Ordinance 627UP.DI~I.til~£ S1Q. 6?7 ,A,~ C~:~."~11+1V~'E: i7. ;"HR CLTY q1Z` Ct'~~L~RI`f:~q IiT~a 3~t1N1`, Ca'.~ .3~.+d6 ~ MJA>tCI7E'Al. Gu.il~ SX J1gQPTl1!IG 'TNE "i.*!~iP"i-1CA1 ~CIII,tl1lAG iE" 1~97 1~1ITI0*I ,,1?~1 l1pFRt?)i"ItiAT'~ ~C>l~lIONS "!'l~e"'iR11"Ib '1"~ C ITl' COOINiC II. 1?F 'f'tl~ C I7'T OF CL1F 1~tT~D gg1~S D~UI~ A$ ~1f..1'. bra: is haret~y atawendvd to tha Caq-arlk ?lsxaicipal a C1s<pter I6.fl4 rrhxab t~ to rest! as fallaan~: 16.A4.Olt~. Adaptiort of_ #~nifart~_Ruiidit~,~C~et~197~_ "1"!sa Auildirg Cade for th,a City echttll be tha 173 F.riiti+rrxa caf Che Clatfox•ra Buiy.dins Cvdea, Parts I trs y.Il; i.ncluaivs and Appendix, excapt Chapter 7{l, as r.ampiled and puztilishrsd by tha Yr,~esrnation~-1 Canfe~rence a~" 14uil+din~ C-fficialst. Said t'nifotitr Buildi~ Carla, thxsa eapiez of w'hie>>i hava been filed fns: use and s~t~am:ination b;~ the publ.ia in the affics of the City Clerk ire har~ebr referral ka„ a»d, axarept as to ra»iaffiion,~, xmendmant~¢ a»d addi.Cicrrre, hereinafter Hated, is hereby adapted and made a part hereof, they rsatne as if fully set forth in this nrtlc2a. 16_Q4.p2f1:_Or~aniaation ar-d l:nfe,rceement Section. :'44 amctyded---flrrArd of Appeals: In order to datarmina this suitNhility of asliern4~ta t7Aterials anti tnethoda of coi:struction and to prr~vlr{e for resasrn~l~l.e ,interpretations of tha pravieinnrs ref this Cade, there shall he and is h~rrehv created :r Aoard of Appr~.~sls, con,istirt,~; of fiver meth?~~t•s who .-arc gualiflcd hy~ r.xper:ir~nca and tr~aininR to p:ssR cr on n,itt.crs pertainiry to hu(ldinf cot~r~truc:t.ir,n insL~•sllatic,na~ anti materl:~ls. T'he: I;uildiny, ~:;~fir:ia.l e~hrrll he an ex-•nffir.i.a mr..mhr.r rrncl r,hhll act as tiecrt'C:tiny r,f ehr. f~u.vrd. 'Ftt!'_ Itc~,-~zcl r~r Appeal.M shnl] {>c :+4~poiltetci by the: *~~yor, c.uh;~NCt to t1,Q apprnvrel of z:hr~ City Cauacll, ttt~d t~llill~ l,r~ld offirce sC vile plr~atiure~. Tlc.~ I3onKd &hrsll a,{opr rt~;s:,an•, obis rul.rsa ar-ci rel-ul,ctluns fear condurtinl; its invr.t;tisatjons and s',:all t•er~de~r all dncirciattiet sand firtclii~~s In writin}~ to the Hclildi:tF (lffic.ial, kith rr du;,li- c~str. ca}-y to the appellant, and may r+3cors7end to the City Cauneil. such new le}tl.tslation tas is cc-nsititeric theretalth. 