Ordinance 687i ~, d~ ti, ~, ~, .;`'~ m, r i~X' ~~~ ~~, t a" ~,, .~~ a~ `N .. o' m r~ ~~y may.. y~ y~~y~~6 A{.7~•,~~ry~~y/yam y~~,y ~r~.q y q~w ~~.~ QR~7,~. /.My~ ~W`JI[ V~ ~ai4 E~1-~+~I~yp ~yy~-~yry~yL~7~r.~s~y~~r'MyAL~^B1 '• VYWMi/~~~1/µ-I.+o~ IL ~ ~y~y~+IAL"f IK~@M/~M II.~'M'i1. Ah7~bri IGy~~.I Iy~R~Ri~ R~~i/i7l ~ l~~\M4yF.'/~~•~~A#~I ~ LIFE F1~a 3'a• iiA.~""' 7C'Lili+ Gx~ ~ N~ A~'f`~.~ '~.+1 L~~~ i~YgIZ`d P'~R JIuC#~ t L~ ~1T bR Alin AI~~aC. TK? '~ tlf°f~1i AT l'!~ 'l~LY 1~~ Tlili C19`I' +G`CQfpiCYL iiP 1`f9fi CIT1' h~ G'e'~7iliD t16 07~ A.~ ~l~.~iix:: i1~1Rit~A6, an April ~S-, 1! 7$, arr aprplitat! can ~a tiled by ~f are G+r~r3oa 1lr~w:e x 1~e+ahtiwrlwa~ert Pa+r!- (Appali.ct-ti+aa i~~-]~a) 1c~r t!-a ras~xirr~ of prc~rty gr+ar A (Ag~ricuYtural~'~rri.d~ratia~d ,. 11~,0(AD l~~. Ft. ~Itia~M Lat.) ~oua tea P (~"1aa~wed Urr~ralopaaxtt wl.th Raa-idarrtia3t irluats~r iJalr lat+ant r~ri.r _ Appraxiswtelr 2.4r iA~alliog Unitm Ptr Ac: ~iy Mcrae;, aced 4AE~ItA, upcra ~#ue nttti.ce Krrd altar anR p~~rbli.~c hmar~ic~i; thr Plannl.r* wdaaiar, r~cr:orwwaee~ded to the City iouacil drat the rafe«ritry~, b: ~zatatud; anv~ W~'~"RILA~, tt+e praperry to bar resooed it- p~aaatlir in an A ~,A~ri~uituralf Ica idea t i~r l l0, 00~ Sq . !'t . MYniar~ Lot 3 Etiae i and MH1119w]&J18„ a trrap of the subject properry ie attaches h+rreta sa ~adribit "A" ,~ a pxoi~ased aaencleent to the 1~4wtpr latrlrr~ 1ir~p of the City c-I G-rpec- tinv; NC]{! r TH.B~:FC3ItE ~ Ei' IT O~DAIt1Ep !:~ tf?LI.t11~IF Scctia~c 1. 'Xt~x~~. true ,fr~llarrira~ deacrib~d prapr.rty be end herey;r i~ ~r.~- rc~nwci tci a F~~Plrrnrtad ~cvelnpat with R~r~r~dantial ~:~~rsxt'r Lrt~r Tntant F^alth ' Al,prnxiw-wtaly ~.~ I~+e11±ng Unite Peer AcrR) Lanus e~a~hi~ecC. to crrndltiat»x apt t;~~rth .ia 1Plmna~in~ Goravaiaaiats bteaolutian fia. 1~614e ar.t,ac:hed I~:ttr~eto as Eah:af.t r'~" anti ri,r;t exhibit "A" attaclrad he~re~ta is ra+rde p~r~rt aI the t'~rster ~.cwcrir,~ lrfap of the '''t;; of Cupertiav: Al.t that t:~srtain ra.rl prnperty situate in tht Gity ~f Crrp~trtfir~t-, Coemt+Cy aI 4anta Gl,~ra, Stata of Ga~i farnia f appx~e~citraf.