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Ordinance 777
ORI~...I+7.~1N4 E NU. ~7: ~ J~ ~?RL1~t~~t:~ ~91F T~i~: C zTY 4~" C[iP 1', T>~' x I~ ,1~?T~D I t~G ~:i~3?+1~'$;~C .'S. ."I"f.7? Tl~1S CUFL,~`IIW~ !"f~zhl~~ik'~i~. CClDE~` ;4~L~~1~1~110~"s i~lYi~(`i GA;~~S FC4~ ~~iAlC~3T,~@I.~ FURP~S1~~ . . ......_.._..~.~.....~......~,.,~,........,....,...~.._.~._._.__.M.._w_....,.~,....~......~ x._..__...r,.,~ TH~G +CI~`Y ~GtJ~C~~. 1~°' ~'H~ C~'~"Y +IJ~' CU7PEX'I".~N'Q I~7~S +t3RDAIN .J~1+~ ~`QLI,~F18 r Cha~~ter ~s ~dd~ ts~ Titl• 5 of tMe ~:~t~artin4 M~nic~.p~?1 ~ad~r to re~d a,~ faD l~w~ ; ~ Cha~tt~ 5 ~~32 ~ a x r±c~o _ ~+~~cc i ~na~ . ~x.OlO ~«t:?~~: ity. ~ 5.32.t~2~ ~~"fneri.. , . 5.3~..UJQ C+rc~~ni~8tic~n~ ~'~rmitt.ed to Cc~r9c~ur:t~ B.iriga Gamcast. 5. ~2.1?4t7 M;r~or~. !">.3~.Or~a C~~~~~Ci lC~ t:1~ :'~~blzC. 5. ~2.~fiCt ~t~f'a'irsg :~nd Cl~.~cx~bticy~. ' y. 3~. U7d lAicy ~ra~'i 6?'aq~ c:~x' Sal~;~y. ' 5~ . 3 w. U~~1 /tT:~r~ Qi r~~c~ ~Ca~y t~ ~Cc~nc~uct ~c~ . ~~.3~.a9t,~ A~nqc~ 1~~uap~?:~nt. ~~.IQQ ~'iri~nr.,i~r~ Snte~r~.~:~t. 3.f. ~Z("i ~til'~1e1ri9f.~' t°UtIC'~. _i?. 1~~ R~'c`f~1'cj!~. . ~ . 1 G 'Z' t e ] V,~ ] c c, f r i s . 5.3~.1~p Ph~,~;iC'bl FXr~~,crt~c~ ~.yt I',inc~c~ C,-~r~~~~ ~te~c~uiz'~d. S. ?2. 15p Hc~utr c~'f CrFrl'I~r~t ic~~. `i. 3.'.. l~~J ViCair! iurr~., t'tn~lt_ic*ti. 5.32.17q Ac3minist.rr~tive Aut.hur-ity. . 5. 3~ . 18p Auttic»'i.ty ta 1c7~.E,~.,c:~ I'ri~mi~c~.~: ~ittid Rc~rards. `,.3:.1~~Q x'~~tmit. fie~c,7~~iz~rc3. 3:? .~~OC~ A~~~?. i<-,~t. i c~r, fc3z i~F~r~rni R<<c~~a i z~~ cl. . '>.3~.21Q Aaitic,~c~iL}~ ~.>C :~tirl Tryvr•a,t:iylt.ir~r+ ar~~~ f~c~c:~rn~i~enctat~i~an l~y :`h~~:• i i f . 5.:i?.,2:'0 ~r:v~~~:tirj;~t.i~~n ~9nc~ P~•~•f~~n•.~~r,r~.rtir~ri t~y O~.i~F~r CiLy l~k~i~,~r~tr:~tan:.~; r.~z C~t 1ir•r i,~~~~:ir. ir;r.:. 5.3~.13L1 hr~tic•tr .inc~ Fi~.~si ic~c~ lay C'ity C~~ut~<~tl, Op~ac~rt«niLy fc~r Ar~~il i c.~r~~. t.c~ F~r~~r i~~r~~ Ar~c•c~rci 5. 32. 240 ~`~na1 At.•~ it~n by th~ C;~~.y Cc~ur~~~i 1. 5.32.:~~p ~'~r~i~r] +~i F'e~rr~it. 5. 3~. ZE»Q ~'urt.her~ InveKti~atic~rt Lry ahe: i f~f . 5, l~. ~71~ ~,ic~~*nge R~wrxuir~~~i. `.i. ~2.2~30 Licc~n~cr F're~. 5. 3?. ~90 Lic:~r~s~ ~tr.~nc:~al, 5.32.~OQ ~ilirig ~i Anty~~l R~~~~c~rt. ~ 5. 3~. 310 P+~r~ni,t.s and I,iif*n~~^ . Nnratx~~~n~;fr~r~~t~1cA. 5. i?. :s~q 3~~~v~~r,ret3 c~n, ~:t~ti,~,c~n:~ i tan ~~f: }''~^r~mi t~ncl I,icr.ii:~~ Au t ha r i.~ ry~1. , , „N, , , ' „ „ , . , „ ~ ~ . r'M Sec~iran~rs t~r~r?txr.~u~~) , ___Y__.__~ ~~32.~3D I~a~.~~~. i~e~,~;cir~r~ o~ 1~~~rc~cat~q~d ~c~s~~~~fan. S. 3~. 3~0 5~v+~rab~i 1 i ty ~ 5. . 3~?D l~r~rv.i~ic;n~ ~u~~px~m~ nt~~s:~y ~c~ 5~ta~~ ~.~tw. . 5~~~. ~~U 7~u~huri~. Pu~ s~u~r~~ ~c~ a~~.ha~i~~r prov?ide~! ir~ ~r~~~~"~c~~~J~rric~I~r i~? c~~` t.ha~ C~Yffax~aia ~fi~t~r Ccan~sti- tutf~n ar~~f Sectf~r~ 3~f t?~ea P~rn~l ~o~l~t, th~r City o~ Cu~rrt~:no 'b. est~a?F~13.