Ordinance 673,,. ;~ ~aF , ~`~,+, ir. r' µi ~. ~^ i" 4 ~` ~ I~CD I :rCJ4.1i'C!E Iw;+?. 16 y ~ /k5~ I~I~iA~0I;1~ i~R "1~1F CI7"i! OF +~T~PEIiTItiD A.r'CE1D11tifi OR DEi.ETI!i(: VARI;si~;i ~i~CTi!CI'C'S t~F f:'1i1+-f'TINt ? , bi!-~ OF 'I'1t1~ C L 71' C1F CLTFI':1t7' I w~ itl' \ I G I t?L C~t]F iTIT7.E1a "CI'I"1i COL";iCI1.-'-iR'r~t.~5 A.tiD CO`bltc~!' UP ."~~'f I1r,» l'TiE (:aT'Y ~COL'`:CIL OF 'INF. ivXTli QF C:f.1Pf:RTIP-C) DOES CIVDAI:~ A+ FCtii.LClk`5: Srrc.tiaa ~.OR.t~3(3 is hs~raby anrrrtded to read •~ fo'I.ia~+t.: "5rrctian 1.O~.i~3O Prrti:idn~~7eiinad. Far th~r purpatref• of 5r.ctivris %. OB.03D thxc+ui;h ~.t18.t)7t).a "prrtitiote" raearta arty written ,.oraaunir.attion rsi6red vit.Tt tnultlp:,e ~igna,tUrer: and which is delivered to the Cit}• Clerk for the at't~enti,.,rt of thr~ a':itt C~yunr.il. 5ucr prtitianrs sr recei•/ed pail) I.e -aror=essed in tF~r ~s;,.c manritr as r,rrirtrn cor.,r,urticatians." section 2.Okt.D4U i.~ h,rrr!ry am~rtded to rear! as Cc,llr,r~~;: "Section 2. Q8.0:0 l'etitian-We~rin~ n_a.ticc__. ':T'rr' +.ity fc„tncil ari'tcr hsvin~ reCeiared a r7etitir» wry, at .i.Ctr dir:: retion~ ~:et a tif~e for the holding of a public hearing thereon. i]rrless uther~tse }~`•~v!!t~-d by ]aw nr ~na• athrsr ordinance:; a)i' this Ci :y, r.hr.r,e shall be no prescriber! mine--,um r,r rr,7lxi Warm interim pr_rioct ber>l~cen nc~ setting of said t. ^~~ and the ho.lainF o! a,uch public he.arring.." Sc~c~tion 2. O8.QS(l ita ht:rr~by deletr~d. SFrct.{„n 2.nF,C-f,O is ha•rrb} deleted. Srct ir~:i 2. (Ifi,(i~(l is lae•rr`Tty ane:tdc~d tc~ rr~,~tc'. ~r~: fc+lluw>,: "Sect inn ?.~'.19.U;ii~ `:ethnd of }?~ ee.ent_inc r_at t c rs t__.c C..n,nc il. A.~~i:very~officialr nc,ard, cn:-:-t;.ssion ar ot;rrr i:•.,dy, canrtc;.F~d with the City i;ove~retment, and every citi:~t~n, inriivirlurtl, cori~nraticn, cv:~:~ittr~e t+r r:iv~i;C. grottp, having s+ny reFsc,rtr>, cci~unicat.ic,c-~ or at.ha~r ::~itlrrs cu bra pre•- a,r~nter! at a e"it.}• Council vreetir.~;, shal) notif}• the City (:1E~rY. a~f t.h.~t fact in writing t~Ffort 12:hCt rtrarrn of thr, fourth day (;t1ndAV includ:•d) pry ceding the d,ry raf ~:uch rner~tirtg for i[ to t.,e g.iven cc~r,sid~~r.,~tinn ti5 :~n itr•-, rrf af;ti~crria hus <.n~}rts. Ii, Thr City C'lrsrk rGhr~ll prCparro an ar;r~nda ti.ettinF• f~,rth :.uch ^>>rttrit: land thr' n:,tccre thrrr~~of r,nciCt tt,rir rt{.,r,rc~(+:-inta' ti+•:+,:'1n1;`;. :,nd sa~tt inF frrrzh .'ril at:t,r~r t~ittrr5 to c~rc~r l,ef.arr ~,urh :-.r~rtinE; undr~ thr~i. aE+;,rr+i,ri.7tt i.r.