Ordinance 625y.,." M. 1~} • . ;,i, ~.~~ N{' ~~ W' zy, ' .,:,~~.' ",;~~ ~ o~r-Irs.~.*tc.~. of ~~s~ ci~y o~ ~u~~rxr}u ,~.~~..~.tl~ r•:}~ar xb.~o ~~ o~ ~}}~ r~nazt.xp~,x. cr}n~ ~x ~-na~:xr~ '~r~t~~s~~tt~ ~tcr*~x~c coi~~:", 19T3 F.1)ITIb,V AN}) l~~'3tdY'1tIAT~ ~(Cfa°TIt1N'~ a"'ItER}:'f'l7 '~, ; .h,~ T?ll: C },Tl• CCIUNCIL (1F T}}l:, CxTY t71"' ~i.+N~R1•T1~1['t I~~ o r~I1~ XK A5 l~t'Jri..}.. r i~ ~art3c~t1 1F,.?.0 is hereby amerulrrd to t:~r~t~ ~.,. !n'!lcs-r-,: ,~ ^~ 5cscti.,n I6,2Q.OI0 riur~~nt,e?-r~d _I.ntttat ~;' It itr the },tl,rpoe:ts and intent of the t;~Xv t".ourtr_il of rrt~ (.its of Cunatr t i no 1 n rttact. i np, this Ora' inane tr pl'a~• ids, far t it~• j,r•t,!.:°r t : an c~ ~' ntsl,ai.c teyr~ltts anct rtr+fs~ty, thu csxrrt:tir~tt.jan, rd„ir:traltJr,n, 'tic-c„~•jrt~'; cf `ti j,r:rr;nn:, r.nf;:tf;c'cl in the httr~-tnes, of pltuabiry~ ox' lnlaorirr~ ir, the r,rASf,• n,+ ip plu:~h3;tt~, :"it(~r•i.•in~, ct pernit. for t},c in~tr~llirt~ ter n1t,TMrat ir'n ,fir -~:..:~'.:: R ~, ;rr'Ki <it".titl::ilc' ri~ritt'Itt, Crci3t.it't~~ wn Ac1~1X-`.lroi.l'r1t1Wt'. ittll'}1'Jritq rA1r:C: }`r'l"`i' C:}:.1`~; i 'iL5 ciUt iC'I-•„ (It'rlnfr'tfi C5!i Lit ;tIl t. l',r:~tri~ tiRtllt,~ ifill.[i15! !•;L~':T•;uir{ I'C•,~'~~11@L.1L~~::: for thrt ? tR;ta] ]scion, .~] t.t,rat:ion or r(,r.rir pf I,.tt^:,t,it'.}; .•+rzr'. rtr:. Sr;.~fr,~'~ ,.: r . r°' ~ artd .in::rc•r.t.ir,r, tltr.rctof , .and `nra~~idts^ pr~n.~t.lt.ir..r for ti~.c e'je,l yr tc.~r: thFt~~t,: . -~,I . h 5cc:tion 16.~O.f)2h Acluptr.d h.• kt.fc±rc nc_?` I _ _ l 'shut c:c~Ttrtin (:c,d,~ rnt.tLlcd "Intr:rn;ti.ic:n.'cl i,r.;,(.~. i:,r ic:~ r:: Plumb3n~ C~ft ic:i.:,tlr: l;ntfot-m 1'luml>inf; Code"* 1n73 !:~.iit ior:, hc~ri•:~:.tft c ;- rc~fr.rrr.d tc in thir: Qrclin:trtr_ct ss Lhct "[irtifc,rrn I'lu~ll:i:ly; l5 c'.c, rc): 3 }"clition", thrc,e roPie;; a: which ._rc: aft file ~n t}tfi •~f+.~iir' c',, t;,<• ~;itv C1crI: fctr u;: c: and e>:.ainin.3tion by thc` I,uttlir anc! (:+cu~tlr.1F; t}tc,~c f;lc,,,;- r:.ic,tts hrtrein~~fter noted i:s I:t,t•eby .~Idopted t,v rcafr~car~5~et. Secti4r; 1fi.20.03b 1;ame In,tartion 7'Ile natnrtt; "Cui,ertint," rtrtd "Cal ifat•nirt" :;h:tl1 l,e ',^<;c~rte•cl i.:. :'r,f: r,pl,rol,riatc: s,lrcc•~ },ravia(sd thctr~~forc it u;ic:It :~r,d rv~.:r~• • +~c~ r :can cif ..~. t ,: t'nifatm Flutnhinl; t'acie, 197;1 F: r3ir.i5,n, wht~rc~in e,it.h('r t. t, c' t:.~r.r~ ai tl,r•• t:: t.- c,r 5t.~te is lc:f ~~ blank. tiection ]6.?0.0,0 7ncorl,o;•.3CicsnS u•tnd _At:lc'rtdtaertx :ti tlc~.~ stsr.tio~~-~ incorpt>rr,[t:d trtto and anc;nc:mrnts to thr• itnifnrr: °1.u;lltiriF Cuclr:, 1973 I~cl(Lic,tt (Lha .c:ctic,lt nttrahcsrs }tc~cct.after usACl xill ' c'orrc::jtonci to the nunbc:rr in Chc I;niforr~. P; ur.:hin~; C.ude, I9'l_t I-:ei;t San, c,r t.~~ll I>e in:,ctrttd in the nn ,t :ipl,~•:~}~riatc r,actinns t.hcirro'cj arc' ;trr f;,llc.,.~•,: ~;, {~ ":, AA ~~I}} t11, f!1J1I i~1:; TitATlf?~J Sactfon•1.11 ~A~tl.ic~eticln.r~nd •w~a~r. ~"hct provi«forrlt u~ thiar< rclcla sh:~tll apply to aLl nor contxtruc;tic+r,, riraacatwc' h'~ilia.ilig•s. Atnd to en~- alter•~atiatr~-, rtapatirs, yr r(rcanc `t:uCtibn, exr.upt Rrz pravidetd far athat.xige 1.n this abde. ~ectS(~n 1.L...~..~+dtpi~i.ttr.rl~ti~v(t,1,ut}tt~rity mn,i J(sl~ir;tntltt~ i~rta:~tttr-~rr the Carat "aE3;nirttHtr~ativr.*. authurit;y" as need in tltis cadE~ it shall ltie r.artst.ru~td to t~~n tTtct Bu:i.lr•1in~ l~lftcial or' hir3 a~uChctriz+~d raprese:ntntivw. ;!»cciori 1.7 ~- Atatsirlt.at>nt.tt Nhene:ver t:he v.erm "a!tnistetnr::" trs u~yrc1 in this r..a:ir: it shin]. ha c.c~nstrurd to mean t1~e Plumhirtl; lnlspnr..t(ir. :'l ll:nb(7r . A1.2, "nos#.Strtr~r.s" cslut,il Dave h:+d at lt~.:.t t.ivca (5) yc:.tr.: its a Journllyrt~tu re~r.