~he~ th~ f~llrr~ra~nc~ r.ec~uir~ra~,tr~t~ fa~ ~.h~a ~ndlu~wt ot ~ing~ g~n~~$ ~y r~or~-pr~rfi~ ~,1har~.tabl~ +~rc~~fiizae~i,tan~ iz~ thc~ :incorpvr~.t~~d ~r~~r o~' th~t City. 5. ~~.02a t3~1Ein~d. u~~d i~ ~l~ais ~h~pt.esr, "Binc~+a" m+~ar~~ ' a yaine o~~~nce . n ti+hic~h ~ri:~e~c ~rr~ ~?w~~rd~cl an ~h~ ba~~,~~? ~g ~ c~~~igriate+d numbers c?~ ~s}mbois c~r~ A c~rd rrhf~h carif~~sms t~ nu~w~~~r~ ° ~r syr~sbol.~s s~lect~~ a~t ~`,~?ndam. izr.t.ie~ns rie~r.mit:t~d• t"e~nc~~c~ "~ine~r~ Garr~r~s. I~a ~ 5. ~i2. Og~ria.~ ~ia - , ;~er.~son, +a~' ~ r~ c~r ca~tier 1cc~~Ji ~r~t.i~Cy ~h~?~1 b~ ~~rmic.trac~ Lc~ cc~nduct Hinc7o rf~m~~s in the t'dt"~'a tl~~ C3ty +.~nl~g~ ~uct~ ~~r:~~~ns, or~~n.izaLion , o~ other ~.ega~ ~ntf tie~ ~5~sr~~r~ a~ vr~:~.ic9 c~~r~~ fa ~~t~~:~ ~~r l~t~:e.:: fz~cam th~ F.r~nchi~e ~'ax ~o~ar~i ~ric! the Interrnal. Rev~rtu~ ~ ~~rvic~ st~ting kha~ thty ar~ c~x~mpt~d frc~t th~ p~yia+ea~+~ a~ th~ b~~nk ~~nd c.•~~paratic~r? tax by 523701d ~f th~ Rcv~nue~ a~nd Taxar i:can C'oc~r and ~hat r~ coi~t:rib~af.ic~+~ ~r r~ift t~ th~r~ r~ould b~e a~h~rxit~k~l~ " can~ri.butio~l t~nder ;:~cti~~n 1'~0lc) of tht~ Int.rrn~~ Rev~#nue~ Cc~e~e f1~ 1y~4~ clfl~j ~ r1tiSi?iS ~1 Vr7I i~ f?t?ITiII t. ~'lf1Cl Z.IL:f!71:if! 1::!~il.it'd~ ~111:'!:lla~ll~ , ~O tl"1G prav,i~io:15 C7~ i.tl.tl, r.~'~~~l~l<~C. 5.32.Q4Q Minox's. t~c~ rnir~i~rs :;h,~ll rx~ as1lc.~wf~ci rc~ }~:~rt:ici~~ate _ _ ; in riny k~ing~ g~mes, ! 5. ~2.050 Opc,n ~o thc~ I~uhl ic. Ail F3.inc~o c~,~:nc~~ .~t~~.l l l~c~ o~7r~n r • ~o t:~ie pub~.~.~c, nc~t ju~t ~_u i:1~~~ ~c~~~~;~tx~~ry c~~ t.he n~n-•~rc~f~t Lht~rit- ~iblc ary~~ni:.iti~n. 5.32,06~ _ St~?ffi>>g and ~~~er~t.it~n~ 1? ~i,~c~c~ yr~m~ ~tti.3.11 tx~ ~ OL')t_,L'rIGF:~re3fl[~ ~~~taffcaC~ C)1"1~.~~~ ~J~ iTlf?Ift1~7~"1"S C/~ ~:~ll' T1()fl^•~]rf)~lt. C:~1dI"Lt.:alt7~f' ~ c~rr~ani.x~tion whic;tt c~r<~tinxfnd it. t7rr1,~,~ ~~rt c~t~~~.~ni~.,~ti<,n ~~uthc~a~axc~c3 t:a c:anrluc:t a miri~o c}c~me L~y ~,~~t•mi L~~nc~ 1? c~n~~~ i:;r;u~~c~ r,ur:~i~.yt~t to t~h i. s~ch~rt ^r sha 1 1 ~~pc ra t r :;uc~h ~~,,~;n~, ~r crnc~,,c3e i n ~r, ?~t~ ~rc;?nc:~t i c;n, Su~ex~vi~ian, ar ~~rr~+ athr~r ~~hr~s~~ vf ~~.~c~h y~me. 5.32.U70 Nc~ ~'rnfit, t4_3~3~ Se1a~r~+. No persc~n or ~ye-n'c vf suc:h~p~,~rsi.in~~:~haal..i~i_c~f~i~°~~ r: ~~rc~fit:.,~.~ray~, s~la~ry. ar c~~h~ar t.nca~np from a.i~? E~ir~~,~o ~~<~me ~~~ut?~crz~i.r~~d b~y t1~is cfrc~in~rtce:, ~xc~pt ~~s a t~c~nt, ~ide~ p~-ize ~:i.~cc~ivc~d r~:~ a~.•~~~rti.c~i~.~int in s~y4h E3i.nyp c;~me. ~.32.OP0 h't~c~re !~i.r~an Max t~,c~ C~.~n.iuc~t_,w*d. p. ncan-~~rafit:, r~h.ai-it- . ~~sble argat~~~,a~:~.on ~sh~~l~l~~:~r~ci~~t.t ~~i.nyo <~.~m~ c,nl~? on pr.t~~c~r~~:,y c~w~~e~cl c»r ~~~s~d Y~y i~, ~nd wt~i~:h E~rc~~r~rt.y i~c us,~d ;~y ~t~~:h ~~c-~~tlnizatic:~r. s~yl~~ly fc,r .~n c~f~fi.c:~ ox ft'~~ ~~e~r~fc,i•rn~~~i:~~ K~f th+~ ~~~~r4a<~~~es t'c~r which ~ _ ~ t'~~ crc~~.:~i~a.