~r ter 211.7' stress, lacrtrad roputh+eriy W¢ acrd adjacrnt :a Vaas Avenua at itR r+eaterlr tt~rainua, ^c~mre Iull~v described is attached f:xtiibit "'1-" and exhibit "1!". Section ~. '~"hirr oralinance shall tsrke aifec.t and be in Iaxtrc~s thirt~r C30) ' da~r~r ,eiCc~r 1r+t pasa~r~a. fTt'Y'110t'~G~ at a regular aw+rtia~ bt tht 4i.t~- Ccwnti;. m# thtr Ci.tp cf: K~r~ar- // tiaa this ,~(_ da~r of ~~~~, 1971, and M':"Y'80 wt a re~l~rr ~tttir~~ pI the City C.ouar+ci.l of the Gitr a! Cupett.4nu thin l~rth day at. _ Jusra ~ 197~i, bar th s iaaiavi,t ,f vote : __.,____ ._._w»~_ Clt,•~~aa«erc~ l~aa~ b~lT .+wrw•'~M~.....-`+~-. M. X~ MIA ~ L ~ .. tAr ~'t.` r 1ts~s "a AI lr : bTs~e A.~PROV~D ; ~~ -'•'~ .~.. ,~, .• r' ' ~•~i% rc.._.......,...,._ »...., r } City ~~c- lti J~ r ' i X ~r~e~by =P-.'!!fw the;: lhr. Cirv ref f;t.~~sE~rilttc~ ~7r.'ci.lrtaru:x Ni>. _ ~r.Yar.hc,i ~i~;;c~rtc ire n er.~. _~ +~, and ~:rrzt!ct cagy c>f f:ai~,t flr~liq.~nr:r w`i.ic:h t~ ~w. i.~~~*r~ i+uE~~ta~ah~+d ar ,aarPrft ~~,~,~~i,~~nt. tc~ l~r. ~' r^w~ '1 I .. ~. ~ .. ~, p ~ p ~ ICrI'-r',161.t ~A~. 4acd . Mer , 7 f-11 rTtrt ~r+ext+t ~.et t~•~~1. rpr,~p~est7r in ttttt City a~f Gspwerti~,z. Ot+++ety 4i ~tt.r t:'7La~re, Ntatt of t:a~l i! ~x~,aia, de,tc xibcacf as :RalJlet~ra a t N . 41~ ll~iaa~o~ ar tha 7latrtlaera~r•r2y r,nr~x crf tit cra*+tr~et I1..Ski x~ psts~a[r:l t-t l.+rrw! ar dsalrc~ari4crd taa tlae dead 1`rt~wc+ 75cr[rai.d ,. >~ce11, at erg, ~e C.~ushts~ CaIl.f~rLr Itl~tMrt A~rxco+eirticr[a of the ~e~rera~G~--B[t~r /llrtw~rtf-rt~. a .~.la cex~e~iira~1tl~[t, ctrtcad .isan~r~acr3r l5, 19b3, t"ecard+rc la tttc of#~ta of xbe T~~~r:dcar, Canr<t~ of Santa G7Ga~ta, litrte of Cali!`t*rrtla, oa Jr-~*uuary 2S-, 1~i~, in l•nOlx S~Q ttF +~:.~i.eial ~cak~l~r, wt ~. ~-OS1; tMarr,ce fraat raid paiak of bcegi~tia~ .[ wl.~r~ t!a-e 1t+a[rtYrexls 11sre of rrid ~7L.S~14 a~rre pcrca,; ctf lauad, 1~bx'th ~$° 4:~' ~+3" Ilrert, ~3~.'~1 fear rid ]IbrtRt lf9''O 52' ~4t'" iJeat, 47:?.1T2 feet to +t p-~1aC; tteace 7iat~-~ri~ last t+aid" 7ti.a~r aMtd prrrllt?, nith the 7~rte~•1~- 1 isrcr of srr.4d 21.SA~ ware p'rrrael a! Zanacl, l-twtcttt ?5.34 fret, rare ar lexoa, to a point c>a tin S~-It.~erly 1.,Late of amid 'i1.54~ acr: ~prurcel, o[ l.rnd• tb-eace alcrag tie SocttLsrllr lane et ra-i~1 X1.544 ~~ ~c,acnl of Xr[ac~. Marcth ~99~' 27' 49" Sarwt, 4{-7,39 sett St~,~tb ~!° ~~' 4S" IC~[ar•t :D4:1.,35 feet to the St-uthea~aterly caratr th•~reuf'; [tttt-crc ala~rS tb+s l3~t~ater3y Batt tTraxatai, Mcarth 72.5.34 !