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Ordinance 628
Aid r~AiAtICi; faF Pik CITY C?F Gli1~~R'II~7 A111~I1~ C?~''1'lCiE 1(6.~G ~'C-! >l~tE I~iIGIFaA.I. C(7;)1 Py r'tiU(:~F'"i'I7:(: Tli~; "t1`NI~Ri~I ~]<~ ~CL1111~", 19)~ i~-I"'ix r~, AE'i`P~J!'R1A'X`>E ~:CEY'Y,'.+F)1~ "!»t'~'1`t1 IZ ti'~'~'Y Ct>r~l~. t3~ L:I'~? +~?' L't1~'Eltxlr,'1p ~ (AIlR /1Y l~.~l~ t ~+~re ite haz{ebp addad to the Cap~utwY.a~ IRir~i~~ Casa Ghe~-t~r 1~.4Q which ~~ to racd e-at f.t~:i;tirw>rf: Y~+.41~.•Kt113. lui~tintr "~'~ ~'i.xe Pxever,ttco Code I'att the City tthal~l 'be the 1973 F~d~.tian of tl'~te t^-,i.~ax"e lire fade. 9.ncludis~,; A~~swrrwica~s3 d, ~, G, }~ ar-r! E catn].p„ a* rompi.led ~lrrt't pu4>'.a,iehed b+r the Tatfart~ltia;utll Ca~t;.fct•tn~c~l oi'' Etuiidics~ Qf.i:icial.s and the liextctrrl i~ir+e chiefs 1~~l~oci.at:ittri, Ynt.r.~.8l:ti tiriitt,tcRt Fi,r.te Ccacle, thtra~e capirrd~ a?C z~~tSeh Cleve 2~+:etr fi2ect iar use urtd ~xa:^.~.'.nattian by ehe public 'fIl th® D1r~ice r,f t}+-.a C.ty Ci.e~rk ist hereby telfart•~:cl LCr, atirld, except eye to r,~is~i.ants, x~~tt°.Ir:rr,cs: rtnd ad~!itissns, }l~re.:r-aftr.Y tlotrd, !.t!s hrareby rrclc,~~tnd ~nct maldce a r„art 1~;«?rrt7f, tl~sr ~rlc~e as xf fully z~r3t P'c~):th .irl thix article. 16.4(l.r~,'?f), ~-,•t;ninlg~-rnt.inn '.Ch+~ Git~• :~~l-t~ip,ez, thrary~'r. the ~c~wrf4tra v~reted by thv ~'~.ty Cauncil~ s~1-.=ll h:~~~e tls•: arwtl•arit;~ to ;?r:letF;rstt.l ~-nv r:red rt1.l zx:l~parlail~ilir.y for the ~~intrn~nra^ ~et''.f erlfert<r•,«~rlt C)f tl)f~ j~r.~l•is:~otiC of thin Dade to uhicilcver le~aal entity Ilr_ f ~t•la i~r,.;,r. t,~:rvr.: :hr: ir~tarc•,t.s of the 4Aty. ~'l:t!r'~v~~r Ci')L~. ~.•~rrls "CI',fN~" '•~'lI'ft 2`.'3t'S111d1", "F'3re 11f?~~dirC:TlBrlt", ":`ire F'rc!vcntlcn ~;t::r?~lu", "F'.Irc C:hif~f'', :~t;ci or,~.tc• r,;lr.h ~i:rlila-z r~-arils are aged, t};cy r1,~.11 t:~rsr. gr,:i r^fez tr t.,.rch Ic};:ls +;•r~t.it}• c'.esif;r.Atad by the C.Lty ;1~^lnr~ger of Crrl~r*r"..ir:c~ ,.u,<i~:• tl:t. :litt:f.C)t'itp !)r !;rr: (:irY I~c,ur'tc11 of CuntJrizna. w~rf,! tl'~4?r' Lll~ `••C).tlPi '~1"",r11'ltf 1y~.1y ity", "7llris;cllCL.t011", ar "c.tt:y°' ~7I'f' usrwl. ti:+!•• r,is•all z°~~.an t}r, (°it~ t)~ C+~ll,r:t't.r,a. tStlc t f*.~;awr t.~`:,t r:~r_is ''!'.>recett ie•~t+ Ilnri)•" aster u~ad, th+3y sh>'sll t:.e,an the C1ty Crru;`lr~il r:i Cupt:Ttil;o• t+'~-t:l"4'ri?r' t:l,~• 4'tyrti a "A,i,-:tlli"C:.nLar" CYr' "Ct;rc.llt ive" ~'~rl' ll;;f'_d, ~t1C~l ~T;n'tl r.+~ar, Lh~ pity ;',;r..:•cr n: C"i~,:rtint,, !,'h~rr~r~~~,r ti:~~ .•~)rtl:~ "~ir•:tr~r.t: !+ttur;il~y" az "c'or~ar~t~±r.n Counsel" ate rl~cc~d, the~+• r~hwll r.s:r,n ~'~r^S t.ity Attc.,rnt:y of Cul~r_t•ti.nn. t.TElarovrr t.hr. t;orci:. ":~r,:lyd of r1~rr)c:al" rsrfl used, tltcy i~hnll mcari the! f'1t~ C.cryllrtcll ryt C'}~pt?ri Slln u. the hc•d;r ~,,1)t~int.t~d 1)v tile. Corrnc~l. to p:+str art t~r~ttc.!c ,++!rt~ir:trsy Lc F''rf^ `~~Y~f't}•, ]b,~i(i.~)"(~`. ~rr.C Inn 1 .'?U`_i .1:-.~~T:cie,1•--f,uthc)rLty. illy ,;!:~t.'f i111Ci 1115 (it'!:ty'I:~it(!,1 tt:FS;'r_~i'I1tt7t:VCC e1r311 1:avf3 tll^p ~p4:L!r6 of pt.^~r.e afC:(cw,rtt in titer i!;:ri~,tt,':lt)r;r.~ c,r t.f:,rir ciutirt5 udder t:~ex pr'c°rvi+,i~~rts of this Cr~dlr. ~ '(: ~,Ct,p1r0. `"rriior. 1.~'1'~ ,~,.,;rdr:c~~-~-ri_~:tr+l of !:L)c~r_n~s 5ect.ic+n 1.215 (a). T'he~ thsbl,ic ~ai'c;y Ccrmmiss3,on a~' '`.he City of Cupertino slrs.ll sr:rvk' cis Boarri ey: AFp~r~als, pr,zvi c:c.d hrvever th~.t tZ~e City Ccr1.rrrcil sha11 hav+~ the :tina-1 ri,~lat of dr~cisian o~n ery ms.t,•.er-x .:s.l,lir~{ a+ithin ".hw i•ravisicrr~s of tr~ris Cade. , Ses~tiarz ],.2><5 ~b~. xrx cxrdsr tc~ determilne trig suitatb:t]fty of altarr- nate~ materiarys sod type t~f sonstrtt~t3cn rKrad to prrorride far ~•~rsa~~ans'bi~z i»terpx•c- trtion~ o: the i,r+nvirzipns of th~.s Code, there Bhe13 be and bex•eby is c>.•r~rte~ a Barird oT Apprs.].a, rt-tr~tisti ~ of i"irre msCc!bciCB •~rho ere gttaZi.fieri by rexpErier~e artd tr:-tni:rg to pe:szs upon pert,irzerxt raatttrer8. '7Che ~ecretrrr]• to t'ze Public Ssfcty '~or~:».i ssic~rz shta.ll b+a ~ Ax--a1'ficia mearber end shrill act ss Sacrotnry saf the ~aard. The Iina-r8 aS Appe.~.l.a shc~l.l be agpainted by the City s;runail ar~d sher;.3 hold oft`ice et their p].essuz-e. The Board shell rtido,pt ree.a~ar«s'h.l.e ru.ies csnd regulrstrians Sor crsnducti.ng its irzvestigatians and shall rer:d~r all der:isionw and .findings in +wri.ting to thN City 1•ianr~~er and the City CotarzciZ w'itl~ .a c:upli•- crste c:apy to the appellant axed ryay recrzian~e:xd to tYr,e City Casrnci.l ,suah rrc'w .iegisl;~tian sxs is consistent therexith. t 16. b0.050 ~ F~:r-mit.s-_~Yd Certificc.terl >ect.tan 1.301 (c) added. rt shs1.1 be unltiwi'ui S'c~r any p;~r:>nn tra CpnditC`i. cr mairtrsin fln~' business, occup~nncy or acti•rity the-t requirers a t~erroit by this Code r;itltout i'irst :;ccur`irrtr the: proper permit tram the City . tdp ]7^a•7at'~e shall continue to cancluct ar c:;rsintain foxy such business, nccupsrcy or ect;wit;v when such permit becomes inv:rlad. Strr.tion ].30?_ (~) .'~~,r~ndc:ci---,1fiE,lication Tor 1'cr^rit. A', rp^1#«~.st.Ir~n~ :or perrnits, except ]irrited burr:in~ pcr.aits, shall be -wctdr tc~ the ti.ii~• Iii :such i'nr•r;t and dct:~il as i.t r:re~y prescribe. Ai,plicatian 1's.~r li::iLed bu,-n:ng i:cz•tarits y';~.i.]..1 ire rtadr~ tit the i'ire Department i.n rahich ti:e but•nin~ is to take plarc:er. action 1.302 (b) x~ided. 7'}ze City .Ca:rncil racy (by r•e?sniution) 'a:;t:~Ulir;h r_ schedule o: Tees to be ch..