of Cupertino
~ ~
Deputy City lerk ,
'I ~