Ordinance 686~~ :~ ~, :N~. ~: ,,* n;; ~„ ~, A. .; ,,,, ~h o'' ~h :~~ ,, ; . ORbiI~AN~Cg :~. 61l~ AN O~tDI'I~11#IC$ GP T~ Ci7C"1C OP Ct~'gRTINtI ,~X]IC+, AI-m111C QR lDgI.~7II~1C 'UARtc)US SI~T>t CAP CH~€'1~ 16. ~8 6fF' ~`Ng CZTX Of ~[}'PB.IC"r'l~liD r`'gAIICl.PA4. lr B.ATI1~G 'f~'! ~)r U7CATIL~f A1~ llly'tl~t'1' Eby ~'~ ~!Lllyf'~ !!A'f'~IALS Ili 'Y'AIkDS CITY CbUD~CTL OF T'HE CxT"1! OF Cl1P~tTY,NO DUBS ORi~Ai1v A5 I~C-I,T.(rii5: Seatiast tb.~8.blb 3s hereby amended to read erg fo11~,wR: Secti,orr 1b.2t~.010. Pur~o~e. The purpose of this r_hapter is~ to r,egulata the ].ovation and hei.~ht: of fencext and vegetation in yards of all zanin$, districts in ordax to protect the safeky~ privacy, axid prcrpotty vrtlues of x•earidents ~+nd resident/prapart}- v..merg of t:,a City. Sr.ctforr 1fr.26.020 in hereby ar.+ended to read ae+ fallaws: 5c_cticrn 1G. 2$.020. i7e;finit.fans. 1. !"c~ncr•-: A t~.an--.;zdts ::r_rur_er~ria wh.(ch ib vies!};nedy tntendrd or uR,ed ~~ tc~ i,rotc~cC, dcic;rid ox' a}~`,cU~e thc~ inter loc' prapc:rty of tiic a~,-nc~r therc:a£ frc,rr. rhr~ view, t:rrr~p~.t;.5 car p~r,sal;e. of athcrs u},c,n chat nrop~rty. 2. llci~ht,_fenc~: `fhe vertica:i dlstr+nce from the hiphcst point cif the 1'cnce (e~xcludixtg post r.+rpr~) to the finish garde ad3c~ining t.hr. fence. ;:n a veer w:+ere the finish grade is differCnt fnr each sidcc pf tl~e fences the grade with the highest elevation sh+tll be utilixrd in c:~t+~rruining the fence heil;ht. .~. Tlnnt: A vegrtative matter. r,. SrthAC}~: _A_rryar_ Rcriu3rrd Front: The :area extending ~r.roa~s the fror-t oC the lot betwieen the front lot line and a line paral?el thr,re~to. Front y,~rd,s shall. be meal;ured either by x :line at . right angles to t;le front tot 1l-ne~ ar by the radial 1 ine in t}re r.nse of a curvcsd frotat lot. lt,;+t. The franc of the lot is il,e: nerrn•raRt lot line frc:m a publl.c t;trr.E~t.. ti. Sctlyack ,4r-eu,_ Rw~uired 3Tr•er' The arc's e~xter-dir~g nrro,s3 the ful l ~rldth of titre lot l+etwr.en the ~r+rr lqt nine ar-d the nest~cr~t line ar pt~it+t of the main bt-iiding. G. ~~rtT~,a_rk Arew` 1tes~uirecl.gida: 'TF+• zrr'ca bpt+~t~+tn tb~t arlde let tirt,+e a+wc~ the neateert linr of t}rR br~lJdin~,~ .end extending irc~w tMa franc aet.}rxck 7lixMr to the rrrar ,~,~tbwck ].inr. . "~~Ctii]1`I lfs.~l~.t~'~~~„ !@11~l5 r.ucxtisnc ~t1d 1i~EiRTa.k ~~ ~Or1dS1~ 7ti=~U1irJ.[F~~lt~ a~6V;~~1.. . x'lea Acrctei+kcactt,ral a~ $iCe Appr+vwxL ~omrtit~I:aa, Pll~reni;a~ ~wmwaiasia~a-, aa! City ~ourrcilX sbxll hsv°v Cha •a~Cborit~ tg rrgr~irat wpprrava, otr dwce~cpprr+~va ~, uall a~ i`car-cing ptctaxter inclvuditt~ xwcatitnnr l~+s~bc a~i taatsrixla ;lra all zotys~a re~geairircg d~,a3.