Ordinance 621.k
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A~IR~, 71~V •~14JWF~R~ A'L+R ~~#\MA ~1~ 77~+1r
' C~ '~'iI1Jf i1fl6l~L.? ~~', ilir<'~D l~VI11
,, ~~ YlMI~`~XJ14'~ ~1"Z""~C"i"
'1tilE ~IT'X ~~L ~+!` 7`lI1C CI3'~ lli~ Ct1~6l~Mi"I!!C- f00sf~ d1Ri~l1~ ;l:~ ~+tlL1+QIi1~:
~~arar to l~~t'~~y a+8datrd tcti t!t• C~Qefrtirrs~ lisclnit"i.rsal ode
' +~4ptrr ~. ~ wtiiah is ~ rarr-d ~:rr X,a13o~wsR s
'~ s6C'xiClwl ~.6~.A10. y_ur~d and ~ft~ect. i-ursus~nt to
Section 3b26 of the C~csv+srnr$rent C[sde, t.,hv Ci tl- pf Cupert i.ct~o herby
ado~t~s the ia.llv~-ie-q gtaidel:nsrs far its public af~icialt~ in their
detc~rstu r anon cst r+ttether t.Arry ham an ecanrrsr:it~ intrezest or in'
tereuts which asa in s~sbst.asttial crrnfliat with their official
duties sand povsr* under 5~rct ion 365 ia) , and in deterr~i r~lnq
whr_th+ar thcsy h~rve: An rc:onarrsic inte:rent in sna+:tars :AY' ~7lIE'i~C7+.#:$
of Section ?62S(b). Nc~thinc~ cr:ntainErd hFrr.in irr• intrnQrlrj tt7
na7~lify c.r at~t•irlge tt;e prar~•i$ic,ns cyf th•_• Gr~vcrr,i-.••n;°~tl Cr~nilici car
IntF>re:stx ,het, Stac;tions L0~0 t~7rou{~h 1097, rir anj ot_hct r,ra~•i~~ir,~n~
c-i` larr prrtaS.ning to ct~nflict of intereat$. 7"his arrlir,~nc:e nhall
~ he inter~r~~Rd in a manner consistent thertewith. Nothing c:c~n•_
taink~d herein r~hal i be decrt~~rd idoi~tfd pursu:snt ta, or i.:: ir-l:le-
mertat.ion af, Section 3603 err Section 370. ~sll n~.ir.r~rxc,+1 stc~e-
t.ic~n r+^Tcrr,•,~c:rs~ cit~•d in the :x~~ly a~. this ar~l~ nartee srw to thr.
Gwrrrru~;ent Ccsc:e tinli~sas atiscrwis~t~ si>e•cificd.
&E;C'tJCJN 2.5~I.G20. D~:i,r. notion of officials. 7`tse 1:c•I'Dn
"nftic:in3st", a$ used 1.r_ the Act and thr:ae gui•i~r.lin~$, ~h~sll r-~.~n
t1,r. !5nrr•N a$ t.ho~ t~,rm "E~uk;lic off iciael' lr:t rased in 5rct ion zt:10 (h)
cif t.:.f Act. For fhe 1,rrrF~~ri.tss of tY.t' F-ct .sod th~~wr~ yuir9e'linrar,
the o[f"ir.inl$ of trip City are thn Ptby~r+ the m~•r,~5ecss~ raf t.hr• Coun-
cil, the Ci*y ~Lanager, user City Jlttosney, then City Clc~tlc, tlts"
! City 7`tr~erae~uter, the et.froctort~s or he~atdx of thte v~s;~ivum t.'ity afii.care
. ~ „ .~
a~n,d d~pr-r,ir~~s, •,x-d ohs :n~~x•~ +~t! X311 k~+u~rtN~ ft-od ~e~a~.~i.aaiw~,.
~ .~ a. ~~~ . 0 ~. ~1f* . ~ 1{~MrtylNl~' ~~~ta#~/h81~. ~i.
