Ordinance 651~R~ M
.. ,,Ut ~~ 4~~' r~ Cx'r~' d~' c~.'p~i"t~ ~ ~'~ 1
CIAO ~!) ,~Ci~: t.CiCAi ~:Y 113 ~ fi1R,A"f~+~Ar-
T'~ ~I17 f3DlAIiCT4~~" "i'![~ CI'i"Y Ar ~ D~Oi'~ 1 A~ t"~19T.lId''d~s
l~-AB; c1rt .7unm Z8, 1974, ad applitwtiaa ~a [l~l~ ~- Aiie+t ~!•~~riaC ~Ap-
plicat~l~a~ ~~-Z-74) tt-r tlrm rew~-rtia~ ai prc~pmrtlr ~r~wrr f~R (~rw1.l Gr+mwrwr:~~t~L)
tw 9 (p'laad iaHwel~t with C.~>ra~rtiui xiatw~i) Z~oas,i a~
It~~1S, upon du~r notice and after nr~at public. lhasrcie~ the !'lmrtei~ Cor~-
~il~eirnt r•cvasertded to the City Gautaci.l Chat thug rrer•:mi~ 1'~ gYantMli aa~nl
i']tr~J1S, the prapertlr to bre tetoaed is p>k*rerttllr is m L'~C ~mral C~er-
cial) fah~e; sad '
ti1~R8,AS, a aa~~, off the ~rub~lect praprctr i.+~ +~Ittached bwrreta a+t ~;~ibit MwN
a~a r prk,pe+rad amendwa~ent Co the Mast+tr Zoaing A4ap aE tha Cit!f of Cup~rrtina;
M~'- '11~t~R1?t"(1RUe, SR T.r oR~AxNE~ AS E~OLl.tll~'S:
5+ectian 1. T'nat the fo1.l~wing described prr-perty b-e ir~d h~a+:.tby is resaned
to a PlPl,~nned Development with Casrsuercial Infant) ~AAC, ~cubi~ect to cvnditcrns `~
sti Earth in 1'1a»nSng Commission Resolution Na. 1925. attached hereto as Ear.hi.bit +-
"il" and that k,xhibit '-M" attached hereto is rode part --~f the 1~Saater Zanin* Map '
of the City of Cupe!rtiro:
11111 that eertain real property sitwte iu the Cit~- of Cup-trtino, Lovaty ~ ~
ai- Santa Glaia, Stage of California; appraxissatrely .99 a~r~t located at
10215 South Sarataga~SuUnyvale Road, w~c+za fully described in atCached
~arhibit~s "A" ~-nd "B".
_Seec_kion 2. This ordinance sha~11 kake effect and ba ire forcr. t*~irty (3U)
days aftr_r .ice passage.
E!i'I'RpDUwEA at ,~ regular mertin~; of the City Council of the City of CupE:r-
tino thie+ ~~,, da}' of ~,~- 1974, acid Rh'ACT'f:D wt a regular meeti~hg of r.he
Ci*_y Cau»cl.1 nf' the City o Cupertino tf~iti ,~~_ day of. _~~'9~_, 1974, by the
fo11e-win& ~~ot~e:
• ~)
+J, ,
t ,
'~ #IG~ s
Il'AI~: t ~anw
-t ,
. Ap'~~D'1I~D
i` w~-y~x~. cir a Cuprr~t
' ~~
• i baraby crrtity thrt the City of ~up~ertino nrdtinaa-~r rk-. ,,,_,,,,...,~
~rttrch~r! ?,grata it ~ t~"ua and carza~t ~apy rri raid Ordir~~ticr ~'hi~h has
bran publ fshr<! or pvwtad pura+xa~t t4 law.
