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Ordinance 632
.a~ . .~ . ~ .~ ~` r ~„ 1~ P~ ~, ~, r 4 Ira,., ~, '~i '„,. Y' Y ,9„ iy 9 '; tC-Rf9~iN11NC.~" ~hMO. 632 J1~(p O~IAIa-NL'~E Qia" 1"HS t~3'i"'Y OF' 4"C~f~"3t~t".!'ft~1Ci 1~11~8NDIHG ~~id ,~i. ~p . +2~ 6~g1~F ~~ G'~ti31~~'rERT'/1~t~MD C~#~~R~'~.~Lw ~t-~Sy f 3~~G ( T[y JA~ ~kYVLr-~4,~a~ ~F ~~y ~'l/A+Jy~~7Y~F ~.6 ~~J~,ii N~~i~ ~da~ 4 ~ 1 i Secti+~n iG . 2i . 0,1 p is hereby ssiendeci to read as falir~ars. 10. ~t4.01p. Defined. For ttie purpose o~ this Ctur~rters fireworks ar+~ se ~etrth in Section 1.2511 of the Neslth and Se~f.ety Cade t~f the State. Se~c:tion .1fl.2~.040 is hereby at~aersded to read as fvllaws: 1t~.24.~Ap. Canditiens of Permit. Any such pexnt3.t issued by t e C ty Caunci~l s~ia~~, inian to ar~y ether con- ~iition .impase~d, be subj~-ct to the f©lltywiryy corditiorx~s: A. Compliance with Mate I.aw. Every permittee r~hall Damply with the~.li~erise provisians~o~~the Stater Fir~or'ks Law and the permit conditions and rPyuirements of the State Fire Marfihal. B. Insurance. every permittee shall submit dor_ur;~en- terry proof of public liability insurance ai' nc~t less than $100,000 for injury to any erne person, $300,000 for injurieri ::ustainr_d by persons in any one accident, and $50,()00 pz-aperty damage. The ~:~aliCy shall include cavPrage for t;ie City pf Cupertino, its employccs and agents and, in addition, t.J~ere shall be submitte3 pzaaf of products liability insurance, wi.t:h minimur~~ ccwerage of $300,OOp. (.`. Recruirements fcr the Location of Disralav Booths and Stands . E~eh cia ~play'T ~,cioth car s tans usec3~t~or the :~~ l.e cf f.i ~.~war};s ~shR~ll be rc~nsi;rur~tr~a to meet t_h~ lol lc-win~l r~~cluire-- rnc~nt.s: (1} No fiz•eworks stand shall be located wiihin twenty-Five (25) leek ~~f any building. (2) No .fircYworks stands shall be lc~cat:ed in Agricultural, or Residential zones. (:3) Sr-t~ac)c distance from fireworks display broths err stn~-~nds to L}1e front propc-rty line shall be as follows: . r ,f ,,, ,~~ :+. i~ 0 •s. ,~~ .~ :a (a~ dtar~s i~rc~twd in C,omaerifii.a;i and ~1 unna~l [~evdtl~ 1+~ t s ~.ag d i tx tr i ats regv i rrt ao satbr-ck froar ~~pnt g~rp~et'ty i ins . tb~ lSta~s lawt~! ize indtuotri,al xon~in~ ~~ letar~ c ~at sxut~:t h.~~rrt a t.~ (2.0) fit minims smolt fr'~r tie f7C~nt g+~ex'e:]I xfriir. t~~ ,1C11 dt~r ~ra,~~r, ~wwed~ aad ©th+~r r~ombusti.i-i~r ~ata,tial ~bali bap ~~;earrd +~-~ty fc~r ~ distance t~f tmt1=fig ~~"~) fe+a#. ir- a~.l directions frar~ atf~y t~parrary a ta~nd . . ~~~ ~x~i erl~ h~u~rs ncy ;zrotcr vehiaYes sh~-Zl ~ pwrrk+~ed within tan i1Q) feet of any sales stand. (6f ~aX~*s sta~nda >ntainiaeg fireworks shall be erYis+sd at ~r11 tit~as , 1~, person shall slerp oX rezr,afxe it~~wide any atarrd w4ep~e it is nat! apcce far bees i nee s . ('~) ~ac~h sa.1R~~ r,tand shad be nrc~vi.