~xt revte~r. xhe basfc deBign r+eviav guidc~linea for the revtawr off fe.n~aa n,ad taalla~ +ero as follows: . 1. Fences ~attcl w~nlls rceparsting con,~i<cisl, ind+uatrial. aff 4ceee, arrd irtsCitutione-1 xo~neea f cram residential zones ah+rll ba conattr,tCteb~dl xt a height and tirith u,vrteriaZx designed to ~,csseaaticxllp isolatt pbrC yr a-11 noise: er.itted by fnt:ura uses within said cctacnnarcial, tnd~catr.ial, r,Efi.cr'e: ar in~t~!tutiortal zrtn+rxs. 'Che de~-ree of act>usst:I-:iL iso~at:lon cchc31.1 he der.rrmirtr~d during the d~ssign rev.ie-r praceea*. 2. ,Fences xnd aal.ls a~zperuting commercial, inda,ticrial, officea~ cued itlstitutidnal aan;s Prow residential zor~aa ahe+ll b~e constrt,ecad at a height and Mich matcariala desigrtied to ensure visual privacl for ad,}o:Ining re,sidenti~ccl dwcel~.ing unite. '["Ice degr+ea of visual privacy -shail be det~ercwined c2urin$ the reviewr procenca. 3, Fences and wa11s r~hal.l h~e d~:!~i};ned in a r-~trcn+-r t-a prnvidez ft-r s:tght v:isiti~ility ar: private and i.~:,i:~i~ cet re.tt .'. :^terac•ct.ions. ;~ectittin_16.28._C14n_ Fence l.aration .-nd _I;~iF*,ht ~far_Zone:fc lNnt Rericiri~~g .Si.te Revip~w. 1. Trt the cn~ce of :.cc in.~rior rc:;;idcc-t:inl iot. a caar.!nurn six (6) fnpG hic;h fc:nc:c :;1t:c).1 be per-mitC<:c:, •itt t;~tc rear yard ,eChacrk rcrea anti to t'r;,~ sine yard t;atb:cck areas. A m:txinuin three t3) fr~ot high fc~nc:t neacsuccwd f.•acn firtir;h f;r.~tdct tihal] tie i>crmit:ted in the front yard setb..r.Y. area. 2. In the c;tse of a r:arnPr re..idt~rct:i+ni. lot, a :::axir-uarb six (6) foot hi.~h fc-tr,.n : tc,-rll be icerrnitted in t~ta. regttir-rci r+eacr yard a~ett~++ck c-reb ~„u on the t;.ide yaard lands cxce{Mini; t1~at f+:nrring witi}in the Ride y:erd sr~t.brtr.k area acl~acc~ttt t..~, a public st:re:fct mhcrll be 1 it„iced to three (~} feet in hr_ight merir,ured fram finish Reseda. 3. Where a six (6) i'aat fetnce let a1laNed., •n eight: (8) f~+ot high fence cEin be ccma:ttucted in 11ett thcrROf xub,ject. to Z~nilding ~°.....:,;. ,:; nr~val ctnd upnr+ r.eCeipt ttf written appr•ava-'1 fraa~ ady4ininr• property orrttwra. Sent inn ifi.?.t3.f.)SO 1'roxir»fty .af_ Plc-ctt ~cnd l~r,nCCas td i'ub'.ir.. StrFSetti ],. 'TTce pro~:imtty of p],-nts stud fences to putilir r3trcc.t.A yhatl 1tr coc.troll~d by t.hc: proof s ian~t of Chctpt ex 1~+. OS rtt thA '•lun f c i pal t:c,ci~:. ..~.., Secttan lb.2ii.