~1ty C1ar
* -
"Jr ~
~~ Eaa.~ibit "A"
~ ~* D,~1. lla, bSl
A*!.1 ltl~h. eta rss~ ~rt~ is tMa City of Cv~Owrxtiarrr. i.~aas-gy o-f ~rrlta Inca,
~~., ~~fe of Cr~t,il[oxa#~, dlri~ as tatisa~r
x! ~ ~~
?P'; e~! lrac 19 1~ ~ as r~o~a as tlwt awciein ~* aw~eit~d `"~'tica9Gt MIS. A~1
,,^~ ~bua s~ C.~aasrtryr ~laierRaaa~". arhich s-sp war fslad ddrr ~ is tlrt Otlics~ air tt~er
~` l~de,r pf C~ Cauexty of ~~ Ciat~. 8trrx~e of Califa~As. as,ilc~taYsrt ?ai. 1lt49.
~~~ ~ 1N~oak 24 of 1~arps at prlgss 9i ~ 35. ,
,F', opting fCrar the heRrei.rrabaWw daac~ribed rRal Prt7- all that pax~ian tfs~af
~, dss~*i.bed as loS~l~t:
.9a: 11a~isai.x-g at the pvtst at iwtataataian a:• tM ionttrsriy lisa~ t-f lrt~t ~rir~
'p .-ts~r lrhe niastsrrll- lip of s~ ~wccsaw rw~d~ry, vbi.~cla pai~,at of ~rrte. ~s~c;tlsn is •t
lw~ Nurtl:eaw~tttrly car~.r of Ls~t 19. 11.ack 3. as said i~ri~ra. Mt~rd+wM-~. 1~ sard
Back arse shcrttr as tlt~e ~ atisrret ~twtf+ttrsd ta; lrusstiag tkstrc* ,th ~qP 0~' 00~'
met along tree ~-aate.rly lia+~ trf avid at:c~rse ~toaQvay, ahicb is +slea eh~ rGuntfrly
b xi.a,1 of ssici Lvt 15, far a dist~ca of 47. ~ frerrt; tlessca Saut'~ 39a 43' ~'"
1~last anc! parallel with said Southerly Lifi+r of 3arris# bri.ra 1T0.12 f*+et tar +~
poLat ore the ia+tt~eralr 1~.ne of a 20 fact allay, ae aw-id ali.ep i.a sho~,a upsw tll~
w~wp abc'-ve~ r~efurrard ta; runair-g th~ente gnrth q° b2' ~ ~raat axareg said last
na-~ed line 27.57 ~~aet; thtr~ta as a curers tm the ri#ht a-itMr a radi~a~r of 2d Eawt
through an angle ak d9^ i7' dJy" fvr a diatanc.~e cif ]l.~ fete~t to a palm eMr tMr
maid Sautherly- 1~ine of Suorisi [rive; rru~.r~iat whaoce 11~urth i'9a d3' p~!" Bast ~elaog
tlwr said Southerly 13na of Suariaa Dri~re 1.90.19 fast to :he poilwt of Megiasii.~.
Also excepting therefrow t`-~e ur~d~rrgrouu~.~ rrattr as granted ire the ds~t# frs~ Jt-Iss
IRr~dr:Lgue.s, et u~x, to San .lase Mater t~brk+s, +w Caltfar~aia Carpgrr~tiae, dates t~rsary
27, 195], rec+~rd~rd March 1, 13'Sl in Soak 21i of Official lt~rcard~e, gaga ili.
raxcel taro
~t 1 f. in "7'ra ~~ t ~4a . 91 A Ttr~rt acrd Caant ~- gacaa i t wt ~ Urn ~. t llrf . T"' f wrlei c h srrp a~aa
ftlaai far record is tltf Offsca of the llecarder of Cho Ccruncy .~f Santa ~lwrs,
State of CalifarnAa, an L`ctaber 1, 1.4ti1 is Iloait ]w of aaip-e at p~agac ]3.
gactepting Charcfras the urrdrr~rawad ++ater •* graerted to tht Wr+ed Eras .lobe Ilodri R~uee
and !lazy Fadrigu~tA, iwsC~and aud' Wife, to San Jake !Eater labr~a, ,~ fplifornia
CarparraCion, dated .Tar.-~arr g, 1952 •rid r-+~cordsd ,I+teeuarlr ]l, 197-2 is iaait 2~9d of
affficial. rccnrcla. pagee ]10.