~:ion 1.3 ~. 1tl:nr,rtment_ H+lvirt~ ~,Turi:;d;fc_t:iott linlr:sr~ utitr.ra~i~le pt~ov:iclccl for lty let,, the offir.e of Cho Admirtir;trnt:ive? A,t:11nr#tl' steal.] he :t l,~rt of t.11(! 1;uilcilnf; IJivic;ion of thf: DE~Il,trtrr,(:nt of Pl~:nninf; ~tttd I)!•:'r,ll~J)r)ettt. ~i~;C;r'i(Jn 3 lj 1)Ilitc::; UC Lltt? /~ili"lil'tir.t.r;lt:i1'i! 1~11)~11nt•ikY 'J`hc tlri;cit;I;•tt•:ICivc! huthnr•.#t~' :;hall r~.lint:!~n Tnthlic ,~,`!'~cr1 hnurs nt:(:~r:;:;nr?r tc) c•ff is t.~ nt}}• :tclt•Iini .tar the prc)vit;tonr of t.hi.r. ccdr. ;tad ::m(:rci;•,~c•nts Lher;•t.o rtlul :;h -Ill J,r••, i~.:,rt~l LtIC~ #'n?.l~~w.irt,y dlltii:s: (1) ;4c!yllire t:uhr7ir:sion af, eYntnint: arn.i chE:cl: pi:tns anci s}tecific:ttions, clr.)l;i.n~,r., c'.escriptiens, and/or clia};rams r-ec _~srrtry to shoal clrr~rly the (h:lr:lcter, l~incl ;tlui +:x:enr of u•nrk covered 11y ttppiicritiuns fc,r r: r. cm'.k and u}~cylt :+p};rov:+l ih(~rec~f :;hall 3:yr:u(~ the p(~rmit ri}~pliEtd for. (7.) ?'ec~p a purmrlncltt, acctlr:ttct acc:nu~,tt of all fr,os for permits ir:r;llctc} and other r;~~nier; coilt:r.t(~d :Ind rc,cc{vr.ci ns prnviiied by chic Coda, t It t'. n.'.{nCl$ of tll(1 })C:r~'UnC llf)(tll ;;l.U i~! :7C('Ullnt till' !iitl'I~i W(t. E3 paid, t`:l: (l:liEt arui nr,ollnC t.her(,of, tc,i;ethl~r u#th t.ltr~ ]l~caltiun or prr:^ti;lE>.s tc, I~1ti.c11 t}t(ly rizl:tLEt. (3) Adr)ini:~t~:r ~snd EtnforcEt t:he provir:.inn,^., of this co:ic in a manner r.on,istunt: wit11 the irltc:nt ihl!r(:of and shrill inr;pc•ct (ill p1uc;L3.r>{i anci c3r.wtinaf;(~s work :sutharized by any pctrmit tt+ assure compli:9nce with pr•ovision:t of this cede. or ~rnelrldment:t; th(,reta, a},proving or cctnricmrtirt~ stt:#d wt:rk xu t,~halE: ar in }cart as c:ctnditions requirti. (4) ls,>rrE.~ upon rc:(lut:~:t a Certlfir.r~tc of Appri~vrtl for. arty work. r±p};rovr~ci by hire. (5) Cornlcwnn anri re~eet all woik dens ar t,cing dare r-r rrl,atetriala used E:r t,(eittg usr.9 +~rhir=}t da not 1q ell ri+spr•ct;~ ::E~r•~}t1y ~~rith thu prr•wisiarts of this code Itnd amendrlcnts thec'etb. ~~~ , (rr,j rlr1~.' ..... .t~ :, _sl '.rt.l_... ... `.,1., :;n'i/Ul• .: =~~'J.t'jta:i U:. ..~C,: ..]ri~ . , ,,.-l. .i.. G: C`:7•F1112i!.(;;C' til Lit rill T,1'G~': 1 !:1UIIi; t'11• t:'i1!i CUft^.. ~~~ ~~,1%f':it i~;Pit,C' .xt1\' t`C)rli;t.:';l(:t1C)I: CII' 6rf,I')'. I'f'~ttitltCi) t)~' t}l.if'. ;`C,:j{, Fllli 2L1})U+r •1t1Ch nr`t.IC.`t:r: (.TiCt C~:'tl•~i`:s fi:i r,`I'Ci4'X!tC.'t{ xri :"+, ('+.;C)ri .L.EJ. (~} ;;~:~1.1 ~ c!>r:lilletr,. rr`ef~rd f);' all the ft f.;~trrlti(91'i t,r°r'.t',~c+ct ic)xrtc G1` llis oft`ice. ~~) Trrt~lai'ar ~.Xi Tree f;ul_l~ ctr'fl by tti;'u t.a il•rr prc)irer sut:h,~r1. Lay k)rr,vt.r]r!d br 1.1•r; t.c, rf:.:riv~} L;UC)1 1'l;•sic~. x ~1.C) Mriilltraill rill utffr_ial. rer:i:ite!1~ aT axll ~+ertsr~rtn, x'irvc~ nr• ctarl:,al•yt.ian~; .lartii1a71;v er,tit.led t(~ c.:rrv can csr r;r-prnac in t;h(~ bu~;:in~~l~ cif plu::rb-~ lttg clr t.c) l atlor at thr trntir~ rxf i1lu~rt'~l rlg t:o wham a }'ltxtttbr~r't~ t^rexti:`iet~te o~f' ~uttlif`ictitiap }iris treen .isstted in err.c:axdartce 'wtt..h pt-cvi~liotls o1• i'rirt: 'i'trc) of t.h.i> cr)de~ ,,r~c'tlvn, 1.:.~_..:.-. R.i~lt• of ~;nt.r~v~, The: AcLminir;tr~ltive Atst,horit~' atui tlar,i::tlint:: sh~11 .~rtrl"y prclp~t' r.recic~n-- :."ir:.lts of thwir re:1>i~•e~ct.~ivc'• e'rf1'ir.ra, ul:c)n c'rhii,ti t.icsn c:: whir)1 it,frr :;ltiil.'1 hrivr t.hr~ riuht. c)f r.nt2-y, t9txrirlr usctt:-1 btltYint~:rs }lours, tcl irit:t,uc:t. nny rtrui r.ll t)uilci.in~?s r: -1tS r.rf'rai~.rrr, itl the r,r:rt`c)rmnnci: c)f t,heir duttrti;. .'<•c•t irarl l.t` - i),:nrt~r•~.)u:, rnci 7n:;rinitn:•v G~n:;t.ruct.ina (ra) ltrly i»tr•t.ic~tl of ri i)111::,bi1:,~ :;~' ;tc:t.l S'c)tttui ~,r' t.hc~ .