•3ed with am (I) mp~~rcaved fire ~~xtzrtguisrie: h~vint~ a rr~inir±mtuet r~rt.ing of 2-J-. 'P'hr~ r~xtir~guirhe~r Shall be hung iri a aon.~pit:uous, acccrgsib3e~ lcsca~tir,n ~c~ the top oi' the ext.ine~uisher.- is r:~,t ~+c>re t_h:~n f .ive (S) ff~ct: abcc~a the f`]«pr ar c, r.ac3e. ($) No stand ~hmll tie ~G'G"r]t4?d an k,rat~c-~rt~~ act ja~- cent Ca an expre~~wuy t.•it-}y acquix•c:~d aet:c~s ~ control except: for st.~r:~'s fronting r,n adjt,cc~nt. ~~c~~z.?:r ,1;J5, ~~nd w~ier~ there i,s ~ p~rm;,~ent fence at 1c.-~,L ~;ix {6) feet i-t height be;~wt~pn the stand anti tht? c~xt~x:~ ;:;::gay. (~} 5ttinc3s nn F,rnF,erty adjA,c~cnt t.o rtn ex?~rc~ .:;w,~y with accc~:~~ rights :>hall h~:ave~ an ~-accc:;~ F~oirtt ~at,F7rc.,vctid by the Cit-y oz:~ f.ui+crtinc, Public Works De;:zar•tr~c~nt. (10) Stands frontiny on a :,#:rcet ti,h~~re :,ign, rare pust.c~d tc- iarc,,,ibit p~~z-kir,g shall }t~av~~ s~£?=-street p~,rkinc.j provided as follows; A minimum of five {"a) parking sj..~C~'c for stand., c,nc~ hundr~ad (1.00) :;<l+t$re feet. nr lca.s in t;ize. Fresh add i•t.ic~nxtl f i f. t.}' (50) ~;rluaxc~ te,~ t r,i starticl area r~~ciuirE>4~ one (1) ~t9aition~~l p~rr.kirty :;i>ace tzp to a ni<~zcirntirtt of t_wc~?ve (12) f~3r:~ing : z:~,cE~ }. (ll.) "Na Stunk ing" signs, hervi nq ] ~~t Ler~. not 1 oss t.h~~r1 :~atrr inc.hr_s !4 ") h.i.gh, s)eal.l be i~~:; ; ec! in a c,~n•- s•l~icttous f,lace. 2._ ..- _ - ,, ~ I, ~, ~~~ ~. ~ uiraments~ for the• Cc~ns~k~+urti+an c~i`__p1~~~ri~- ~avt~~~ andl S4t~ras. BaN~~~ay 'oi vx ~wtan~ us~rdl for tJ~r~ s~.~•• r~x ~`~~r a-"'s~abi ill f~ ao- t rue turd i.n oon faraat~o ~r ~r i th the ~~~. xo~ri. ~~#~ se~+a-lrrrr~e~~: tl~ 81~an~xt si~~.1 be construct+~ed a.E ~ravd ar rwet«~I. '1'!~e r~crca#, r~reaz wall and Benda shall. ~ solid wow nr s~ettal . t~l 11a stG~rnd, inolodinq signs ~antxnred thaaC~lOn, s?rall aarcc+~r~! twnlv~e fret (12') Sn t~eig'.at. (~,~ ~ttaa<da shai.l be provided with ~.t leash o~ f1) e~ ~i! bavi~ng a minii.~aurs clear aidt?r of thirty inches t;l~'~ , aa~1 a cair~fmus~ clear heaight of six feat, sf.x incl~ra (f' ~") . If the numker of parsons insides ~e stand d4sxs rout exces~td tPn (10) ; the minimum cl~aar Mridth sval+ ba ttt twanty~ twr~ inches (22") . An;r s;tarid with an +~nclosed area of twc~ hundred (~Op) sr3uare feet ar mora shall tie ~zquipped with a~ minimum of two (2) exits rneetxng trhe fo~~egoing requirements. If equipped Kith a cigar, :raid dao~~ shall swing in the direction of exit t:ra~el. ' (4) Display shelves iri the frr~nt of the stand shall 1?e ccanstructed .in such a r~~~nner that all items displayed bre under glass ar other material appz•nvr~d by the Fire Marshal dx• C:ity 7nspect:ar. a) All Eire~warks not displayed under glasn shall be rnred in ~e manner approved by r2ie Fire Marshall or Gity l:~specto~r. (5) Construr,tion shall confox,n to safety standards as cstabl xshr~d by t-he City Building Department. E. General Opr.ratian_of Di.s~lay Aoaths and Stands. (1) lVo fircwarks ;hall be sUld nor f'irewc~rks strand af~~.