•.ti~fin}•.~., al.l uncicr thr~ hrariini;s in or,1~r spc~c~ifir~d in Sr•c•t3cin "l.(~Fi.(1'?(-. "ii,e Cit:~• ClrrF~. [altar!!, prer.~~dirt~; r.uch nr~t~tinE;, cautie rune cuj'~)• t}+~rroi tc, t,e~ dr]fvr~rr~ri t;r c•,rrh r:r.roh!~r cri the (:ity C'r,t,r-cil and cabal! c,~};t~ tiuch othrrr cc,,i,fs•S availa~blr' it~r puh).ic r^~i,rw •x irr .ctnsi~~trnt With Cc,unril j,olfr.y dirrcticn. G. Anyctrrr. Tra,virig a martter ~f ur~wrncy arir,inr, .t~hsrriurrt[ to 11:0 nrtr~n ott the fot!rth ~Ry pr~cr.clin~ tits d~r,r r•1 the t~ert irtg c)r r:hr, rtirltt "ttr.t he .,~•.trF of t by ~rgr~nda dra,ri) inc .twy, At the r~+~c~t int;, r t•q,~c•tit of Ind r r~rci•.A f r ort t hr `Mra•;yr r,,rr,`;nit ivr. ,.,nd.~r th~~ rtral tr~r."~urrirat ic.rn .~r tl,~ r c~tt•.lrenda itrm 1,r~.,ciirtt; wh ,aet Earth Sn ;~er~ti~an :'. U9.U90„" Ser'.son 2.tti1~.()!~C~ 1a ;rrr~Uy .>rntnrird ra+ rra,d aw fc.+llo:a:: "Sr~r«t ran ?.[i9.C1Yu C~udtrr nt ht,~+irr~~a~. A~. ~Ew-:h r cul~r• ct•~ri.....-._._...- __.e ... ~. rr~ ai thr~ C1+`.v C.r~unci, i t-t~wll irr- r~.>til.lyd to ~r'drrr by xha~ M~rr~r uhR~rruc+em tha br.~;~i.r~.~s mf she t~•C^ttrrR rr}~,rr1R be za.kea uY• in iha ,Y ` ~' .*R ,;: ti•' ...c, . ~.., "~ ~' . ~c ~~ 4~ '~i Calirsving axdier: 1. SalliCe rcw tti~r tls~~; 2. Ball CaI.I; ~. Oral Car:rrrncrtilc+>rtia~n~; ~•. public 'Heatri~ft~s; 5. i`l~tnriici~ ;1p;,~.iczeriat<>rc; 6. ~lrchiteactural atcd Sits ,lpfrrcr:al :,f!plicatior<tff '~, i,tnfiniahed !luaine~ss; ii. :fea I;uatineLtc; 9. Kritten (:o:~s.~runir.atinns; 1Q. d*dirtarcc~s; .L1. Rest:.lur.ians; 12. S:anset~t Calrndar; .13. 5t11ff !?eparts; 14. tan-A^,cnd i F3u , irie' ,s; l5, RTtproval of i'revic~us ~tinutcJ?:; .}6. Coultci.! )itftorts; 17. Ad,~ourn,~~trt. fi. '1'"rcc order of ,`ru;,inc?~rs t.a }ar<: Laken u}~ at an taclwc~v.z7«:~d n~et,n~ r,}Pail t~~~ th~sr. as cidcrr;ed by r.he 'S:tynr and t:hr. C;.Cy Cv:cnc±.1 taa be prop+:r. f:. The farc~voin}; ;trc'er of busines:* ma}-, .fit AnV ref;~llar ;..t•rt i:l,a c;n motic>r: d+rly made: and c.,rried. be chani;ed c~; sl,spe:nded tc~; r.he I~r.r;c•d of ~cuc:+ r~Peting. D. 7'he City Coltncil r:,:a~•, in its disc.rr.tinrc, e~~ta.blish tir•~~ iir!t;~tians fr.~r tht! pz•r,~;cnrar.ian ar iiscussion crf any itr_r, e~f busin~e!