'Y'ha sanr~e prrsot~nel. tsf iha Fio~rr{ of Appeals sppointe,d unddr this Cade t~ev act ao tttie $parci of l~ppeais csr,der the othar huildin~ r:or+etruction uniform codes. l.n ttrca csvent an ,~pptral.t Rdrsrd is Hat appointed by thw lef;icslntive body, the ('ni,nr,i2 rh,+ll rterwe a~; crid Appcr~tla hoard . 1G.Qr+.(}~0.__.Pc~r,~itr. ~~,tid _Inr~+:•rt_{~~nrl Seckian ,~~~.~ .1tlclHl{°-fluilc{inl; P+:r.T7iL 1'r•F&: Fors ri}lall nGC 1+c+ rCglli','ed fc,~r pr~rnst,s for h,tildi.• c;:; E~rnc:ti~c{ fc+r an,i c7:•„r*ci i~;r thr i'nited ;;tnt¢^~s oi' Ar•sc•t•ir.a, the SLALct of Ca-lifc~rnin, t:hr. (:r~,rnty 4~f "~inC.'~ Clara, t1,e (;ity of (:urr.rtSnc~~ ~t~cf the Cupr.rtinc~ F:1N:w,~ntnrv ;;chnoi tii ;crirt, the f'rett.ont 1'r,'r,n High "drool District: ar-d thr. 1:ooth5.11 Col.lr~F;a {)i~;trjrr. Sectir-n 3014 (d) added--Rraqulreci l~i;.pc+ctiona: t?nc{erfloor Tt13pRCtic>n: To 'he re.~rde :rftcr all underf).aor Fmrk is r_anlyl.ete prior t~ the lsyinl; oaf nriy eubflr.~r. .. t Ccct.i .n ?lDb ; r.) .;~~,,~rl:; ,•;3.__C-t:tc~• ]:r~st,ectic:-t~ : xn sxdditian to Lhc ctslied i1tr~>~f~cti:xrs xgeei.i'iL•d ubovc., the ~uildir,~, Of3'i;ais.l t~~y trtikcs or t-equi,rr. nny othFr irl;ypcct,ic~trs;< 01* a~r1;; cs,zrst.ru+ctia~l work to ~ccrtair- ccmtpliotrce vritYr t}sa p;-.~vis•:atrs of this Cale errarY ether J,a~,•s which e.ke' tint"arced bX Lhc Buildfr~~ . I?eprtrta~t. ~'or thr paxrpos+~ of +iet.er-rliinirtF; ramplirgrrtc~ with 5ectfoin 1d# (h~ r r,Ire 8tllildiini~ OfCti ~i,al alc,~r cruse ~rt,~• rtt:rucLtlrc tcy be ref wtzpect;.ad. xf ti-c~ inlsgc+~ticea is rrr~ia rt the reyuestt of any individt.~, pt'~1-LY owner yr ae:ndin~ ias#.itu~kie~r, a Tear egtar~. tea the cast o:' tmaltin~ such irrrpect:io:- 1t;halx btx cha.1"ga~'I with, a rsirri:tctr~ rec of ;~25.~0. • . ] 6~Qii . QLCI. ~crlt,~ i~rr-~c_n'~ B.tscd dr~Qrcutlc~rlr~ ~ect:iart ~CJb (it1) added-•-]'"ire Rcsiszr~.~lc~' of l~alla: W'}acta dperaings i.tY extcriar vetil]s arc prchibi.tcd, cxLeriar. wc+l].e tlh~il.l be not less thxrr twcl-hour fire--remfativr pnn-cari,5ustiale ccn;3tructiain. EXCEPTIt)R : Croup I ainci J' oc: cupanci ass . lei -,01+ n50~ I2c~ouil•t~rlent.~•µfbr G:•ouT, "k:" Occ,t~r+nc~ :section J.00~ (tl) Specir;ll F'rcavi~irna. Delete FScct'ption: I•"lc~ors >L7xy bc' rurf~.ced or vatcrproofeci with r3srh;tlLir. I~rsvin~ r:;tt~:rials where no repnlr work : s c9orte. SPCt.i.