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Ordinance 626
r ~ AK 04(iilt+At1IC>r ()p' "1~ii~ CITY OI` ~tl/1^lt7'1:~(7 A.";r:tr"irllrG t"'IiAY"1'ER 16.4 GAF T`Hlw I+:L"ltiCtPAI. Cn~C ?Sl t.110!''i'IIwC 'TIiE "lllil'FOii": M£Cifii,.°i1Ct,L ~C1DE", 1973 f:D1TlOH Al~'7 A>k'PRf?1'RIA?~ E.XC:~!'1'1(lNS 'I`l'iT(A 'I'>~ItE CITY CJDCA'CII. OF 7rtiE 1."•I'I"1f t~F' CCi)P~itTYNf1 If[tE:~ (ARURIw' AS FtDLIAi~IS: "fwr:t ion 16. ~~i is hf~rfablr aartrnrfacl to read as fallcnra Section 16.:i4.t)1C3 Purpc+~sfl" and_ints•rtt It is the purpoaQ ft<aa intwnt rtt the City Council o~ the Cit'gr of Cupertino in et,aetirg t`tis cTrdint".•tcfr to ptn.•.icie' the mirtirou,•a atartd~wrds t.o safe•iluard life c,t: limb. I,.~alth, prc+pert,r arTd public ws:~lfarf` by regwl,~tirtg nncJ controlling tltfr rie~l~iitn, c.:,nst.uctir,n, in>titsll:ttion, quafI:tg of tu::tcrial~, ]c+crftion, oprratiran, A:fti rn.fltTta~n~rttrw ta: 1tfiArSni;, vf~nti]ating, ccTtnfnrt r:ctcl- irl};, rrfrigeratian ~ya:(,.~,r,, incinfrr,tt.ur.~, r;tr} o1},er r^,i~r.e']ls,ne~cyus heat-• rr(Tri.,c.in~, .~pP]irrr.r.Pfr, •,~rc)virlni; fir th.• s('t•.irrir~itraticTn ar;rl anf<,rr:errrnt of r~uc 11 rf•quirer,:+;t[t: a;~d }ri c~ticrihinp. }'f•r„xl~. ir.~:~ f+,?t viol at iottc th~rr+~~a>` . Srrt i an ] b..".4. ()2G .'.rlcrl't''•i t)r,• >r~rf c'r•'"rtr._r 7'h:,t +"c•rt:,it, r,rt}<` c'nt it ]r•d "i;hi fur:r, "ie'rhanir.a~l Code" 1973 f:<iitis)n (hc r(`in.,ft(•r rc'fc•r•rc•cl ,r., iu t}~i~ f'ruis,.trtrr• aR; thrt Uniforr. ";c•citrfttir.tfl C:c)de }!•i ( 1 t1}t iru;1, tht'"~+• {'t) t u;e;,.•, i:t,ic}I .~;; c• r.u i ilr in the• nif iee• e)f the Cic,: ( }~'T~ tl+t .,`+i :Tl~~i '•I',i,l,af jt .. 1t\' }; 1' }~~:~'f 1~' .1111: 1 .?('~`},t i11F! t}~")St t)t•C)\'i~ilt)i'If: ~. ' 1;, If t1`r' l1•)t 1.,1 j. ~y"•r'(~}"\' "'jt.}.("'t1 }`\' . .'~('Cl't1L't'. :if','t Il'll 1('. ^'~~.fl,t(/ ~i.,"'I'+ lL' ('t t ihtt 'Chr• t•.~,rAe•K; "Cc~l,cttinn" and/ar "'r~]ifarniu" shn':I hk' inscrtMd in t1,c .•a~,prl!}+riata' plal (•ts i+rnv3dc'd ih~•rpufi in r;,r.h :fact rrvcrry rtr!c:tiUtt of s.fid Mr•,'h.(ntl•:fl Cc„!f? t.•he'r: in tha rtartre of thr.. City ot• ~ratc ii ifaft bl:fnk. Src•ticrrt 1fi.7.G.(tw(l 1,(•xrLny~ Thi!. (Irritl;.,nrc' ~,hr111, of trr f Irr:t rt•artit,f;, be schc:du]cd fo,r ituh.lit 111`.:''Ihfy' fl! iTtJ':i(it!(t tit ~~,•C'tll)Il :)(t~-~..~ C,f the (itT\'t:rt1ID1!Ilt (.otit: Of t}1C 5t8t.