`_irt: c:.~r_.~;~i: 5.32.05i, Ha.ri~o ~~uirament. M11 ~y~~i,~,-~rn~~.~t u~~d i.n ~h~: ~ c~p~:la~.i~ii o~ ~e~i:~gc, g~rn~~ ~~al.l f~ti?s r~wr~~t! 2~;v th~ or.gan~.z~~i~:,n • ~ut1~;v~i~i~~,~ k~y ~~z7ait aa~t~ lic«~~ns+~ t,o r:ca.r?d~s+~t ~:uc:h ~in~go g~~nes. • ~~~~~.lOq ~"~.n,~~ncial In1r.~~~~Wt. Na .t»d~.viciu~~ r^t~x~~r~~~t.?r.~n, s~a~r~nez~'s~hl~ vx~~it~ie~~'"~eq~.~ :~in~ity ~xcia~+~ ~.he c~z~c~~niz~ta~r~ mut.ht~r~.z~d h~? p~x~~.t an~ ~~~c~n~~ ta c~frd~act ~~is~q~ g~.~r ~sl±~ll hold a~'i.n~rnc~~l ~.nt~are~~t in the ror~dc~e~ t, ~f ~uc:? ~l~~gc~ gam~ . 3Z. ~1t~ S~~ra~ l~an~i. Alx pr~~it~s ~l~riv~d ~rc~~ a~~nga~ +gara~~~kept a,ri a~p~ci~l ~ur~d os acGOU~t an~ ~ha~1 n~t b+e cammir~c~~.~c~ wa~th any ~;,tt?~~ fund ~x ac~;r~unt. 5. 3z ~ 1~0 Rec~rds . ~~~tt orr~an i xa~~~~~n r.onducting ~t Binqc ; q~m~t~s~i~ m~~ntsii~~e~a{ ler~ ~ecord, t~f a~ll ~x~~f'~ta, r~x,~~nditu~e~c, grizes and t~~hex ~x~~nse~ ~rss~rc.iated ~ri1:~ t?~e op~ra~ion c~~ Binc~~a game~. Said re~cotds shall ~e r~tain~~! ;`or su~h pe~i.cxd t~~ ~ir~e as r~r~uar~d by state and ferlera]. laa ancl for a pe:~iac~ o€ ~t~re~ (3} y~iarg far pvrpo~~g of ~hi~ Chapt~r. ~ 5.32.~~0 '~oral Value r~f P~~.zes. T}z~~ to~al v~lue raf ~rz~e~ _ . ~warded •.aur~.ng th~ Cl77lC'~U4:t c~£ any ~:ir~c3o c~~~rae~ ~sT~~sl.l n~rt e~c:eed '~'wo ~~unc~reci and ri~ty Dc~ila~~ ($25~) in c:.~sh ~~r ki.n~i, c~r t~c~~h, far e,~ch se~~arate y~~m~ which is he1d. ~ 5.32, 140 Ph~~sicaJ. Pre~ence ~~t ~3ingc~ rame_R~cruixed. Ka ~eraan shall ~11'vwad ~c~ nar~icip~ta in~a Bxn~~o y~~m~ «nl~ss such ~~~r~an is phy~i.c:al.Ly ~~re ~ent at ~h~ tirne ~3nu nl<~c~ at whir.h thc~ Hingc~ g~me a.s b~~ing conduc.~ed. 5.32.15q Hours o£ dperation. All. F3i.ng~+ c~am~s ~hnll. be cc~n-- c3uc~ei~onlj~ c~uri.ng ~fie~liours of' r~oon midnight. 5. 32. J.60 Vic~lat.ion~, Penalties. A. ~Any pfyrsor? who vi.olatc , 5~ct.ic~ns 'S - 32. 03Q ~h:ough 5. 32 .15~~.- ~ns~ Sc~c:tian~ 32. 18p, 5.32. 190, 5.32. 250, 5.32.260, ~nc~ 5.3~ . 290 :,1~a?1 b~ guilt:;~ of an iYi~racti.on, anci, u~~~n convi~~i4n thc:.c=~f, sh~~3.1. be puni ,hed as provid~d in Ct?~;~t~r :L. 12. p. It is a misd~:ieanor. undc~r Sc-.c~.zon 326. ~ a~ th~ F'~cnal Code ~ fnr ~n,y p~r~on ta r.f~ce.ivc p~~ofiY., •~~.c:~ c~r sal~~ry fr•am a~~y biri~o r,ame authc~z-i•r.ed uncic~r ~his Cha~~t~r, a vio?.ation r~~ whi.ch is pun.i~h- ~ble by s fine nc~t ~a r~xceed Ten Ttious~tnd i~oll~~ars ($10, 0~1(~) , wtiich : ine sh.3l. t b~ d~pra~ a.~ed in ~h~ gen~ral `uric~ oL' "th~ Ci . C. Th~ Cit:y may b,~ .i ng ~in ~cti.on ~n ~s eaGi~~ t oE ~~r~mpetent~ juri aiction to ~ttjuin ~ vi~l~tion c~f Se~ti~~n '26.F of th~ ~~n~l. Cad~ ~~r thi~ C:hap~er.. 5.32.170 _A~mi.nistzt~at:i~?~ ~1ut{7or._a._~y. 'th~~rc i.s cc~nferr~c3 una!i ;:he c:i~ty Manager ~~lic~se gc~wers ~~nd"dut~ies a~ecestiary t~ar cr~~ ~~c3mxni. tration th~:s r,h~pter. In ~-~ddit:c~ri, ~t:~~i-~ .i~ ~~lso c~~.,n.