~rged rnd collected by t?~e City for t1c•_ i.:;uutu:c of rs:ry :such p:.~.•rnits rc:ciuiz•ed under the pruvisiarty oS' t}?i., Ccdr. ar~d fo-- thr chr~cki::~; rind .ir:unect,ir~ Lcr•v.icps reltitive to thc~Fe nrovi:~icn;. ~. cuF.;; ar' :,:rCh fc^e :~c}tcatrlc , s}2L'11 b~ rrn.intRit;eci in the af'i'.ice n: t:te L'i t.y Cleric ;u,c'_ :,rich otltcr 3acrst.ions Ps mri;r• be deemcc9 necr:a r~ry S'or Inr})] is _r~::r,+.: t{+~rx. :3ec:tian 1.30 prided---Pr~•r•rnit.s 7:;.^,ucd Friar to ic:~ur.-d ley the City i~i•iur to t.},e rtrloiytic~r. cf t'~ris Ctiide, . n;~ r~cctri~:?ncy ar use~in cr,rrrurdnncc with. the provisions tvfara cxiz3tinE;, chr:ll rcm3in iz~ c: f«-ct far rnat lon~;cr t.},,~ d~;.e of r.«aaption of this C'r~dc. ;:;uch pcrrrite; shs.ll ,;; r•enuirt~d in Sr_r:tian 1..3CI: (b) of this Cvd~;:. :ir:Ct,ion 1.310 rrdricd-~--- errti t.~s Req;tsirc~rf t.}); s Coale . t'er r•n i tai t.o t7a#ntrr,tn -trr3 ol:c•rs~ta of rrny ot•9i.n;?,~ct hc~rr~- thrzn one (1) yaAr ~-f't.er ;hr~rrui'to Yee rt*nctiied (a) A ger-ruit ;hall be rc.r;uired to inw~t.nl:c., ril..r~:• ar chr+.-~;;e, urs7ras ot.hrr-wis~: herr.in noted, rrny i'ire by<iresnt r,~f:;t.«av.; fiz•r. r:xtin~„trf ah:.r.,r, syste~r; •'irc rtl;sr-r.- :_y;tr"n; i'i~~:r:-,r~tilc? lici~.rici, hr~•r.rt_rdotts che:nicr-1 c)r rr,,.~r•^:::,cd F;nor ire;;t.:rl?crtiun. _~~;.. (b; I'G :~r:t~ l br: ura.}.awful.. tc~ oUerut~', r::li retain c,r u^,c: any 72:stf tt2t.i c.`rt ' oral-a.L all :ttat.c snd lucec? 1et~•;~ e;t~ICA re,~ulr~tir~:~m rc~varna.ng ~trfr~ty frutt2 fire :red l~ani:• tl:tv`e be^r c~-:i: S'I~ctr1:-i]y carspl.ied with sry~ a a~r~it: frr~[~ t.}a(3 City h~-s been ca'at~Iinet+ i'or~ that. t~ccupanc:y. (For the puri-use of +.his src':iran, an I~~>r:t~.- ' tvtian shall tae, Gut iz~ ryot; limited to: Iicasgi4.:tl; Chfldrar7'ar Num.t; :r2>~tituti~:~; ~ ax• ~natituti,orl t'ar insa~ie or zwtntal.l:y rert>ar~t~st pergvns; Nacre ar 1'natiwuticw far tea rrax~ af' mgrt'i r~r srrliia persons; Sa:nxt,s:i.wa; Nt~•~irig on iranva]e:set>r~t . Acrrsa; C.t~Irttt:Ir~! F'~rlsil;}• Carr Real; Out-,~t`-h[aaote ~'lat:wa2-eenti tt~fii4lftfea; Her41t'~ra~ ~lausr; raaad L~,y G,rr+r A'ursae~rie:s; ryr :~iAila-r tat•iXitr of ~ cape-eit~-). trti rye 1.:~1.'l acitttsd-~-Posting e~n8 ~r,rest:ctivn: Lvcr;v permit shall. be p+dat~l r,,n tlae grtrarisesa yr shall br kept c~» !i]cr or, there g+raarisws seo as to be '•! 7re:rdi'lp Itva'Ilab;e ,Por inrip,ecti.or~. 17a portion caf any a$uip*sent intr~ndtd to be ! ca~rt~rtd t,Ir cetrth ar by rrsclc-su*`e •aitrrin gcr~,ar<.nant Iavrtiur'as o:' a buil~!ir:~t yr s'tr~rcturt' shall t>r rnr.]ps,rd uintil innptcttd and appx`dverd. ,An inspe•~tiLrn :shrKll be rec;uest.ecl prior tra cov~t•,ring or t~ncl.asing rpfin, such, erYuil`~e`nt. Surla ruque$t shtll be rit.r;r 7iat less thrsrl t~tenty-four (?4) ho~srs prior tc~ the esti- 71aa~;ed ti;~c of f^s.ection, and i:t .-t:a rest, lc-ter than 4:c~t- f-.n. can thc~ last wcar;,i n~: ds.; i?r•i ar t.ca the restuest ~~d ds.tr_. ai' .f r7;~Iaccti nn. rucr. i nsrLa],1 et i <~n shill ' r-at. ~.. cati t':-+r':3 to::;.~ 1 a:'ttcr it has l,ec~n i n ,petted Uv Kn authari : cd I>r:a•a.;cn. 1+'t',r:•n ;,}:.~ cunritr•uct.i',~r rtr ineteli,^.Lipr. ~•cark iIS ra:,nletesi t;nd thw e-r.•r~lir,nd•c,ti.Yvire ; Fc)uir•w:c:ri: .~r &vrstrm i. .c, rr.~Idv fc>r oprr+ction ar u:Alt-~ but be±'arr. brie„ (1k1CrClt.~-,1 u-• u:,crd, ~: !";r:al inr.rc;.ticn :ihrel7. be requtstted. 5>,~t:]I rec;urst :h2+1.}. `:~l• rsa~~i!' in fhe r.r~e r„r~,-ancr r~z; :yet Torth a'u~ve:. Its sloth app?:c-nct, dt'L•i::~: o:~ t.ry•,~it~--!~t3t s:tir~l? bc~ u_~cd cr npl<~.•*3taed unt{] t.t:t: it~stnl:ln.tion 1:r,'rt bt'en fi.f.l:tT::`:.<i tip i.(1,,• t'1;:.11c)I•i S.':d t'c~2"f•Orl riF~';iP.~ the f itl~`_'.L f n:.tY~ci.iC,tS. Ti C+ 4urh ~rG)~,:.•^ a~rtrr., ci^vic:r, r.lt:i; ..'nt c;r ::;'; tex ;tla}1 hr~ uncd wltil firlr-1 ;+c,:rpt:inr.e i)qs t:(•cn ~;rrl,;.r•ci t),• :hc~` C'ii;,•. :;crt.:r,n ~1.;~'t~. :.c:dc~c:---/.~Itru)I•it.f tc itccuire i.:c;~W:;ur•c or to ;:;:op M'r,rn: 'W'?rt:r,ec'.~r y,P~l~. ilP-::.~]1•~~'•ic)I: is l•c~\•C.ra•[} 02• c:o:)c•rr:.lect tirithou4 f'iS'zt h^ving tt~~nri ill:~i,^~Lrci. tr.e Ci~~• ~:><;; r.~ritli2•c, 1)y~ t*•rit;~~n nutirr., alai. suc::; ~•or}: r:t:r_il be !'Yt`~~:',C':~ ;.~I• ?II::i t'~'f i'TI). t1~2!' :: CJr}i U:• t:>.j'C?-'lh~'; sell TCr:OVr'r"lr' +a}Ir-)1 tlOi. CI)t.(:il ikt'1\' I`.l'I'P`I:^i G• t.Q t.:lf• ~•l)fi~rC~ C"llt,.It.'~J•. i~21!`:)C:'IC'i tj.i)ti• ~Dllrtrlll'.'~.iC)f) 02' lli~t.}9i1:1~.7f'IC] e,•r,rl~; it r~~'i12;; ~`.t ('~~I•:~cd in violr:t.io:t caf ;,hr. p7tsns rind sape~t,iTicF~tian, r~., nl;pr,.~ti•cw icy Y.}: c' C~ti.1,•, r ~ritt,:n notic:4~ shrs.71 br. ,fssued tc t.hc 7•r~iPazltiib]r I•:~rt.~• to ,:tai. vc>I•}: c)r2 t1~.:xt };:~r:.inn of the work which is in vi alntic~n. Tilt r7c)t,irp r,hni~} :,t.:,t.c* ihcs tlt.t•ltr•fi oT t.t~ct vir,lutYc+n, a;rld Irt~ war?: t;hra..1:1. bt: dn:~^ :~rl ... t.tst.t. i,~+-f,irnl c:t)i.il tt:c vic~ltl'.i~)n 2la:r t,~:rn c.carretct.t~d. :i!'r.`i.iGi) .1.313 :t~.ir;~~.i---;.;r:le cir ~`.~1::~•c7-,• t~it.;It•ut. }'r'I~ait: TIc, l,r:r:it~n Mh:tl1 sill, cir.;iti•,^r ar• c~:~:t2;•~~ to 1, c, (i<•li~•r_rk•d, rRr;v t•c:t•:7odity to ta22~' pc~rrton rot i22 l+o:':~r_::•,iCr. c•:' Pt vrtlid r.t'r;,:t tirl,r~2: such te-:~it• i~ r•ectuir•rd by the p:•o~.isicr.t~ c-. t.h i w, Cc~dt" . 