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Ordinance 767
1 ~ ORT1~~1~1~C;~ `dG. 7~7 A11~ t~RDI~J~BiC'~ ~3~" Y'HB ~:~'~~'t' ~U~ ::CfPF~i~~ AM~fDT1~14; t711,~?fl~iX~iC~ 1~D. 7i3 :L~ ~~YTS~' F~~bls" Il ,~t~ ~AIIJ flRY~I`.~.~!!~ AILD ~`~'k..1~YPI:'C ~ITTAC'~ T'~'~~'T~'J ° 7'h~ ~'i~~r ~o~;xr~il. crg ti~~ wit~I a~ ~tp~r~i~a ~ir~e~e r~rda~~a a~ lo~,~,o+rs: ~ . i~ctialf ~ : J1~,~~!# . . ..,,~,._._.t_. Ss~:~;.t~c~~ 1.1: Grclinr?ne~r No. 7Z3 ir hezab~r a~ren.. ~d sas s~p~ ~ar.ta ia ~ at~is~ Clydinra~~ 1ea. 761. . S~et~t~ua Z ~ R~e~J.iag ~~.aus~t Satel+a~a ~.1: fc?~.la~+i~ e~~cC~ar?~ uf ~'.achibtt ~t c~f ~~rdiRanc.e Na. 7:;~ a~ t~~r h+~~~eby rtpeel.a~! aand re--~nntt~d ,ra ~a~ 1ow : ~ 1. Condlrlca~a ~ f~ re~+axd~d t.a del~t~r th+~ rrf.,~r~nc~~ to 2~~~!S. "~f?~e co~d~tions of apprsrv~?1 i'~: xonin~ a~pl{cACi~n~ 2-•Z-~74 and 3~-x-'~d? ahr~ll r+e~airo .Lq fntrce u~tl~d~ Cherra tR ~ confl~ct wi,Ch th~e cvr~ditir,na ~c~nteined ~ hrrein. I~ tt~x eve~n~ df x c<~nFlict ~ the c~~ndiCSon~? c~nn+tai~zad her~in ~h.all take precedPnt. The 1~~~d uae rype +~nci ~ik+r p~An~nin,~ conc~pt approvcd 3n cc~n)unc~.inn w~Lr.h s+~id zo~li~ig ~pprcvals ~vha~I1. r~zn~wir? in foree anci shall ~.1k~ pr~,. csdenC+~ c~ve~ the 1+~t~d unc and sit~ p]nnnin~; ccrncepts con[mirtea - hrr~~i~.'? Z. 'I'he second to la~;r. par~tgraph on Q~ge 1~ is rr.wc~rrleds ~s fallc~ws: "'~h~ condition;~ r~f apprcxvx~, inr the r~zoning a~p~icRcioria 2-Z-74 .~nc~ 3E~~2-7~ :;hr~ll rem~in in #'orce. Since dc~r.lopment has not hren intr.i~t~d wtr.~~in che zo~~:ing ~iistrict botu~ci.~ry of ~r,~ii :s~!:fon 2--Z-7S~ said Ton3n+, clitstszet ~a totr~l~y r~scind~d hy thp i1~ Ar~:~ ~oulev~rct Plan." Conditian 4 is rewarded a~ follc~ws: "Ail fu~ure d~velopmr:rst 1„c~~^~ !~c:~::een '~.~rid1e3~ br.'ive ~nd ~forth n~ ~nz~ f>] vd, s~ur.h vf V~~ ~.ey Grr:en Ariv~ ~inci north of A1ves nrive stt~11 be requtr~!d to dev~lop an it~L~r;rat~d circul.ttion F~~t_terr, wikh a r~ut~?~1 ~~ccess ciri,ve de ,igr~at~d c~n c.xhibit B, lst Revis;ioa. "Ch~ privt~t~ drive sha11 have a minim+tr~ :aiath of 3A fr_et:. Ten feet • ~cMid ~ridth shall be lac~ted r~n and paral.lcl to Che resr l.a[ lin~~ u.E thc: c~~~:ner~llq small~r pro~erti.~~: thc~e front ~n b+: Anza Bo~sl~vai•d. 'TEtir, r+~~~ining 20 feet of width ahall. be luc:~t~d c~n ehe ~eri~rnl.Iy l.