©6d }~xc~tians li:.:e pr~-ctic+ax difficultiea, urtnxscessary hardshipa dr rexrgttYts ineron•- tsitstaalr v~.cl~ then lrurl-aar and i.tntet,t of thirty 1aa•dinance reau~.r. (rate t}te erri~t apxrlicattiorti o" t:te przyv-isionsR harr~of, exceptic~n>s say ice grar'rted as provided ttt t`ht~s Section. }.. Applicatioct and f+~e: Ap]rlicistion shs+ll be made ict t,~itinS to tha P3araratia~ Coa>wriasicyn oRr a i`otet prteatcribsd hy- ther Dit•recte>r of llarnrritx~ said De~alapaerret. TFre applicatitan shall l`e accampr~rtirrc9 +ri.th a fae of 2't+anty~fiva dollrru '(~~.5.00) . ~!. P~.~blic Rearirt~>e. l~pon receipt of :rt b'l`Pi icatxan far rxceptian, the Director of l'lanrring ahal.l set x t4tr,~e and pl.acra for a public. hearing be~c~rc the l°xanninq ~C~tiRraiat;iean .~ACd ot•ri+~x the pub.'.fic notice thet:eaf. $aid trance of ;,ublic hcr-r:{np ~:hrr]l be publi.3hcd at least once itti a newepap,er of gr~nc:`al circulatt:ion in the (:ity of Cupertino at learst t+ttn (lt1) c'.ays~ bt~fore the first c,f r;uid ltieat•ing:s. In +cdditfion, individual noti.~e6 Shbll be n+e-iled to ttll pHrsuns owning real pro}~rrty lgcaR,ad uithirr three hundrRd t#~) Eeet: of the ~+ropecty (i+rrat) Involved in the applicrat;on. >rJt,e~t the praprrt]- within thrrrrr handrad (~l?U) feet of th+e property (ies? irrva]wed in the. application itt oc:rupied by ether than the prapert jr or~n•ar, a natic:e of the puhl. tc hf•rtria~ rha13 b,e :;ent tU Che orWcupant of the duelling. zf Aald duelling in a :;tructurtt with more than tour duelling unitiz, naticr. to the occupant ~:ha1l he given by sending on,~ notice ca [hr. fGanaf,er of tsaid r1s~tltiple unit dwr~lling. The in:~trur.tione far thr rai'lin~; of public notlcc::, ::hall },e :;l,~ycifir:d can the :;,l~prapt•i,~tr ~~pp.~..ir`F:tic~n farm. 7"}re prir.~;+ry form ar r,otificatic~n i, t,y l:ublic.;~ti©r .in n,,w~,_. F~nrr~r of };r•.neral circulntrc~n in the Citw of Cirpeyrtin+~. *°.irrc,r cli<<r.rc•w p:anc3~s5 in tir+: .^.et•t i f ire? r.:,~ i 1 itsi; 1 ist r,rc~~•«dc~d L,r~ an :+731 :'r,cnt~ c-: thF Gley in c:,:~e~ of n Cit}~inii i:+tr~+a ;,p1,Iir..ation rrhtll nu:. c.anctt itutc: an inv.,l ic; nc,t ice. of !+„bl 1. r. i,r..+.ring. 'l`hr. Plaurring Cc.s,mi.,~,ion shall held .~ puuliti hc•a;inp nt w}+ich tir.-cs the Cc,c•trri±~'~ic~r? sway f;r`F+ut the ~:xe~ept.ic,n haute! upt~rr the f.~lly«inl; f irrcl3n~~s~ ;o<. Thnt ttre literal e.nforr.e~surnt of the pr`C.r'IS~iU[i~ of this c,rdir~ar-re uIl l r~crrult in restrict ir..~r :: - :...~i~.' ant ulth the t>pirit and intent of this e~rcl in :~rcR, ,~ h. T}cart t}rat l;rauw ',r}{ of the +:x,cc•lrcion wi? l nc~t ~crsult in a candit.,c,n whi,:h is r~a'.~-r-i;all)• rl+:trir~,~rrta,l to the putrlic health, safrt:y ur welfare; c. `hat C1'e r^xcr:i~tion to }-e f;ranthd irr and that will rc:qulre the lcn:~t .+~ciificut3.on of thr prr•4cri},ed rc•~ulat.ion and thte arinimura v.