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Ordinance 650
;, • •, a °;, ,} a ".` :~, ~. ,, : ;. ,,. ~; ~r ~.~ Cl,Zr1 Nti~:.c ~p 'ti't& c Z i'~' ciT G[:P~Rt IJi(i r:~~.~-~?Trt~ 'r;I:: C,,'i'~:u,f"ai.r'r "fUi~ICXt+A1, t~tllif b'- P1:~IS;L. 11~' Cl~#tYt~YY~~: Gl:1."f.A~rN :r'!.'~1tit'~C:,• A~lffi Tr16CAY.. F~[fi~"~b~5 '~~ cx'r~~ c:~-~1,c:~i, ar- art ~r~r ~~ cn~~ax~~ ~~ ~wT~ ~:~ ~uY..l.~r~: 5nt:t;u~_,:!.~fl,C~~rt1 4~cu~d 1.c~~1.~;, psi h.er,trt~~• ~am-errd+~d to ~~~f~ ist f~l~t~w~: anti is~r~Xl7* n~t+ ~r~ad lt~ra-tr~-lter Y~tptritad~ 1s<j>~trt tht ~~~.L~' Cl~ez~k ts~ St;atc :a?C7~C-~t;~ four the t..,li+atev~ttltt~e c-f 1t'.~oui<1r tn$ resaat;+fs rtedi ,:~ retfl+acriri~ the f in2.n~- cY~-Y toz+dit:ee~1 r~ t C1t~ at,t tsereJblr ttri~rn~t`arra~c: tc' t`~c L-ir~c.rtJr ~f P'lnartee tw~Iti~- Aff3r:e ~twtt bttw*xt esxatb~i.~l~ed Nv C1 ty orii.Ji~-.c4 ee ;~esr.g chM ~it:sctclr of Adlasfntstr+~ti~ !`,r.rvlc~ri` cfra~ ~~rith t'~+r l:c~••c•rn ;~:1d w;(:ti±:~ rl~etrrnf sir drr: tnedl lapr ta*:d orciinenr^e. Sr-c..'t•ottt ~.h~-G~"!"z-~c_Jl~~e~tcr+~eat ~.lttid Cu~lerct7.on i~ het°eby 1~t:~r'c?r:tl. Sv~crtan 7~~.•fl5~0 C•~.!er:s~wtAah !tr hereblr repetled. 5r (t i I.tr: ~,.,.it-..14C' "1}i#}oA,q t ~~ t ! a hereb'y` ruswar:ded to re+r+i Ott falltyt~rs :~YC .~~;~° !'lj°)•'~'.. r'h.ll 11 C' ll;,:p:'`il::r.t' b\• tt11@ pit:' Mr.^,d-t~=.: ;." Gr•. il1t: 1Jf.;'i~ C~. tl; a r~-~ i 1 : t.~~' ..:vd iku~' } t f .f ~1" ; i ;~r13 . ,rr'~'I 1,x'1 t(i, 2}il it. tail'. ('{t~• C,1".t'.: jh ~t!'1"t:•SJ~' ll'7n~!7:;Cti Ct7 read A3 fltll/TY)!:': •S'~le ~'1')' ~~..fi:t';E,•C 1'Lk~'': cyr`}.'Jir1t it l~(•1.1tV (;~t:1• (;~t'L'!: 'J}lU ``}ll+~l ~1P.VF: Lilt: 1:!~1Ji'• «:t~~ ,tt:lil`: l+i T}t«~ r,,:~ty' t'.~l`.1'1~: t{lJr'~T7~; hit: .{t,Sknt:C t(/ 1'.;.31:7'°_ ':~JI! i•'!It i1.1.'_:\' lit "l'i'Ytl'C' of t}1'it'. t~t~ f {C~. ;~. '•t {4:i .'. ?w.,~1C: C:.i.t`"„ `i,~rttr~'ra ~rt;,t_nwi'~il_it1• i~ ltkl•twti~' ;,r,~•ndc•d tU :t':1d qc~ .t stt.r:t: hr t1rt+• d~T!v r-f thr. '1"rwa~i)rPr t~c~ >;'ecr.ive and s~~fcly kc~eP ail lr,.'-.~~•:' c,f :. hr (:fty t't.~,::,r:Lr'd r.'ith hits in ronnr?cCi;n with ally bu..3t1's;~ ':t'<t?."r: ~ r'..ll.~~ ~' ~ :'~t ~'rt~<~r•'JY't' .5 fll'Te'f+\' :!'.~.'lltjr:r.~ tO 1"Ct:"!:,{ 7F fOJ1G'r`.,. Tha frc.••:ur,:r :;1:11 ry:.w et;: n.? u`oncyF :.1.'tsa h~' thte :,it;y ~ttt~'_uciin~; cttrli-- {y:T:itt.'7:w ::IC'lJr:'i"d ~,r' af'!('Yr~'jl.'i"tl~t ttt.17"i~a. Li:r.rMl)f•nn ('l'r(..1`.'.C1,tLion Uf (.:1N 171crct:c•r oaf w'itlatrtcr that. ::urh arla t3t1~ asa:d c:atng. Alt puvnctlt:.t, _r(.rJS;- -rrsa c-r .1 thar:+raJ:llls of ti.ity .c:nnryw achel/ iJr by c: `t. ck si-,r-cd 1 .•.:It':J11~' ~'S thr 'Ttw::;vtrrt•r :(rtd t.olJi;;wi•SSF;c~r.d by laeKi»lllr: ~'.p,:z~~urt• of ~:tt., ?;avur. Src•t; ;1`. ''__2~4_.