~fi;!,itli::tr2Yt.ivc A'athc)t•ity tCy .)f: lS;!:h1ltt.kI'y r!S t1!?fi11Ct} ht:l":'111 li: i,c'I'l`)1}' fi•~~•1's:'!'Cj t.0 1)C rl I]ll:ar'ti1CC. (~) h`}lenevc.t• t+t•cxuf;ht t. c) t,}lr• rltt,c~nt.lon of 1.hi; cic}l:tt•itne~n't. }:2ivinF ~ut•i:;<iic:- tinn t.hrit rury Iltrrinitlzry cgnc}it,ic)ns i:>:i:~t or t.}lat. tiny cc)n:,tructavn us- wcn"k rt:t-ul2.t.~:ci ~? t.}~1:: CC1fIC' ~ ^ (iTirl~~CT(111~, 11115:1fC, i11 ;ritlitrltW, fl ntli:i(i11CC 0I' i1 17tChitC~ :,0 1 ife, },ertlt!1 .°,r i~ro:~c:rt.~• c+r athrl-wisc itl v.ic~l2zt,ion o1' i.hi:. r:crrlc, t,hc' :;r.id n~lu!rt,T.lcrIlt. tact;. I•c•qur•t : r,n ir;•:c• ;t iE;rlt.ion 1>>' t.ha At)mini:;t.rrit,ivc~ Aut}l~rit5• t~')tc), that, clc`r r.!rmirYirts~ ouch i:,;;!t:r,~itic;n t.v t>r: 1'r~c~t, rhrlll orr'.~r• :it:~' ),err~otl, .fit;n ar f:c)r}+or•:tt,if~n u:-?:~c; or• mr.in-- Hilllrlr !t."ly r~Ulh CUr1211 t.lOI1 (')I' 1"CL',l+!)tl:~'11t~!' iC~t' hti' ll:;Q C)I' 311:1:11tttllr:Ili7(; th4`I'CCf t.U t3i:;rf>I;t.inue ihi. u:; (. c,r tr,riinic`n2iaccr t.hcrr::r.•t' c)r t. r1 1•rt~:tar, rl]tar, ch;:2,t',cr, t•cr:3c)vc cr f1t r..c~l i : L ..r:.~;,e t'.a he t-,cly f:c~tl:;idcl• nc: >s-;;ri1^r S'or the I',ropcl• )~rot.f~rt.i fm oi' ' i i'c, hrr,11',}1 Crt' )fit"ft1',~ r't.y Un(1 i i; t.hC' C•rl!;C Of r1IlV Ca!: ~,] I) i 11 r; C: €;ris rlppl .1 tine(' 1t~(1~,' (t:'(~(rl' r,lt~' },,'t':+~~ri, rig".r: (At' <'C:I'l`(1rriLS t7:1, ;.Ut)r•1y ir1~; j;21S t(> :'.U.`}1 ltl r).illE; OI' til)T!1 .1 2!tl('C t,U (7 ` ;CC>rIt i il\1C' :.ur;`1~•i tl(- t„t~ t•htrr+rto unt.i 1 auch hi r ~ ut; C+r ctritl i c:ac.c~ i i; :~nc)e snff• to 1 i fc! ~ h~`2:1 t11 or F~r'~'~" 't t' }':vi~s"~' :rtc:h Dreier shn11 be in NI'1 t111(,, nfldre:~: ~cfl i.a thc~ awl7cr, rl~.etlt, or 1•c'rs:on rr`;}lclnsib'.c t'clr t.t-c l~rf::•lisea in which such cutldition e'xiat,r, rind shr111 s}x'c:if,: •:i. f` lj 1CtC' UI' tir:1 C: :'UI' CQ;fi)+l irCSlCe Wl th E:. tlCa Or(:l': • (C} )tit!.''U;,rll, iiil]112'C' 7T rlr'(;}C'C.'t. tU C(t:1ir11' Wlt)1 (1n\• St1C)1 IlOt1CC Ur O1•:{C•I' :~tlctll ;tc.~ :•~nt;ic},~l•r~l ct t•iulciti,.,, :rf i.}li:, c~:,tic>. (d} 1.'ht~n rely i,.lu.:,Lin~ ::y:~t.ern ie tnnint.rlirlf!d in vie~lntic,n ul' this:. er)c:c` arld irr violnt.if~n of Tiny tlot.ice i~:;clefi }+urr~::urt to t)le Frovisiotl;: of t.nis sectir;rl rri w}:~~1'ft n rluisnr;cfH f•xi:•t:; in clay lntfltlin:; c)r on rl lot nn which a iruil,lint, is rsittlrtLr:c1, the Adrlini:.C.ntivc` Authf)ri~.y s'.hr+l1 irl:;tiLute rimy 1t}ptrcti~riilte itchft:l or ~ .. .w ~°- rc,!:~_~:fin4; rt ,~.rJ~• cut:r~ s;f cc~rxt,Tc't.c':l~ zxr•W:.dir;tir~n tsti p:w^' r_rlt, ~•^-t,r~,ini rc)z•rl~ct, rz :+;i~,:a,;', Lh>» Vit?It;ILYOIl a~ izt1~.J3tlI2C:~'', ;~~+~:tihrZ l,7 ~ ~~`ir3letiarla ar:d ~~t,wstle..i~~ kt:y ~!rt~t~tA, tix:r+ ar Cdltpr~l~tl~t:iusar via:rLawSn~: ~Jr1v' prclvfsi~~n tit' this cads she.!.l be t'kJ~~nm~.:d i;uilty 1]t ~, 11M'~~~iClrQktBT~C~" and u~,yn ca~7~'ictiaz~ ther~oi` F-}'lr~1i ~JC j3Wl~dht:1}D~S" 't;, a i` y. rlc a T rJSyt t c~ c~cc.'•~ed 1~'i v~ Hura~lrlrtd ~ ~~i0C1. tN.i) 1'ki,l l alts or ~y i ml.-r i.:satvnc'ryt ir>. tce:Y ~atitn^.y u ~i<~ fnx' tx~t ~o a•x~-~se1 six (~r~ l~rtthn N ar try t,ath i int. a,nri i~,pr iar~r~a~cut . ';aWh "{lE~tll-rlit.4"' d~„w c3a;" ~ rtfan t~srt ,rlta~i~ t-hirh ~:~y t!ialr-tio~, cif this tads or, ck;:w~t c`"r e•c>;lt, inu~s ahtti.l br: dee:tt~d to r,>:•natf tu'te at ~~p~ratstrR clT; ~n~e, artd u#:~n rbrl~it~~tian ti~errat :vl~tr21 bra ~.