~rred u~an th~ City Nan~~g~r t~h~= ~.~uthori.~y ~rid c~r,~~~~er *c ~~~sir,r•~,~tE :~ur.h ~ _ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ of f icer~ .~nd ~.n;~lq~; ~~s Q~ t~4~ C.ity ~:~d r~f vtnar ~.:.~~p~; at inr publa~+~ ar~e~nrs~.a~, ~~~ch r~~ +~i~.t~+~r ~taer ~~n~r~! ~ir~ ~~~tz~~c~ a.~ eh~ ~t~.e~ iff D~r,~~z~:m~r~~, n~~y ~ae ~r~qra~,r~ad ~:t~ a~t~wist him in ca~r~?~.ri~ vuk ~h~: i.nt~r~~. an~d ,~ur;~c~~t c~~ ~.h?~r~ +~2~~pt~.x. ' S. 3~. a~Q Auc:h+~r~.~ ~c~ ~n~ ~~t l~~t'~e~~.set~ a~r~d R~co:~d~ 2~`ie e~"~.`~'~"'~~~`~'~~r+e t ~ ~?ui~~i 'a`~ i~.y -t~`~"`~pei:+t p~etni s~~ ~n c~rdes~ ~o ~a~~t~r~~ th~~ +:~h~ vp~r~~.iar~ 4~ ~?s n~ca g~~~ ~t the pr~raise~~ dt~s na~ c:o~sti~t,~~ ala~:~i~w~ a~ a~~y s~~t~ c~r f.~d~~ra1 l.~w or aravi~ivn a~ t,I~?~s ~cec~~. 8. '.~he 5herw~~ ~y ~r~a~p~rct ~~3a~ r~~~rds ar~d ~~~c~.a~l ~ar~k accaur~~s ~taiY~aininq para?.'ita c~a~~S~v~! i~x~o~m ~fny+~ ~am~~, ~ny c~rgani xa~:i~r, conduct,~n~ ~.~nqd c~~;n~ys wvh~r.»v~r d~e~n~~~ reasr~n~+bl e ~and a~pxvpr.ia~.e tc~ ~rt~~az~er ~+~i~p,l.xamce w3_th ti~~ pr:~~risYOn~; Af thi~ Chnpte~., . P~tmifi: ~e ~uir~c~~ l~~:i ~~r:~qn o~ vrg~rr~.za~~ion sh~].1 r,.or~dt~c~ a L~.~n~o qr;in~~it7i~ut fi~st c~Y~Lsi~r.iny a per:ni~ fr.~m t}ye Czty Coun~il tr~ c?o se~. ~ . 5.32:20t~ _A~nla.c~tion f~r ~rr~it .R_~~u.~..3re~. Wr.i.tten applic~ a~ion ~'~a ,per•miC r~q~ra.re~~j?~~ ~.s h~p~er sh~ll b~ mara~ ;~y . ~~fid~vi.t undp;: p~nalty a~ perjtzxy an,d ~il~d ~ith the Ci~y t"lerk. ~uch applic~tacsn sh~ll cant~.in: A. N~r,ie oi' c~rq~nxz$~ion; n,~r~~s, signatu~es ant3 add~:ns~c.~ df a.l.l ~he of~ic~xs o~ ~h~ n~ry~niz~~ion. ~ hays ar~d hourg of. r~peratian o~ Hirtc~o games. C. At~acl:e~3 t~c~gip~ r~f ~:ektific~t~~ nr le~t~rs evic7encing ex~mpt st~tus und~s S~c~tc~n 237Q~d the ~~v~nue ~nd 'Paxa~:ian Cod~ and S~c~i.~r. 1'70 ir) t2) of th~ Yntc:'r~~el R~venu~ Cndc~ o£ 1954, zeceived frorn ~:ht~ rx•anchi,p ;ax ~3oard ar.ci the Z•zt~r.na1 R~ventie Sc~r~ricc~ . I). Addre~~ o` nr~mi:~e.~ w~e.r~ ~3iny~o ~1air~c~ , wil.l t~cy conc9ue_teci. 5t~t~m~nt of c~wnbrshiF, ar Icas~ c~f premiscs. F. I~ur~n:;e for ahich ~u~h pre~rni ~e~ ~r.~ used by thc~ or- y~niz~ti~n. G. 5t~t~~r~ent nf vwnez-~hip ~~E 8ingo ~~qua.~,r:~c~r~t. used i.ri kh~ op~~-~tic~n c~f ainyo g~mP~. H. St~te~n~~n~ of ~~~ns~nt ~oz~ Sh+~,ri ~f ca inypcct any b~nk ~ ac~~c~unt, contia.i~inc; pr~fits c~~rivArt ~ingo c~~3m~~. I. Na~n~ c~~ c:~~~t~ ind~v~~lctal, ~4rr~oracic~n, partner;:rlip or other le:ga]. c~nta,ty w}~ict~ ha~ a financ:?al int~t~st 3.rt th~ r.ondu~t ot the Ai ngo g~~m~s . ~7. Nr~m~ pf ~~erson ;_•r_~s~an~i~l.e fo~r the c~~e.r,a~~ion of thc~ F3inyo ' ~am~.'~~t . K. Such furtl~f~r ir~t.vr.r~a~~iorr as may he zec~uzr~d by trie City ~^t~un~ i.l.. 5.~~.~14 r~}Sti,h~`T']t U:F a3T'~C,~ inue~>~i~<3tlC?I1 ~?.