~n :1.008, F'rsrr..Frrir,tt S s:r:lcnfie";i-•--Special Nn:.R7'ds: `'Y'CF.:'r"T'InN: Y.:t i)ivi:;ions b told j, ttni+, hc•ttt.+.lr•r; z:ttsy 1)c, i:::~'.stllcd, provicicci t,tcey rsr•e rst bast r.'i~,iti. (f~) fc:ct, :si1r~V~ t?re {':loot. ]n I)ivir,.icrnr }c rind j, unit hr~:;t.c:•_; ::ild device:, w•}rich fcrncrnt.c rs :;i>ru•k ... ;'iC'~ ~:3))rt~~t`. Of~ ]j::lit,lill~ ~r!Spllfl'' ~'ilj'~J:':i Clllll.l IIOt, ilc~ in:it.r-11CCi f71• LS!~C(1 • iihzr: ~'i~;}lt (fi) fc:ct c: finis}, 1'lr,or. ~~(?.t~11,n(7t). T'.'"CL'~Tr'."',t_'.'lt.ti fUr (';:•f:11t~ '~L•r' C:'('tlL~rtr7C:iCfS ^er;,iCn ].101, Pi•t~3.~iun 2 :u',t!11c'.^~ r1t1R supArrccied---Croup "}"" Di~f;niLiun: :iho]e,c31C lull s•ct~il st.ul•es, o!'1'ire bu;~.}.~'i:r,;:;, drinking rsnd rrrstin~ rst.:stilit;h- . .-,~~:lt:s hr~vinE; an occ:upent 1.;rsd c)f 7r::•s t.ilt:n 50, print.tt:~, i)lrs:lt,s, r:~urtir.i:)rtl j7c11iCr~ c•.1;5 .'ire' s;Lrst.inn:,, t'r._'~:riz'~ r~:ld ~c,r~:.hc>: u;rirl; t-,nLc1-i111L, r+ot hi~,hly !'1;3•-.:;rcble C;' . ~..tl:l:: t,iti)] C', .; I.:71•.'.ti;•~ :lt1C~ :;r;i C:, rC)". ~r, rp:• C C~::,t`1I:. ~iL)~ C' (;f7C(2„ ~ j:liillL ~LUrCD ~.•.i!.}.c7l:t. t,uli: t1r-.tc3litt~. (;~c~c ;;cctic;n frC:? :'c;r dr::initiun of A:;:.c':~b'_~• T3uilriinf;!7). ;;crLion 110? (t))( ?.) dc~lc't.c ?'~_c't;',.ic~n; }•'}rlort; ::ray t)(~ s;urfsrc~cl or , ~.r_t.•,,.rll•r.c)fed with st:;i:}rrcl`.ir: i,~:•.•inl; ::: ttc•ritalr itl r;rc:at: w?u:t•c :r.c)Lor vcrhiclc~r; rcrc :,t c)r'r:ct c)r upcrrtt.ad. f t.;t'ci.fotr .110f?, F'e~rnF;rrtph 3, rcmc'nciec'. rsnd t:uut°rryedcd: Specil-1 fitizrcrci~: Urr;,L hr:r;t,er~ rind dc~vic:es 1+'ttiC11 Cc-nCt'r!Lc R t;C'•:trk or ~;loa rl~.i~tsi)]c of {~niLinTC ,;:::;~]irlc~ vrsF,or:r r;h•~"1 .nf~t, t.~r: irr..tnl]cd uit.hin e.(.(;hL (~) fee:. of i'.ini::h f.}u<~r. 1f~.Qf:.~')"r0. T~rratlirc••.~en',:; fr,r G:•r,un ",T" f,r•c~un~znr.ielr c:t.iUrl 1,~U5 s.-r'nc}crc3-.-•f;:-r;,t;c })c~nr- :Jut•fnc:r;: in ..t.ru~::t.trrfis whrrc r.,~~tc)r vet'_ic:lcr; sire :; t,c~rrcf ur- up~•rssLc"d, fl.•~or :.ur!';tcprl :chill be aT rlonrc"~;lu:rtiblc ~:rLcrinJ.et. ' - 2 - a 1t5.0lt.4~'~1. >;:;crctric'.irynv ~n !•'irc~ 7.encr, ~, L~:ction 1.6Jal (a~ cmcn3e(tw--F:re .one;; De.in~d: Y'r~r the l+tar]~OSw c~i' thi: ,m J Cade, tha- entire CSt~ it `..