-:ai,l~3)rttll~.lc aJm )a~r~~~ ~-ravldr-d. '.I'1;+~ iR~Llzxl~t:e crr• ~trt~tti~, r,t +~, p*1"tt,~t. a:^ ~piar(~wr-1 at Filztnt. and ;;~c:citi-• c•-ti:~+nt:'. z3'rizst 1 llc;l. 1-lw rir`w*n~~t! rrr r:,;ri:'J'.ru~:li LC7 1'le~ Jt i)r.rrait. fr)r, I~r R77 :x~3p2•;.vJ9a, of, ~.:,y' oS~111ati<:zl c,f nr-X s~,(' !i1E X,rt~v'i~ir,rlr; c~; E.ttjxa c•a''~.. I{icJ ~rormtt, prs~l,Lr:'.in,~ to ~;i,~~ Mlath^ri:.,y tl:l via)rJ,te c~l:• rr,:nr'r~l, l.hr c~'resvit:ic•Jr:ts r~.' t,hi>y cc~sie athisl~. ti~ vrtl.id, excc~nL .r~crJf-x ts:~ ':,t't~'v~or-~rr ttc+e which iw ~utl~d,rizrd i~ 1a,rrttx.l. `C"rl~ i.accurw,rtc~e yr ~.c`r~rl`.frtR; ar n i~'rlnf;, r,Ir ~JF',#lruvc~l r,f illrtnsa ~11rt11 Trot F,re- vr'nt t'J~• i•,rlclirlis~t.l'ative Autt~ori ;,,~ fry:>m t.?leY~^hf~tc~T r(^.gtlirinl; the ccrrect.i;m of rrrcr, ill :~liici ~~l.l.zl:~ r.n(i r.p~'(:ifirclt:s,rl:: t)- ft•:~'7* ~r~:t~..~r)tirlln; (~rJrl:tr•u~ticrt r)t~r:'r:itSr~r1:., Ur.in~ tr'~ r•:• t rrli c;:t t !lr ~:'"1J:lri!"r` ti.'iJ+:rJ i n ti• i r,l „±. i ~~rl (~f t.h i ti <•r>c!r_' r,r cif rtri;r c)!. hc~r nr•c} i rJ~,rzrn c)r rrt.::. :'t'vt": it.!•• •tn~' (••:'•;Sfil'~11.r' r?1• rJ}~r:l'I:Ivr~1 a}lr^tl i:,.,11.•ci ill c'rl'~.'r. 1'~'V1+ •;'?-'1 .`. t, , 'l: "iJ }:: t.}1" ,"": r•.•": Il:.: i, l""i i.i VF' .~ll t~}I ll:'i t, L' lltllll.'T t.}iC i)rClVifiinl7 Fi (ii' ~ ':. l (`"it• :lJt! } .t `' ~` 1,1' } '11 t'.I .. l;t74 1'('C( .'if 1111} } RIl!} Vniti, i r t,}1:1 wUr'k :1'.1`}1:~"1:'~: ' 'li•gl ( „'l i• 1: 11'3`. t't :1'`r:(i tr'±t.}1371 Crit` :~t111'1:'l'(i f.4,`!.L;,' (~i~V) 1}t1~/Ii ft' .. .ts~ r. ,,. „ •'1 t''•.-^': t , c;r i :" t h" >••J.~r}~. rl•tt,l.l",ri r.•ri hr .:ul"}1 i I+z-Tli't, i:. :'•u:;}+rrm9r~ci or rl;+r.' ?,,:lr~'} ... r,: l; .r': .Y 'r,,l. li ~, w'~ rk r. r~ ,. II(', u~l c'' .: ( I ' :1:'" 1' r' . i c 1, t It• hun 3)•r:tl .'w1':r•,~i t j.'ll~ :1'1,.,. i'~r' 1(;'}i w~~l'~~. t' \fl t,r~ ~•i•. ~'ll.'1•ti t li'. 7• 't i ~ 1 l 't"..: i t i!1 t 1 11 (' f~ I"11 i, I'?,:.:t `. L+'.: I O (}^ ~ ~r ,. ,-: . !'r .,~1J1~) })r+ [,tl!. :ir:~ i i i7F' ~ " ) 7' J 7'1'11 rc)J• (t !: +, }: i 'U'., r., .I'. , a`./' Iti 't~ ll'r :1'1'~1,,J"• }1"IVt` llf`l'fl .,ilt'tl', (`• Y71 } 1 }, C' !'}!11}(. lf: ` ~. ,r' ... .. ~ ? I: 't', t ri:l:' 1'~": .'Ul'!1 '4,',~ is ~ ~?71(1 l?1',1t' Itir';J,, i'lll't.}11'1", . }1'1'. :1"!. 1. .. r ~ ~ r .~ 'rl' r:'1'. t,t;1, .•:~,i't'rV?('~! v:!` ~ }) ~i rVll". (z~) it :rl~~tl: 1>~• unl~.:.wful :'1_r` r.zl~' ,,l•:';.t,tJ t.la inst;t}1, rr:-r.>vG'. 1Llt,l*r. Cl'l•ni:• t~l• 7.~~, .Irtl'^ l:?' r'~1`l:~r ",,i ti P' lr':,1,(R,! !C"ti, 1'i':'U.Iti'i'(i, rllt,('1'('li, 2'/';tail'(.".1 Or J•1"t,i:t,•l'(i 1LIlY i+111.,.+.:;+', t'. c"~ ?: .i,.'~..;(' ~'.i}'tiz;..-, l.tl".'}: e,1• ,aJV Iir.Gett't: ut• 4',13.('7' }1~:»i{It(' r, GI'r'rtiitl~:• ~(li. ::` 1:1 lull ;~.~itl.' t,T 1'. ~ .:1,'+•, 1:11,}IUIIt, r1Y'::: (."i,t.t1511111(, I1 i'(:J'Tit. t.(1 tiU ,:tlt'}l 6'rl.'1, i I' . , t.}, rr~;.~l. II { . ~ i `J" ~t'J3,}1O1'1 t.`' . (l.l) !, :.'•i l,z•;(tc' }>i'r':^ra!t .~-:1L11 lac t~l)tnincrd f17;' t:nch lluiltiini, s,r :;LrucLut•c. (r) Ir.~ }'•.: ,:~ ~r ::}lri 1 t~l i cw rl.lly (,ihe,'r Iu+r;nrJ i.n JiJ~ ur t'til):;rr t,(> 1)c` 11vz1C .tcl~' 1::'z•1', u:l~i~ r• +r t .'r . t ,,,•1'urr'~} Uy rt 1'J~t';at LL':'e: l'xt.l:i~t 7,1:1'. c_'zu. iu hi„ r';';tluy. ''ri•: i("11 (~ ~ ti:"t•A• l:~,t }i~'~zllirinr ]'c:r:nit. ('ir) }'1•!':"i+. :i}Irt.i,~ ~)+:" 1't°"(I~JiI'trli 371 L}ll? 1'. 11!3r.* bS• !lily 1'1'.]1(13;" Wr,)]"}: i'lTi fuilr7un: '.c'::r. ~itr)}tjtill'~ r,T 1<.'rlY,rl 371 clrrcir~:, :ae-il, SJ;1:3t.r~ vl• vc'rtt F'ii'c', I):`e:vitl<rrl, },(-,utwe~lC`, thrlt :;'r,rnll ri ;In;~ L rr11', tlr.+i n1+t)~r. , :ls~i l., ti`Jlst.e' e,r v~'nt. i,ittr i:i~ ur \~t:l:tx°l~~ de!ft`c.•t Ivs~• 7~nd it .. 14 .. w. N (3:"4L1,^.1.:`a t"1CGl'.~C'L'..•`' ~~ S'=:i...'~_ (aT:, ..... '_.. .~f_ '• .!r~ t:'. :'.i.tC~i!`i~ 1?f •'{::"~: 4." tttt,]'ts3y t•hw :`i:L".3(. 5f7fS.