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Ordinance 685-A
tip,. ~r '°'r r~. `•u~ ~1 .~,~ ~' ~~,~, ~` ~,. ~:' ~,i, u;~ r~• ~a ~,7 ~+ ~;tc ~Riil~iMiC>E': 4F '1fN~ G'1:7'Y cuItr 1~F ~~~ CX'rY OF Ci:tPE1t•r~c~a ,A~Ib1G t~l/IP'1"11~ 2.7Z 'f'd TMT; 1r{IPER71t~KI a4urlIGI1?'Al. CC1riE RC- X,~IITI.gG '~Cf $~l,tM REitilsllta5~[' NID 11N~N1lIlYt; "L i:HAl''1'~R lg1J~°~>i~ lli P1i1k.i~1tLY E1~AL"'f`~ C~RDLNANCE Id17. t~1;35 '~'N~ CI7'~ C4LlNCIi. 0~' 'C CCTX Op' C[ill'1lxRTIlAO„ lararsnty o:f Santa C1ata, State oiF Catititwrnia, ardainti as l~olloarr<a 5ectian 1. t~here~t~, Or~l~ance l+la. G~3 reacted flay 21, 1975 ryas prrepared contr+infre~ an rrraneous tri~opt:er nurt!•,rr t`a effect: the aataa ptrcrvirslons sr ccmtai:ter! hereiir; astd, wlywre~as it: is n~rest:Ary that ouch be r_orrcctly rair.renced, it its tlt:ersed ptuppr than r~uch crsrra.t•ti.on b~! made changing the Chatptrr nurntrt~r frsllaa :'..tig to 2.72, :;iLr~r.:`7ir 2. Addition of Chapter 2.72_ ta_ t_he C:u~r€:rtino.*1~rnici~,ns1 (:ere?e. C.trarpter 2. i'2.W_i~ hereby ~tddrtd to ^t1ra~ f:ulrertino Hcanicip~l C:creir, ic, rr<ad its tctl l a~ f ~~ ] l r~~-+a Chapter 2.72 ~'.X'-'L'NSF 1t1:I"111iJ}',cit::`,l':N'1' d :~ 2.7_'7.171 C:hi Id Care F:xnense. Anr rnerrUe~r of the City C:ounc i 1, of :any Cit7• Ccr:.;itrsion~ and of th4 ,~rchitc:r.tural and Site C:orsmitt.ea~ r•~tall re reir.- bctrtir:d, f~°~r child trite t:.:~vns~ act.u.•rlly and nt'rr.~r;r~:rrlly irtr,urrc~c ~ 'a t;uclt r-t•~hc: a~ the rcrr.ult trf attending a~, official r:^c:__nit nr•eNnt:r~ry in car,r• +t': elicit' nfticirt3 c'c~tic•s caf t~.rid Ca;~r•~r~il, crf any' City f;c,r.•~iir.>;ior,, ,itid cif ti• t•thitc~••- ir-r:il .+ncs Silt' Cur•;ait.[~c, such i'~•Irr,;,,ir:.,~•. •.i rcrt to c~x~r~•ci t},r r•,- ;.~ ... ,• t.: ?.(cis itir~r hcrut~ turd the sum of S5O.C1U i~cr r.•:~:',c~r i~c~• r,unth. `.•:a.id c}~.ld .::ire 1.~ liraiirtid to Lhi;~wE~ r•.c:tini;s u~i~.~•rc f~!tt' cli~~i,, is nc>t •rli~~wi'ci. 5rr.ticrn _'i. Thin orclina;ice: :hall tnY«: ,~ffc:ct ~+nd E, r• in tccrc~: thix•ty (3f1) days art r.~•r its ic.,r.r;:a~e. lr~'TRCr;.1Ut:F.b :rt a regular a.•:et i-tg of the Cf ty C:rntnr^ty, of the C.i ty of C.cr;,cz- titro ihi~t 7rd day rrfhc,ve~yeT, Iy75, arrd f.'VACI'':C) at r~ regular mrrnt!ng rrf the City C(,u~r3~1••c~f the C~ i'y~a~ C:uprrtitrc, thin ]Hth da-y of riavcrttlre.r _ .___, 1975, by t1-c i~l lcn. in1, vs.>tc: - ..~_~. ~' . Vutt• tir•mt,c•rs of they City Cccunc•f 1 . _ ... ... .,_.« _ ... . ..... ....... ._,. r_ .,.. ._ . _...~ AYf:•,S: Fralich, MMcyers, iq+~lIira, SE+arrkta, .Jsrcl:~rn hC)H::; : Dune A1i;'i:i~T: ~i~,nr Arid; l'A1 tI : Nc-ncc r ~,• 14'T'i'F'ST .,, ,~ - ~r~"11a~, ,., pff (`uprrti,nta -~ !~ ~