~ss; and, rtia': est:ct~lish ~+ tir:e :+ftcr a}~ith no aFe~n<la itcrt of }r.lr.inayss t.ili t, r, takF„ up icr ..high c:+s~~. the encttic~rc ic,r rtd-~c:,arn:~r.nt will .:crntain r:hc• ri:+ic' :tnd ti,~e fcrr r_he cnnirlet.ion of t+i;crda hrr,incsra." • r, Sert.icm 2.08.101) is herc~hl' amnndc'd to rt'ad as xollc7ws: "section 2_.( C:r.r:-aunicraticrt+s. A.- l~rirta~n r_ot~:,unic.•~• •..ns 3tidreys~:ed to t?1e City C,~unr.il and ~}c}.ivc~.•cd tf1 L}11" t.it.~' (:lNr"K shall }>C ~)I!•e!i.'iitE'.d tU Lli~ City ~'.!lUnl:il. iela~l+ CIJ"':1"uni...+" t i~~n , rr~iy he plaec,rcl t,n tF:e n};endg a~ .•~ ;~),.arat.e itc•r~ of hu~ai.tra:'.ar., f~rc?- :,c'ntE•d a~, wupplcraa~ntac.r n.+tc?rial to t.}93C :~zie'nriiltrd kc>r di:+trr~ .ion, r.~r t r:+nr,mit:ted far irlforr~.aricrnal I~urlrrr yes artil}• ~:1'tic:trwvc'r .kn tYta? r>ca.tnicrn of they City Clerk i. r: approf,ciatc far the s•+rhjea-t +~,a+tµr. !3. An" free con :-,acv r+cic}r~,'ss t.hr Cit,/ Cnltncil cn .an}• ,,:.art t car rarneerni:lEt :hr. t~it','ti 17IISirlr•::a fiI• ~JII :+rl=' h~l2tatt' 017CI' r:hic.}1 tae? rite }1:1li C(,rltr(rl ll:1a}r'r t}~l` art':] cuc,;;unientinn:; err nnu-:l);e:ndt~ i,u~,ir,r's•~ I,crrtier:l ~,f tiu~ ;,f;'.::~I;a ::u~,jrct tc~ t~rla~ ri);h[ of Thar ;~avcrr to ll:~it thtr t ir•~r f'c~r <iFr.cc.lsr;ic~r+ Ly .trr~ rnr }~rrct:n trr frr tan;r err:r r^ub_jw.ce. I'refe'rcncr •;1,;r11 }, e~ ~ivc+- fq thcr;;~ ::}l~, }rrr'•r~cnts?v h:lvr~ nartific•ci !.he Ci*_y Clc'rk in nc}vance of tllcir cict.irr' tct r,),ra}•. t:~>thinf; }:+'r+'in r:hra ] 1 frt cc 1ud~ t hr Jixynr ur rla'r-,'ar~c f. n! t hr City Crrrcnr: +. ! ~ rrr-, r a•ylre! tit in„ ur ra'criv:.nF c•o:-.::,cntra irc~r~ t,rrsha~r!; crf thr. :ntcficrllr.t nt t'~ C!t~• l;c•r„ra•1] r,a'rt.ltir; crt, ran}' f t a'rn of iru'.in}'s^a >~•1l.•n in tftc' c~iriniun crf thrr `t,cyr,r ~:urh cc~~u-~~•ut'. r-,•<rlrlr) .'e' .. ,~ . a i ., .., ~, f~1`Rt~Cf~C~CI air a r.e~;-~fae r,~etxrryt c,t the t;frw ~"aancfl of tMr~ Cft.y of C,'WpilrttfRiM'- ~f'r~l~ (~~ dil}~ OI~ y~,~,~,r~.,,~_. ~.'r75. en.! 1::~~-CT~C: az a~ r~gufa~' a~tzr~ ast Thee !"ir.• ~C+a.-rec:l ai tlra~ CieJr of Ci-~~r~fit~ art ~h+e 1~~r~ or ... ..~..~.+ 1~J'~~ by the ''rllowdR~, vcta: «*:'~:~: .',~~ksrrrx~ lek*ver'+tw N~l,lier~ ~tr~rk.~ !t[li~~ : Hvrze J1lfS~.``:'i : ?~'raiA~tt Abettein: r;rna~ dl1~F'4U~'i:D: /' ~ ~ ~~ L ~ ~~~'-rc.by certify ih,xi t)t.~ (:i ty rrf Cup«~t t.irtu OrdinarteL No. _(/' ~_ att.aLhc~d Ilrt"C:tO it; n t.r-uet rind cr•~r~:r.t copy ~! ;;~t,l Orriin.~nce wliictrMl~a, ~~-~- •,~~r:n ~,tih.l.i }~ctd or J,~t,te~ pu:~.~~;~r,t tc-, liia. -~.~t~ __ ~~ -- -•- -- (:fty (:Jer' I - 3 -