~rgcr ~~r~7pE~~ifes thnt ~re lo~:.atr.d t~: ?:h~ wt•st c~f said ~~rierally :~rr+~Iler p*~apertlc~. Tha fitisl cjrivewa;v desi~n configurr~tiun sha~l be dttr.rzni*~ed ia con~unc~lara with th~ L~LGial u,e ~Srrmit r?pp?icacian i.nvolving ~ prc~pr.rtq cc~r,ti~uaus tc~ sa~fd priratp dri~.e. f1n an int~ria t~asis~ devel«p~~rit fi-ontir~g ar~ De ~Iraza Blvd, shall be al]c~ued ~cc~sa directly fr~~n Vc~rth~ 17e An=a Blvd, vhen n~ n"ier access iti av~Slab1+~, ~rravi~~ed thst thr. propet'Cp' o~~er agr~~s te~ erster iat~ ~~ra~~nenr.r~ to i.s~pro~a~ ch+e r~+~~r ucc~e~~ driv~ aa speci.fitd a~? F.~chibit lst Revfaian, ia praportian ta th~t reM~r fr.~+nt~~?~~ an a~~id drir~~. At *uch cim~e aa~ the -1- . ~ . . . ~ ~ . . ~ ; . r X~a~ ~~~~~r ~~tqe t~ cc~~r~lrt~i. ~h~ pr~perr~ a~n7~: sh~~ll a~~~~ Ca +~13~~.a~rr ~1:~ dcceas aaxd f~prc~~t+~nr,~r r.c~ ~tarr,h 7~ !dnxa ~~vd. sad dr~~r~.a~a ~hat p~rt~~n a! t~ px~~srcv c~rifa~nar~cr~ r~~.*_ti ~n+r ~?pp~crva~+lf cpx~cspr.u~r~ anrin~ ~i7.~~. 'I"he f.ar~' ~v;~c7c~cicxn o~' thia~ ~a] i~,q v~,ll ~equir~ d~v~elcp~~•~ to ~~?ir~at~ p1Rr?n dr~:~c~t~aing ~ticrw cttr it~ceri~ ~lan cmao~ b~e ~+di~ied to p~c~fk lin~,~~~~ r.c~ sau~rr+tss~dinf, deva~npan»nt•~. '!'he falla?9.r~~ I~ar~t~ s1~7.1 ba sdda~ to ch~ p1~n af ce~ th~ "P~bX~i~. RoAd ~,L. ~e~~r*~rxph c~n paw~e 9. '~'~d~~rXi~n A~c:r_±:;t~ b~cw~~r.~? ~Gard~en rat~c Su[~divielan +~nd r.he! I?~ A~x~r 8or.ila~ta~d ~'1a~r~na[ngw Areat" 'Ti~e ~ni.x~d l~nd us~ cancept ~ddg -nav~?le.~;~ty c~ khe pl nnciin~ {>rc~ble~,~ fc~r ~.Mre Eaulcv.~?ici ~r~~ i~t Cer~ue~ vf ci~fii~nir.p~ ~ r~a1~~c~-i~„ ~n~3 ~icyclc 1ti~L~rf.r,ce b~.;~.~~:~~ th~ Gr~r~len Gake irel~Y~hart?a~~d anu~ t~~ Anz~c Bor+Aervard, T:~e h+a Anza ~oulcvr rd :~1rrn ] itr.i~s vchiculs~r fnt~rf:~ce ~to a~s ta di~cour~gr. r,arnrntit.e tr~fti.~ t~ecw~~~+~rt the two ~?rights~:-ho~riec. Pede~triaxti +~nd bScyclr ~~c~a~r ~s tmportrirat t~ec.~~~a of t.hr t~ercf far aachnoi arc~ss ~c~r i:ollin~ Ju»iar High ~r.hc~al and acceRe r.u f~,tuc~ buffi sr~pa~ on 1~e ~na.a Boul.r.v~rd. Currenr.l}r~ ttte~rc are t~ ~ccw~sa pc~fnrs Crcrm f~rdan Gar.e tt~ D~ Al~x,~ Baulevarcl via Alves 1)r.ive ,~r~d Fallpy Creen br~v~~. A}~e3~~~riau .~nd bicycl~ r,ccess Yo~~c~ si~~11. hc devr~la~.~ed extenrl~ng from Gre~?nif~af Dr~.ve t~ f3~inc1lc~y i~rirr. The. , nc:ress will rro~.~id~~ a sf~t'c and mure ca;~vi~i~ient ~~cce:~~~ to t_h~ i~itE~r- wect~ir,ri ~f M~;t-i.