~-[ e~r~ ~iC~iax~Ylx c-ii+pnn~rr~ ~ ar , ~: ~e~ ltiarift +~1e1¢
~: #.~r rr~~~r~ tai ~~ iw pirate +~~ ar~t.~~sx~~ r~Mrai.1
ibs ea~b~~ct ~a i~~~ p~s~~rwi.~i~~fi a~' i~rci:i+a~ #~'3 .,erg t~ +d+~*dr~ix-+~+~-.
ace~~ weep a~ lratil~, ~rheX~ bar d~~e! a~ {of'firc~ --1 lEo~' ~ut,~~
a! t.Tr+~ JAat ~rzesd! tho ~wvrfd~aline~r.
~l4C~it71! Z .+54.040. ~ubMk~~rscia~ l ^~tt!'l iaii.. 11ad aka
i:.~t.areellt. i~ rw~#.w~tiri ~r+~iliat writh th• pz~ce~-zrz- ~rz~rrreirse o,[ ~~
csffiri,e7t's d+e+ti~sa gnat nerrt~ writ'=in thw eraaarniAq of Serctior~ 36xS(rz)
,rhel?l ssotr ba cae+~awd 1x~ ~exia~t urrl~r~s t!-r~ of tit lal a-s~gfld ~ raecYuir~
t.n ciis~uali~y+ hirr.aelY under S~rrti~an ~~25tlz) carr a r;~ntrfnupua arrd
re~gulaz' k>r,~isr iresr.^ .wctiviti.e~ And actic+n:& a+hich rasastitwte ^ rr~jt+z'
+~nd ~ignifi~eat ~aortiun a~ hir of f:.c:ial dut,i.ae and ~~-~w~rs, a~r~dl
ther•+sby impair hier a',~ilii.y to function ef!'ec:tivr~ly +rr,6 fulflkl t7h,~e
de~tica And lc~arrtr of the oft'fre.
SE;f;TdC]ri 2.6.t,Q50. Rr:~uirEAd F;~ar:onic Snt~r.,~~ts. 7!' t.hra
pvss:eagio~ ~f ..r- ecc~nr~r~ic intercut is ane ni khe l+ryat.ly rec;,sirrd
yure7ificatie~nrr tc, hold c~f.ire, ,nr, official was X~.~:;:aerg~s ;+,ch
ec~~r-p,~ric int~!reraAt shall rrest bar ssiib~~ecl to Sectiazz 3625 (a) with
ze .F~ct to t;uch re!~luired econryrnic Lrrterest.
Mher~ the ai,r:~ointing asuthorit.y goy: any C1ey tx>ard csr
,~c~:-ur.izr~ion .t~ re~uirr.d t~ select asa n~ar.l~a ;rs rp~ar,~,;~~ly Fs~tasi.~:.r
~.~er~cna~ ref:,reR+ent+~tiv4~ cif various yz~uF~s~ ~urne ~f whi.-h have rc~n~
l7f^iiL iC1tClr:'~t:a, lh~ i{7!A:it.':,~'i1tJ11 I;li ~itlt:l'~ amain r`C:~r.C~S'.';lt: I.ili.~'T.6!:nt: ~7x
sr,ict ppx~+un ~~a aF7Frt~intr.c5 r,1zAl1 bP c9~y~rT,rc1 ormt n! t.*re 7,e~,ial.ly r~e~~•
yulrad quelii`.ic.atinns tr., ha1;1 such czffice and such afficiwl ~rireli.
nt~t. be suk~jer;~: tw ~~~ct.ican 3G~.5(t~) ~~itt, z'~'~f .. t. t.c~ suc'h ~cc,rwc~mf.c
int ~r!"kt.
S1F'C:7'IC)W 2.f+d.Rl5A. Material b:c.oncszr.ic 1±ff4C't.. 71Jt actic-n
ar dr,c:ision zah~,ll rrc-rt tie deem to hsvr a :-M1t.+~rirtil Fr.:r3r.atbiC' ~Mf'$~r~.f.