(! of f:.alifrrnirt. :"iottet~ of hr,(rir,1; tihal] -,. -,,,t,t:.tT~r,1 Cur:,uant, t.a Sectia-~ GU('G of r},(' f:c'~t•1•r•rr'r'nt C,"•}r• it ti~(• (:t,t)r~rt:r,,;" C'.,uri+~r. C:~}}~Irr; of t.lte uniform 't"r}.r~ttir:,] Ct„Sf , iO7~ F.t1it i"an, .Tn(} thic; C)rr}il,.T:,c•~• ~ltall l>a un file with the ('ity ('lcr1: r,nd :,t+t•n fnr }„Tt>li(• irt~;hf•rt ic,n. ~;,Tt irf~ cif hearing shall ~;"~ttc~rally dc•~:cr{l,r rutiu,z:c• anll c;ut)•jrc't cT".ftt(•r of Lhe Qr(:in:tnce. ';cctic>n lf~.~fi.n5() ~':nlation --__Penaltx ,1tly jTT~t'dr,n, f~t'r.., cctriTr)r.•ftiftn, pattt,(~r-ship car f-; c,-fT:trcttc~'rt"ip t,•ha t,+ilafttll}• ~•St~lt-tr"s ,i-ry' ref tht~ }rrnv.t~>iran~, ar f:~alr; Cr. <~c,;trtl}' tritlt afr-y of tl,e n;;Tn(!,•ftaty reyu.it'f'Ir,(~ntrf c)f this bt(tin.+ttcf`, i~; }~ttilty c)f. r: rt,ic;tl(~me:~nc)t', anJ upon convict ±;n theArrnf , shad I bcr }Itrni RhAblt by rr f int• tr+f n to cxt•t!ad F:ivr ll(rttc#re-d ($`r(lll.gQ) C-ala,+rat at• by imprtrc~rfrr,cnt, nc)t_ to c'xf:ard rtix (b) tr„vrft.htit, at• by bunt. ,arch fine .fnd impri.~anr,IrriC, exr.f~pt that. nnt.hin,~ hf:rcin cant:ein+kd til„11 Ice dc"(rl;'(rd to hay :ttty lr-F,.~l, t~qui txblr. rar z;ur,;:;rfr}• rr.rredy tct w;tIt•h the City faf C:uET,~rtino ar' vthet ;~vlit.c::q] tstflt.fivr;ian,•cr pcrann, 1•irra, crtparatif~n, .„ ;~ ; ~:~ ~~ -~ ,~" .h M ,~, p>;rtnerrrl~i~+ csr co-pr-rt:nr:r ,:~f.p :~.~~~ f.i.lc a sui: in t}-e Supcr.or Court t~f the Ca4rnt'}~ of Sar-za Clara, to r:°strein or ars~oi>ti a><~y attc•:tptect oY prvpctie~~, suhciivi,sionrc ar a-ctre, in viol'atit~r~ t..`, thirtt Urdiaance. 3recti~ptt 16.4.060 ~~nrrrarabili~ 1[f +~ny s+t~tiorr, aul~r~ection, ar~eetz.:ce, claure or phrasw toy tlhile QrdiYya+n~e i~a tsar any rt~~ro,~ Y+l~s,'Lrl tv be unaorrskt.tui tatea~.l, such decisi•~ro rw~ll nat af~~-~ct kl~ validitl- uif the xsrawtitnitt~ p+~C~lvaart at L]hri.sr ~lydirtca. That lrrgiacJ.ative bac4y heraby declrrrxrz that it vtcwDd i~va a~ract+rad tt-i~t 17rdi~rt~a acrd rttta~h ~rreticw~, auba~wcti~n, rent~rx:a, cl.avrtaa air pbartra-t th~caai. !r-respe~- tiv• u! t41>,~tt fact that acq- rarer ar :ttnore actions. a~~a~tfora#, +waat~e. clauo~ta or phasaea b+r d+telsrrdd ~sncanstitvt iantrl. fiectr.iatn '1.