~1G f'••nt'.-lY :;~:+:r_t!r_t~ fs lle:~:a~ :J•-.enda~i to read as fo11~MJ:,. '3'ht 7rr' ,urrx >ah~ll c;.7k~. tuorTthlY tat.:+.•.: lints: r:ila~:in6 •:l:e cash bal.tr'c•e:, tf r.artll .InJ t•v~r'y iurtd :~•tuitr, t.lt tse ~,~t ,,kart by r~lr: ':r~nsurar at; :.c.c~ ltftf'f• L1~C t'i~~{ f?.t 4'i+tk~ `..^Cli:(1 8°s 1~ llr.it'Cf.'71:i~Y_. ~P.'1~ ~C.7fl:.:TI~':11:i S:h:11? F~+~ c'^'livt~r:'d to RtJ.!.':itiar?. of tf-r C1t}' CJttt(:cil. itle Ci(~y ;•;~~;;a~r.r an% !rai,dt, 7vrilaci~ls: fr~r tevisi• hlr .4uc?) n1.hr~r per.:sna whl. :ram a.~ re~tlTes;t. c . l ~, t i '~r s '"t:~rP :~.a l:~:rst~.. ~"•]~d :n tlia Mr~n'.cl.pat, Cale of t}#e ;;it•~ of ~uu}~ertiRO `~e~~C_ir.ti ,;..~~ata 1Ct.rr~tr~ct.a~t Rr#t+~f`lt~r ++~icfi is G~a rraad as 1.'011.+.ws: -~_ _.-- ..... - - --- . _ _ .. _...~-....._.f..._........_._...~..., !'u~r.a~" tq a+u-tl-ax~3.ty ~e•aated by ~tat.a ~t:~t~1Lt~.~a ~ [}1~v~a+ is i-a,~ebr' derirs-~ ~^.ata~t rtr ~"r~eaa:a~ ~~s auCy~arity tq iav^esk or t~ :efn~r,as` ,'~~t:t:1a of t!~#e Ginty. trrr to «ra~:l a~ earclua~+ aa~rarittaa so p~etc}ts~-ed„ and w`-o u?-.all t*~ar~+~~~twt a~~r+mne Iu~ re`~slbililty !or such tr,snaactiaaa twnti7. r~urh ~ia~ a~ tha .4a~~a~,rtiua aE ~uLk~,arrity is ruwFakad. 1'h~r Traat+urar rrtistl. ~aak#~ a ssa~~~~ r+~pot~t of a~f saw +r:aaaactt,ma *.tr ~ha a~r,:rc~ra at tt-a City G~s.n,.i~.„ tiaa Gitr ~t~r and alas m~aYtu it avall.ablt .for rsria~ try such ctti~t ,.x~et~plc:~lla rlro as,~r .ac reque~at. ~`_~r'~iwn..~b~.t~~'~9 -,~rtartr aid ri`via~t~n# is hcrebv aernrs-d~+d to re:±r1! as foil~rwre: ~. .... ~.. ,.... ...,~..,..w..........,.._,.. The alr+rct:,,c of JlAnirnistrativ~s Eatvices ,~'h,~ll. ba tlne bead of tt#i.s dc,_ pc.xtrrer.r.. !ia sl~sali af~-r- ~e e,~lsair#ced City Clerk, I1ir.c~ct,ar ofrirarrre. 1'~r1M[~CaMa: ri1r~aLCOr~ 1~ud~1rC pffictr; attd, shat] act as wx-offiris ~-.DSx0licr~ :nd eha:l2 aac,~frw and ct-R;,sct s].1 City taxtsa save and P.cccpt these cc~l.lect~- ~:d b• St;rite sad Gotmty officers for t1+e City. [ti;':te)JU(.'FT rtt a reKu.Yar rsretfn~ t,f tha C±ty Cau:~cf3 of the. C; e:!, oP Cupert4n~u ;.:t ~ ti . ~,f~,,..--- a3w~ of g1t~CAraellt.s~..~ ' ~! i ~ ~ and E:.HAC1-F.~ st u Xe~W? t: i rr~~: t ~ ttr~ of .wt~ ;..:v 't:c.~wit~l.i cif :Yrc C;:t;- cf C~.F~i~tinu this 14..~~LY. day afSegL~rsr,.- 7."?~. ny th.~ fc~tlc~ain~ voT,R: '; ~~ t ~~ `; ~..<~•-t ~: ,~t the %i rv C'~.~:;t•: ~ l !; : ';+' ;; Jecltiscsn,, hkvrr~c~ Kell is. 5patrkt# .:~~~r,~zr~: Natr,* ~~ '~ .~, _t" ~ ~._~/ I hereb;-' cprrl.fy that the. City of Cupertino Ordi.nanee No. ~Cr ;`~~ attHChed }ter~eto is a true at-d correct c¢pw, of said Ordinancr Whfch hay bet~n }~ublish~ed or posted ~-urr~asnt to l~,w. ~ - .~ ~. ,~. Kyri.~ ..-- _~~... ~.._....._.,._ Cit.- Cl~rr.~-