1G. bo.c~CC. ''rc•:.i o^ ~.1(J~ addr:,t ~-•^c•:;Inrr•c.z;c~d ~rt:;r.~. Anh;rcl2'ctt:., :+•:':~c~,ni.;_ ::hnZ1. br rtr.7-ed r,rrd }:.~rt,l.lr.~ ~n rr~ to be rc:r:t,cm,~l)ly !:rrft• t© }•er•;c.~rtr> ,lrtcr c:.t•:);}.•rt.;•. ;:~•idi•:rcc~ ;h:~;, r-nhy:i2•aus rir,:nc)niri has bt'c~n ,to7•t~d and h!:r,~}lcct ftt .tc•cc>r•cit-ricc ::ii.t: A:Ic1-Kc~1.1, ;'ni'c~t.y tic•riuirc:::,c•tlt.5 frrr ttic .it.car::re l~nrt ~~ilrrti) 127 Oi r.IaP~•tr:`S)u:i !~"':.".:I7r'l, Zct(~ Edition, iIi c'v7dC'Ilcr: t.hsL Fiurt7 nnhv,trou:, ~.'~r,tri•, i~ rrn::r,:IrPL11' :>I+f'e t~~ i,n2•:.c;n:: t~~~ld })r~~Y~!'r•Ly. _ ~ .. ~ ~. ~ 1. f i, t+Cl . o'i Q, x i t s Section 10.103 (f~ a8dcd--~:.~citr ReQu.is°ed: ~x3,`.s ;}la..l be prt~vided in ~secut'dance with the proYisivn:t cat` the }]ufldin,~{ t`ad+e. ?,actfr•ron ],0.113 {c) s~nenclcd--Ill~itlutian caf itma: Exit aig:t~ ~rxving ~rl otcuI-an*., Soad cat" clne }lurydred (lt)t1) car rr-or•C persvns>3 aria.1J. ba li~h+Lc~d vitt~ 't~-a f,2) G]ect~r',ic Iemps ~f lnat 1as~r thorn !`ift,~rea~ izS) ryatte- each aulrplirad by L~,c (,~!~ t~epsrat~ ecourcea. 16.~(?.t~8p. plt~eives aa~d ~l~.~st'1n{~, ~~ -~ -'a~,~w M~-. geatioa 11.1.~'t~ ~~}{3) arected: ~.~plasive'rs aha?`]. aseen a~ arlfirlrgi~7. av. de~ignat;+ed 0y tits Sta*.~ Fire ~Sarslssl.. ~7(t~Ei"'t'Ip]'Iz Cuti~pcxvcle~°. '~ ~Sectiatti 1:.10~- (at#)(7) aadded~~~-1'r~t~,aits Required: Tc~ nrnufc+r_trura, pvsstsa~y store, acll ar othrrw-isc dispose ot` .,unpawrd,rr rrhan in eiua~rltitie~ o:' over twa*ntlr (20) pc~unda of sa~rrl.~as -rc~~- ar c~r.~ {ly pound o2' bin.ck sportier, der. Src'.ion 11.1ia~a {b) arscndedw-Restricted L,oca`~lton>~: TJ.e st,arege ~f ex~nlosivcs r3nrl blasting r~e:nts is prohibited in the princi7~a1 busine~:s c:.iat;ricts, closely--built corcac•rei~+i, s.,rerxa, snd h+:r~vily p~pulateci ars^r_,, e~.:ept i"c~r th~_ t of lc:w.in~: (I) T~empor~ry stprn~e for usr itl cc~nnr:-ctiran vfth sspprc~v~t blasting npe rtit; on s . {2) ~itloar:^:~le sync'. retail stcle)cs of ;rs~-11 c:l~rr:~ s:.,-:snit=_a^, explraafve bolts, exi losive rivrts or ca:^tr.iri,re . t'ar e:r.7,io~ivc-m~:;,url.:cd c,oticer tools Saa cirlrintit;i.us invo7.ving less thin five hl:ndre~d (jOQ) pcllrlds or' extaio>Sive rlxtr.artal.. Sr_ctton ].1.02 (:~) a:~~rnd~d-~~-Gunpr_wder Storngc: ~'•,a~ Ci.~t,~ rr~,y autha~ri~,r. t.rle stvrr~ge of saokeless pander nt~t to exc;ec•d revers hur.<ired fifty ('~50) pounds, bincl: ss}u;l•tin~ po~:der not tc excc;c:d Luenty (2Q), dr,d s:~si?,1 ar:~.~ nri~nr~r5 na1G to e~xcced 20,t)(?p in r~F~pxoved c,tl~bii:;t~.:nentc. Sr~o",fe~le:,s r.~w.tcr c~xc:c•~ding tt„entg (.'0) Fanun-ys :,r.nl..l bps :story:ci in Eitl rluf>1-c~veci Clrl:;s .IiI ns~~,~::irla. P.l:,;:k :pUr'ting rol:d~ez•, ~:hr~n c>.ut}lori::eel, ,hall. ile :,cored in a;n c:i~a:•ovk:cl c~lasW iI ::'.{;u~irne. :2u;lnt.ities SLOrPd in Cl;~sn lI7 r,.si;,~:~icres s},all that exc•cec? faun hc:ncs.•cd (~+f!0) ~~;r~,lnl;S, 1f:t~~l, rll'IP:; ~~°";r"L`!'S ~i}1111 ~)C :itclrf_'d lrl rS r:_:rlrltr ~:'~.':iCl':GC"3 t1~• t.j"-IL" }''fr"A ?~:b:•:.steal. I,mUUntS C?CCCC~}in~ :c~vr.n 'rlundrerI ~'1i•ty (•j,,o) i.'riU::'ls aa' s;s-sc~i;c°lesa ~N3Ns~IeC :::Id t;rrnty (20) Fc~,lnd~ ~If 'blr~ek t~4,ortinp pouci~r ~h~.ll tle r_=.~,,se,.i a..~ r.n ~xpltrsive land sYtnl7, conform to those se:ctic~ns of this rl~rticle. . aeCtinn 11.202 (b) euneni}Cd---Cunpasrde2• ~isp]nl•. i}7e di splr.;• cf gun- c?cludc:r shrt.ll only be in c~rigtnsl ,:urit.rtiner:t sand shall nc:t c:x: c tci ;,urr:`.y (20) r,our:is ref ;;r:.uke?es:; s~.nd ©ne (1) pound of bl•lc'r. sF~crti;t(i pctirci~r. f,isp:spy shall tlclt. tie rirce:;3ib1e 'to the E~:lrra7. putalic. clte Cit,, rt~~y inCrersc~~: the ciiWFlaJ- ruslntit.ie: it`, in itr, clpinion, t.}~r. i;r.:.:.:3 is not .incrrrzts~d. All eunpauder rnt an airplly :;ha11 Lr, secu.re:d in tan <<F~pravccl ;r,;1.C,a~r.ine. ~ectic~n 11 ,:0}a rr:~,c~ ,led•,. C]c.~•= T7 }~r.~•ixinest (In) A (:Ya:ia II mrlgazine n~.~}- t+e >~ b~lildin~,•1^lrt i~ti.~sc~, c+r AY:tiY-LYP~`- :st.r•uctur~~ ,~ Lunl,~r}., Ix dugout, a bo>,, ~. trnilr_r, or a ~ccsitraailcr c= tsthex' .,. ~ .. w mcatsilr fr-cilit~, nrrd r.hall b+ f:.re--rr, ;].L-t:3:rt, Wee.#.rs-r-rrr3i ,tart, end thel`t~ re~i~t.grrt. ihelr s~ta41,] br: cu.~atructrv of r~rssrrrry, r:r.tcel-~c.ovz.~red wood, tct~ra- ~st~ r-,,r~ta1, ar r~ cc~nbiri~st.iarr trP ti~r~se ~~atriritxl,•s. T7rse wec]ls ernd !']ooz,r<. of uuetx ttt:era~e i`mrcidic.teiD shall. be l,rrect iritt-: a :annsparktng m~-tex'ixrl.. mho doors or ~cxv+rY~tr gAall b~- rxta.l ar sa.liu vnod crrw~:~rcd o+ittr ~n:etal. '1'hM f+nu~•rdatiaraa, la~t~r, 1-ark prt+teretivrr, hitrges, har•;,a an8 icrteri•~r sla~.ll br ira carri'orrnftlr al.th tlrr toZlcr~ritx~ rawiuir~taa: (1~ Fvu~datiang: ~'c+~.x-~ds-ti7rng ~rl be ca-zgtructed air brir;lz, etsrxes•~te, c~etat b'c~~k, atc~rae, ate woad grv~cts. ~T pxarg ar pgaLs ~~ aged, is liau of a cvntir;wxaus Tourdus.ivn, the apae:rs irndt: the ~uildingg shal] be +e~].a-setl with tg~trrl. (2) I,tyaka: ~:^ch char steal] be e~,ui}~red Frith tiro {~) r~a.