Ordinance 684r `~' v>~r,rlaAr~c~ rl~. bs~ Ala ©~C~TNANCE' O1+ 'l'litr t:I,TY QF CL~f'$ItTINb A1t1yHDx>I~~ ORDINA,T~C]~ I~tO~ 490 A>wSit;NATIYdG :YE~13 L>z!~[lt'~S t71V 1~US>d IbOA>p SE'Y'i~15N R,AINIl+O~ p3tlti'E AN1a STEV~IVS CItEI~K Bpi)[11.~CVAICb, O1V fiC CLEI:l~All RQA]1 E>~E~ SARAI'()GA-S4~]WY"1-Al.E ROAD Allk BlJlig 1~UA11, A~ UIY HAItY AVFIdUZ: >dET'N~i~i STE~'>F~1S CREBIC 13~.g1~A1RU AafD M~TO[}R DRI1/~ 711E CITY i~1UNCli, C1F T}~ CTTY Oy' CUF'k:liTiNU DOF5 i3ERf:$Y ORDAIFI AS >7't?LLC}~15: Section 1. Pur~o~er ][t iw the expreaa pux•paae of this ordinance to amend Ordinarxce ]~. 490 pursu,:nt to authority entytained in the Ca]iforni+t Ve`ricle Cade and speed li:aits upon streets; ur highways pr~e::ently nr he~reaftar w,tlnin the City liars Secti.otr 2. beff.nf tion F'ux•suant to •uthority contained in the Californi,e Vehicle Code, it fs: hereby dhtermitred upon the beairi of a traffic and engincrering gurvwy thaC a spPeci Rreater or ]rs;:rer than that pe~rrritted by State 1a>a as: applicable upon BuUh Roars, upon McLlc~llnn •Ro~rd and upon Mary Avenue would fncilitste ihe~ orderly r:rnvc•mrrrt o£ vchicula:c traffic ,ind would be rr't+~;onable and 5,3Ce under thc: condi- tions founcl to exist up~~n these ~;trk~ets sand it is lrr_•rFhy dec•.l:rre:d zh,at: t}~e mina C fAC1P :;need limit :,h,rll he c:s hr-~~ln:rftc.~r !,Ct Earth when styn.~ a:e crf•rtc:d ~ivin~ nnt.irc t.lrer~aoE. ;~c~ction 3. s~~~~~c~ l.imtr Suns Tha City Manager be and is hereby instructed to have .ir standard type of speed limit sign installed art each ~tpplicerble inttrarc!ction of tiaid ptreet or highway c:numcrated on Exhibit "A" .ar fathead he7-r.ta ar~d tna~de• a part hereof, the r.osts of which are to be paid Crum the ap}rrupriate funds of they City. ZN'rIZQI)UCF:I; rxt a rrgular m+w!eting crf tl,e City Gounc:31 of the City of Cuper-- tinc~ on the _,~7~}1 d,ty of _-f.~}L__,, 1,975, Rnd i:?iA.i.IEI) ~-t a rcrc;ulrxr rr,r~eting of the City Crruncil of t:he City of Cupertino on t.}re __-Ath_ dray of _ Ai?ril_ -,_~, 1975, by the following vote; ~~ Y.. Vote M~srr;bcrcc oC the City !:c,urrctl AYI•:5: f'ro]ir`h, T;cyerrR, Nrllin~ SpHrks:, Jatk:;c~rr NU!:S : Nave A'I;;ftil': Nnne n>3s•rArh: r~r-n~ -.~ _ ~._.~.._... _..._. ,~ .a. _ ..-~ ~.....~~ C i t 1- C ] e i`k .... ... cs r , ~ City n ~. ~- r. r t i rtic "~'"`~~`~' 3~" ~~. ~.r . q. y, ~r;?^ ,~t~; ~~' ,. ~~ . ~~; ;. x~ . N ^~ i y ,~, ~; s i9trd, lta. ~a~ Tal,~Ii~4A-TIAI1 Ay' S!E>~ 'LTt#I'~C'3 411 Cl~It7AI1t S'1`]t1~'"TS Q>k H7AlA+1A-'CS 3?llt~1 1~RI1M >I~ACI>~ I+SAM6 Gl~' 5I'R'aE'I` QTt ,t'tIAIi A>:FRtk~'I'~ ] LIMIT WTRI~ ROAri pt-eraentl~ or hrtrx~~ltstc within xhq City et :gyp ttt~]ess p~'x hour Cupcertirt~a, rand aiturrLed bet~e~t 1t~irybaa UrSve and tl+~C~el )an Rrsad ~llffi>~ 110A~If af~tuattrd b+atwrsen MGCI~t]lan R+s~rd etnd 5tevena 31~ a,ilta per hour C:'fok ldcnt]~vwrd Ft?LYI'HII.L 1sOl1I.E"~-'J1ltD prtr.>~entl.]