(ll"a I~fiCOi~l.*,l(;YlGc1~1t71'1 . _ ~ b ~}1('2'1~~f. ~ x_ . _ . A. 'T:~~ ~.;i.ty C<~i:r~c.i:l sh~.~.~ submi~ f~~r.h appl?.~:ation tr.~ the • 5h~ri~Ef .tu~ i.nve~>ti~,~tac~~r~ and rec~ons~F~nc3~3t.±on. _ ~ ~ . . i~. . , , „ . . • L~. 7`tae Sh~.r. F shal~ h~~~.~= the aaut~hora.t.~ .c~ c7b~~:::~ c~.~-.irr:ir.a~ . ~~~t+~r}~ anfc~r~mata.o,~ ~r~r ~::,ch ~.~~:~r~crn r:p~rat,ir,g or ~i~~.~ry~ ~.n t~i~ ap~x~~~~io~ c~f ~ H9.ngo gam~ ~~?,r ~r+ar~ab~es o~ hi~ . ir~v~+~t.iy~tian. ~ ~t: ty~t ~'3nd~ ~Y,~rt. ~u~1~ ~~~r.ato~s c~i ;~er~an~ ns~~sis~ir~+~ ~.n ~h~ a~er~t~aic~n b~n~;o r~~m~ he~rr~ ~+~~a.,c~+r~v1c~.~d ~ritM,in ~~k3~~a p~~t f~v~~ ~3) ~!~a~r~ af cri~ne: invo2vin~ ~~akt~z ie~c, g~~].ing~ l~rce~~r~. k~rj~ax~y, 1~r~~~,ry; ~xtnrtic~n, f~~,u~ or ~~.~wf"~~rr crin~~r fr,d~~?lvir~g a~aora~l ~u~;~a~Cudr~, he raa~y n~~t reccamrnen~ ~.r~,~u~rr~c~ +a~ t2~~ ~rx~?3.t ir~ e~+a~~k~.~rn. ~ . _ 5. 3~. 2~A zrtv~~st~tian ancS Td~~r~mm~i~datfan k~s~r C3th~r C.f -t~+ De ~~r~m~s~i~* ar ~~r ~1q~nc~i.es. ~'~a~ ~`ity~~~incs 1• a~i~ ~ci.~~~t ea~h ~pp ~ati.an t~ ~ o o~;i.ng CS.~y dep~?~~u~ents c~tr,e:.: ~+aetn~. ci~s .~car inv~~tig~ti.ara ar~d recc~mmaride?t.i~?n: i ~1~1. Ch~~si~ of th~t C"r~n~-c~l ~'ire ~ i~~~~r~.~t r~~: to an~~ fir.•+~ ~,~sax~d an ~he pr~m# a~~ in r~r~~~'~ i~?r?. - ' ~t. Ct~un~y~ Hea~lt~ Offi~:er as' t~a~ ~ 1h~F~'.th and s~nitary ~on~ ditf~rr~~ 4f tt~e pr~~aiae~c in qu~sCf~n. ~ C:. ~h~i~~~" Huilding ~Ci~spec~a.r a$ ~c~ ~t~mp13.~~~r_P wit~ C:Et.~r t~u~.ld~ 1.!"aCJ ~C't~l~~i!'~:1.C7i75„ . • C7. Dire~t~or o~ ~l~enniny .y~ ta car~r ~l~.anr:~ -.:±r~ r;Ity :s~r~~.ta~ ' r~~qui r~m+~.r~~~. ~ . ; a. ~ A 5. 3 3U Notice arid H~~ring~~>~i;.ity Caun~c.i~., 4~~:~turtit~• ~nr~ _._.r.,.~_ - - - - - _ • - ~?p~'1 ic:ant to ~tevxew R~cc~rds. ' A. The City`C1~~s~Iia~a set •t1;e-tircr~ ana~ ~,1~~ce f~~r ~ub11~ : h~arinc~ vn e.~ch ~p~~~icatxc~n for a Bing~ permik ~n~~ rh~l ~ mai~. , not~icG ~.hereof to tf~~ ~~pplic~n~ and t:o any ath~r p~~r~on f,~?hr~ has fil~d w.ra.tten rec~uF:~t i`nr such nc~tir.~e. A. ~:ach applac~nt shall na~ve they o~portunit~+ to rc~view ~~.1 rF~cr~r,d~, pap~rs, fflc~s and any cath~r e~:.dence re~ata.r~y ta tt~e apptic:~tion fQr ~ Birigv permit ~xc~p~ crima.nz~l hi.:;t~r~+ infacm- atac~n, at ~east fiv~ f 5) c~~y~ Uri.c~r to th~ 1_im~ ~aet ~'ar ~ll~?~i L: he~riri~ an such ap~:.lica~~un. 5.37.2A0 F_in~l Acfion•~b~~ rh~ Ci~~_Cat~nc:il. ~ , 14. At 4 the t~a.me at~d nl~c~ ~for publir_ t-i~~~~ra.nR on th;a ap- . i pli.cation ~ar a T~ingo ~?~r.~nit, the ~ity ('~ui;cil ~hA~l cdr~sir]c~r j t_he recc~rds, panezs, fi.].ns ~~hd ~ny ~i:hez- evi„3c~nce .i~ c~~er~i5 z-elc-• r~~,rat and ~h~].1 r.~nder irs d~c:i~i.on eit~h~r g.-ar~t.inr~ c~r d~nyxn~~ ~hcy pcrmit. • . B. If th~ p~rmit is ~~p~xa~~c~~i, th~ Cit•.y Cc~!tnri.l rnay ~.nclu~i~ , :ilSC~l z-estriction.