21319 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Yrv' Idemlfiestl® PIXMITNO. Building ABdreas. 21319 J,AMONAA�lL 1?E.vI n n �e wQ.1'. CITY OF CUPERTINO-DUILDING DIVISION c«,t • N,n<: Lk.No: APPLICATION I PERMIT 1 l,0 LS a' E3 Z BU LDINGdECIR CA4 LIMB NGMFGHAN CAI. CATEGORY covix�L t �� Archlten/En�neer: No:_ .C, QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PER7ATISSUANCE 4� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ikh dtlrrnth,tl (m m3e theBrprovblwrof F mar9(mmmm APPLIANCESRESIDENTIAL B N Ingwt,Is In null 7o00)of d eff m3dlhe Bu.InmandProlesdan.Cade,and my r c,m D rr 4 3a�ren. 'L2 D 3 F3 Z PANELSLica Date ontr,ctor —UP TO 2DO AWS _(a ��. AItCH1TECP5 DECLARATION mi-I�AMPS M? Iundu rd my pl,m,hall k used as publle remade v OVER1003"PS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. WO LyL�j LberuM Pmtembnal S)GNSE.ECIRICAL 6{I�B O R-BUILDER DECLARATION z��G Ihenrm « n by,fBm that l aexempt from the CrtnLicense or LicenLaw f«the SPECIAL CB2CUIT/MISC folbwbgm+ .Section7015,B s,l and Profnsioro Code:Mymyor O s. ir TEMP.NM7ER OR POLE INST. FW muntywhkh prq toil perWte,.Iso ruui.the.prove,demol6h soch permit to any a signed statement hat ha as erased lmsuant t the pr ,isum,of e POWER DEVICES file,signed statement that he 6lkxneM pursuant to the prov6by of the y^���p5ss Contractor'¢Litems Law(Chapter 9(mmmencing with Section 7000)of Divi-� SWQ.tABNC POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION�5 sbn 3 afthe Business and PrdObv Code)orthat he 6 exempt therefrom+nd S"•• the hes6 for the alleged nemptbn. Any Wolatbn of Sectbn 7015 by any 0� applicant fora pet sobjectni .the.ppheant to a l penalty d not mon than than GUH.EISSWITCFQSH%IUItFS five hundred dollars(S50f). F1I, o,owner ottkproperty,or my empbyees with wage.,their sole NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECiR SQFT. STORIES =CONSTRUCTION t o mmpaua0m,wllldotk wok mdthestmentre 6mt Werdedor offend for 5 ❑ sale(Sec.7DN,Business and Pmf.W.Code:The Corannoe,Uceme Law dm wt apply to m owner of propertywho Wildsor improves therms,and �y OCC.GROfN RLS UNTI5 C whod« mchworkhm lforth ughh6 nemiployeee,pro WMtlutudi l 1 S Impru•emewuem tendMorofke foraele.If hcss ver,thebummg« TOTAL. O improvemem6soldw hNomyearafcompletbn,tkownerbullderwWlave t dent&pmvingthat he did.wad or Improve r«purposeofeak.). QTY. PLUMBINGPERMIT FEE L.,owner of the property,.m exchahely centracUng with hemmed - FLOOD TONE APN mntran«e to mruwR the project(Sm 7DS/,Rusinew and Prdemlora Cade: PERMIT L%UANCE �Z�b The Contractor',License Law don not apply to an wnm of property whooeALTER-DRAIN k VENT ffN woes or Imrove pthereon, and who con trans for..eh ptojecv - with , I y FEE SUMMARY yIltvecto(a)Banned pursuant to the Contractor's Ll¢nse Law. 2 BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE —(aCL1 U I,m exempt under Sec B k P C for this rearm DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,ARPI,GOND. SANRARY Y_ N_Owner Dae RECFLef I WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FDC A PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ MI hereby orMn that I have o losolate of consent to upy the r o (Se. RWETPI' e ,La a of Work<n'Comperual«ilwnne«a certified mpythereo((Sec- GAS Fa.SYSEh4.1 INCA OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N