}..1 ~,_' Cl;:t~y.(:'""t.':: ._,, :.t1C':: SS~:A ,;:~::. 6tttcl t» };~r:~lt S1'lEll.?, Ur' .j,:l!"UCl:.Y'(-.i fi.1C3 ilia}ef:'Ct1Uf'. ;TiEI.~+_` 9.'~ 1l~ I'~?1Ttltit`-rt`:'~! j`;•c'~ i~Jew', iiG F~C~l:f].t !'it~e~~.~, CI^. 1"'C:1•U~rr'd ~C)1" t.}~~ cler~•.ina~ c~1' sera}-p~ge:.~ or ':.hR ret:~{rzr+r of lr.~k•' ir, j;~.ipes3, vtslve>3 or fi~stft.'t•es„ ~:},r-r, ouch i•epa.r~ do nat it)vc,lve c.t' rrquirt~ t,hc• rs'n~t,r•,w~,rnt. ~~.• rearr~rl[c,~m~ent o* vt~lvc•~, ~A}7t~8, a- fixturt"ig. ~rct iatd .x.14 ,~ 'Ti, ldkt~~ Pe•t-nrits 1'!t~ be :Cs~ta'~d art) ltfo p~'rrt,~ t xzhrtll 1^e i~stt*~cl to tiny pe~-~c~>n to da ter ~~urg+e to to dortie anv work ;•e~gtt•late!d by this c(~rle, ex.:e:lat t:o s pei'r•on r:a~mj'al~-ing with the t"caaytrn-ctar~s T,~(.ir& at the St~t.t of C~-liforriila. (b) hny permit : eclu{red by t,ri y ec>cir ;:;rsy t,e .i ~~ue~:9 tct M~' p~r>~vn twcr :ic' eny work reg'ttlnt,eci by thiw r:adr~ in a :~inF~lr fr:rjl~• dr:e!llirr~- u~rd exelutri~ol.~r far :living purpa.,asy in~ludfrt€ t11e lt::yuYi rlcrr:rl:'ctrt l,ttilcl?ngs stud c,u~.rtcrft .{~t r.r~+nryr•cticr, Nii,h s;uc}! t)itilrlinj?. in the event tent rtnv ,'t)(•h r.^r:~c~n I:: thr~•hon~lficlxt rrr+»r+r atr rin;' such dwrll{n~; txlfd ftr:cr_.tst~z';' builclir,f;;. nnci gtl:t`t.r~~::, .-n<i t11x:. t°se~ t•rvccr.• txx°•t rx~ctap{ed icy tcrticl c,wnC7', 1)rc~v.iclr:t+, y.}:ut. s:t~id r,t,•t+t•:' ei}ISlI l+e:ssc•n~llti' t'tart°hrx~:c~ ~-il rt,-~tc:riR] t~.nd fha11 persc)t,a11y }~rfor;'t +~11 lttt~c)r in cc,nr:er1.ir.::Y t?terr:>.+St.h. Sr~ct! on _l..l_1 _ , :~nl•1 r~;,t,i nn "nz• 1'rrrli t Ar)y j)^rt,t)n 1e~r;rtlly e•rliit.lt~d tel rtt•j,lti` ft>r r:rd r~caivr. n j~r•rtrit :~•h>!11 ~:n,;^ tS~,If.'}~ ut,h'l i cttti can un f:a:'r•,:: j~:•o': i cle•:? f'n:• t h:tt }~'u'} ,~cte~ . iir. !'1,t+t1 1 t i vr~ r4 ci(~--,rr i i t. i r~:s ;J~ t•}JC i'IIFYJ'ta.•tt'1' r;i t.ile wUi'}: 1)1'{,:"):~t'Ii t(~ 1'~t• +:'~L!., i,ll+1 thf' }frf'Cjt tUri, ti.illt?t`:'}lij~~, c,cruj~rlnc•;• r:r,ci `.l:;c~ r.r the }:rc~;:i:~'':' S1, c•::r,tsr'ct i(•:. 'i',t'rtultit. 'l'n+r Atl~cir.te,t.rc.t~.ir'•e 11Ut.}1(,Tit•\' %3: _i Pt`(StfiYl` 1`~~1111^, '. t' `C; 11t'!i! i("I: U!' '1: .«!11•, ..:1': .',U;•}t (!4Ft"T' Shi'. "T".t4` .(t!, Yi t.}t!' )"1tl'!lt:tit~tt'11L.iVC f+ll!.;lht'lt~~' rtt'i' ,; T. ., t},Ilt tf,•' t~~'fa: ~ .'j•~."lfjf',t13t r1, , r71'a~:ili~~:7, (i(.•:1!_'1'f')'~i,lU!?!i C,Y LtlfitT'i'1at,O11 fttl'I,l:'}t,'~% }`;' t}+C} i1~,j,1.iCaTtt. .iti ilt (+r•jtliilt,i(! w, t I1 t.}l i 5 C(I(1C' , }1C' ::11(111 l :::1tlr• t. r, t` t~fll':ll t :4t~t`1 . ~ rt CU: 112~i)1: ~ ~ 'It'Sr' U } ~ .. .'f'~'7(11 I' ff•(• n:; i,f'I•r~itu:ftc•t• fixrrci. . ;;t•r•!.irlrt l.l;' - ('c):,t t)f j't•t;nit, 1:~•crr' nj~fllicrlrtt. t'c,r a j~rr:;!it to rlr) u+tr'r• rr't~tll,ltc•t1 b}• t.hi:~. tic>'l,, cj:^tlt ::!r.t.t• in '.r•itirlp, c,TI t}:e~ r-,•;`l ;r rst.ir,Il f~~t-a t~re,vic?t~cl ft, t• t.ht,t j)urj n:: t`, thr: t•h;t:~;-f:, rtr ~~t' 4.~~}• j~rnj,nrc~d tc, lrc flt>ttc ntld t.}Ir~ :1,^tc,ttnt. :sr,d l:in(1 ir, r:~:tn<'c:t.ic)tl thcrt•uitli, r.t•f,r!t.h•.•r wit„1 :;ttc11 infur~artt.ic,n, ju•rt.Inr'Itt. ttscrt•t.u ;::; r:•-y he :•trcluit'rri. :il1C}i t-j~jr~lirr,nt. :;?'roll jln;' fctr r:, r.i- i,~•+'1•tii, i::rt.ed rtt tilts tinr.^ c)T i::,tlftt,;•e, !e f(~(• itl rticcc,rrl'utc'c with t.1;r ^;,ilf,',•itti; :;.t,t•r,ttlr•, rsrt(1 ;lt, thc• rtstC• ttr'r`Virlyd i'ut- +'~,u}, r`lr:::.i1'ir:lt.i:,n :,}rc>'«tl }IC•1'c•irl. 1-n;. j,(,rc;c:n wllr.~ ::11rs11 (•tr•-,rnc•t :tny wur}: frt• -:hic:h :s rr't'i't.t i~ rr'nuirrtl l,t' this, t'~liir t•rjt.hf,ttt, `'ir:.i hrlvint, r.~}~t.t:ist(•cl t. j~c•t:'lit t,L('rr•t't,t• :~1t:sll, if r.uL:;(•.lut•:ltl~' j,..t.;itt(•+i t.c c,l,t.rtin rl }~r`t•rait•, }usy fit~tfh.lt• t;te jlr•r:~tt. fr(' i'i;<.