~ :~r~d cc~nr~.i txor~:; i~ ~1~r~ per-mit as the City Cvuncil ~ (~C_'C'Iil i T'C'ii~+C?I1c3Z]ZG~' r1i7!C~ Tlf'Ct'S~;~c"i~y Ux1Cj£!1' t.~lE.' ~1rC11P.1S~~~11Ct~ t'f~ i.n~ur~: ~ cr,;nyli.anc~ ra~tx~ th~ ~.~urpo~es nnd inten~ c~f thiS Chapt~r. 5._32.:50 ~~nial ~f ~~rmi~. '['i~p Ci#~} ~c~ur~c.il rnay z~fu~L to issue ~ ~~~ermit+if, ~fter. ~considerar':3.c~n c~f :h~ applicaGa.on ~nd ar~y ~*h~~r N~~~~rs, re~c:~r~~ ~nd filc~s ifi c~ca~~rns rt~]~vantp iL i~ ci~~ter~- mir,eii Lhat th~ c~pc~ratir~n t~l~ a Hingo qarn~ wcrulc! be i»jurit~u* tu thc> hcAlth, ~af.~t•y :~r~d mc~i-.~ ls o~ t3~ea~ ~~c~c~~~le of !•.h~ Cit~, ar k13r~t. t-.1~r~~ ~~r~rmtt apnl ic:<~t:i~n o~ prr~F~n~sc.~ ~~ticyde ot r~pc~r.~tion o~ the B.inyo ~,~ar,~c i,:s r~c~t in c~m~.li~7n-~~ with t;hr. F~rc~vi ~ions c~~ t-i~is ~'la.~rater. _ ~ 5.3x,;6+~~ c'~r+kk~~r .~e~v~~~~:iyc~~~~c~n ;u~h±~riff. a~~ ~ Ast~r rns~g~as a~ tc~~~~ ~ta~~-c~~?~rn~iaig or ~?ss~ii~~t~n~ ~,z~ ~he ~gancra~ic-~r~ a 1d~n+~c~ ~gbr~ ~a~ ~t~y cr~hes' chanq~r~ f~ t:h~ ~a-~ ~razr~~~.~n ~~rni~h~d u~~er 5~rc~~.on ~.3".19~ ~~le ~~b~er~u~nt te~ ' ~h~~ ,~i~~ua~~~e o~ ~ B.~nga p~a~~rt~.t x~rrdl .ii~~n~~ ~k~~?11 be ~tr~p~ar~.~ ta ~~e ~'~e~Y-~.f~ ~E~t ar~y ~nrlck~e~~r ineresk~ge~~~n w~~i~~a ~~~e dr~~ rr~~e~~~~?~y ~?nd t~p~?ru~a~i~rt~. : ~f, ~?fta~r ~u~h inv~~rrfga~isrn, t~h~ ~h~r.~ff~ ff~d~ ~t~ t~h~ ~~ar.g+~~ reyuis~a ~u+~p~n~irrn or. rt~wacativn o~' th~r ~ir~go p~rmit arn~;r. lic~nst~, ~~ch +~e~t~~zr~iri~~.fon ~hal]. ~be krr~ea~m~it~+~d ~~u t,~~?e Lity +Cwun+~~.3, fvx: ~~pr.~px~.xtC~ ~?~~i~ra. ' ~.3,2.2~0 r~i~ens~ ~t~~u~red. ' R: In ~r~c~i i~n ~a iik~tain3n~ a perm,~t a$ r~qui.r~d by thie ~Y~apte~, ~~r.h organf.xatic~n cc~r~dtia~ting a. Binc~ra y~m~ shal.l obta~i.n a 3.i.ce.nr~~ 1~r.~r~ ~:h~ xic~nse cal.I~ctt~r; n~ ~.ic~n~~ sh~l.~ i~~ued _ ur.txl tb~ a~,,~?.i.c~nt th~refa.r na~ a v~lAC3 p~.rm,~t ~o~rexin~i ti:~ c~r- ganixatic~n a~~rd the prem~.~se~. ' . 8. Each rrgani.~a~:ic~r~ propa~iny to conduct ter~ l~.D) flingo game~ or 1~~~ a y.sar ~ha.ll obtafn ~ speci~l licer~s~ fram the l~.cc~ns~ ce~li~ctc~: ~'c~r ~ach A~.hga q~tn;~. Saic~ s~PCia] lie.~r~s~ .hall be vali~ ~-~nly for the 8~nga qan~e s,~~~i~:ied the~r~crn. • " G. Each org,~rii~ation ~ropc~~ing t,~ condur,~. mar~ thar~ ,~~n (10) ~li.nc~o G~am~~ a year sh~11 abta.in r~ gene.rz~1. ~,i.crnse frt~m th~ 2~.c~n~~ callr~ct~,r. . 5.:~2.2$0 Licen~e Fe~~. A; __-The~fct~ for .~~spi~cial l.icerise sh~ll k~c ~.ivc~ dr~lla.?rs t~5.00) ' k~ay~~lc~ ar ~t;c tim~ o~ i~asu~,7c:e t~Yicreot. Es. `Che Cef~ fdr ~ cf~>»e.ral _license sha1,1 ta~ ~.zv~ c~o].lar~ (~5.()q) , ~~ayabl.~ ~3* nc~~ tim~ r~f i:;~,tz~nce anc~ each ~:eiticwa:l. thcreof, x.~ `.he total value~ nf pz'a x~s tn t~~ aw~-~l-~-~~d during ~h~ cc~nduct of ~ny "bi.nc~c~ garn~ clc,e~ no*. excec~ fi.v~ c3callar ,{~5. 00) in r_~~ti ar ?~i.rid c~n c~~rh fc~r each sc~parr~t;r g.