`+r+tt to r.he poiatt of b~sgi~stixtg. laccepting thertfrva- rll ihtC. portic-n thereof. d,sratr~tbed is tl.c 1~e.+~d to tbct Cite of Cupertino, datetd Dunce Yl, 1966, rer.orded Jaasrrry 11T, 1967, :Itx )}.y4,k 7b1.7 r-f Offl.cial, ltrcordr, P~a$cr 1L0, and balxspt more prrtitulaxl7r dercri'Ded as 1`aAluwr~: fieginniil~ at the T~iar!Ps~vr~c crttmer of that certain parcel +'f lrrtd rlraw-~c ota that cer- tain amp ecttitlyd, "'Tract. N0. 3142, Faothilla", fiAeci for t•ecaxd is Bt-~k 14b of` nrpr rt pag+ea 38 and 39, Sartt,s Cl~rrr Cc-uoty Recrarda., said point of be.g,Sneting being oa tha centerline of Vass Aveaue, ar shown on th.r a'vo~•c ^wcation+~d rep; th+Mtce ~aterll- along a line which is an +~xtenslan of raid cernirrliut ~f Voa~a Avtt~~ur., N~,rta s~~r' 43' 4S" Wc~t, 339.111 feet to act angle paint; tt~ctnce ~wrth 1T9° 52' 4^." Mest 94I.'(?5 fret; theme in a Southeaat~arly directiast trn .r c.vt-~~t to the :eft f`rcrmc a tata+;ent which l,eara goc~th 7a° 41' 25" ErrK, with a xadi•ar trf 54Q.OQ fce~, -hr.c-ugh x central an f;le of .l9 ll.' li'', arc diwt,art~:e ctf 1!l4.d5 feet to a poi-tt on a line par~cllrl ta) ~-nd distant 9U feat at xight att,tlrss Sou t:h~erly frotA thr a0iua~e wrnt.i0cted Id~eaterly eexe.ectttia~ of Yoss Avr.au~e; thct7ce aAang r~ai.d puxctllal linr_, £-.,rutT~ 1190 52' ~-2" E.c.et 76x.95 fccet to rn angle p+~iat enc~ South 89~" +t3' 45'° East, 339.5A feet to a pa.'Gnt ofi tt:e ~lcr~[cerly h~purtciwt•;~ :1.is~t of thr brat r-entlaned 7'tiracct ![w~-. 3142; the :tee along raid Flar~terll- bo4~ndar•r litrre North 30.OU !'eat to the puiat of bc,t•;inni»g. FA1RCi1~TUR7 ~rrflvtnin~ at a p~ilnt an the ~Ic~i27herly liars ai that certain 21.1.44 a:.•re parcel ~~f Land, a~ deac,r,brd in the I~.:~-+i frcn~ llona~ld A. lCtc.cell, et al, to Ctatrwl [:al•- lfornia Coa[erectca, Asrociati,~c- ctf the lierent:lt-that' rtidventtittr, a r.sYil,iautc corpor- ae:s.tcrn, dated .1rw-~u.ar~. 1S, ~.9b7, r+rco•~c0ed its the Ot`fi~ce c+f ~Chr iGmc:ordek•, Cvwir,r.lr ok Ssucrta Clara, ScaR~~ of Ca7.ifarnia, cat Jaa~arY 25, r.91r3, in >it+c+k .58110 c-f Uffit:ial 14rcordr, rrtRw 409, dir-!an[ tharcrast 11or,th A9 43' 4g" M?trt 3.%~-•.9l feet and North 1lSI° a7.' 42" Idcerrt 470.117 f.