a~rir •e ac~z.v~ir int~r~errt. unl~t~rr the a!t'ici;~Y ht~e r•e!a~xa ~n brsiieva
t.~tk, kay rw~ra~~ ~# the ,~c.eicrn ~r c'.eciaian: ~ lssrx~~nttt~~; ea~tit~+ },y 1
irtaic:b thy! ptcbA-c c~l`i'ici;~l paid ~r a~isr~t: ~r i:rcfix•,~~~ i~zwe~t.nrt~s~t:
~sr l b ~Crx~f tt1 ~ t1~IIM '17~crus ~,atcx if y 1.1a rrY (~ 1, 0140 . ~O j f car S..rr vh.i ctl i, e+
+as• ,ohs i~ a lfixa~tar, ~i"i~~.c„ ~rtrrerr, t~°urat~e~, rla~f~.~ or hn2.ds _
rui-y ;'~r~iticrr of ;mxn.a~~*rwt, ~Flll grain tssr ;-:~at,~ mncaat~tesa•tly, otl~.*~1C
P..h~.r, n~gligib7;yt rr.ny >i•enl pral.4ert:y ire w;~.rh ti.e a~fi~i~,}. hna ~ --
` direct: o: (.xtdi~.r~rc:~ lninx~~at trc,~a~hh sr>c~><'re 4-.~^,a.+, ~°>ne Tt,ou,~~-xyd dx~ll~rrs
1¢:.. ,~OO.C!)` x+aa;~ xncJrea~~. fir dt-c>r-Casr~~ in value, att,tes t.har~ negli-
g:Jtrl]-; cwr a ~st-ura.~! cif irtcbma, lc7rt:,x, ar yips a:rraregati_ny ']",ra
Huradr~c'1 i'if wy Ctc-17 n~>g i5~ 50.40 j tiyr rtar~ in va;ur re+,'c i~Rrd l;y nr
prprrised to the ~ut+lic c)ffieiTl r~aith~in twelve (.1.2) rr,~r.t:ns~ ~a•ics°
!.a the ti;~,er ±atr~tr tlta! al-:ticn is c~tk:c~n oz the d,c~risict;~ i<• r.~z~~ie, sr:my
gain car ]oar: monr.t.~aril}•, ath^r :~ha~n negligibly. A cta.i» r7r .lass
of 1r. s,sF t]taar: ~r)e j~:~xc:Qrr*_ i1.1~; by surf, business c~ntit}• c)r. srx:h
saourcA of incamt sh;~ll ~r~ c]Ct.rr,NC! neyc7lic~iblc; an inr_r~ase cis c71n- _
cr.e,x~,~ o~ lrss t.hxn c>nc l't:r-r,c~rr* (1~) in the •.•r,]uc.! cis' c;tscl-, rr.~~al
J>rplr+_lty ghrrll l7e do~;~~r:~r!c] rlc~yliclit,l.r.e: ;.r~.~~•ieir_~el th.>It .s •;,~ein e,s liars
ar inc:re~.,sc r.r dr:creas~ cif ar:+e nc?re;c:~nt. ;lt) c>r r.•or_r. ~hnll 1irJt .lri
all +.:a.,es lye d(:cm~~d tcl t;,! r.,ore thtsr. n~~v]ic~i{~le~.
SM'CTTI)Iti Z.b4.070. Mini~.t-Prir.l and C1+.:ric:sl flutie5.
r_ction 7r25(b) shall rtat. a;.~ltly to ac:t.i4ns uhicl', arr: ~c~lely clrr.i-
c:al r~r' :^inir•t4~ria1. N.ini:.tcrfA! .•~ct.iorit; ~;e tilcal,e t+•hi~ll t_he
official r;urvt •_~3:e tt;~~:l a yiv+~n st,~t~~ o£ .r.cts in a 1~_rs(~r~il,cd
it'.lili)A'X' l Il Ctl?t'(l i!:li~.:~L' tC+ `trC° .'m.int{iri.r~ OS ~ t:t~~~~ :tilt ~tCtf 1 t}~', F? i t}Ir~11L ,
tc'+r,ird t~~ hi:~ c,~~rt jt:•]t;.'~rstt Or cal>iilicln ccrl,:+~rninc~ the t:-c.1•.•~ic~t}.
C!2' li.i:{l]Ctiil i)~` t}l r'" F?GC. a+1tTt(l1.ILL:h t.11e 1:t8ltUt~_', C)F[~iT1.3nCf', Qt' ]"C.'rjll]ty^
t i()n lTay Cr't]lri x't! ~ ifs 19r+P?sk' C~F~C~t'!C'!*, 8 ,~Jll ,t:7'tlCt:~h!7 tlf 1 t.R; % 2'nyu;lcir
l)y t41f. c)tt'.i~:{nl. :,c'ct ic•r•, 3f,~~(taj .,;t;llie~^_, only tv .jc°tic;rr:, which
3.nvC)l~rc^ r:r;.c:trrticti:r, ttl:~e i.~s, thc.~:<F* ahir:h rc~rluir-F, the rrc.?r+~ic-c of '°a
iuctrl;-t•~nt, c'fe] ib+hr.~+tic~n or• cl,['r.i:~~c~n c:n thrw ];r,rt_ of thc? c~f}~icir+l.