-tiare laeke; ar viLh tva {2i padlor_i<6 frsst.ened fn s~:pesraLe htr.sp:s and fltrsp]es; ar vl.t:h xr. cr•~ht.n,st.tvld cr-•,aortis~~ lryc.k acrd x- padlock; yr Kith ac g-prtige lock thFt. res~~ti;~t tkc (2) ke}-s Wa open; czr a three-paint lr-cr . I,vcks shsil be t'ive•• turaeb?cr }~roa1'. All pac:lr~s:ks sha.l] br. protected wiith 1/~4 inch steel caps eoi~ffitrurrted sa as to prevent aarri:rg ur ]e:ver e.c#.ion vn tha lt~cke ar h~.,ps. {~) Hi.rr~e,r: Ninge;s rsnd hr~~ps c}gall be r,ttachr,.d ya the dr~ors ta}r tie]clir+,g, r9.veting p1• bolting (note on ar...iar: of deor). !t`h~•y :.hall btw matt] I rd f n such a mexir.e:' t7:at the hint;t•s and hts5ps rrtnnat. be rc:.:<;rvred whet the davr~ a:e closed ar.d lrxckesd. {$) rxpu:~e~ 1;ete1: 1tv sg°r!rkin~y metmi c;:•nst,ruc*]. r. Ts shaxl be cxp'a~•~d bnlc:~r t!re t%;p c,f s:n11 in the ir,trrior t~S' storage fa.cs,litics, rrtd al.l ta~.iir. tr,erein shall t»: Tr?ard-r.ailr:d ar cot:nt,crsun~s. (b) (hrtdc~oz• s,.o-t.ge .°acilities ; Tne ground arnuncR .5irch ctoru{;e !`r3clZit,cs. :,haa.l sivle r•.;:c:; :c•r d:•xinr~,gc. F;hWr: t.rrrsttc*r:drd, ve}aicu2sxr 3tarr~,e fwcillti^s att;al:l l:+s•te rrir::•rls wer.armci ar .~*rAli to ot:rr:°i:isse cffectivel.y fmt~c:rbf l i zed >ry kin~*pin ? cycking r:evicrs or other r: ;,~tric.a approved lr,r L•hr~ City. {c) Inclab:° stor.•rgc fr.c:ilit.ir::; : Zia inc:^r:- fncilit.y for st.orrzg^ :shrill be lwrssted in :t rr.°icizr,rE, ar ::t'cl?irr~;. 1.'l:,~ri 1r~cr~'.s:ci ir: er rrrirchoube, ~zlralc•-R:ic, ar rct~il r.:st±sblic,l.r:c~i't,, r,uch : ~~:n„:~ f~cilitir:, Wtrell be prcavidr:d witfr f,tic-- ffit.rrsLini whrcls ar caster: t,o fr-~ilitatA re:-avr!1 t.hcr•t~fram. Na c,c•re then nac i>tid.aar r~t,GrF,.ae f:~c=lit}• c}:_e'.1 tie kc~~r. in Rny on^ b~rildin~. It :;hall be ~.c,r.rrtfad cxx the "I oar ntare!~t :.2;e ~;r;,•.r:~ 1^vel a.nca witl:ir ter. (]~) ;ret. Ui' an autsicir e•cit. t~'n Sr.3onr rt~~rr.i;c fhc:i?=Ly sh~e1] cor:t.:ir. c gs:~r;t.lty in c~:rc~;>~ n.f ±urr~r;~ (rI) lilacs 73 r...,~nxirr°s shnl] br paint.ed rcri and, whorl N;a.e t7errn3t.:~, ssherl? Lear lettering it •r•ili to on sides rsnd t.ap, r'.t l r~r:::t three (31 inrrheer lri~;i: ~vi,th R ]/2 inch aLral;e~ visich r~:nds, r'E7CF'IlJ~IVE.:." ;action 11.:'OS xri3cu-•-t'lnc:: III f~Irsgr-xines. {a) Cle..s III za;-_rrxinrs r,hall be r.or~structed crf wuoa, r:~etal., fitrcr, or e- CU~1TJIrr9.t~ar1 t.hcrevf, rrr arsy ecuivr~l~nt, con:;truction. (b) C]+~ws IZI r.:~,n~iTirs t,nl?. tie ~tr..l] Corlr,4ruc`teci ~~:: fa11a~:~: ~~.) 'I~ru inch r;r,:ainrr.l t~hicY.nr:.,r ]u:rzrber crrr•ered on t.t.c ex:.eri.pr rrif,Fr x- rrini,x+ruaa a'_" 13v. 2'G' +rrs_nufecturrra istr_rsda:-d gau~.c E trcl o.r ~. ~ (?) i'wro (2} thi~~}:nc~:, _.ss of 1-izi~h }.~!; •:c,~tL r:avec~~d on the +:xtcrir~r with r:i::ir..~.:^ ;iv. ~'(.' ~anui';s•,'.ia: rt:•s si+:nd::rd r;~u~e stt•eJ. ar (3} itber ctiuel ir, sere:.nth to wc•e~ e.s indicated ~n (].) and (?.) tabave r.ovcrPdl ern the ext+~riur wit3i a mittisruv: at ?io. 2J tnanufnctu.rt;ra stnradard gaug,r. steel, ar ($) ~ini.a~uum lTo« 11s n:a.*tufaactuz•exs stt~.•s,1ax•d ~a~c` r•,tce~l. :lined . on t.Tre~ interS.+ar vrith omc ~1} la,~ter ,~f Y inch thins p1~,~wvad, or (~) ~~terial of egita2 str+~r~gth ,snt~ fire rcaistnnces. (ct C1aa~ Y'iI m~asit~t bated in builcJirags aha].l ~ located far• z~uty remara.~. in came at t`ir+~ . (dj Class TzT an:y~r~x'_r7+~s sh+~11 be painted reel, and, when size ~errsits, she1Y be:esr letter.iag in xhite taq sid.e:s and top, at leant thre!+r• ~3) inches . h3-~ ~'ftitl r l/2 :inc:h stroke: whi,r.Ya reads, "lCC'I,G~IVF~.'~ (e) Cletss ITT' enes~iet~irte•t~ left at lc~catior,n Whoa ro ane is in e~ttet~- deuere aira].l be a-dequat~-:ly' ae~cur~ri to pre:vcnt th+cik• theft. 16,t,~Q:(~gCl _I"is`ewor?cs Mrenu.'~tct~e, Sexl+~_e~aratt Di.:cc~ha~er ' ~ccLitan ].?..1012 (d} aclde3: Sections ]2.11)2 (b) c~nd 12.1Q2 (c} Crf i'tiis ~.".ade s:?-;~I I net t:ccc~me e•1`feec:tf ti•c urati] July .15. 1975. Untie t;h~t daft existixtq City (7rdi:::~ncr.5 mhall rr:~,t:Irtte _.:awle any: di:~ch+~.r~r. of :'ir~ewc~:ks Wi'.hir. the! t~i»y'. 41st that. date tlz~;se ~°•~:r:,:irig Ciw,r Ordinances s'r+n].1 nrec~:se invalid and the prorisiotic of 12.102 (b) ar-d 1'?.IU2 (~} of this; Ur i.:"oata Fir+` Cedar :~hesll seipr~re;r~le them. 16 , ia0.1 QO. _'i ; ~• 7'r+~teci.t era Scotian :!~.2t7~ r•e^~r~.a~dirig e:cce!as .for tiro fidhtin~ cquii~r~ent it3 trr~.itttd. • SPCt~ion 1~.;~01 (cj ~ended•-~Fira F'rat~ctic~n FaciliLi~s Requir~~l: t,ri~cn ~-n~~ land is develaF*rcl fn such et manner that •~;), ~r ,~ stil,steantial p:t:rt of ~ r,•iS- l:uilrlin~ nr :struct.ur.- t.hea•eUn is ter bccc:~:c~ in ~~xccss of ry:1!' ht:r.dred S'itty (l~C) j ft•et .froze ;.n r..c4c.gi:::tc~ ~:tste: :;~a~ulJ fear i i~•c 7ro`:,c~~t.ton, the cie•: e~7 opt'r • ::nc.1]. ,~rovici^ :;ttz:h f:i•c xa~c~tr_ctic~:~ f;aciJ.i .i-~.: ta1,~n the 3*cnd as sh~~1;1 L~ uc°,et•-- ~ r~ineri r.cYrcrsa:-~.• •u,y ii.e ~;iiit'f. the C:iair_t z",a}• Yrc ,cribC t'a~t the cte•vr!]~i-:-..~ nt: inri~s::e in:st,r~.l',ratiara cat such firer Fratect;on -aci:.ities a: in 1:.s 1ta3~'c:nt wre y necessar.• t.© provide nn r..c3enu~.tA uat;tar .~upn]y on Lhe lnrzd 4o a~ +.~,vc)c.~pcd. :>ni.i lr.sta]1>itian shrill '~e st• the ex~~n:ac nt ttic r.:rz~c:• cr dF•v.~?ai.~cr. All ~ fn.M:litie~ rr~quir•ed tt~ to in:;ta7_]cd herr~undezr shat:t be ,~•i.rc~vk~sl by cant r.eet Lhe :~^R~i°icrat9c~nn of t!~e Ctiir•t' +~,se to l,o~atin~~, si:.~ rnd L;~pe cz' a~aucrir~?s send ( :.•f;..-~r,er of inst.a~'llratib». Ala inspection c4stn shrill be rRici by the o,-ner ar ~ :~c•relGpCar. ~rttion 13.:i0X (d} tadde~d--_A~9equate ldat~~r yupp'.,r: t~~~nli;arlcP xith j Lhe ptablic.~t.'ion "Cuicle to Deter°r.