~eet 1•rae, tKe N~arthearterly tamer th~errcat; thefwce~ [rats sa.i,d Mo?nt r-f 4a-,xi.r-ttict,d w-~d leaving fret raid Gina errd parallel. with thwt T!,-,t~erA;+r li.ae of rrld ,1.544 arcr~~t parte7l of l~rtci lCo+ctlt 72~.:#~ feaC wa~rr at ~.-iP~At "~'-" c'4Cwi ,. ~rrr. b67 !~~ ~ ~ l~r•e. tQ ~ art arw t~rrr Aamltlr•~tlp ~nwe ~~ •rr~ 2~,.Sb~4 •ar~ ~rw~s~ •~ ~aMAri~ c~-~wr+t ~ •,:L t~ ~~tlrtrl~ AArar ~ ~r#d ~.1. S4~ •ttrwt p~-tc•1 at lx ~~ ~rrax~ ~~ ~J ~ d!1'" lei, ~,+~.~! !mot ~- t1r~ ',~rr•~~ar17~ ~a~s•r t1r~~t'ra+~„ t~ .'lam kL1~ta ~I~prG1'~r• ~ti1'~~;~ i.e tlrtreaf „ ~rr+t'~+ ~~~ #! ~ ~ ~' ~srrt, ISSN . ~'~ f~ M + tt.~ ~-Aa' a]' ®~Br" Mist. ~'I-~,!'~ i'~r~ rrs dar ~e•~rl~* ~ ti',; t• aA.a~ t alp ~!•r ~~fo Cdr ' ~~' 4p~ >larrt i17. fit to ~A• pr~wt of ~ssfpawik~. ~r~cce;rtitd t~+tr•fatr drat pirtiaw tAurter~f .lestrib~ la tart lirr~ t:• s.1ae Citir o!` ~up~str~~~.istw~ #•t.•d .1~ ~A, A9~, r~.rrcdard .~•x~x~r 1~, ~~3-, itr hlif ~ ifi'fi~l.~ lErr~a~•. ~lrMs Ai~-~ arrr'i hSre~ spa prtit~rlarl~r ~rxir~ sa tlar.la~rr~eru: ~'~ii~~R +rt tlrs ~arrtS~+~ coat of t!-•t wsartai~r ~xr•l et[ 1•rs1 ~ s~ 1t~t t •rta-i~r ~~- ~1r•t it 1wi ~ "1yC'IIMCt Mee . 5.1~,~ r pa~ai~i i~~r" , f !-1•# tsc rr~a~ is ~~ ~s~irraio~ bs~~ uw, the r~r•tarAi•~e a!` 'M+asrr Anrs, ~ a• t6~r sA~ra s~r-rtt~+wrt ssp; tlrs+nti Mestwrlp ~•rad • lime a~icw i,• •a~ ~rtrrtrrisra air r#9~ ce~rrll.~ ~f Vns+rr /1wr~w. 1lsrtlr /~a 4S' i3"' iMst A~l.~A fs*t to era ~ ~rai•t; tlw~ro• ,~-arrtlr 1!~ S2' 4Z'" 'lis~rt, ~+4i.dS i•w~t; tlree~ct is +~ ~actirassteclp dirtrctia~ air • xsr`~wr to the lrft grate a tarr~srt wNtlclr bears Swtsth 7d° ~-1' 2S" sit . +rit.A rr r•wtiwr:r at S4Q,00 iw~st, tb~.r~,~~b s errrr,C~a9 arable aC ~!'~' lY' ,i7" rKa +rr~ rlistatrrs aL 1M~.i'S 4cret to • pr,inc orr a 2iaa• paraNli:al tag s~ allrrtaaat Sd frrl st ri~rr ae~la-s u~tb- erlp frwr the above rir~!:~ti+c•asd war<terlY axtarnrivn of ~'r~ear IYvara~r.rs; there awl,a~e~~ a~earlfi p,wr•lls~ line, ic+~itb •9° ~2' ~i2'' ~.r~at 7b3.g5 faK~et try r• •er~.le psai•t xarel South ~~ ~-:~' ~~" 1iMa1t, ~'~~.S~CJ f4aaC to a pc.int can th+r i~a,~~erlp trvunalaca~~r lir~r of t?~ firl~t tr•rrti~t~raed I`rantf ".'~a,. .'.!~i7!. r~cr. •7era~ swi~+ lirtt~takrl~ ba,;rudaw~rp lime l~sxrth 3~Q.OJ tefr. to ti-w jr+~xrt c-.' beSinttlnS. ~i,„ai~rr. ,._ i ~ e'9~ ,u t' /~~ 1 ~, ~I 1 p R~ f ~` I ~. .nrY.rwiww arnnw .