(~fl '.,y thi;', :•rrct.icm f"c)t• r,tt.•h wt.t-'}., ]~rt>vicl(.•cl, ht,ur•ver, :},,... t.!'i:, j~:'twis'•.~(~t, :•,}till r;c,t nt`I };. tv t t~..•r~;rht'y v:,,t•}•. w1,f•1~ it :.hkala l)c jtt..• ~ i.r) Li)c~ s•k,t.i! :'I+ct it~r, Ui' the lt.l!n4rli:~trs,tivr ^tut.h~arit.}• thn.t. :ius•h wvrk wa:: ttr~*,rrnt]ti• t,c•cc:;s;,+r -,nci thtl`.. it ~:;-:: stttt }~r:+rtlt•rs.l t. c, ubl.:tin rt j•t:r;'ti! i ht•rt_~fur }.+cf°c>rtr t.ttt' t: t.~:•,~t•nt•c•r.r_•Itt, tlf tstt• ti';.n•Y.. ltt nll rtu;h r. ;lt,t!s; et j rs•t:tit rnustt tt+.~ c)ttt:litscsd tlt, .:,~,un tsc, it, i:~ nrcu'tir;tl ''•r~ tics r.cl, :(tld if t.?lr•r•c• 1,c :(n ttr+rt~tl:•,c,I,nblc• rtc•l,c;~ its c,hittill{I-F, s:u+:}1 jtrt'-.it., n rictu'~.lt ft•c• as hc•r••in jtr;,vidr•+, ahltll t.c c:h;lrf;cr,. ... j .y,, ,~~ , Ip Fur t2te ti~u.•1.~~,e c:' t':is,; rryc';;.~ri r~ c~n?tary plurtbin~ outl c', rn ~~:• tc~ uh:cn ' ~- plr~alaing fax-tux's oz• a}~p].innce~ ~z~-y b~ Kr*•„ or attac'ted r;hc~ll be eans± rucci to he e ~, !`ixt'.xt`e. ~`ee~ f~~r recorrnectic~r3 ent3 r~tr~t of exirrting i+l+~rnbin; nyrsterns ir, relar.nr.t'+3 -`~ r • 8 buii~lir:;~ nbaXl be bayed on ths° qumb~cr ~f pluwbing .fixturas, goat ~~ystr_mr., wA•~rr r~ hrratere, t te. * i rr1'ol~rrfl • ~~' : •~~ 'Khan intercept 7r• tra-p~ or hawse trr~i~r=r site tr~-pe rt+x'•e inatrtllr^d eC. the ~~` rr~e time as a buileiiie~ sewer c)r- an~r last, na sewer pex-ratt sha11 bae required for q~ ~.he canr~rcti,tx- ot" such traa-p ta:, sw appropriate inlet fittir~, pr•QVideai i.rr the ~ ;; blailr,~it'rg smear tr•- tht pcx'mittee canctrUCt,trrg esuch eerr~ir. tw When a pcartstt hr~ been Cbtr~inPd to eonneet an «.~rtl.sting buil.din~ or extaXt- ~in~, r+rark to the public :,Ewer ar t.a cs~nnect to Anew pr:iwatP t9ispoz~a ]. fac:ilit,y, b++c:kfilling or p;^ivr~tc :.:,c~xa~e siit~pasat f~citities~ at~a~n~!aned can~t~tlu +~nt to suc:lt rorin~ction Sat inC't~raiea] in thr: build.i.n~ ~ewcr per•rmit. ,, SC}i]!;DIJI.F 01~ F'i±'F,£ For i ,r'ruin~ ~~t+ch itcrrrtit ...................................... ! 3.00 Altcr•(it{:~rr of wrrtar, ~rriin or vent. ,piping . ................... 2.00 lir-tlt'I`ub ...........• ......................................... 2.00 " ^.c~ndcn,r~-tc I)rrrin .......... ... .............................. 2.00 I1IX~ru~:;;~1 df ni:;hwfi:;l-c:•r • .. . . .......................... . ........ 2. 0 0 I)r'f'li n:i - ~' I (aUX-, Tt O(1 i• C1r /t X'4`tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . • . • • . 1 1 i .~/(~ I~rtni;tXr~, F'cntrttttin~ „••• ••, ..•.•••.•• . ...................... :.UO line r'il+.tn~ - 1 t.o ~, O.It]C'.t.^, .... • ............................. .00 ('r,,; i'•1 pink - G ct!• ru+rr (ntt.lc:tr .............. . ....... .c~n(:h jq I,;,r.•rf :'i~rin}c1('r., - 1 tr, '; Vrt(•utu~~. hrc;r(>.~'z':c ..................... ':.UO ..~t•att :~Irri:ti:l ~'::•:; -- G c.tr rr>rc Vrtf:tnu~, li:•crtti,4r:; ... , ......witch . j0 :;,.vct° ~ ;3nri.it.rtry car r;t<,rn, f:,r c•a-l:h rOC' r~r frr:rt.ic,n i,h!•rrc~f.. `i.00 ,T,a.a.i lcr :'l~fu•r* - :3cwr~r ............. . .......................... j.00 ;;,':;her - 't'rt:p r.>r Trr~V .................... ................... •' .Ot) 6':tt r~r 1{r,tL~•r ................................................. i'.C)0 i;r!t,:;• 't't•+•;tt.r~'`nt, i;iltti iv;r•nt . ..................... . ...... . ....... ?.l)0 :; its r i ail 1 n:; l,~r ~~ 1. i i+rr r rt. ;~i,!'cinl ::u-•vcy (c:l~nttM;r. of c+i.(•u)r,trt(:y, r~t.f:.) ...... ,..... 'tU.pO h. :.etat~r ur Jtri,t i (~ '1'atnk ~(tti-L'>r:,+:nL .. . ..................... `,x.00 (:. lic•ins;lu.:c:t.ir,it . ..... . ................................ .. 