~inntton at Rcauia•~~d i•'ire Fiou" rsS puUii:;hed ' by tly* Insurane.e 5er•vfces Ot'fice: sh;~1J. be d~c:re4 c:de~,>sote, exr.cNt far thw totla-rin~: (i) }there ~aate. sui.plir_:,+ r.vailable tar fSre i>:atc~cticn do not aeeet the e-~aCVe! requ.irFae:nts, butldinfs agt!ipj.rd tht•oui;hcrat. with xn agi+rvved -~ f+ - auts::~s`.ic :,~.r:r.~;s:r ~;; .tem, car dwc]]ir~~:y and ~.4a. :.c:cesst,,ry lauil^tir:~.~ tt:eret,c. locat.trtr uw ]t~:.t t;anntiy (`~i 1`t:et f`rarr n }yx•u},~r;~y litre, need ryas mandatr.~ri,ly cgrep]y vit,~ tP:a pz•nvi.sfuns of thf.~ ecc•4ion. (~') H~ltlri3,r,~~s izz excetss of t~ (~) ztt:zmriea~ in he~.ght ar 4bs-t requfr+~ ~, i'ire f1a~r is excess cr1' tt~nd LtzrYar~rt~ (~,) llr~e per ~nc~tcwr ah~1 be eq~iPpe~ tt~,rau~t'tz~urt with ~-a ax;a+red rut~+at5.c spri.drler gst.e~~ parr e ~rpr~zee d~ tltia svbr~ctiaro, ~~r~el~fn;s eri.#h axxtari,or r,s ~rtxt~rcte~ in e+ca~-~- ance vittz the prow•f:~ions at` ~• 8~u3,1~L#.rz~ Cvtle ~+erd tzpt ro~gp~. ~ectfatz ].~.~A~. te) added»/-•railabf7liG~- ~~` ~upp~,y: ~-drm~az'tr sba,l~ be t.akerz intr- racccurz•t ire deter~init>~ tether stz r~dequafie raet~e~r zru~pl;p exi~rte wi,Y.~a rei"erexzc~ to a gi.vrt~a Dtztldirztr,. tither ~rwLer ~rurce* ~T t-t ead-~ztsd ae cc~•w~ri-~ butiz~ Lu sari :-uppi~-, it', ir, the ~udnt dT the Chiet', s~-id ecnzrc+r ~c ~eprn~l- a't,le, rcedily accrssib?e, ads.Ft*tik+le to ~.zrae, rrsec} ~rithin rrsscrezeb]e w~x`kitr~ dtat,ance c,~` t:~e building ar tertian thereat' tea be ea;rY~.~ by ne3~t rxaurt~~r. ~a sctrzrcr an ~rri~at:+e la.rr~ +~~ioiaain~ the land to t-e d~ere:laped ath,s27 bit ec~si•!ere*' tt~ ?~-•r reedi5.y s,ccr:nsible unless t*,ere shs.l7, T~r~ wbt.aiia~d the irtert•~reble a txtr~hrwtrueted r: ~ht ttr uses the ~+ uPc,ti such t. r:rszs a;y ae~ be egzpr•c~veci try t2:e Crtir~. Se,rti~~n 1s.:~0] (t') added-_~-cre~es to 7:ire ~'i~rtti~,~ xquiPr~rt' : !~'h+wr,- e~ver +tirt~r hydr,r.~tt or ai,her e.ppurtcn~'iCrs for ute by the Fire i}rpat-•t,.ttrCn:, 1s r+rry~~`, r+.•~ to be instrallrr~ under the :,.~owrisic~ns o1` this srctia~ oz- zrh~.-rre•rrr r.ii ~r a rc::~•- ¢tenti t1 ps+rL ~.;x arYy 1•t,i l c3 i t:~ ar ~trurit.ux•c 1 s car bee. cues i n exc•~ sit cat' rrre }ltlrtcired fif`'". (~~~0) frr_L i:•~.:•; a ~~fc rstld sr;,rgtYa.tc sccer:s r~.tici, LIZPTE aM~pj,'i ? t•,~ Provided adr•iM.:*,.ts rrovis{or,s fo:• t;c:cess 'ta f;~yd frr;:n c~~vrry° :~•.~c2; bfli7a:n,~, 2.ti`.':rp•;t a.nd r~rizUrt,e: ;r.ce t;• fi:'e :`i,~2:rin~, cr,uir,r^e~n~.,. "r~i3 i~~c•!'S: r.ha.l1. b~• ]r: ;.`'.. "s.~r'a, dt' aza ir.`.t.r•ovc, y~:•:•~~-.r.c~r.t]y rr~s~r.:aeir,r~~ rura.•3wr~v c,.;^ ca :' ran c~~e~;a ~a,vrr9 ~,~e~., r. r +,; } ccuabintzticn '.i:•'^r<raf, ;l~si:,red„ c~:ts:.:•irc".c.•ri f=n-i r:W all tir-~~t r•rti~tit:~:..,~r, .. :'. ~:~ a taa.~net• that t.:~t•r• r.ha.:.I tat a~: ac::r.r,. wt~y` }:e, t clc•:it nn3 trr:r-i.~::trtact~;-i ~.t s~. ~t: grr.r9ey street t;r ~ :.nr., su:'*`.i c: ar.;. ~ ic3'.h r;:,c3 h~~i ~;:Y+• clc •sr•canc:,*~ Lc; i ~:•:-~'i ,. i r.;•^er± .ti•.;i e~,resr Z,y : i r«_ fi E;htin~ ~.qui; :.,cr,,.. :iCC~.iC(t ;,.~01 (t) ,a~?;ir:i---Finr-1 In~~,~*r.'_i:~>7. No f:. r: 'ti ir..}.e'~^t,ir.~:•, ~,: tea tt71 or ari~• ::~r,.i can r,f a cievr=l.r~r•;•Pnt shs.7 l l7e ~3eP,~:ed cci~sj:l ~^:~~1 r~r~7r. i 1 '_`:w ir,:atr2]scLir~r. 4f' :hc rrqui;-c~3 :"acs?stirs t-nd aCCr.::.,'Nt~yra have bcwr.:s rc~u~nl«~tr•i e:.~# Sc~c:.ica 13.301 (h) ~dde3--,^c>rr+~ti{rn c.r F,ndi'`Ic•etc^~ ^'' *`^^{ i!t:PW ~'Src: ~rrc,tcc:.ian .."~-r.i7i.! ic., w2-,et},e~:• in ;trJ7lrcd }>t~f.~are t,x• at't.r.r .t•hc ~ffect,iyr detw of that Cc7:2*, r7ry 7tie :~l:cr.rd o. t•e,~,aircc2, Provided that sorb r~7t.cr:tt.9^.:^. or repairs sha11 be c~-rried ~~ut sn crrnfatµr~i',y with the pr~aviRiatas of this ~.!'.r.. Sect,it~n J.3.301 (i) rz!lcied_-~c:cen, tU Faciatties ~!a be lC~pt n,~r~rt; Inc~rtr:ver e-x-,• can-site fate }rnter_t,ian f'a~r:7ittcaz err accr~x:.~.myx hnvc~ T:r.•r-rt irt:::111rd ~-s i~rovidrd in this Cr.,dc, ~it.her ;rursu;tnt hereto or ~rr.ic,r to the ~~ffectiv~e dote. hc:rctrf, t.hc fc,]?~,uin~; grz•uvW:c:~r, r,i;r:ll t,c r,pl,lic~,Aie: (1) Hydrants -- F'r;rkin~ Prrahthi;.cd. kith i•r.sr'.rct to hycirr~.rt~ arn:a>tccl alrr;x; i~rivate ;r,~,:r~,wav~ whc*:•e c•ur•br, exist, ::;a.i.i cus•?,z: ::2-all be rsai~ntrd red ornt2:erxi_cay~t~;•aprtl:trly r:rrkccd by the c,L•ner, ?.r_::s,c~r.. ur• ut.hc:r }+rx'aan in cht~r,~r of the ~,r•e:~i: t: s= tea ;,t•cah~.bit }~rzrkir~ i'c,r a dj;.t,r-nce of fifteen (].5} feet. Sri r.ith~r dirtrt.ic,n fresa uny :uch hydt•ant. lt: r:u~.lt cMres vhcre crzr•bs ~!a ;•rot. cxia~t, there s2-u11 be r~rprcapriat~• nnrki:-,;s i~::,in:.r+1 on the ptzvcn-ent, or rii~r~s cx•ected, ar bath, ~t,vizag n~ctice t.he.t p,r-ritit-~; in prahibitr~l for • distrueee of t`t 1't+rt+;rtr (l~r) ttet tt'ass ary sue t1 hydrant. h'tzen such r-rre.s are si~e~ ar ~.urk ed ,,. T ~. . ~ rte prrvidcd hc:i•eir:~ np person shf~1.1 park or leave stnndirrC a vel;icle w: thin ffi'Leeu (]~} ft~pt n~ ury s~~ch fzre hydt;;.nt. i 2) Accesg - Cab~,trtt~etian P~rt~ribite~l. i~o rnm+~r or :les,~ee ai' th+• ],and, or px•~.`~prietar, partner, t,fticer, direct~t>r, s-a-nager c+x ag~t of ~y businr~rs yr ether actiYity ewaal-ried an upc,a~ khe land, rth~7., alter rec~i.~rir!~ txvticr tixt+x•eaf„ p~ex~it, or crthrrvioe +al].ar+, awed, no ~rrr~ ~hr]~, c~~+e a~- wc'ti~r3.t~r~. !rredt~.cer dr cax-dititrad i.a dccu~r rtir exist or car~~Wiaue bu .~ erpgla said lam ~hTch shall lassen or c,bati-uct or imi-air the ewc:cese rtea~trifad tr, b~+ aaintaioa'~ undsr ~rctit~t i.