+~reby •.itnu]ureci tc~ b~ r.nd is ha~i'~Tay establi::~}tart $ Fire 1~isi,rict tsnd said Fire iltstrir.t r:htall the known as ]r'ixe Zane Iits. 3. ,. ~. J3~eetican 1~Ok we.cided-•-~testrictiona itt Fi:^e Zr~nE Inc, 3: Cltw,rtges, r~.ltcr-~ ,;~ s-tic~rts, additibrla, and x•cpair+ta ~rhi,ch mould incrt~~ae the Lire lxtnsar.7 t;f rr.rty ~~ building shs-1]. not be permitted urr]eaar the bui]ding canfo.r»ls tq the bui ldin~; y' ~tid 4'i ace cade. ,~ ~~.(Jla~t~ft. _Gcneral Graststrtsction Reouirt~ra~nt~ '' ~cction 2517 (~) ~' ti•::endeci-••wUztderi'.larr r::lc~.rti.racc:: Girdc,rr: owed :-r. ~ f]oar ~aistR e!:all. }t~~re a mir:irttitn clearance of rroL 1c:ss than eii;htcert (lf3) inches betwcez~ the 2~cttom oJ" ths~ ~;; rt]er• rind the enz•th be] ow, whet: a Lwv (2) inch subiauu;•ing is u:3ad instead of standttr.rd floor ,joz~t r_anstz•uction. i'lrer. standard ~oi:~t con,trtsctxran i.s t;~.rrd the clerirar-ce be~t.tac:cn bc,tt.o~- of 3ai st e+n.'_ ,~ ground bc]aK snti]]. b+~ a minimum of cil;lawccn (1f~) inches. ~'uod girdez•e e']c,.ter thin i:ue]ve r12) a:tchc.:i to t•he E;rt•tinfl, u:,~l~r`lc:~ r tir•ers anti t.hr.i.r :.upF,rartc, t:hti.].1 tie of '.retil.ed good or t~?.1 hc:et•tr:ocad of .t•,~r:;•,•t~d r;itttrt,.ily ciurr_l,le :;peck»; as ]i:;2,tsd in ~e..tion ~';,.1'i '(c) 3. Sr_r,ticm ?_jlB, ]'r:rr:~+,rtrt~h 5 (f) 5 rt.•atc~ttde:i: ;"i!,1id ::l',rtithin~ c, i• c~t:t: of the ~-,atc.r,i tit , ;~F~cccf i'i ed in :>ubnttrt:~;t•r:rh I3 t,hrot:rh ?' r.:i,r,vc5 e~tr_.l.l 2.: r• npr] t ed can t.ttc! e~teriar wti]lc of t,hrz .^ir:;t ::tor;; of rs]t wood fr,•::cu l,ufldir:t,t; two :~~.u:•ie~:•. in rr:iE;ht~ ;:nd t.l;r t'ir: t ~,trc, .; i.r,.•ir._ o_'" rt11 lnti ic3it:;;:' :l:re:e• rt.or•°reLS in 1t~;t;iar',. 1~.O~t.1CTtJ. Cr~nrret:• .ic•ction ~t~,?3 r:ciclecl---;•;itt~ tnt:.m :.i1t:U Thic:i:ttas:;: ('c>ttcrc±t: :~lr,la 1'!ctir;:' ,.: ~,l in t;tructurc:; ''ar }nsrtr:n c,c:crapnnry t;hn2.1 nc,t, lac .lc~c::: thnrt thrrc• tinrl arac•~-lx,l:' (3-lid) inchr.s 'hicl: r-:td ::l;s:l1 tic sc:+^t•r-Lc:ci Trc::it n;it.tt;r':1 l;rcytr;rd by i•!nc•i•t~ xn:.tr1•~rt>of .r.c,:rlt~•ttttc on ti frni~ (i+) inch ltrvc:• of ~;t•;:•rel.. Sai:i t~cl-brairiL ra;iy rr• rlininttvte:d i~ the rerao~•al will nox lac• ciett•irtt:rttnl to the f']ocr rts•r•~ ;*.:: dater~- mine~3 