~1,~~~.0'70 1bMrd tYf A~pearla Ita ardor to d:trrxr+ine the r~uitabilit~r +of aDtArrart~e rsatrrri+~l.tr and mrsthads r-f eArsscructian astd ts- psavxdrr fr,r r:+~atrnr~abls ineerpretatirsnar of the pra+visianr of this Codtrr thane ethall be acrd i~t htrreb~,• c:rt~rt+nd a ward of Appea~.tr, conriistin~ of fiva >aaernb~trtt vhv are .~wtl.ifisd hr rCxprrirrrrce and trainirr~ to pas• upon tawtt$ra paxtainixa~ trr buildi~ ctrnttttnrctl,on ixrmtalla-~ tir,na Nnd ttaar..erialtr~ The building Official tshall bt +Nn ex-affi+:lo rr~r~rtrbrr nrxt aha11 act as Sacretacry of the Berard. 'I"he L'oax`d of l~ppe-;rtle at-e~Il, ira ap}roirttacl by thre !'1,~ynr, sub,jr~ct to the +npproval of the City Cpruncil. arrd r;hrtl l hold nff icri nt hic pl u.~sttrcr. The Jrerci shell ,edop[ rex~urrable rulc!s and rc^~;u]~rtianaw fr„ cunductin~ i. t. r: i:+vr_•sti}*;ttio«zs a~ ~}ur,ll r+tnrtir all clecirgtoris r-nd findinptr in kr.i*_in~ tc+ tine ?9ur_ldin~ Off ir.iatl, with w c4c-plicsrte copy to thr: a}anrW'11Rrc~, r,rul r:~}• Kc~.c+~.::-ctrtid t.rJ thu (:iCrr +,c+trtr~il atcch nr:rrr le~~ir~latlor~ as iz; cansintr~nt tlcnr~::it}:. ~i.r :,awrce l~r•r•~~~r,r:Ml of this r~c,rtrd of AWpt+,a~1.>ti r~lip©in[r:d undr~r this (:rrdc~ -rs ~ rrct errt t';«± ~sr-,~,r:! of A~~porrrlrr icnclrsr the other bu.ilrltng corlptrc:r.t t<~n ut~lfc>rr.. ..~drew • Cr. :Y:4^ avrnC rrz Aripcal.r~ HoArd its riot t~ppninte~l by the 1 cy, [ w: ; .at i~~~ hudti•, :} ~ r::ri.rnc• 1 1 ~.h~r1.l serve Ar5 E:l91tj Appnr,le l~nnrd. Sr~r:tirrn lt'+.24.pHp }:ffrr.t Iv., T1ate 7T~is Orrlin;rcrr:p r~T+rtll t:al~e ~ifwr_t ~r-ti k,a 1rz f::a1 far~,.e thirty (3Q) clnytr rnftrrr ltt~ eriar.tG;~rct. :his me"i.nant:e xt~al }:~ putrllrc:'re.i c>rra T,+tt.h the rlarrers of the (:ortrtcil mr.'~l,w:rt vwtir~,$ for err A~;air+rrt t}tirr ~.Rrne Sn t}c• (:up~rrtCir;to Courier, a nr:wspapet• puh} I~hwd ir- :raid City of Cc+,+wrt.l~i, C:c~.:r;ty of ~+rnta Clara. IN7°~f)Di'C1~J- at n r+'F.+cl~~t• :+sr:rtir~ of the City !'•5+rr,~:il ~:t t.;;w ('ity rsf Cul,etrtino or7 the 15eh_ .__ _ +;~rv of .. ,+rA~,t~ ~ , 1u7=. ~ ar,ci i':AC;" F:D at a rr'i;crir-t' rrr:et:?.rte c,f thrr (:lty fc+crnr_il of thc• (:ity ~,~f fi,t~r: ~ ir:rr t`~trt ?0th rlav ~~f .-- ------ May.. _--- - ----' 19"T4, by c}t r.: fctl lc.+•ir.r; v:+te: VoL~:"'.':'.}++~rs ctf ; hA (' i ; v ('•~vrn•• i AYl•:S: Jtrck~;uri, M+~yr. rs, Nr•1 t 1 s, Sr,nrkn !~tr)t:5 : Name A195TAI1!~: Nnrre ...~' y. r • ,~ ro t' !d it ` 1 t r ,~TT'~ Citp Clcr}~: ~.. r"ws Mayer ~ (:~ ty of p~Y r.ind