:»E;4T)c?J~J 2.a~..GF~n. r,•trtic_?l.:r~tic,n.
{rl) Mi'r! t:F•rr-x~6 '1.~..~rti(:ii;at.r!'', .~nc3 "AILf'.7n1)t t,U 111f~1i1.'!IIS°Rw
' ~ i
.,, .,,, M. .,„ F .,, ..
a>4 used ita i3~rc!tic+n ::~~"swbj s~h,~11 b~ a'.+~es~ed rq, incl~'~'a, b;a#, :gat
lyer I l.ier,i +t.+M~Q W, #:h its f a A 1 aaw-Lr~g s `
;f . p~rt.t~i~~.ti.c~n i n ~,~]a~t:+t sir a3~i~.~r~rt~
~rx' vrc>"ck.i..
2. )~iC`~etC'~t~11 ~-~ Crs]. R1sf t/rii.tt.fxr rte),+~s•tax.
~. AGwn.:~,.trl+~a t1 f' o.+el ~r rrri,.tt~~n advice.
r1. ~st,ira~lr taetarrt` a ~ulsl,i~ agency M~ a
p+~rt, air o4fScSa1 duticr~.
~. ~i~,~rctt,saSartr, v.ttls amy trfi"icial why ttnurt
cl•~cidar thf treat ter.
C. ~ui<~twis~tl•ywct ~! lett.~+rf v~ trtn+tr ~Sac~tttntnts
r~ .aia:}• „ffirial. ~ihr, r~uat d~cia'1ct t:-e rt<attt~•~.
7. 1'satruar•rr~a t, r. genial of aflic:la: ap~rav+sla,
(tr) Na'r.hi.r;+~ ~:trita:in~d herhin c>r i, Srct:ivr. ti625 shall
a;;ri3gr r"tie ri~~ht c•ir tsn}. riti•rwrt, r~~reth+rr car net a pu~alic ati'irietl,
tc guk~r~it irrforr.atic~rr or rxFr rmst: vi^wt' an t-rte rsrtr'„r l,s.t;is e+t an}•
c>;hra pr iti•rct.e c:•iz.i: ~~n, pro•~~i rie»cj Ru.:h is c~or.e in i~a!blic ~inc9 the
l.er!~nn ir.ci~cat~Ys t.liat he i~ autiny it, a pri~.•.vre caF~~aci.t}•.
(c:) J~~r otffcltal dirc.~r_•tly inv.;lv~d in ~ rr,attrr, »•*ictrr~r
+'.."i r: jlRl't:j", +7n :Ly~p11C'tlnt car Ca~.ilC;t~l:,f`, ray, in hlai Frriv.aLe~ C~1j+.d"
t:ity, F}rC34ir3C! r,rr+'st:cver intrCYL`tr.flt~.Url i3 ri!^C:C!SSiar}' aYrld ~~1~'r":C`L'r~: :~1"ry
c~t.hr r :~r~~:=.:u ~,i;ich ~r~ rer;uir~d at,` athe~r ritize~rrs in thr ^: +s:••m ~+i tu-
nt.i~:n, ?r.dividur~l]}r car by couna-esl. H.~ ma}• tipt, hatirevr..r, cii::cuss
t'rc! maS:t~..~ privat,atly wi'J'r .:fYicials who ttru:~st dr~r.i:a t•he r..at,tcr.
I_C'J'Tf)T1_ a.~+__nnr+ ,,, ~.,r,.it),.,
(a) Arr c.~f:icial s)„a1Z riot be xuL~jtct to S~ctia>'y 36d5(b)
~:i t.h rr. ,r;ec•t to any mat:tcr F+hich cannot k~~! ] wally anct_ed uF~n c+r
r9F•r:icta'r3 wi!.naut. h.te; ~nrtiGir~.xtinn.