~r;.+nra t.h.+t will .-rcc,~,plish the purf~,~~.r^; .Ind _~,1_ ~,,. ;N .~ ;y y.. ~~. r. n; z~ .v, k'. ~~`, i y d. ~iirst. the prc~paseu t~xcc~ption wail r,:at ressil.t. its a ~aa~ze~rcle~us.+ conditican fr,r pedestrLa~g ~-rrd vehicular cr+tffic. after ::~asiag tlua ?ukslic hmariog,, the Pl.entaittg Cucru,iartion may a~pg+aruv~, cpraditiuasll.y aplPxawe ar cfe~ t:hc tr'pplicatiuta far +~xc,apt4rrts. ~. ,A~~aal~e: ,My ep~rlication frtr a~xce~rtioxr which t`~aiwed t'irral ap~-r4varl or diaappruvs]l icy the p].sa~taita~ C~«»iss.[utr ma,- ber appealed tr, the Cite Gaarneil atr providtd by 5ectiota d ut~ prdiraaace bSZ. Sertian If .~~,II~Q..~...._.Penr~~ Ivey p.traraaa, fit~m crr curp+~rstiota vlal~atin$ any provisions cif thi~a ardicuant~t sha~il be deeaar~ed gr+ilCy of a misdernranor, and upon catavict.ian thereof, ahazl be ptrtaished' 'by a fine Trot exceeding Five Hundred Do11;-re ('?S(1IC,(10), ar by iserprisona~trt io the County Jail taut tca exree!d eix (6) rnc,r,t.hs fur each vStal.+~tiurr, or by bc~tZa atuch fi.rre anu isnpz'i:,csnmerit. Sect ion 16.28.0811. Se~.rernbi l i t~- Cl,uus~c if any rrecr.inn, ruh.~ection, a,tritence, claause aa' phrase of this ga~dina:nc,e itt fc-r airy rcarsanrr hrld to be ~aco~~stitutivrial, such drei,~it~ra shall, not affect the vaalidfRy of the remainiinf pc~rcioris of tfiis Grdinance. `Phet ' lr~iaalxtive baciy herttby drelsarear tl~aat it would have pa~sased thin ordinance and Each ger.tia-'t, mub!ter.tion, r.ent.,*nr.t, clsutse c-r pha•a5e thereof. irres- prr,rivr of the f++c:t [fart ,any oi~e ~e :~c,rr s¢cti,yrts, sauh:;ec:tinns, ~;er,teaces, r,1a..,~ses or u},ia,~~tt he~ r3arlar~^d c,nrt~nR::titUtic,r,al. Sa,rt-.lon 115.1.8.Ug0. ._i'+~t~l isial~sg. (;la•a:;t '1';~c City Cierk is itir~:c!by :t;,tl+~~rixr.d +-~nd <lir+~ct,~d try c:ac:se a c,~rr.ifiHCl ~r3py of this Or~tir-~rnct« ce Gf inibli~;E~ed ~,t lr.:c~,r, uncc~ within ftftc~~ra (151 days n[tccr its ar;:,lc:emd~nC ir, ttlc Cc-i,ertino Cu~,cie•:, thcr offir~iai ncwsi,~i,~er of tt~e City, i,uhlie:he~d :aa3 r.irculatr'd ~~itt~in the City crf (,',apertino. Iti'i'nUIaIICr:iP at a ra~r,lc~r !acr~t;.nl,; of the City Council can Ch~e .l.faCh._ ri.~Y raf _ ..I,tnc~..,_- 151!8, r,nd f:NAt.''Ct:U art a regulrar ricetin~ <~f tht• City Cuunr.tl of tt~e .'.ity ref C~,pc.rt ii-o ~n thr. _ _7c~_.. ,1:~y of .IRrly ......_ ._- 1475, b)• the fn:llo;~inS v~ytt: Vote "1c~mh,.ras of tiia~ City C<„nc:il i AYE:S~: f'rc~licta, Mryers, Nellie, Jacbcscx- N(aF.S : Mane AI~S}~:N"C: 5p:~rks Afl5'CA1N: ~~,ne r . , ._ .~ _. _,~,.._._,t.,,,,~- .. ci.cy ..dark ~. ,,,'~..~-'"'N~c ~ t. •;lt,y a-il+~est.tt~,ri ~,~~