~i~i ~'~v~r.u~~ whtcl~ is the majer wes;t~zn ,~cres~ [c ~~~lltns Junior Hi~;h Schoc~l Pn~j a fi._-urr fc~cr;l ~~~~[nC :c~r t~i.is r_r,;nsit. , 5. The ~hysic~l p1-in m:?C~ lr~b~leci Fxh~2±it A~ lst Revi~:ion, s?~,~11 be arnenc3ed tv deSi~;1~1tP_ ty:~blic ~~•,~.e~-sc.~ay for pedest.ri;i~~s :~tid b~ :vcl.ists ~ttending fram CtIP_ C.'~3.'•'>tertt tz~.rritn+~~~ Greer~lc~.~f U~`~ve tv }3~ndley Y~rrve. 6. 5ectioi~ ~.7.2 ~f. ~pp~x~dix B~hn~.tld be r€~wor~~:~~ r35 Eol.lak~s: "~uxili:~r~ ~treeCs (Tori•e AYE'1111~~ Nandl~y, Va11ey Gr~ens L~+uan~a, Al~ve~ ~nd MaY•ian~ Driv~s) :'Ch~ 1ans3scape ~~thack £c~r ehr at,c~ve lisr~ed strc:~:Cs ~ha~ll con~Ain a~xni~num land a.r_a tyual L~~ 25 fet_[ t t;~~s the ] inep3. s trer r, i c c~ri ~.3~;e ,~~c~,~sureci Cr c~n f~ce crf cu xh . 'I'he inrent oi this r~*quirr.:~~cnt i~ to ~.rr.ate a~ 1~rr.ad l:in:i~;r~3pe~i ~;~t~~:~r.'.c; t~c~r:c~ve!x, thr ..~?tli~ck nt~e~d nUt Ue cor~~isct~ntly .:~int~ain~~~J ~t =!5 frrt in d~pth. A devplopment pZ~,~t wan incarpc~ratP A~CrSt'(1tll l.~ndscap~a i wldth a~ long ag A 15 £t, mi.niro~~.tt~ widrh is s~int~ineci zr~d tF:E ;~vera~e~ ~rtback area f igure i3 ma~intt~irir_d. I,'hcry cc,tnputin~; thr. av~r.g~e ~et•~ b~ck .arr.; , ~endxc~pirtg area :~ocated heyand 3S ft. ~~e.-~~ui cd t raw f.~ct n~ c:urb sha]1 r~nt b~ r_cmapu*.ed unle~~s ,~rid Hre~ irr.arparates si~ni•• t'icant topo~,raphical icatur~a o~ neti.4•e tr~P:~." ~ ~ _ . . ~ , ~ . . , . , w . . . ~ ~I . . , - .•~•~",.'i•~ ~"J St 1 . ,:r'.~~:t'C ~p!W::t~ ~F C}~! ""1^~1 t~"t!". ~::.C'Y C~f i Y ~:~li~ ~~s;;err:~tic~ ch±~ l:;ty ~.j;~y ~,f ti~,~.•E~xy,'~~r ~t i97fi~ ~nd F'7AC7iEki a~t a regu~ar m~~ting r.f th~ Ci.t~ C,~•,.ncil c,~ r.he Citv of C~r~e~r[zr?~ this :oth day n~ ti~avatr~rer , l~'?~~ by ~h~ `~~lcra~ir,~ v:~te: , ~ . '~ate !l~~b~r: ~a~ t:°•~ C:.cv Coun~~1 1t3'~5' : P:calir~,, ~aCRr.1iCl~ty .'~e1:1.1~r. d" '~Cfit~ M~f?e~s :N C$~ : 5~~:~r~e A ~i.~1M'Y` : '~tsn~ A~S~'AIN: ~at~~ ~4C SA?~[~j?• : , d / , *i,~•,~c?r~, CiGp ~f :.up+erCin~~ ~.'iY'':~T: ~ , , ..«~..~~~A~~*--- _ cic;~ c:i~r~~ ~ . ~ ~ I<<~~r,•~;~~ ~-~~r~tity t'r;.3i thc~ l:ity c>f ('u~~r.r~:ino Ordicti.~cYCe C:o. ,.__,~'r'~ ,ie[ ~~~.'~,•r~: :~•tc is :3 et~ac~ «~~~~i r.~,rr~~c:t. <c~}~y r~f i~~id Orclin:in~e~ whi~_~`~ ha:~ Y~~ ~~n ~~ur l i d~,~~ , t r~~i ~~ursuri~i~ l.;iv. 7 ~ ~ ~ t~ ' _ __....:w 4am . . ~y d . _ C'Ity Clcr . . . . . ~ ,M