=~me which is h~7d. _ C. The f~e £c~r a yenc~rml lir_enae ~hr~ll b~ !`i~ty sio~l~rr~ (:~50.Q0), Pay~ible at the rim~ af i~su~-~rtce .3nc~ e~~sc:h c~newal t.~~.~re- o~, i.~' the tatnl value of ~~rixes a~.~arc~c~c? dUring the conduc~ Qf ~~r,y bin~c~ gam~ ~xcc~~c3s ~ive c~c~lldrs (55. ~10} in c.~~:h ar kinc~, e~z Y:uth for c~ch s~F~~ia-~te cTam~ whir.h is }teld. 5, :12.290 I.ir,:~~j3:;e }~encrwal. A.~ G~ner~~l ~ l~ic~risr.~; ~~re qr~ntcd 1'ar on~,-~yc.3ar t~}r.m,; e~c:h ~ tc:rm i~ rc>>~ewabl~ anr~u~l~y. Wx-ittcn aka~ylir~at,ion for rc~r,r.w~l cif g~:ncr~~ licer~~~ sh~?11 I~~ rnac~e t:o the Cii:y C~ur~~:i.l at ic~as~ c~n~ moneh ,prxor ~.c~ ~t~ exp3r~sti~,rr ci,~~t~. ~ . A s~escial ] i.c~n~~~ I*s y rr~nted an~y ~c~r une-cary t~~z~ for c:~+c:h i3s.s~yp gr9mr~, ~~~.d :iE~c,ci~l l.icr_n.~~ ~~h~~ll. not•. b~ x~~naw,~bX~~. 32. 300 F'i 1 in'~_.o~ ,~nr~~~al Re~~~orty. J4...~_t~i»ing~ttie.-~:cr.-my~i~f'~ th~~~.:ei=mi.~ ancl J.ic~n:,~, e~~~h rirWn- prc~~x~. rM~~rrita~hl.~ urg~n.iaat.i~7n whic:h t~~~s t~cen xs~u~~~! a~ ra~~xraRt ~an~ . liccn~~ ~}irxl] fi~r~ a re.~~.>art mt~~J~: unc]~r. peri~,l,~.y ut` pc~~jury aitti th.3 C:.ty Gle~rk c:or~t~£ni~g t:;~~ fc~ll.awing .inl~nrm~~i.~~rta ~ny ~hanq~~ in ar. ~d~liCi~n~ cc.~? the jri~'ot~ati~an rr~a~.a3.r~d un~ler S~ck.it~n 5. 32. ~9f1. _ ~ ",i~:P_ ~CJ~.A~1 a9J171~I1d1~C [D~ fl~C127CY~ ~~C~''l~'L'~ ~.h~ c~pc~x,~~i~n ~f th~ S.~ra~n g.~m~:~ tk~~ ~~~:~w,:~~,~~ i iscal ~?ear . ~ 3. ~'!x~ ~crt~~. ~rrrcrunt ~~i~~ 4Tat ir? ~~r. ix~~. 44. ~~t~i:l~d cr.rtts tc~ tfi~ ~raniw,~t:ion ~~r ~?,p~eac~~.:~car? o;~ ~he ~?~~r~~a ~~r~~~. H, E~~r^r na~x-~pa~~~'a~t ~ch~a~ft~~lrx ~ra~riixr..~;~;;:~ ~rhi~h h{~~w b~+~n ia~~e~mm~d ~ q~a~e~~a?i~3i.ce~r~~~ nt~r:x ~'i~.~e said x~e~,~ort a~~ Lh~ ~r~d ~~~h ~~.~c~a] ~?e~~r. ~aah ns~n~pr~r~~t chrr~i~eb~~ ox~g:~r,i.z~t:tor~ wriich ha~c k~e~rn f~sv~d m~~+~cial xi+~~ra~e sha~I~. fii+~ ~a~d x•~par.. withsx~ ~.hiarty (~4~ ~~yaa a~tar ~~?~t~ ~e~~P~~sriz~d ~~,n+~o g~~es. 5~ 3~. 3~0 P~rmits enr~ 1.i~+~n~~~t ~c~n~r~an~f~r~.'~~~~ p~~~nai.~.g . a.nd ~i~~rit~~s graritr~c~ui~~r~~hix .~~h~ii~ter ~~ira~~ncat bt~ t~x~~r~sf~r~,hl~, +~i~.h~~r a~s t~+ tt~~ .li~en~~ ~r the ,tc~r~?ticn. J~tiy r~tt~n~pt trai~s- feac ~shall .rer~de~~r the ~ermit ~nc~ lir_~ri~~ irti c~u~sti~an ir~vx~l.:td: c~ 32.:3~t~ R.1~~~c:ati~n,_ Su~c~r,siun P~rmi.t and Li~en~~ Autih~~- ra.~~e~. ~~?ny j~r~n~ty ~~nd 1.ic~nse i~s~~~ un~er~il:xs t`.~iap~ei' i~~y k~t~._.. su~gPnd~?d a~ revake~cl by the ~City Cr~unc~[1 t~n it~ ~+wrr rncaki.~r~ ~r ar~ ap~p].,~cac:i.an af ~h~ Shea~ift, Tsi,s~r•ict- Attarn~;~~ c~r (:ity 1~ttax~n~;y fc~~- vialaticrn of, any ~f tfi~ ~,xc.v.i..~c~ris r~f this ~'hapt~.~, or ~ny t~rc~~?i~ion~ af ~.hi,s Cad~e ar a~ ~"r~~d+~ra~, ar ~:tate ~1~w. .~.3Z..330 Nc~t.~c~ H ~ar.in~_.~n R+~vt~a~i~on, S~~~i~a:o~a. Th~: hr~.tu~r cif a Hiri~o~--1i~: r~~is~~~~.hal.