by tin c;nF;inr..er ]ic~et:::t:cl it~• t hc~ ;,:,tttr. of (:si]iS`orniti Lo t,~:r:;,:;,, r.u:•tt root,; irtvcrsti fsit.ic+n ,. ]fi . OJa ..l ] t)..._.. ~' rc .ctvt: ti c+ra:o i . ~•'ctt:wr.):t'. ~ <,n:•.. ttncl..Iirt,_r,i :t i st~ 1':t;l t licct.ic~n :?;~07 (b) a~l+:~~ci••~-itc•att`it-f; 1•. r_?':;: .1. A.11 fc,otinE,:; fo:• :>ittl;lcs :;t,gry rcriclc:tt'.inl t,tai]ciirtp;, :;'at,il ;,e r: mittir~+um ca J' t,u•• lvc~ (]:') .inches into un~•xc;wut.t~d : c>i l , :~. All foc,tint+:; i'ur t,wci (?} atory Y• rri.lc~nt.i;~l lnti Idiot;:.- ::hnl l l+r r. minirttrra ca f' ri ,~1,t. ~~c•rt (]Fi) itacltrs into unc~xc•;ti•;ct~~.1 :,oil_. ;~. All fczat9n~::; for tht•c•c ( 3) story rc•sidc,,:ia.'. laui)dinl;:; :;1-rtll be a rtinimuT, caf t,cnt.~• fo'xr (2J+) ir.r.hc~s it:tc, u:tc•xc':svt:t~'ci .coil. . 11. Twt~ (,'') 1,~;.' : arla rc~i n1 ~~re ira; ;•~+d:; <•r::' ..,u, tt:; i t. f;~uncl;a#. i unr tirc t°rytti yc^c9 C+:ar H, att-cj ~T CTcr.t:i7csstc ; car.. _. ~ .. • i::)lCiai''iIUN~: Ncsidantitil buildin~,s to br c~-,r,~tr•ucte•~ ~~:t c=,~t;in+:~cresci .*i)1 (aoi], an:r.lysS.~ crud cornpactic,n} 1'c~cting :icpths r..tty be }irduc(:~ is rcc;.Y~~[~nr'cc3 Ltv the etcri:is rcypar+.., preftrtred a:t dircctpd b~ ~ecti:yn ?)A~ (~-} Lhru (e} ctnc9 ;.s ~' ac :`eptab].e ttt the Building Officit~l,..~ . x6.q`4.12b~,_„Str(ire, ~:xits anr`t ~c;utac~L L,~~-+~9 p - ----- ~~~ uectior 3312 (c) arncnc3cd•~-Illtuni,natfan of Si~r~s: larit suns [serving r an c,ccupe~rrt ,loe-d nt' one hiyndred (l.t?©) ar moa'~ 2ersons sr,at.1 be li~htrrl with '~; i.wo (2) c.lecLric lamps nt' not, less the i"xt'ter~ra (IS? uatLts r~sch su}~~lir(i by t.x(~ (^) tic*f>:traLe t~;~urcers. ~6.04.1~q. Farr ti`.xtin~-..r~shi, Sv:ttemil ' ;y~ Section 3803 (t) added--Dry S'„andpii)es: Sr. }7~.rt3te rt.a:,dpixie: mr•~r be ,~ c):~:I:.tt*d in buildin};s e•7ui,rpcd th[•nu~;Trotrt Wl,th [tn [tppravecl>}uto:~aLic srrirtklcr t•:ct.eiu; hcrti:cvcrr, },c~:;~ conncctio:ts i'ar fire departr~cnt t[:;e, [::, auwlirted in t'~cti on 30'(3, Nr>,ti c)rtril I•'i rtw 1'rc~t,;actaon A:i:.oc.i ution (hcrtni nctftcr rt~fet•r•c:d t(~ [:s 4 ?:.F',?'.A.) F'nmrthlet ;lU. .13, ~+1irt11. ltc^ })rc~vic}eci in rill ra~ttirr:(1 :heir enclo:;trrt:s. ':'ii(r strtt.ic I+r•r.:;:•,ur(: rtt. hot;a c•cnnr:ctions shxl.J. nat ex(:et'd one huttdrrd fifty (1 `.i(}} }:~c•+tri,l:, }per :,gttr~re inch. ,~t.c,.