~r<-etc~d by any per~.on under cic~t~teen (18) years of -eye. (Z) Na firewa~:-ks shall Lie sr~ld to any person under sfxteen (16) years of age. (~) 1,egible sic~;1S i.ndicatincr t=hat sales are not: pcrmiticd to lx~r4c:ns unc;cr sixt~.een (lf) year's C-f age :hall be pc~..t~ed cony;f~ic~islcni~:ly on ~~11 z: i.r-e«orks sates ~St.iai~vS. .~. ~... 1 ~~) ~~sf#.ruct.ivns e~ri t1~re: safa handling and i.lis- chargea ~f firews~r:lcs ~:ha~.l bee c~aLatrilbuted tc~ c~vexy pttrso~l purchasing firewor}cs , Said in~ctructivris shall bee ap;~raverd by the Faire Mar~~i~al prior to the, issuance o!' a ratai]. sa ~ ~~s pie::'>ai t . f~ 11ow-s a Se:e~tion 1+J.24.050 is hereby repealed dnd rP--r6nat ~~tad as la. ;24 . a50. Statement cif Urc~~ ~. This Counc:t:i h~~reb.Y finds, det~ermine~s and declares that tr.~.>.~; vrditt~ante is art tangency me~,suree necessary for the immediate pt:•eservat:i.ott of the ~~ubl.ic peace, heai t:h .tnd :rafety, and shall y~, into effect immedi..atei]! y upon advptiori. Thci facts cansti toting such urgency are: Ttte Fourth of July hvli~]ay will ~accur prier ;~ !:he n~~rmr~l ry£fer.tive d~~te of this ord.triance:. ;!'he prt~scnt ordinancf~ rNl~ting tv fire~~ot:ks will not Ue adequatea t~~ prr~tect the hoalth and -;~,fety of persons raurchasin4 or using fireworks within the Cai.t_a nn said Fauith of July hulid.ty. There~rore, the Casty of Cup~:rtino deems it necessary th~~t this orclin~~nce x~e effective immediately upan adoption to provide maximum puAlir.. pratecti.on to thosE purcht3sir;g, t~~ll.in~7 anel usa.ng fiY-c'wett-ks within the> city limits. follows: ;:e~~t:icen 10. 24.OC0 is hereby rcpr.aletl and re--c~n~tcted ~~s 10.24.060. Violt-tt_ian -- Pc~r~a].ty, Am- ,perse~n, 1'iz•m, cvrFx~ra Lion or oi•yanizrt tson viol ~ f:i n~~ any of t*,e pr~vi :_, ions of this ch~rpter ar kr~c~w.tngly or int:entia»al.ly misrt;p:-e::~~rtting t:a .-tny officer or amp.Io}~r__o ot` thi:• Ca.t.y ~erty matc.ri,31 fact in pro- rurirtg th~~ pc~rm.it hatre.in provided sha11 be pt~.ei::}tct}~le~ r~.s f~r.o- vidc~d in Ch~aptc-r x..l~!. INTF~.C[)i;CFD and I:t~IA,CT~:n Kttr r~ t:'rc~ular mr.~tt:i.ng of tht~ City C:.:,;,~.il of i:he City of Cu~.eerti .o, t.}ti.; r+th dray c,f June, 1974, ~.~y t.}te following ~;ot_e. -____. •r +I'. •••' ''• Froli..h, JACkSnn, "Seyerr•, Nellie NOlwt~: None AASTIA7N: riun~ ATTEST: APF~,F7pl/T~pa ~ ,• • ~ ~ Cfty CT~r~. .__~__-~--------______.__.~..-.. ~~~yor~',- C~i.t.y~ a~ ~t"i~ertinc~ '_.."__..... ~ _,~_