__ _
~r.~ ~.t!
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Frarert arr~rre~ . ra,.,,;,~rcid~ „~.,. .
~ra;at~1 tMie~ ~ tR~~r c~ t :cierreeet j ~~
i;~ac~:~ercie! la,teat
I ~'~
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55 }'.6 85.0 _.~ I ~'~.~
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D~' 'CI?i: ~0..'~`: ~Z'.G ~4:,tISSYC'. Qf 7'~'.E Cir"k' ~r Ci"~t~~'i'I`'r~
R,~:CW?'"~'E::Y'`I."4C.' Tht: Ik!':'~dl'_11. ttP e# C3#.1`..C:~ Cry Zdl`~* 1'!1~
r.9:~ ACIi F!~~!"t ~~ EGA :E.~.,~L. ; ~'~£!tCt?~I,) "C'~ P (PL.A.`,'1'T<'~
+1~~'~.TC.J1~i'!: Axi~~~ ~i~;atist
AD~'S~: r~/~w J,:w~rr `i'crr•AZaz~~ x~l~ `ti,ddletctim rix'., Ca~pbtl.l, C~1t~C. ®",.
i~G11~'i~~a: ]K~ettr~reat +ge~ad~~xat of` the i.nRtY`~te~tiot~ d! ri*t~as 11~r~a. aid
rr~to~a~~-gue~errw~le Itd.
'E: ~ ~~ie~sxl Crsa~rrefal)
AC1~tg11G1~ z . ~~ rats
~J{~I.\~l.l L A41.~~ ~~~rl ~~~ i' .L \411 .`~i~ :
1-14. Stb:adard Canditior~s qtr xt+e ~extenr tlrwt t~~eey dp nit crt-nL-.i+et v~~Lt~t flee
apeecial sat~liti,p~ns ~lritm~trri~ed herein. Ind the ~trenir a sani'lic.: daer~
frt. the sp~eeial ~o~clitians *s ent~r:erated hez•~eie xluali ~ep~plir.
15. That the appli~eaition be upprc-ved based upon Exhibit A of Z~~x-74 s~
~h1biC A ar' ~"~~-i;-7~, as may l-e rsadi.~i~ed by additions]. conditt,an~
c+ontgined haerain. .
16. `hat Che xpp],icer,t ae .~llnwo.i to utilizes parking st~elll width of ni.:~R
(~) f.t. z~thcr than nine (9) f~sat, six (6) inchear in order try provide
adequate landstcxping depth.
17. Thai: eect arraroll g1.Rn prn~r~sn be deeve:luped fnr then s~:upp!ng aenter
3.exeluding a revision to the exiseting Erse--sgtxrding shopping ctnter
lg. Thrs parking to thrs rear of. the buildings shalX be design~et~ed fox
eese~loyece parking er>a2.;r.
PASSET7 A4D AiX?°l"E~ :his 2nd d"ey of July, 1517~c, at * ragr~lsr :e-t~ctirig of the
P.lann.ing L'r:saskg!linn cif the Cixy ~+f CupartinA, State c,f Gali.fc~rn.tu, by she
tot owing rr~ll oa13. vote':
AYEi:• .:orocsris~sJio~nerse AdRars, Caopesr, Caettd, i~'c~r,d~.~e-rci, Chesirmbr. O'Ke:efR
P~AY;i : X~aner
AR~T:IIYI!~'t~: Xc~r.e
ARSE`':: Bone
Rabe t a. Cot.•~ar1
Asssacia rc ~'J.annet"
Eianiel.~l'. O'Keefe, Cha,t:•rnstt _._._„_
PJ.a»ning Car=xaissian