~art ~ll~ic (b) i'xc:t.nt.ion 1 iLacndt~d--i'!.t +~t rnclFtipc_., 1.c., :;t.rtnrt}~il~..:t ierc r.r,;. rr•c,uirc•,} i n }Itiilc}ini,:; r~;tui~:.,e:c} tlira+t~;}ic~uL with t+n i-sutr:tnntir. fire ,. .t t.;, . • ~`It. i~ 1: r:1i~t•, ii'1 'r,tl1 (171iM;. }(t:., t}tL!II _OilI' (}I~ .,~•c~t'i , iTI }.'":,;}l~ + !'iii' „":',} r±I1 !`-!l:tl:' (}"'l j) 1:1". i1 . .rttic?l::el :~t.t111(~tlt'(1 Llit't';?(1 VIl},V<'!(} I:Cil11l!CL?{+tl:i ' .. ;:} } i r } :-c>•ri';"ri .;~ t.t.at r~l l It,~i•t ~c)n , (ri' t.hc: },talc?i riff ' rtre a: thin t.t:r, liuridt•r'd ~,•i+~)~ ('r~,`,. r, (' r}If' ('Urtltrgt.lOnS. ;;r:c~cic~il 3~?f1S (ri tt,ic?(:cl--•('r:~l'ittrat.inn l;t.ttn(i}tines: Se~r(t•itLc ;;t:~:uiniites t~.:.•r 1,., c.-,it.t.rc° in b>.•i lcii-'.~;:; (=r}ui}'tr(".1 ~iu'otri;}toot rtit}t nn a,}~n_•oveci rtut.ci:!?lti.c :,(l'1t,!r1P*.; :,~'!,it":7, r7 t;«,•Vt';', }1(1::;! COilIi(1Ctions tat' firs (}CCLI'L:TiCtl`,. lt:i(., ::i C!lt,lin('d is `'.•c•tir;r, ~(Y'i?. ':.?''.t'.rt. i~:~~r~?:l('t, i10. 1.3, :,'.•tnll br_• iirc)t••icietl in rtll rcc;uircti .,', '.,T' r'r',' . +It .. ', f.r" !. ..:St iC I S'(!5::11 I'C ilt }tU:il' CUri til!CLiOit:i :i}llt? 1. ilUt +':ti i`1'1'~i t I; hn:ic:: _:ti t'i t'..y (},t)) 1 .,turf:, },+:r sc}t:nrr_ i rtr;h. ;'a'rt. i ~y;t 4 in}, (ci) ic,l+it~~i.--;lr) 1!, ;tn(i i':tt•t i l iun:, : i!(wcl }~.,+ar`~ 1 r•c4 >art} 1:. .'t.rti } `.,•. 1';t •n. ,} .: ,_,r•,•,}:•t.t`;y rithc~r• });r 1/:? inch ~•,•t,.;ui~ lr_u r(i :,'r~c.~' j i,;, , ':'.'..1!+•..•~2 ,':• i•.~ ~pc+i•e)vr.•, :;?.,.'c:tinE, of ec}val fire rr.::i;,t.r,nt c}uality. -'r:;;;+ralr.,c, c)f t•i••`t; t.},r~~ :,r~' };<'i`::~tt~c!r.t car tc::~l~c~2•r.t•)~. 1'ttl';t !tr:iF;ht. c)r lt)t:rr. 'i'hir: t~:',iiit'tntr n`tn} } , :11'tc'r fi r:;L r+•:rllni;, •.,~ ..:'h~~r}ulrrl tOt' ,~tthl ;r~ hr':trinr t. r; ;+rr: :i,jcrl itt :'+'c•l.tcn ,+UU:;?.;~ a"' t}+r. G.)~c:•nr.c':it Cc:cic:. t;c)`..Icc: r.t },%';trit,~; :.}ir~ll ht' ~1:t})li':}i<^I }+ur':uttnt. to :;rt(:ti<tii (~0(i(iG of t.it^ Gcrvc!i•ri'1+`1t: ('c>ue itt thr r.uY`~Y rtina (:~ntrir.r. (.r+}.)it:: rtf th^ l.lnitc)t~Ti }.ui idinN 1' c)tC n:td L},i,, ()rdir.r!nr~r, :h+,l.i lrr~ ran fii 1M with t.hr:~ City Clerh [rrci al`+~r- far j:u}y]ic irt:ipa!ct.tc~n. ,~ - ~ , . } . , i•V . ()4 a ~V4a. Vialatic~n ~, Penc+lt~, Axxy ieeet`eec~t~, i''r.