1O.C)U ci, irt:;rc~(:t.ion c;ut:;iclr~ of .in::p(rc:tr~r•'r; r•~'r;ulau• h(nrr,, P+cr.hr. 1'i.OU (reinimuni etf r h(nrr:; fezr rnll ter+c:};) art: ~ s rtn l . 1 :; - All 41(~riW. t (~ hr` ir,:;tu~C't,rd All. ia's;',rhin~; is+r(1 ()r•,tin:tgc :.v:;tt•r-,:: rY;el~ll;r. itt:;t~<~c:Leil bw t.h!• A,l:•;inir,Lrrttive F~~tt.lawt~ii,y tc> in:;trt'•r c•r>~opl S r-rtc~ ait.h rat ] thct regttS : c:au:rtt:~ c,f thi:~ rf7<9e. «.. .~ .. .~ m., 3L t~•rta,17. Y+e the du'.Y c,!' /,he },~t~$an clcri tt~; tP:e ~'~r'r, tat; rt~:,r? ^ecl b;; ".he pA'.!•::.; L ~cr nc~t:;i'; the Admt#.r.~ettrat,ive putht7rit•y e,r~-1.?tiy ar in vritiitg, t.It!~t t;alrt work is reatct;v fcr• iz,syaeC*.icxrt. Such n:atifi~enti~-rt ah~-11 br giv~ra ,~Qt Ie~ss than twenty-i'our (~4) hrtu's tae.fc~re the work is to be ina~'r~trrd. • It ~Mll be the duty t~f the pcraon doing th+e ~iarA euth~riaec! by the per•+nit. trr r~ctltir ls~.t~C tbat t:hlt vcir''k w11.:! n'~u1d the test.tt ~ire>Krribed ele;ewherc .irr °khtr# e.~T'e,, br.t'ct:•e~ Sri rr.itzlr thr~ etbow~r xttrti!"ierktf©tn. $~rtiCrrA~- Iiietb?.l#.t~, The Bt~ildirt,~ pft'icial car 1Ariy` ex~plcayee chrsr~ed atith the P_nfarct~mt"nt at` thit> code, acti:,~ ita goc~ fi~xth +and r~ithaut m~ifrc fay` the ,~uriadict.i+~n i.n th+~ di:,c:irirtr~• of hI~ duti~ezs•, ahe-11 nat t7terc.~rsy render h_lmi>elf lir;tr]e I~e.~rr~anr~lly and Tte hereb~• its relir~ved f~c~m a:i perrrorteil. liability !'cyr ti,rt~• dt-i.mr3ge that retry ea<ccrui- t,o p^rsons or propr_rty na n re:r~t>.lt oi' arty nct recyui:~Fycl or try rcr,r;cn of sissy art or emisn3ctn in tttr ciirsrha.ge cat' his duties. Azty suit braught ri{rr{int;t the I;uildirtg Oi'f?.c,ie"1 oz• r•mpZctyees, bec~uee ai' auch aect ar r-m.issian pr:rfctrtttNd by hiat an t2tir e~nfarce~r~tant of any pravisians of this ecrcie, shall. be defy:ti',r°ci by the ]eg+r<l depart- ror.nt c)f the ~1uri:;ciirt:ian unti:i fi:taX te:rtninr~ti.T7n o.f t.hi- •prctc~cedin~s. F3 G}:NF~'rtAl, IZI:Gt11.A`.i'.ICt}IS (i2•~fr'}•;23AI, I};:;'!'2tlit"i'IGJ;.; ~iI22> }it?G1UI};1: }E•:i~'1';; :;c•et•ic)n :iS?~ •- 2lctrit'd cif AT)i)r!rtlf: t'c)1 1 i,wr :~c~r.t-icrn 3%'3 of t,hc• Unii'c)r•nt I']ttml!intt C'o~ic~ ~;: hrr•c•1)~• ritacndr~d t.o rerui ri:; :'rt ctrcirr to dr~t.c:t•minc t.hc rttitt.rtL3lity af' u]tcr•nra,c trnt,r.:•inl:, surd rn~t.}rnd.: cif c,,tt;;i•rtirCirrt rtnd to pr•av{dc i'cr rc~ri;;r,nnlrle int,~rpret.nt.Ionc of t,hc pravi:~ictnc of tt,.::c ('tide, t.1-r..re r.hnl.] he t#.nd is Ircrrelt~~ crrixt.,:d a I3crard of Aitpcnlr:, cctnc;i.;tinf,, c,f !'~vc r,e~t~bcwr:t uhrJ sire cltts~i.i'ie~d t,~• expericr2c.•r rinc9 t.rninitt~ t.o ,,nits, ttl,att mHLt,e•r:. Iti.~t•triinint_; tct t)Ttilding r.ort,t.r`Txction in:;tallat,ionr; and r•.rntcrinlt;. 'I'1tc~ I.2Trlldint; C)t'f'irint :itt~tll t,c ren ex-oi'; ic:ia rt<•rni,i~r r;rtd r;hpir r rirt rte; ;~rc;rrtriry of t}ie: I;c~rtrd. `I9t~• }1~t:rd of I'.I,rrrilr: i;}trttl Uc rtI)Itc>int,r~cl t)y the 1~1:)vcir, :;Tat~.lc•rt. #.c, t,hc• 1iI1I,ra~•ril c~;' t }ic• Ci t.r c'c,urt.'.i 1 , rind ,h•~11 hctl d ctf!'i r.c ut. h.t n E)1 c•: y:, •tt•c. 'P1re Ii<tnt'd !:hrtll uc~;~I)t z•i.•a.•,c,t:tit?l cr t` al,::: rind r~:f;ul i,t. i r)rt:: fc r <•rnduc~ t i nf~ i'.:; i nv,.•::t i t;at i can: and :,hn'11 r,•nd~rr sell dTCiric)n:t ;+ttd finciin,;e. in ur•it.inf; t.o i.hc 2utildit:~; t)1'fic•inl wtt.h ii ciu2,li-- citti~ cu2~y tc~ the u.~2•c•11nnt., Finn tn~cy rc~c:c~;r,i;ir.nd t.i1 t,hr C'.it.v ('c,rrnril :;uc:h Crew 1eh;3::- lntii~n sir ir., •'c.~nr;i:.ten4 t.hc:r:•wit•h. 'I'hc •;r~raer }~c•r.:t,nnc:~1 of the 2~cair'd ui' A;~Ix•ti]c; ri},}jai nt cad under f h i :: f_'.r)c}e rtny -ic~t. x:. t.hi• fic,nri2 cat' i;j,ri•:il :; unclirt t.hi: ut,hc,r },u i 1 d i n(; i~c~n:,trurt.irn T:nii'c~rn-, r~~x2c•:;. itt t,hc• rt•rnt. :t;t 1'.t~}~r~t+l:. }i,~rird is r,ut, tu>r,,iut.