~.3~1] ~f). - (3) Access - ~`arking I~gjr be Prabibited. fit` in eta ~tedgaent ~f the Chit!t 1t is net~e$serry to prohibit vehit"tz.3.ar parking alor~ ,private ~nneea~s~ra]-s in t~rd~rr~td keep them clear Arid unu'nstructed, lbe 7ngy rerquire tba o-.mer, lessee or cttier persan is charge of the premi:~es to paint the c~u-Ds red ar inst:alll .signs ar give ether. enprapriate notices tc~ the effect that .parking ies groh~.bited. IL sh~-a.l thereat ter be unlawful far rsny tract; arrrse~r, lessee or other peraocn in chs.arge to xai] to instal.i and r".+aaintetf.n in gv+~d randitian the farm of notice so n:•eseribed. h'hen $LlCh r.. i~r-s nee marked or ~;igned as provided herein, it shell be ~tnlawY'u1 Tar a~nv pt:rsan to park or leave t~tanding a vctzit~le ad,~a,cerzt tp aqy :;us~h curb rsarking or contrary to such sign. ~»ctian 13.341 (~) ndded-~Feecilitie-e to be Provided During Canletruction: 1~nen it i s deemed Chest fire fighting t'acilities are required by' thiK Cade } such :'seY litfes as r~av be z•enuired b~• :.he Chief r~hall be installed and .:sdei servfee•» r~lt! r,rior to and c°.urf ng constru_t.f ore. When alternrstt~ met`,ads of prvtectfon as ~•.;:i>ruvcii by the ~'hief are provi.cied, the above may be modified yr waived. Saction .13.307 r•.net7tied---Fire Alarm 5yatrms a.nd F:mr±rgenc~• i're-Fire I': -.rani ng: (tc) Gc•ncrr~l, All fire alrarm sy,tera shall be installed ir. Hccordru,ce •«:t.h the prc,~•isicns of this E,rticle. (:,) Fire Alarm .~ystrms Re~uirrd. 17~inual or automatic fire alr~z•m tc:n., What] trte inst!~]lec i;z evt'ry building three (3) Qr rnore stories in height. i ~ (c1 Tnstttlle-ticrn, irispt~c•t.ican and mointenrince of Piro' alaz-n systems ,,.all be ~L4cUrdi:rg to :.he sLr::7dFxrds o.t' the l~tational Firc 1'rat.r-c.tiotl AS,c,~^int.inri ~izid :;?trsll tie ripi~raved by the Chit:f. (d) F"ir•e f.laz-c~ r-nnunc.irttor 173ne1s shall bc: nrovi,lcd rat. Bach 1GCr;tiana :~., : ecLui rtzd by the ('hir:f. (ej Fire aletirm syste,~7ss shall be so designed that all acrunrcnta cif the t~triJt'.ir>~, mrry 'bc uar>7Nd stmultnr7eou~].3•. (f) F~;~,rgt~ncy l'rc-F'"ire nlnnning. "1'hcrc :hesl.l. ba inst.ituted Is trr~inµ lnfy -,:~.hs•r.,m in t.hc u:,e of f'ir.st ntd fire t~qu~ip:rent end me:thcxlr pi' cvr~cueatfon. i~rczc.:.3,.. r: t;o he fat ].awed in thc• event of f ~.re or otht~r c~mergene ies shall r11sv tr4 t•.tnbliei7r_d rtncl ,hvu.ld inc:lunc, but shall nczt bt limit.ed to, the following: ~ _. R t ~r •, (i~ ?''c.:~.tily~ the te1.e,~hc~rzC rcur~)Ir^r of t.?;e c'; rep cicPa~r+.2*cnw in g '~ rana~picuvu., rid p]ainly visible l.vrt~tion neer.a~ t}xe t,.eJ~c},:io:ie. _'~ ~~) A~:siGruae~t ~f a respo2n,rtible pricrsi~n to call the moire dep+e.,r•x-, 21~I7t w~» aotifir~-t+ian of` ~ f'i2`e or tx1x ~r~ti~ratioa~ br f3 re alanaa ar 2spz~inl~ler xyxtm. gar r2u.,,r rreraa~2. . (~~ DleLi~2nwtic~i taf ecrrra- wb~r~r oc~wps.ntz~ art to ba located s1`trr r~ e•2rs.cuatic~a v#' the 4r1~,ildi~2ng. ~erctie~n i ~. 3x9.1 sdd~d-_Dttailcd R~quire~xae2nts : ~h~n ~ approved a+uL~s~.tic 2~~-r!':~c1r_-r 2oyat~ is iaat+sM.llere~ is c~2r-~unetia2~ with a fix^e: alarm system, ttse ~1L•t;.t~¢nrlltir; Iaprinkl'~^r syst~2s shall. ba provided with a ,crater !`l.i~r device w~iich sha~l,l. crr~,rse r-ctiya;icu2 of tht~ fi2r•e a]az~ tr~.grialing dr.~•ice. r Scrticm ]3.3iQ (d) ,~sicle?}--~^~~rar•r~t+c rtrv 5tarrcli,ipes Hot Re~q,uirecl: l5epaarsZe str~ndritQ:-s mr~•• 'bey c~aittrd in tru±ldin~,s a~ui~rprri thrau~,hr~trt with an wpprvlred avtc~r.:r:tSc s~rir+?t?.er rc~rst,ttz",; hc~wrver, hale erynnections fvr f~.rc rirfao.rt- 12ne2r2't. use:, tats au,lin~°d i.~, ;,action 3073, IGetionry.l Fire: PrULcrCtivrl Assoeiatic,n b~r~cina.*.;.~: r~;c~a•r~''S tr., as ~I.~`.F.A. F'ar•2p}rlct loo. 13, shall Lt: nrovidad irr er1? ` r~graitr~ee3 st,atr +rxaclasure!s. 'Z°k,e rs`,2atic p~•es$ur•e2 st hoar; eanntctia:2s shall 2aot '~# excee~rd one2: }2un4rad t'i 1'c.y (]~A) pauads per 22ic~uetrr inch. Sectia2y .13.3II (a) eustryde:3---61st ~te2~~ldi~ige General. Fxcec-tion X: W.eL strindnf.~c~c~ firer nc,: :•c^quira:i to bui]dinGs equi~•ncci throu~ho::ti; with an xutcmrstic fir^~~^:c;,ir2c.,1>i~"!:ir.~r ~ 21:te:rr. };l;,wcve~r, i;t ~uSlr}fnF,s :Eess t}lnn four (4) 2~trrits i:1 `r,e^i;~t1L, c:r,c i:l,'''. c.:12*-i~ralf (:_i!2) n.}1 I~Rtianal 5tand2rrd thrce3 valved conr~ecLic~r.s :',^:I :*c t~r~,r:cic:~: sc7 thrst ~,]] portions of the })uililin~ rare Within trrc, h~:,nllx'r~1 (:'naI) ;r:c~t c, .' tt:t ..,.rr;r.c :-tic~rl:~. ' ft•ct i:;^ 1;1.~7~ (d1 ri;lne~'~-°'e~:.rirrit.c .~tr,n;lriPes Tlat H~~ciuirc~d: Seps:•l~te rt•i'..'1cjFiT1!^: ,::1~• }J': C-'tfR'r: in :112+~('.ir~;;!' t-'_L'1riC,C(~ a~,:'OU_~2UL2t 1,Iitit rin L':)l,7rUVf'Ci lltlyt,!,-'.:Ct'.1C .'I'ltlr!iC'2 ~ ^.,~ 1;')W(•~'<^«~ t'i'!r:C CC:+^':c~C'tl•~nr. fU: fi:"C CiCi!;ir!.T'2L'rl~.; lr;iC, a:~ au::i:)t~;: in f; _•e _i c:1 0'i', il.~.i'.I,. i'r:-.ri,lc:. ila. 13, 2:hti11 be I~ravideci in tip ~ 1'f°;]171 !'ti'i'~ : r~l~ r C"'1C ~ ~!.';1~rf'2; . 1~1:~ ::'.Fitj C ~:.•'('.:iSUrC.' rit. }IU:iE' CUI:nCC:tl C)R:i ShRll not cxc re•d U:,i~ ':~.:.lr,r:: :'iit;• (i~jA) F~c,:::2dl: F,cr :,rlu~.re inch. ~c^ctian 13. i~ y. ;y~c•n3r.ci-~-= i rc T)ratr.ctf on Tor CU:~t)u .tib?.e~ '.Zc~sto !".uteri ~rl :itr~;!'1 C': rthrl.:6::'•f~ '~1:tC.::,.",tiC wr~ir'kle.. F'`2'i):L'i'LiOn L'h11a ~e nravige'1a in RI1 rUG:1^~3 cc~ntr,ir2ir+~ c•:a^!:Tr::,ih'e Wrw~.:;tc: !;tGr•h~,c and r+buv~s rsIl eo~:buztible wFi~te starr~~c e,rc•r,, uiLhir; '..can (~.