Ordinance 656 ~'~ S « ll, d 7 . ~ ~~ ~. WSJ ~i ''~ I10 !II'>~ q~I"~g1, Ii~i"T~.'ll '!'~ Ci!'"C "14th ~~'!"'Y' G~~. 1'1~' '~'~ G~''~"f tl!'' C ~IF'i~CJC`7 ~0l~R d~f1Y7t Aii ~ c±t 1. l : 4',trrlirw arcs Ito. 33~ in hereby arron~ as set t'arrh itr t#ia ~nils~-..~crr~6. .,~"'t'~d4 2: [LAG SIGSt'S ~tluca 2.1: &rctia-~rra 5.111 sdr~wl 5.112 cf C-rdi.rs.aa.c:e ha. 35~ arc ~rrrt~ rreprw aawi k rc~~+retid as E~~l buwrg ~ecr,v_o S.~.l~ R1:. sigxtis which are Irrw•fu'S.y in +ex:latrtnct ea +che rtife.r*i,r~; +~acr: of this t'lydisrca-cr. ~wc tivhieis sirs cwt ~r.t:t >,11 the rae~uir+~rseatE.~ tlrex~.~9E sL sll bye r:~ortsiiered ra be nosiccamstossring ~ stigr•a. 3b dancdtrtoing s:itt+t an4a11 oe atr~ctwrwl:~y s] tared, chaffed yr d~craased iA aiaa or relocated, urals~ss ~~+da C« cr>~rly Melt•b xhe frt,v:twiorn,a of this C-r~'.in~-nct . hu applicant regaestir:y: a 4han;e of capw :tall be given the op~:ic.ri io (1.) ira;tdiretr:ly rhsergr the .siy;rt a~ strucrurr to co.~lr .rlrl~ .thN pro~~:siurrt caf the Ordirsat~r.r, ar (?) c~nly change thr. cony at thin: Bart a+sJ trturt~ ern .t~l•y 1. 1974 Witt, a elyn ~pr+agrrtn~ vh i~-h can!`c-rz~e drtt h assign s;rdinuncr :tn of f sect oc~ 3aruary 1, 191G. Sact:ican 5.1.12 All .nanconfa•rating signcs shad tze pex`tr1*_tcd tv ~rrsrain, u+llexs•_aitere~a as rt.~tud in Sect:ian 5.111, n~a twcr~: thin tan (2) years •f ter the enr~ctasent of that 0xctin+tnce ~r f1.ve (5) yrarra ffter~ .tie c~rectilaa a:' r.he 9ig.7, srtri~wercr time lieit talus or, the later date:. 7`he pravirtian.e ,tif phis Grditxrtaca sera slot int~er.ded to affect I:hr. abatc~~~t~t period of r+ancv>yfat;w:.n~; aignrs salrer<dy crr<<ttiencr~i ~r~tder the ~rowi.sicsn~c in Sacti~aa S..ll of Ur. diri~nce tdv. 353, enactt~d .lua~e 3s'1, .1967, This srec:ian shall trot woply tc stattconfotrtt-~n~ gs~?sind N,igrats uulse~s they ~rre crtcucturall.;~ _ sltrar~sd, chrto~,~, ~lr.cr,•aared in alzrt nr re~l,c~:rsced. SSCTIQN .3~_ l"~()t~iHf.~ttl'.? ALA i~1~ICf~ A'!ii) 1ifJ'USTRIAL filti~;r".~, Ss~:cc:1o,4 1.1: 5'eetion# 'I.0210 an~1 7.0211 ciif prd,tnsncc: tiu. :153 are hereby reper+lsa~d a•rxf rR-eu,tcted as fallu~wt.. Section 7.01.10 !'ach business c.scrthlirs:ur.~nL: ,shall, net, unlces• ath+t:w+lrt• s,~KCi~lar~ in three S~rcti,~an 7, be, a~ll.osred a ei.I;n surfsres ar•se+r tf~at exr.eo;d,-~ three per cant, (]X) of the grcrar: floor arse ris~ict entablishsrettt t>ccr+pl~s ist a 1wil.dinp; ar busildir~a, with no credit ':~ar parking ,space itts4~la: or ra~~tside off' bwilaMirrx,~s, read •rikh tote follcrving sea~eptiurts: •. lur •sta4-lirhrssrr+nt o~a:wpyit~ swra th+r~n onr ietrrry ahal~d rot 1rr a-11,awrrd a tows!. si,~rc rurfEr+ta artr the rw~r xatre Mt` ant (9~) a~ t1e f,rarr Elver. ara~t rrf s~ arrt aR+ary, pl+rrr e+ar+ and ance~ls s 1 i firer cent (a.---].;'??~ ~ ol! tlwe grosrw •~~ .~ ..1.. ~€locrt atr,e•r •~~ a,.er.t~rer 11`../'1'". +rf,w:iw twr+ rxedf`t for a1d~ ~tt1. ata+rir3~a ot- for w~nelfllraari ~ ttp~al. w b. gigu s~rrar t~1x •ox•r-ic~: e~t~-.~aas rlwr2l b+ir iaws~ as t.~rtatl ],art erela . Tatsl 1r2i~r 'rarrir.e k~ sf+1a1T aot ear~c+asd t•~1 +~rd t-rrs-~ t.ar2~ parx crh~c (2~"2/~) o[ ter ~t a-r.~+r. ~,. D-r~lers i>ti nxrrr attr~ wa.Rd ~xtit .bbn12 rant bf pat:rr~.t~ctard ax r<il~n arurf rrce area tt-stt axc~irr ~rre-half pretr ceo~t (~ ~~x) crf Che xat arrern, cr aigr-. alxw a~c+rrrdir-g ta+ gros<1a Sfl~aryr. ~,ra~a, w'hlcb-- ~-e~ ir1 gr=sa~ter. Sa~t3~ra _7.0221 'ftra Archiract,q~ax aad Site lrppra+v-a2 Craarrti,ttare s6r21 hive thrr di.a~r~cio~n to ['aco~arepd ca ~•a~atriet the sign . ~r1xx'fruclr area i't~ a~sry rF plicrri.tor: cu l.~a: *_harr three: per teat (~~) of the gYOa• il.raalr wra~r ut!an it th~r ~p:trridn of the Arrt~l.tectv~re~L aari : its 7+7Art-vrrl C.vmnri.t:te~~ tht xiaa;sw of h:ree ~,et. cent (:3X) figure ~+o~slr: trot b,a co,»latexa: with ~,aut:i sign ,~Slran~i:~xg FOB t~l~! f.`it)-• 1~!'itC1'3UC2iI} sit n reXular >uleletlxts; of xhe City 4cst,lxtcil of the C1ty~ of Cute-ring .,,:r the 16th c1t:~• of Se~t~w~ex _ , 1974, and I::l~i`.:CT1~ art a regu..~r :re~etin~ o€ thc: City CnuYZCi.l a!` the City of Cvpe~tllntl an +:he 'tt1 _ day of _Octcsbar _ _._._._> 1974, ~y the fal,louing vr,te: Vo zc -~tc`.ar[tifir9 of tl:e C1t}• ~:vunc t 1 ~,! E5. Jacfi~.socs, Meyaern, ~ieAl.ils, Sparks 1`U8S : >~arye :la~l::vi : Fralich /~ 5".'14? ~ : lQanat /bFpR~17VgA ~''~~ '~ a ~'e_ M+rvaz , Cit'y' a~ tt ~ a• , ;,l'T.°.S'- ~, , , ~ ~~ ~itv~ C2crr µ ..~....._._._,._..,......., r ,.t ~, ~~ i