~.1~_g~a.v~:i ~~rampt ncrLice~ rc~.v~~cw .,rion c~r' :~.~:~sF~e~r,yivn c~f ~,aad ~~f~r.mit ane~ l~r:~w:s~ a,~c3 ::hxLL irr.s-~c~c~i.- ~~t.r.ly r'c~.;i ,t fcc,m c,~anc9~~r.ting c,r u~>c~r<~i~.ing ~~ny Bii~gr, y:Yrr~c. 4'~i.d nat:ic••b r:l~~~l l f ix ~7 t.it~~~ F7~~,c:c~, r.~~L l~rss thrn ~'zvF~ (x~} nc~r 1`iC')Y~~ tt1~17'i i.f72Yt:~' t~:~,~ l~~l}~:~ r3ft.E.'I" "i(:1V1CE? tE3".Yl.'f~.~~ c?~{~ '1~'~1:r:r1 Z2i~14 ti~it Yzi~ldr.a c~f ~:,~ir~ l:c..rsi~;c. may •.?F,,,r.~ir Y:ef~~r~! tltity C.:~tJ (:c..;xrir:il. ~c371C~ Y~tr' (~I-~7.'l~_C?~ rl 11f."i!]"1C1'~ ~~F~c~r~ t.}1(:' CT'~CtZ 1 t' s C~* !'ityll~ :~ll:a~`)f?11:.i.1f7T1 OZ~ S' (?V C~t: d:. 1 C~ll . . .~,2. ,~~1~, y~l.Yt?t"cltill ~ 1~.~. ~ i A, ?~z~~ any~.arck.ian, ~i~tac,wcC ic,n, ..~nt_enc~c~, c1L~~se~ c~r ph. a:;~ ~ a!~ this Chx+~at:~r i~ :fr~r any ~~a~~.~ h~ld b,y a cn~srt carnpctent. ' jux-Isc~xct:ian tc~ f~~ inv;~la.e~, ~u~h c~ecS ~i:~n s;.~e.s~l ;~at ~:~fe~r.t ~~h~ ~ va7.idity r,f t.rt~ rc~rn~iniflq ~flr~:3on~ af thi~ ~i~ar~t.pr, A. ~'he Cit~? ~r~unri i hc.~rc~by ~Ic~~)~a•~~ ~th.:t i4 ~c,i~ld J~awe ~'~i`! ;';('~f9 ~.~1]u. UI"1'~yl'1~'~i1CE_ ~111C1 f.`?l(`~il :~R`(rt".IOTI~ .+ta~1:.~Q_'C:t.~.fJ11~ :iF~ilt.EliCE.'~ C." 1 71ll~it'. UC' F:~~1L ~3.i~f,' C. }It~I't'C1Y , 1. r r~~~~:j1t'l:~" 1 Vf'. CIf i ~IC" ~dC'~ t~1~3t.: ~~r~y [.1T1~' C)Y' I1 ~X'~2 f;~'~`t.7 C,?1'td~ ~ .:ll~)L.C:C`1 1 C'r:75 ~ :;(?T2t.t.t~c"C~ C~ rll2.'if?S C)2" !~}.i'~°!'_ie: ~,JG• held inval:~d. ' a. 3_~Q Cruv~ ,i~.~i~~. _,i,c, ;l.c~r?c~ntar 4~ t:c~ .~t~~t.e T~r~w. :tie r4•- ~ _ . r.. _ __.r...~..~..._.. _.~._..i.- - v.i>si..ra~: o~ thi: Ct~,iptc~a~ ~~r~ nni: ir~tcrnr~c~c~ t:n r.~r.nili.c'~ wit.t~, hut. :;h~l l:,tap~~,}r~rr~~~,~L ,~rt f. l.~i~~:s c~f t.l?c~ St.~i:~ c;f Cr~li fr.,~~ni.~: r?~l~t.~iiy t-.u 1<rc.t~,>c ir::,, <,~.~n~Sn~3 or c;,-ir,yY~iing. ih'1^~t(~UUt~t'.tl ~~t a•-c.;,~l~r rn~,r.ti.r~g c:?f t:h+'~ ~'i~:y Cc~unri.~l of thfw ~ ~ CJf C`.~7~?!'~'tltlll t~Tl ~t'1C'. _Z1!~ly l~a)? U~ Ul''~'~';rillr.r._._..^_~ .1~7f1; ~i1C~ •r ~ ~ . ~ . . . , , . . ~ w ~ . ~ ~ , I a ~ . q ~ ~ ~ y E.~t~C~'~.C e~ $ r~!r~u 1~ r m~et°irr~,~ ~f ~.h~ Ci t~r C~u~~.i 1. c~ ~fie C i k~~ Cu~z~rci~a.a r.~ ~he ~r~I ~ ~a~j _«7anuat~i _.r.._.. . ~.917 , b~? thc= ~n ; J..~.~•~?i ~g v~st~ : ' Vca~~r Me.snher. ~ a~,~th;~ C~~.ty4~Cc,ranci.l ~ ~?'~'~;i: ~'rolirl~. J~~~ts~, rt~l1i~. [!'t~~~fe, M~~~+~r~ 0 r ~ LftJi.~ i 1~13~ENT : ?Sar~e • 5 A~:~TATN : AF'F~NC)VrD : . r. • ' _ ~~~J~,,/~ .I_._ ' M~yor, ~~y n~C'u~,~rt_i AT~'t::i'~' : , ~w~.~ , .v~ ~,~n I ~ IC+4~ ~ . ~;l t:.}~... C~l:~ . ,t}(S ~)t~t:ilJil(11 :~G'• l ' ~~f C:,i,~,t z . ~_f ~ 1tE*.reby cc::tify th~c hc: Cicy y~, ~f -,aid ~)Crs{I:.,i~ct: ~.~"ctii~t~ ~tt~~ch~.~d h+~?~tc~ ts ~ Lrur~ ;u~~ currec't ~'~4 % ~,i,r~n }~~ibli.~sYi:ci or }~<,stac.9 p~ir~~a~rnG t.o l,a'~. ~r . ~ .r i`r,1i ; ~ ~r CS~.~> Cl~r ~r, „ , „ ~ y~ ~ . ' ~ ' ,SAw. . ~ . , ~'1 ~f "