(S) f'c•rt c: f' 2~ };uS7ciirlC or roof a~•er}:rtng in Gt•aui~s A, B, C, p, F , F', G, }i ,and J crr•: ur'•1r~cii~~s. !;•a~}2 s,I~riri}:":r.•rs "iRy be cunnrcted to talc dc.:~{~:,tir_ Lr-` cr : t,1 :~lyt i'rovir3eti :1~t~ rinin~ :ar c:.:~C:;tic writr;r rind ,t~r•in}:1rr pi}~ing is ::ui'firic:•1t Lo ::ul•ply thr. -.rca rind is iarcrvid~•d, arld !~n r~pprovc:d RCCl.C,:i- il,le• p. S. sna Y xyFr ::~1uta:'f' ve,lvr-W .t"a; arch rocxn or rrrc2a. Tf t}:ere i:. r2o ceiling, n hcrat-b2a~ffle! p)rdtc tAhall br; p:ovidc3 not mc)re thHn six (6) i:lchrs ~-~hcrvr the s},rinklrr hr^:cci. :Ir~ctinn I?.31~! (n) ri:arn~3c•c?--Ru:.?r:c•nt I'irlc Inlci.:s. 'rT}2c:n }?cctuirzci: 61}1l:n rt^,~1rir•e,i. t~,ut.c~:~:rrlt. rii-~t~ inict: c:h~l~~ tIe in::trsllt~d in thc• first i')clvr of ever-x ~~l.arc, uarenou:;r v2' ^rsrt.+~~r~• -ra•rit7C cell~~rr or i5u:lcrn^r1t.s, cr.ccpt. ~r}lerc t,1,e• ccl2ar ar 1)rt~;r~f~c^nt is c~quii.~-`r^d trit}; rrn et1.lt.c•:,:ntic t'ire extfn~{utshing syste*r.1. ~ t;rctiotly 13.315 xd.icd--~':~chnust Hoad ;xnd C2uct 5y:;trrars: F'xhaust. }road send duct 2t:•(6~t.~S9Z2ti ~:hnll btw proteCtrd irr r,ceGr~l:~~.~:e with ~1.'?.P.A. I'~phl~•t NA. Clt~ x~l l~ditilsn. 'Chtr~r rmh~]1 e~.so b~c p2rorridcd fSrer e~xtin~ul rhos 12n esCeordanr.e• .. ~ with thitz Code. 'ic:.ods, du~t.s and fur. housing sh+ii,~. Y.e +:leancd at. wufficics,t i.ntervalc, eat a4S£+ Lhrl.n ance.• t:uch thirty (~t7) dny~, t~o prevent the necixmtx- ]ctition ~~f ~,rer~se t.hrra-.its. lEi,~,~,,~U,~',~i0. l~l.nrlmsb]~ and C~^,mbu~tibl~y Li~t~id~ . - ~, S~rrttan ]$.1Q~. (r) ~en+~ect-~gct~pa: 'Tl~+~ ~rl.or~ge, Yiar~dlisa~ ,n~sci c~i.zpan~.~ ing of t].bl+e eut~! ac~+t~btt+~t~iblre ]iquid~ ~h~] btr its ~crardan~ce •v#,'~r M.F,F.A. ritrap~r.).et 1~. ~t1„ "~'].r~gw~-.~.e a Cam~~~tiY~.ie I.igxiid~-," ~excapt •s crthar~Yi~a prrr~i.dr~rd in thts Az~tlel,a vtr` i+n nthex leGw~ our ~ r~agu~~rtf Qz~r laga~lay in ett'eeL. s;~'ttvta 1~.1 t'~,) c~+onandekd-M-e~~~~twrictad Lacationa: ~a ~tr~re~e of . flr~aab]~ ~d C~ba~ttibi.e :llqu+idr in atwvegroun+d tanlc.s rsutaisle of bvil.ding iri prohibitcr~d wi'tt-ixx tktes ~rc~untiL:ler end ctL~sr conge~t~ di sxr.'ict~c. Sertiota i5•~t11 amanded__Lacatiaa a!' Plrxnt~: Nc~ r~~w 'au3,k pl,e.nt aha+ll. ba contttructed kithiri ~-raa~ zax,ed t~olely for rest3~tntid,] a7ccl:parlcits and far ~wtrcar.Li]e ca2mblist~scnta priawari]x ret+~i] in rh~-rect;ez. 1~r.4A.].?Q. i,irayretlCd f'etrax~rurr Cs~~es Stc~t:nr: 2a..l.t}2 {e) t+ar~syd~tl--~I'rx7mit:~ and Repc-rts of Instal7at3on~; Iia person shr..ll ir:utel] ar waaai nt+nir +~ny lt+~uic°. pPtraleum gr,s conteliner a3.thouL ~: Ferzait, rxr,~p. Trn• the fol7.owing: (1) Cs~nterine:,~s less tb~rt ten ~]Q) gallon water caparfty. (2) Craup I c,ccupancied. Section 20,70:5 (rs) r_^~cncied-~-:,,c~cr~t,ion of Contrxincz•ts: Tht storage~c~t' liruefird p~;t.rr~?eu::~ ~.res of ;~xcy one (lj inst.rsllat.ion shall eat exceed tiro thc.~l,sand (4,OC}~j ~e~:ilnris witt.c:r cr~pgcity in hcavi.].y pc~}~ulrlted or congested co:°~ercin~l a~-~c.s; crccez~t thaw in purticu]ar ins'ts.~.lations this ce.pacity ray be .~ltercd at the ciiscrc'.ian tyf the Chief, r_ft,er cc~rtsiderr~tf.on of spPCie1. features, :.uch ess ta_aogr.:rhical r:ond:ttians, r,nt.urt~ of orcuvr~ncy rind ps•oxir.,it;y to buildings, ec.r<scity of r rogo:,cd t~snk : , degree cat' nrivrlte fire pi•ot.ectie:it to re provided, csnci :'ar_ilities of t.hr,: laca't Fire peprrtir_ent,. The storage of Jiqueficd prtrG- .leu;'a grss ;hall confc~r^r: t~ t:lte I~rc~visions of the locrll zoning nrdiuru+ce. Section ?_Ei.10~? rLu.:n:?~d~--pec:n!•:itive 1~intcrietl: A].l dretiaes, he.ngings, curtains, droi~s and nli ot}ier do>core~t.ive rlr,tesfaL, inclufting Christ;~ss t,recs, ticwlt would tend to :increase: fire fire and prl~2ic haze.wd shall Ue nHde from non- flrg,^~~arl,e material, or shell tie tre+strd and r.,airytsinc~:l in a flrf~e retardnnt cc,::dition 1,y r;cens of i'lr3r"t+t reface?snL' solution car ~,roc•esw appruvc•d ty the Fire 1!ar~~hn.l. ~:xit dr~ura, «:xit light::, fire ralt?rm srnding strtt,ir~ns, wet str~ndpipr. nuee cabirre~tn, nncl i'ire exLlr~ruishex• locations :~hatl nut },e conc~ct{lr:a c:i• ob:~'.ruct.ed by zu•-y dec:orativ~e saaxtcriel. c,:nitted. ertir,n ?fi.]Ok of Aivision I, regrirding motion Fic:t.~arr. :,creenta, 1w -10-~ D .• Y6.i10,1~C3. Genertxl. 1'reecatatic~ns Ar.uint:~~ Fire ;~~ccf.iot~ '~'T.].Ql (a-) sz+rcnded--Cluttlm~x- ~'.~rtzcr i'ertoit Rega•i-et1: Na ~ pertunr~ aTial3, bu3i~, :iifht. taairtta+n ar cause ar prrnit+ to bt~i1t, .lighted or ~~-intain~l, an~• n tt: rft~tdc~ar wires; ua:a or cause atr ye!~afit to bs burne~9 ~~. bxv~ah, 1Craat~, rubtii.~r, s4t~ubb.le car othex tltsb]c mrateria~ wales he firslC mecures frasr thf CAfi.af a permit tt~ dlo say St~retican 27.1~.A rrrnerlded-~-Fixe Nuisance: Nd rnatet•ii~-l sha.l]. lie burne~T, un~dtr ~xmi,t as cat;aer~ritse,' tirhich sha11, in burning, cauatr or crtrtr a f ire ref sang . . Section 2'~`.2Qi (n) arnended•---Accuarulat.ivn of We-~tte J~1~-te°ial: Any acctat~ulation uar~n prapert:~r of co:tabustible waste rsegtcrial or co~:tbustible ve,~p- tntiar- t,•hich roY~,stiyut.t;.~ a fire haa,r-rd t.o any building, fersc, athcr str4i, ttz:•c: crmposeri of ca:raustible material, hedgrti tree ac other cnr~bustible n~at:erial si..andi:.y~ ai• gr~+wing upon su!•b iarapert;r ar the ua operty c>f ttizt4t.her Cron. ti :.ales a pwb13G r-uisa.