~ ~.v~..w,~ ~~~..~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ .I~l crc.... G•''c;.,~ ~.~. a~ ~ °~ i ~~ ~~, ~~ t ~~-nor~ t~s~..:~._.... ~ ~-~ ~~ xtrr'o~ rya. ~,~,". -, ~ , ~ ~ ~/- I~ .. ~ ~~ •.~ ., ~'w . ~~, ~„ ;' ,' ~, '~ a .:~; ,~, a' ~,~ i' • t~7'+b '~!* Yl.~~l'I1~ 6"io4~rI;45ltlil +lqP TII~ Cfl'~' dig' 'P.lki""it+~0' ~M11611P4 AI"!'IIG11-hR. DES ~, ~~ dDf ~Ili1P: ~"' 24.7 ~~#~ 1t11~"i AA-10 (~tt'R~C~i.~il'~ii1Y.~''CT.~~1'~CLA~.. .1t1.(9't~ ~"~''. i iI "1"0 ~" ~ ~~~ Ed~l~MX in'1~'H r1~"~'~~1"~`t won d,~rhxs 11sr~ar ,~ Ds~eLv~+se~tt ~C9a~prr.~7r ~: ~ . dl. 12 d I. ~ S•~a C+~ ~c~t , ~~ir~e~~ 9~a71~ . ~t t~xl~ ~~f ~ r~~~at:e.~~r tn~ 'ba+st fie. at. its wst~rriy ts~risa+~a ' ., z ~-~.0 4(~r:6tat~s-rtaril'~~eael~se-t.•i~7.r 1D,#K~.~ s~.r!t. ~w ~.oc) 1-~ S1~+rx~axd Caaditinst tx. tlae exte'4tt tb.tt .~~K do n~,~e taaf7.ict tri.th the ~Irei~.l. c,rtditic•~-~r +!ri-.re~rat:ed hrria. trt tlhts te+~t, a ccnf~tic~t doe~t "i~ist~ tAa spQ:eial itii~na dt ~pa*~,otxa,tad bereia tbrll ,ap~pxP. l~. ~t tba apprrrvs.t it based urn 1.xbibit' A and ~ 2rict ~rl.rriaa at .~ey Me syodi~fie+d by ac!~iitirrnel condi ~iaaw~ ccrratainc~i ber~ia. ~ti ai-. met the apprc~rvah is csrnc~s~!ueJ in r~*tu~ee end ~:hMt ,~ .final site i~iSr~ a~rprav,~2 +rs:ill ba d~carr~irxed at ehe use penrit• phase a~f the devala+C.eeat rcvietrr proceja. li. Tkr~a tc-tal nurser oi' r«ralltng uaita permitted cx~ the i~ubjeCt developwaent nits; ~rh~rld tr•.~t eac~ed fifty (50j. llljxatt final re~irw of grading and the pls~..a ar. thr eras permit actagae, the Plannipg ~.i:pion shah. have tlrt ibi li tq to :educe the awob~sr of ~lh+eili»~ u»i ts. .....~,.~..Y..__....__.~....,..... _..,.....~....._.~,.....,....._....~.,.~.,.~_,............_........._,,.........__.,.____.,..,.._.,..._....._..__.... tA.1i9~ AtCZ~ AODC fK~ thin 28th da~r of A~aril, 1975, at a arcgalar westing of the Pl+rr~naing ~orw,+ission of the d:itq crf -~rrti,na. State of Califor~ria, by the fe~l]uaw'l.nS, ; oll call v~oCe A7LrS: t`~iasianr.ror Ads, trpef', Wbadward~ C?~Airran Etta MA'Cr.: draewiasipn~t~- O'Keefe Ar~'X'Alif t Nnnt A`t Kae~~e ~rr~t: nP~~v~v: ~. .~/ 1 !'~1, fit o awtas ~1. Sirk .1ah~n H. Gac to plr~rrwiub Dite~tarr Pl.anniaK Cc~rrsit..ipn ..~.~