~d by t.hc lr~!'i:~•l;it.ivt: l,c„i~', the ('<ntu;'il ::hull :,r:t•V~• r~:: ,, iid A}~}~,'•t,2:. 21st;r-d. -- •r 0 L ;1~iA.1'1'F.R 4 section 44f+ -~ Cleenouts 5~tctic~tn ~ipb ~(~) iN h~-reb~- eddird to road sir f~],~.e~na: (~) .A sire ftau~r (4) Winch cls+~»out shell ba inr~telled on the building (hour-c) sauar at the. ptrty}~ar.ty litt+u. Such claamnout ahel`l bey bt:oup`tt to Trade w1.th chat iron frotzt the "y'" branch fiT.tit,g and house in a ca„crc+ta hox With srn•ovnbla c: raver. Ctn:snout ~rha!11 be locat.etd Within the first foot (N) ff~et ~.hurtt the larcrsel etxtert~ the property. Section 4fK- (k) ie hrereby welded to r~:+d ae follo~+s: (k) T[ [.itt'.in};s are to he usr>d t.a eluv-tte [rant the 5rtnitety bi~ttrict ]nte~rnl to a hi;has eluvxLleall'Lo the hcau~rr. tamrar; two (2) fact. of 1tc.~r:irnntctl pipe eh~o•-lri h•; h,rt-,•r±Gn the :5rirtttAry pietric:t late~t:el. nrtd ~r,y. h"~r,dt; that r-1•e c:o >7e u.srd. 17UTF,: Sttbeectinn (k) ehall apply taJ.t.lt t}t~~ urt~: v[ cn~t Iran house r:c,wrtre only. , b C}il~i''l'f:F 14 o,l'r:::~tjlcl:s Ar:J,enclix.A,r,}i,_ G,_ 1-t 1;,• 1', C1 r-nc1 1! Adui:tr.cl ',lrpcnclix A r:ntitlud "}tc-cornmr+nrled 1;ulcss [ot• Sia.ink the ld.•ttnr Supply S•;St~•::~"; Ap}~E•rrclix 1; +!ntit:lc-cl "~xpl:-r-.at.ory 1,otu:: ot- Co:t-hin.•,t tot, 1'nr,tu rind Vr~nt 5ywtcat;,rc"; ;;i,l~casuli:; C cntlr.lrul "D;ir,imum F'lumhirt;; F:-cilitie!s"; A}af~i;rtdir. A ctntitlc;d "NAink'aCQc 51•:;t,.mr;'"; Ap}!arcclix F: en-~itlecl "'ft'atilrr 1',-rl: 1'lu:,:bittg nrtcl 1)t'ntt-r-F;ca :;~~tytFtsrts", Altl>rrtdix i' r_;ttlt:lc:d "11+:c.ljum 1'rrt:~:ur-: Cas 1'ipitt,~~ SyE;tcr!"; Appendix f: ent3tlr~d "5wirrrtirtg PcxrltC"; rc~;;1~c:C.t ivuly, h+~t•r::h}' arr. !:pr.cii'i+:rtlly ndctptMd. "c~r.tican 16.7.~.05b lic!,tY'.litl;. Tl-ic f)rciin•!nc~e. shall, :-ftc;r Cir!:t reacting;, he>. ;;cat~~cl,tlcari [or public lt••:tr ing; nc; prw•icic•d i.tt 'icct io-, 5Q(l:';'..3 of t.hr (;over-u:rc>nC Caclc. t;ot.ic:r- of }trari,-g r;h,cl l he pc.hl i::he•d }rt-rc;u:-r"t t.tt :act ion GCl(if~ ctf t!-e f~uvr:rt>.~lent C'aclc• in t}te! Cupr.rt'i-tct Cc+uricr. Ccri-ict: ctf t.hc Ur-iforrn Goclc anc} c:'7is f)r•dircnncQ :~haa.l he ntt file 4•itlt the Cit~• (;lerk c-ncl c+}!ttn [or' puhl.ic int;lyc:r.ttc-n. "c:c t tan 1 h. 2(1. (7GQ }'f f r•c t. ivr. f):-to Thia Orclirianr.r. shall t.akr_ e~ff+!r.t .~r.u ur. in forte L}tit•ty (3(1) rays ::ftc!r itt: }~:tw;:r+}.fl, .-ncl hr!f,-rr: the rx}+i ration of fiftr:rn (15) clays frc,m r+nci r-ft.er itg g,:-,:~::±g!r±, thin. f~rdin~-ncrt Ml~,nll h:~ p-r1~i i!;hr!ci o:rccr ,riCtc C'r+c~ nr!n,c~~ of t}!r! r~c•mhcLrr. Voting f-~r car rag;rtirest L1tr. t:rrr~c? In t:ha Ctrp^artinu f:o!rrint.', ;~ ;u;!•;:{:~^pc:r p!t~rlir.hc~ci in ~.~ici (:r,-crtty f, .. R .. ~.. ~ ~ ~ •~ • Iti'fT~r!',1(t(;I;L- ;3t a r~~i~,t~I.~r mt:~~rlr,i• c,f t}-c i:;ty Cc,uneil c,f i.t~c: Cit;• cf C:upc:ttarru c•n iltE. ___ _:~.ith..~, c!;+~• •~f _AS2~.3.Y._.__..__._~ ]~i7k, :~r;ti }:ti,',t::i'.1; .~t a rc~gTrl:+r -,;Letfnp of thr~ Cft.y Cuurtcil of the Ciiv ref Cup~rtin~ orc the ___~Qt~.~____.__ d7y r.f ._.._l~lx.._._.._..____.~._ ~9i4, by thc! fc,l].r,ta;.c~g vnt.~: Vbtr_ t,~er,~ of the Cit~r C.ounc.:.il AYES: .~+r<rkeiwn~ lf~y~rs. 1~~llie. 5prwtcks T3t1E;,. Mona ABSI-:K't': Frolich Aflti7'AYN : Natye X },rrret,y crrt.ify thr+t thc• Catty c,f Cut,<•rt inc~ (1cdlttarct: ;~c,, ~ cyJ~ rirt;tnc~act hrt•etc, !r; .~ Crue ;-nct -•c,rr,'r.t c~rt,v ,.~t ~ , ~ .:. ~ .- h~•e„ pub 1 t,,t-ec` ur t,n . rt•c1 t,ur::u:-r-t [ o l,~w. ''`' tc- (rci i c~,+t,~.c~ ::h t rh f,:-~. c,t ty r:1,•rk _p_