~zce. Fvery Verson, co-partnership, fir•:w, ,cc>rlrarrtt.ian or coat:Nxr~,•~~ that permits ar r-llaws such pubi.ie rsu; sssnee to exist updr, propel ty uxned, nK:t:upied ar leaped by him, or it .after reasc'rrtable native in rrritfng ho.s beers -atrvccl upon Kira, or 3t, firorn the Fire 1•.'arshal., the Chief' ~rf tha Fire ~eparxraent, ar tTrc City Attorney to re:~ove, ciiscon`inue or abate such rtuisrutce is guilty o^ n mis~iety~~aTSer. 'fiP exi.stenr.e o'' suet: ::ui .>t~nce for each and rvery ciao lifter the date specif'it'd in such notice fc~r rr~raovsl, disc:,~ntinuttnce, or abt-tc:acnt is e- :.epr:rratr e.nd di,5tinet crffe.~ns;e , Section 2`x.701 (cZ) ,.dcird--•C.c:burt,ibl.e t•Irj.stc 2',ntcrittl: Carntrurtible ~raste nat«~rir:l ,:rich is :3cct:.~1171t3t,cd :iu~ing +.~~:~h ,;or}: dray shK11 `tre rtc~rccl i!s t-I~i,rvvccl ron'Lrtit:^r.. ('c•,tnbttstiblc° tau~:tc rlritor•inl .ht~l? lie r•c,rnc,ucc? frtr:~ tine work ~~rt:m at the c:szci of r.r;rh work :i.i~•. Section ~7.?0~ (r.) added--U~e of G=yen ~'1t~^~c err 7,igltt Re:.,t•r3ctrd: ?+c pcrt;on shr-11 vl--cc err m+;intnin, ar pez;-sit to b~~ nlrzc•cd yr mt-intr;ir,:•c?, rs»;~ lighted candle on any tree or witrub or u.^, n_ or r.:eintnin un~r cs,ndlc in arty build•- i ng, or place in :,ttch 3 lntuinnx a.s to c: hrt.t.c a haz;-z•d to 1 i fr r~r property . ;ectic~n 27.?.U6 rtdtled--fir-rtha-ittke 13erric~r;; fnr Certain Shelves: uhelves used fcrthe :;torrt~;e of ron±rtners off' ",lr:~~:.-~t~bl~ t,r rc•r~Ltj*tibl~ liquids, .:v:~v:,i~Z vI• 2•CriCtl.'JC r.13tc''r1F11;• ^2-tt`1.1 Z7( k?rdVi(lt'Ci t:i',h rlt)~1r(?VCd ~?:iI'tftlj:ttL~C U:-rr i e r:; . Sectio:~ ?.'r.c07 nrlded--I? lc:gt-l Ihuapir:l;: No per ,an s:2,a1? i,l:ece, deT~osit c,r dur:p rtny nshhs or ec~mbza;tible xtaste c;zt.~rial in or uirnn r3:-ty~ .lutxis not appravcd for ;.ucit us~c. Section ?. "j.1~15 ctcicic~d-.-~f`rotc~ctian of r:-r. t.~tcr:z nnrl ?'iirin~;: Ai,prav~.l trttz•ricrs c;httil be in:rtr-11~•,, to 3~:•r.tcct r;:s~, z~e:t~•r•,, rr~,~,tl.rtor•::, i~ii~in~ ar ptht:r• e.^r;ui},~,rrtt fr,~:>S r•c~hicul;sr tit~.nr•i~;e:. Section ?7.1+16 r-dded---tlnse-fe Builc:infs: Al.l, truilctin~;;, car :~,tiructurof: which Burr: unst~fe ur not pravidc~! with arlr.qu;-te e~~;r•c•rs, dr W},i,:}- cc•r;:~t,it.uLc a firs hr-.ard, r~; rtrc~ rrt;-c:rv~i;'~t: cl:-n~erc,us to htx•^:~n ,life, or Kh:rh in r~~:latinn to existing uric c,>r.:;t itut.t_ ~. h+-::urd to :.:tfrl.y err trctrlth, cir Fr-zYrli~ rrr~lC:tre~, >:ty ~ rraaart c,f it:ndc:?~.~at~W n,;iintr:nancc:, dt:tak;iclaliAr,, ot•:ccrleecencr., fire ha..ard ,li~~nstcr rlaa, or atiAnrl~rlCriCnt, its sp~i~ifird ir- this ~Codrt ar nthr.r cfractiv~r -xi -. II t ~•+ ~ ~ . az'dintrrtce arW, fnz• the ,~u:~, ;~tse of thiea section, tinsate b:.t:lcllni;r. Al.? such unc.•~.t buildi:~Ss .tire hc-cb;: dec;larana to bc> pub.ic nuis~n:.~~ :'.etti ~ittcl~ hc: ar.tted by rep~~~1r, rehslbi]i~tatior,, dr_r.~]itiat.~ nr rernts~fsY. '~~~ ]6.4tt_ISfI.~ iJ~r:7.dir,t~ and Cutti~C.alcruaa C~arhida a~d__Acst Ieae w . .~~ ~ ._.. ....._..__ ~._ _.`...W.._,.._..~....._~._..~~_ __ .~..,. gtrct'~aa ~li.td~.i eclid+~d~l`rl-x~~t ~quir+red t'ar b~a~~.di,~~ oc Cuttit~. A ~txa+it ~-*aadl '~: tr~gt<atx~d fc-t b ~rrm parfcrx~i.tt~ v~Xditig or cut:i>~~ wraratic~rt. 1b,,~E?.~l~. 'Su~~rr.tetai~ ~l ~natrvl of P.~n~rdaa~t ~"ixa Atra~tr --ri "" - - -- --- ...~ ~ ffiactio~>a~ ~!~ ~c) of A~p~adix f; ~e~tdtecl: Nk~rn brush ar ~vegatstivwa gr~•b~,c i>a rar~avee! +rt~d c~.~a'kclti st~i- td ~`trridl~ rt ~3.trtrrbr~k as regt.-itra~d it7 chin a.ecrtr.-ap ~. auit.abl.a glctrr'o's+t ~~ich Drill teat >'~ara~ ~r rraptt,p of rap9dly~ t»r+~nra~itwing fi.cre ~he-11 ~~ be pla>ntte~ is ~n.+ch as +~ntn~tr ~a its t+a r~duc• the pv,t<~ibility of Rrau~q~.. ~.,r ` Scxctian 1~ ~~: ctf A~+p~s~ix >~, regardf~q clusrtrtrc~ of brush ar vag~-. ~- Laeiv~e ~rarwtk, frc~~ raa•dx~ty~t~ is cwtitttrd. Se~ctior~ 24 of tippsnc~ix }:, added~•-Raof G:uver:in~tc: Aryoi` covcr~.rtgs aa~ n1] build5.r,gs sha11 ~ firs-ratar~ianlt, ar anq Cass C prepared or bui]t--up raoir?ng, a~~ cruder ar redwood sehxk~s~t and shingles canstructerl {tti ~-ccn:~d~artce with the r+~qu•irantt?s~ni~s cif >U:~i:ar'a- Bui~ditag:~Co~3~- Strtttidard r}a. 32~I4 for special] ~rurpar+e r, >~agfta. F'XCLPTIf1I~: Rxigtitng buildi+ngt. ]5.40.170, i~:ffPCti.ve [~nta i 'his ordinance shall take effect t:+nd be in force thirty {30) day+~ after its pll5tiA~,ll. artd he: are thQ f'1:pia~ation of fifteen {7.5) days from and ~~ s~tt:er ie.s },assr,f,a, t:nia C:rdinnnce Ahta]] be published once ~,.tth the namPS of . ' the t~ embers vat.i.nF far ar a~;rainst the carne in the Cupertino Cauri~er, a net:s- paper pubi.itthed in r>a.i~i Coun~.y of Scsnta t'lara. 1NrrOnt}rl~tt at a re}~ular roceting +~f t}+e City Council of t}+n City o.f ~ Cup~rtine nn the _ 6th ___ d,~-y of __ _, 1974, c~nd I:PtAC1'F~ at a refit+lar. r,eNti.ni; of t:he City Council b£ the City of Cupfrtina on the __17t}t ~~ d.ay nt. _~~_'une __, 1971+, by r.1ta fol.]owira,~ vote: 1 trots 1ter~l+ers of thM City Council AY1;9: Frnl i :h, J:trk~c+n, Me~~r.rti, Ncl li o-s, Sparks NOF,S : Noce AKSf:NT: None ARSTA]H: hone -- I~ N i 1 ~. ,~~ ~ - - __-W.+ w~.~... i~yox, ~i cy ~f r~~ ~ otrA~~ hrr•~,by c bt,~h ad hez~ r~~'~tf Auhl~sne tr is ~ y rh~r ~h ~ ~~ pph t~t'~rt~ aid ~ GY ty of ~ Pur'~u~p rrNrt ~ ry ~~r~~t~ U: t tp lairs ~f •"•~ tee ~Yit ~~ a ~~~~ ~ ~ - ch he~s° i-`«, ,~,, , ~.. _ --~. ^ 1 ~ ... .. ~~ ~ . . l