- otr hercaft er within ttte 35 rai les }qtr haurr City ai Cuprr•trt#>ticr, ~ttnd ai[t~tit~d b-'aeen McGlellatn Rand ttrtd Strvrrnar Crr»ek Ilots]evard t't7ATHII.L T'~Lt1.l=~':~1iCI1 pre5ent)y ur harertftr;r ai.[hin the ~i5 wi]rra p~t>r hauz' City of Cupc•lttitio, a~ ~situattr~ hntvc•rn ~t.r~v~rna Crrek lttaulev~srt; stall .?uni}~rtro ;Mrra Frceuar~r llit`li:Sl'f:A:i K(?AI) j-resr~nily at' hkrt•,rftt•r ti:itS-in tha ('ity 35 mild per h.+i-t' of Gul+t~rtir.r,, ~n~'. s,itt,.rr+°-i beturr•n ir'uuthill lic+ur••v,a~,•ti and a paint HtiU fc-r.~e, r,,.+r .• ur lr•Sti. t•a;.t of 'f ;er,t.3-t Av+ :-t-e A1~1RY AV~.:NZJE sitt~t~,d ht•twee*n Ste~vr~n:: (:a~r+~l; Rc?ulr.,r~rd 35 milt•~ per hrrar and !•S+rtec~r I)ri'Ye ?4C GLI:.I»I.M1 K4AU }.re;;rntly crt• tterr*sft~~r Within the 30 taiic~s }+er hcstrr City ai Cu}:e~rt.inr-, end :+tit+_t~-t+~d ht~tw-'r~n ..".aratoi;a~Sun.. ttyva 1 e Itc>xd ~-rrd K+,-bb R+~ed M11,I.Ek AVE.tiI:E ~r-re!trrntly ur he~re.ti"trr within tt-r City 3~0 milr~ pt:r haur of ::~.t~~ii.~-~u, r+ctd z.tustt°d ~c~tw,~t~n tfit~ wrs4rthwt~ly City i.imite- rand tir~~rrna Crr~,•~ r~r,ulavard i'kt~~L:tclt!~c.k. AYt:~iLtL situste$ b~•tvw^t~n 6inlte Rsasd' :+nd w 3S rrri]es pt•r P-t>-tt• }-ttint 3S0 f~••r•t, asrar!• r,r 1~~:+-g, ryat rJF T,rntt-u At~rnut~ ~hRA'f'C1{:A•-St~KP~tYVI".f.l: If~GltU w.ituated hrrtwr.en Aallittl;rtt' +5~ p-ilrs i,+~r hr,ur I1c~RC! snd a lrc,~-1t ~GSC Cc•,•t, rr-c;rr -sr lr •,~, north r,f t'~wr"i f irA brive SARA'1`C)C;A•-Sl-:;ti1tVAi.E kt)~.D !•! tuatrt) htat~r,•r~,.n .v l~r+tn; 70 ni ir•g p+rr 1r-.rut• ~~A ~PIlrt, rrrsre vtc Ie•sts, north r+# Par i f i.ctt nrivr rrtnd Alvett flrive SAikA"P[1GA-•SU°~NYYAL£ 1t~,Ati pr+aecrnRl-y tst he•tea+[!~r•r u:thi.r~ A~1 w#1QS psr 11aur { ~~h+r City of [:up~ttrCina, and s#tesat+~c? t+et-.~a-~tn Aivrsa E}t'ivrt at1*1 liaa;ttrrrd ltrstrd . . . ~ t .~ Ol!'.. S'lI"1tY~1~Y'. X11[ RTIq_ii S'l"EI.I,Y]1G (~Ab prasently~ ar ihtrasita~~r tritriin ~:hw Ci+ty ai Cuperti.cta. and ait;~ata+y iae~twaatd Yicraretacead liar"! ~rnd S tewena Crack A~-ul~tvasd STEY1~iS CANYOlf }OC1AD prr~asrntAy ox' h+irertf~~er w9f ihi+s tha Cit~r of Cupaxtirio, grid actuated b~etw+r.ar- titi,r. ~tiu~~th~ee•ly CAty ~Sdiits and }X1cClell.an Raad STFVi~l45 CREE.7C A(Tt71.~11A1~b presently ar h+~rerfter within lice City of Ciapprtinc~~ erred situated batweea the wea-t- ierly City Liseits snd l~larear Avee'etee 5TEK1vA~R C}t~E:}~ ~U1.~'~'A~ a~itweturd hr.twerm Ellaney Avraua and s paint 75A f~et~ aiE~rea nr lenrt~ tacit ai 1~inch Avi~nu+r TAN:'Al' AVt~':~il~ ~ituat~d brtreern 5t~:vetes Cr~•e~k ~Ihu.lr.vrird end }Tasnc~tctrad liardd Wt)i.}~T. RnAi) ~ftuatN~l biYt.wr.en Stev:•ris f;rrcrf~: Rc~~.~Ievivrd aind }iri.~~„, c t•rlti RnAd 1~]Ctl ib ~, t v~ro ord. l1ty, 6t~4 >~a~e ~ n~c~~n z;~tzMA FAi:IL~ s~ i.,iKZ~r .r.....r..., ~ ilea per hazer` 35 nrilira per haze:• 35 yril~ae pet hour 45 r-ilrs per hazer 35 mi leis ~Sr.t' ha,,: :3 ~ mS }~#s per hour