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Ordinance 653
N ~~ i d .~ :.<: '. PP•, A~" ~„ .~~^n r~ ~}, i~ a~ .,, Y t3itl7 i ".3.11: {, a' .tip! . b 5 3 4~3'I tl~.~?~dt;i~ll~t~.~. ~JF T1lt: UIT$ q!r [.;U'P~it7'I1~ Al'lAtf'IL ^ti~"f~ft ~~~w ~~' 1~~.uf rr~t'~t~tt t~~t~v~1 n~~ 7 ~~i~i~~,',7~t~+ ~ 1?~~l~vg ~.~/~~~ ~~If~p ~ ei V~.l~ ~~1+~~/+~ll v~ 1~ 1.~ W~' ~+ "aV v~r ~1~9SwR ;~"~,~. :~.i-~'A.xiIIt"1'~ YIA 1~~'3~ 1rb171 s~.~~llt~ ~~'~ ~~SXDk'11"1'}.+~., .Ait~A.S ~I[I~tIMN: ~ ~Criii'~ 1`i~ 'i`i~!'~ IS ~ aid to e~+e C~ca~t~ ti>$+o lr~i~;..pai ~e a Cturptttr l.~ . 45 ~totti t led `"Ri.~ht 7iraa.~ Aellvrrrisetra at,r! l'iclr+aps 1'o aitd Fran Cc-srt+re,rctal F-st'.a~liashta~atstrc.'" ra r'ad ~s f o13.asra ~rcti+r~ca: 1t9.45.D1A. Fur~tr~, 'J.~t~t ~lhrap~er• to ~rt,ricted t:, pcot~ec't the puiblic ha•t1th, ssf~t:y'~,irsd *traeral iaelf+era of the citiaa+rn~ af' P•ha City of Cup~tctiraa, per- ; ticulrsrly the pence tmdl gt,iart at rti~ltt tits+t crf s-srsid~rnttwl ~rtt•+seae a~~aining corrr~et:~ c4e1 area,is, upon afi irtet'ia~ baste ttnwtil sarh ti.rsNe $,~ a coaeprehertet.ve nLryiasa nadir,-- '. ancr, i~ trn,~cted, S~rctic>n_10.45.,U~O, 1~+rfS:t4tfon3. For the parp~c,~car; tf thi:; Qrdie-~ncp; (a) Vchi~=trX~r delivet•ies tJ: pickups twewrn t,tyx de]ivery ar pickup, car the t~r- xivaal for thc: delivery ar pickup, of goadst, wares, urt'rchar,cli.se rrnd wr!:;te m,~teri+,l. by the u6e• of t.kCit.~r vehicles. (b) Cotrraa_rc;i+rl e€ttahli:shrs~nts mc~-n ari}r sCta;'e, f>actat~q, msnuf~tcturing, nr ix'dustrial plani used f:~r trite sale, s'.a,,~ufactstring, fahrication, a:~set,rl•ly o,. st:oragc of gt,r,cls, wares anti me'rt:hant}ise. w k',~ N M' M .r ~~ ~, :iet:tion 10.4_5.()30. `ii~:ht~-Tune Veh{c:u:lar t.)c_~iverv ar Pickup Ta or_Frorr Cctr:t_ rnE:rci;.l fistablisltnc~nts Pro}~iiricQd. IL r:h+,ll hr: unlawful anti a nu{:;ancc: far any' person to rJake, or Mallow, vclir..t~laz delive.rlt:e; ryr p.',Gkui,s to or from ccrrnrnt~rcial est~ablishrren.G, as herrinabt,vc defined, b~; th~a usr. of priv~-Ce roads,r.tlPc's e'.' other way:. lncntet; un t~it.ht:r sick ar the 'crack of arty building hrusing the ccrtn-~cr- t:i91 t~stabiisrr~ent wher`c rrtch px'iv<rtr rand, alley cyr crth~^r way l:iE•s br_t.w~r.~t~ c~ri.d btttldittg r+•,~ti rmy i.adjacer~t part:el ai' 1a,id ~unrd foi• rk:~idt:rctial pur}?t7seS, :;c~tween the hours of li:OA p. m. and i :00 ,t, m. (Monday through Saturday morning), anti the hours of 5:00 p. m. and Q:Un a. m. (Sunt3a~• morning), Ser_tiott _10.~+.`,,040. ~'{trl.•,t:tan De~lar_t_rtl n Nuisance - k'ena]i•y. Violation oi' :an}' provir;icr7 crf~chiw (:ha(atct i.~ dr:r_l~red a ncti5;rnce, Any ]rarsc~n, firm or- cor},•• ~.~rnt.icr:t wiro v:;ol;Jtcs arty I>rcrvitiirrr ~~'' trrf.s ('h~tl+trr ~;h:+]] }se <Ic~c•mt•d to }rc: f;uilty of rt rli~;d+~r:~r~an<rr ;+nd, upora c:t~rrt~ic:t.'.c,rt t},rrer~t, shall he }r1;n{:;ht'd a:; prc.~vldec{ in Ct-Npt+~r .1 . ].2. Srr_r._ia_n _].0.+~5.(t`~0. 7everah32i.r~v. 7.f any rae~rtiar-, sttGxection, wrrhdivisian, :~~ntenci:, rlr++r~e, r:r phrase t~f t>"ti~. ~'}oal+te:z• its for any rr:a!stm }~e1d t_, taa urtcor,: t;-- tutir~nzs] rr othc.t~i:;r v~~id t•r .i.nva?id b,• rtrty r~vu,t. of cor•,~I,r~t.•ttt ,j•.~ric;c{icti<;;1, t:i;e valic}ii:y <~f the, i~~'r.~r.{r,irin part ic3n~ of this Ct:.sl~r.rt' r+ha71 ttnt }>r. nt:+~ct.t~d thr~rr'by« ' ]ti'i'RGC~U(:a:}' ~': a ~r~~rulnr rrr~~rt{ng o.f th. [;;cw Cnunril ttnc, th{;~ ..].th._ dyv of ..•.ilt;Lc~lae.t______....____r ~r7w, artd }.""t,tt;]F,P the l"3ty C:r~Jnr:i'i c,i t~~w City crf r':ul,r~rti.no this ..;~4t_IL d+~y b?~' the lc,llcrain}; vote: of t},e t'ity rJf Cupcr- .,c s rtri:u]ar ;n+*t•t]n~• c•f ai' ._'..`:..r_<,k-e~_~..+ 1974. ~. ;~ a• Vtd~~ ~lIL'* ~~, C~~1 C~ I~~C.~uA ,A~C1~1; t~r~:lic>h, J~-cke~, I~p~ra, i.r~lia. fipark~s 1~ = i~l'~ilact A1~S~RT' : I~o~~ A-,~15~'A,TiV : 1Vc~re AI'PROV ~ ;7 _~ ~ ~-_ May~i.•,~'Ci~ty of Cu} ~r a i S7T F.57.' Y herc~hy c~~x•ti/.'Y that the (':it.}' nf' Cul>rrt.inc, Ordtnr~nc-~~ idc~. ~_`_ `~ atlr-che•d ht•rr.ta it, ,i Crue .end c:c>rrc~ct, ropy c,f r,.~-id r:clit-.-ucr Mhfch hays-~ !>:art, publir.:hc'cl c,c pc'sieu pursuant. t.u la4?. ~~~~ ram. _~;~ '~!~~ . city .:t{~K .. ~ ..