-~, ct.~rp~c~•~ation, pertnee„•~hip, ter crs--pearert~rm}iip whs~ wilftal~ty vitrl~-t~Mt +~ny of than p~:o+visic~nl~, ce~e mils t,- rc~-s>xsi.~v woixk, e-~ny ref thn ~aandeCary csqulreee~rentn of thir, t~rdin~tees ire ~viD.ry of n etiirrdoen+~setaar, et*d upc+ss ca~a~.•fction the-re±~tf, seh~Il 76e` pt~r..f.i~hs~als by ,x fins of teat to uxeer~d 35Ce+D. t!~ sir by ieeprie~oneaea~t rr~xt +r.a -~~,:~c:. ~ six +(6~ iw~ax:9hs, ar by lacrct~ f i,:~e snc9 irapriaa~teese~t,, s~:capt cPeat nsrtt~i~ '3arsi~n aaant~~.nscl slfeeri~. bes dM+aa~d to h~.r spy lsgnl, sgwft~-blc•, sax s-xrer~rlr rrreersdy to wh3elb xt~ Cit~- oiE Cupaxtina ar att-~sr paal,i.t:Ccs]. arut,~iiv,isicrt, ar any }x+sc~zt; flrctr-, abrpr-ratiur., partnrx~ahip, or ct~-~?artnee~tt:fp eae; t-ee o[hei`uiaer tetttitle~df, aenc9 then City raf Cupasrti.rt~o car An7 at',ee~t pc-1ttS.cMI sub.iivi.siare, sat. petretan, fit"eda, r_ar~~c~:^Ktian, p~trte~err;hip, or co-partnaee-a~hip any f~ila s eauit in the Supatic~r Court of thee Cuuesty o! Sax~t• Clsrn, t+o resctret~tx~, o,r arejc~in sxey attasepkeed ar przrposeed su6divfsivex, or eacts, iri vioiatioin of this ~trc~inancer. 1fi..A4.17p.~ Fffective4 Ustee This c~rdire+e.rtces sh,rll t•ai~ee e:fl;'ect~ sand bee in fcrres thirty ~~Q) e1n~t~ hitter ita passa~yt~, nrid taRln.re the e•xpir,txion of fiftae~e, (1.5) dRyt~ fr~n ~:~! niter i.ts pnr;st-~ee, this Ordinance zehal], bee pu~slistre-d oncte .rith the u.~ctrx ~~' thm mrrebr:rs vatin~; fur or aFsi.nst the etamee in tttitn Cu~sertinrs fiaurtr», a nnu~s- p~~}~er puhl i~lied ici sr.id C:aunty of SsncA C1arn. II~1~C1r)llClrU nt s r~~ulur mrntinK ~)f t}~ee ~itv Cour~: it oaf t.lti+s t:ity eat Cu rrtinn on the dmy of _ Mn , 1yii~, ~yflr: i.':~11:'Cf"~- F • ~ ~ 6th---___.___..___.__~.. J1!..._...---._._..,_ 1sC n rep,ul,jr met3ttn~, of: thct Ci.S:y Council. aC rite City .~(_ CuF~tyt t:1nr~ c7n tt,we -..- -. _. _ .~.Zt.t!__ _...._ ~j+eY of _ _ ~lun~~_._..._ .., ._..... _,_._, x.974, t,)~ thc: 4 r~11c»~9n}; ~•ntr~i: Vc~tr. Nt:mher±z of ttie Gtty Council A'.'F:S: Pr<~l loft, .I:~t•.k~c~tt, Me~)~c~r:'~, Nr~ll1~, 5f~r+rk~: A7iS~:N'T: Ncrnc ABSTAIN: Ncirrc^ l i A': ?'1•:l~x' ,~; C! t.y i;l~r ~ . A1'2'hbV~:1) .w•~ i'/ ?tay~ar-, C1,ty of t:~~l~t~rtit .,~~. ~ i ~ ~. ~,