Ordinance 685
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OIR~Ii~!-NCi? 1!x[1 ~ 685
IAM tt~'[lIATp C1>P T>Rt~ rVIY"Y CO1fNC1<I. bF x[ifi CY'>(~C Ol+ CUI'I1~
,AlliG C~IA,PT~~ ~.b8 Y`l~ TF1E GUPEIt7I~A 1~'1S±fICI1~'c4.x. Cry RiE-
LA'Y`IIFG "~ E~fP~I~>~ 1~I?~'BU>R'
CY1"~ COty11CI'i. OF 'IHF. CI'CX OF C[Jf'IaRTItft-~ (`,ouaty df tYi-trta CXtrtra. Mate
of ~~li>~vt~ia. otrdaitns~ ~ follaw~~r :
Sect ic~>Z Y. Adds tir>it of 4"haptet-~_2. G8 to the C~r~,eYt ina Munic:i~al G+~d~a,.
Chapttr'1.• is hereby ~addad to thre Gui~t"rtina Mirrtict~-nl Ct~der try reed in frill
art- f cal 1 atsa
Chapter 2'.68
FJtP~~1~ RF1Mt~lJFtSi+.M~.NT
2.68.U~ ~ chilli. C_ tore 1~x~enae. Arty me:,tber of thecity C~auncfl, of «~oy
City C;omrtltvttiar-~-and of the Ar~chi.tecturel and 5ice Con~,natitre ~ahali bey refar-
bureed~ fur child. cNrc e~rpengr, artually and YrecNss~atril)+ ir:curred by 4urh ttaectitr_r
ar: the r~e~cuit [+f arrtr~:tding any official mr~r.king necessarq to r.axr~~ •~ut their
officl,~1 dut$atw of raid Council, of mn,y City Com;nisKion, and of the Architae-
tur•a] attd ~itr• Cotvcit.Cer<, :such r't~ir;shur~:c~mwnt r~~at to wt,cr,t,d the. r~ax;m•.~rr rautrj of
$1_.QO pr~r hu•sr an%i the ,um of $`r0.fJ0 l~i~r r°,e,r~,;-,c~r i,~r t:iutith. 5ait1 rhild care :4
limited tc~ r};re~c t'~.rtiriy,s r+hr:rr pc~r riferrt; is ;got Rllt~ued.
Sr•c•!. icon 7. Thi;~; <~r~ifnttnrf~ s1ia11 take c~[[i•~•t ~+rul hr in fcrrrc• tl~irt;r' (~0)
day:: ac[Yr~r i~.•. i,::~s:+„r..
TNTRGi:)1H:F,U at. a rei;utar- ;Rr~s~t irr~ of tlir (; i t}' Ce7rinci 1 cif the C1ty of Cuper-
tirtc~ thin __..~i.b.._ da;y of _.....1"t!E.Y.______.__. 19Tfa, ~~rrd }:tiR(:~'rt:t7 trt a r.rgulnr rrrrtin~
04 the City Ct•ur•cil of the f:ity of Cu~c•rtinrr this 'list day of ~.v
125. by the fallr:,a-;»pi vote:
Vote ~'Iv~,.~roex~s_of_ the Ci ~__Cc~emcil
AYES: i~yrra. l3eAliR, J~tck:~can
~IUF:.S : F'r o 3 1 r: h
Ag!~Eld'i': 5~,arka
AN ~7'AiN: he>nP
~,'f i'k yr:
~e~ _.
Ci,t;~ Clerk
,.~' t ~yc~r ,_-f'.it .y..c~f {:fit . ina ...~,.._.._..,.._
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