Pull N CJ 1'dlry l Cny' y F— I •d RECEIPT CAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(FA) BUILDING DIVISION ISION FEESocert copy 6 ford with thehM. GREASE/INDUSrn WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE (q CertlnM ropy 6 tiled wim the city wpotlon dlvlelm. "Y CERTIFICATE OF IXEf,1MON FROM WORKERS GCSE TRAP PAID ^^'�T COMPENSATION INSURANCE BEIVER-SANRAAY-STORM EA.HAFT. DRIC RCCCI IN ` J3a�O (CN..enbn need sat he<onpided Bthe pemdt 6f«orc hundreddollve (SI(A)«les..) WATER ITEATFRW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N 1 ll not that in employ he perfomana of the work for which W.permit 6 fto the 1 shag not employ any phos f any manner so as to become object to the WATER SYSIFM/TREATING Z4b PAID W«heri Comperwtbn laws of G Womb.Date Pp NEW RF9DENT(AL PLMB. SQFT. it A Ilant Z Q N'OTICETOot,subCAtothe after osums,Hrylhix eroati npro,ificate ens oftExempthe Date TA [b .hmld bemmewbFct to the Wohen'Conperuatbn pmMebnu oftk Lwr TOTAL- U) OTAL fA Code,you moan forthwith comply with such provlalon,orth6 pemdt shank W > deemed revokM. 13UILDING FEE CL o CONSTRUCFION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE O Iherebyaf0rmthettherc6amnutronlon lendingagenry for the perform- t ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z anmoftheworkforwhkhth pemJt ed(5ee30YJ,CIv,C.) TOTAL U O. lender's Name PLUMBING FEE m LL F Lender.Addre., QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE QCD WO Inrtlfythai have readth6 appRatbnand a+tetha theabave lnforrrwl® �t (Semmes I.gnat.c.mplywlthWdtya"d ntyordln andmtelaw. PERMIT ISSUANCE ` yCV FEES PAID: >. N relaing towildbnd g mvtanlon,, hereby antheriu rtpresentatives otth6 f. ntyto enterupon the abovcmentbred property for 6upexlon purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECFL Z Z (We),gmn vIndemnify to sae,Indeify an d keep ..hamsthe City of Cu peW Date RecCi [Ifrt ag+Wt NbDltle.,ydgmrnb,mesad expen<.whieh may in any way a¢roe AIR HANDLING UNIT(D010,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL against a+ld City In consequence of the grant tag d this permit. AIR HAN13uFrc ulvrr rovER 14DDDCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX D 34 SJ tare arAppbam mune«e Dam EKFUI>ST'HOOD(w/DECD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: kImL1 w USMATERIALSDISCLOSURE Blthe apPPlk by the Ud�grtinoMomupantode, hhindle Z.ndthe HF.ITTNG UhTT(TO 100,000 BTU) m+terlal as dcOrad by the Cupemiro Mu NnpalCode,Chap( 9.12+rad the Date Recei IIF Ife,hhand Safety Code Seett.25531(a)7 L 2 IFEATINGUNT(OVER100,00DBTU) I � TOTAL: qYe ri No Illtheappliant orutumwOdingonapantuseequipmel0 ordeWm VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit havrdeus air mntom,ants as deRnM by the Bay Area Air PAW yy.w Quality hfarageme.t District? BOILER-OOMP PEE'OR IOUM BTU) AW Ye Nb have rtad the ha�material,requbemen6 under Chapter 6.95 of BDILER-COMP(OVER IW,000 BM ��� „V Vat the Gllfeen6 Health k Safety Code,Sectiam 15505, 33 and 75534.1 - understand that if the wilding dce.our eurrently h.vn,tenant,that It es my NEWRESIDENTIAL MECH. SQTT . resor to issuancey,to Of a certificate arvpant of foreope nqulnrrcMs which rwa k con Prior to L+Buarce notiy the cxoof Qxvpa ray. Lnner or «I' agent Date ISS(IEDBY: `•� � TOTAL: O.Pot OFFICE COPY