{b) :, c,+.1-~:~r~r.t: i.ots ~l(a) :hall ~rF7}'+1}' whrres
1. 1. ~!-~ts.~Lc~ry c;caorum ar a r:ir^i~lc r-iaScarity
cat~tr.~t be ~rchievc~d by c~:cineinueynce Frar a
rr.!usc~;,t,ble t imp car' of t.h;~n 1~rtsll}+ r~a-r,-
dat t^ci t..i~t! Iimiis<; cxr
3. MQre than a atttQle ~s jozit;r vase is re-
quir.±,~ t,,tt t.a)ca a prvFwa+rd hctian anal t?-~e
t~ur.:•ac af' cirificials antitlec to vQt:a j~;
lcar~iw~ Phan t.lsr number of vatic rec~uirt~~!1
.. ~_
J for +.~ ac:tfara xo iota ta-keq ar.~ r~a~
r-tre-t~aar oir rrotcts x•wgsaiat+~Q tc- taUceia stsc~
• actlan ctr~.r~t ba :schievEd ty crrttt:irnu-
xaart fC-s ~ X~ast~a~abl+~ tia~ or wic.hire
a~ ~~ 11y aairw~a t-,a8 t i.~re 1 itsi tas s ar
3. 'i"bar of~i~S~~l itr, b]- lair. ~#w •t?1!
~iEi!ia~r ,cr~- lrwtu•fgt:'sr itha actie~n aat•
~1ta td~r ~r+~is ~d .
(et) Ia casms ~ha>Ctt is~l~~tioas 7..ii.~~~1f11 cir ~.d-f.010
Cb1? of thim c~adsr-anc~ strply, at:t ottl~arwf.s~ dil+r+gNraYifieri btticials
shall ks maat:itled iaa p~rtt.ioi~at-tkMr.
4s) Ira +sll caseal rwtaeart S~,lara~rtis~na 2 , t~ . ly]tf (a) , ? . 6i .090
(b) and 2.64.490 (c) ui thisr arcli~nan~+e ~.lx(Sly, tlt~ official shall
c;oanply r-il2a S~rct~on ~6?S(d) .
!S!~'IClii ?.li~.iOQ. L1~ualilicatiota. Arc attic al ~-!aO
refrc-ia~ae from acs. i.nc~ in aCcx'ia':+9ar:fi+e wits, Section I62S(b) Hared not
drelrr~r the +;a.tu,r•e tat thi inter rat which disgwlitita hiaN,
~,..t^T7t~'17 7.t54.1i0. Ira t.+~r,~rrtation. bra official who fa
unrture of the applic:atian nr nature oi' the prol:ibitiar~sc cont.ai.ntd
in Scct.ioa~ 3625 reay x.P+~ure +~ r+ritt*~n caginiota frawo the Ci.y Attor-
ney. Mhen seicJ opinion is coaw~.~lfr.d with in the cloud faith t+elicf
that it id co r.rai!atrnt. with ttae provisivn~ of t.h~ C+aaernrr:~ntal
Ctanfl.ict •i !` lnte°re:sts lac:t and theWse gaaic3elineac, Me shall trir~re--
after t~ .~ntit.lyd to rell• on aaraicf ac~inic~n in disc?+~aryinq his ufi'i-
cial dut.ie~s aced :shall be exempt lrum the civi; perealtieaa of
5ectian .3751 .1nd the senctir~nx o! s«-c:tisan 175;.
FF;C"I'1c~N `d.b~l.ll2. x,i•rSt.~tic~ns c+n Xction~.
(a) ho ar.tican asl,all 1_e k,rougAt i:u~rasusnt to ,~crtio-t
3'lSl a[ !nN C.catar.nrr-ent Code either trta rc:+traln tha e~xec:utian of:,
uX t.a i~et aride as void, .•cny dr!clsian, r.oratr~A.r_t , rardrr, t~Nl'triit:,
c>rair,.y+ec~E, a•a•r,olutic~;a rir at_hes• officia l hrtion un1~sW~ the rrsm-
pl.iint. car pet•.it.ican ha.: t,ec~n filod rnd Sr.rwed can the City C1Nrk
within thirty (30) riayF fc•llawincl t~'ar cleciaiar., contract, ardcyr,
Darr.+i t, ordinance, rexalut ion car rrttaer o;fir.'•al arti~7n.
4;b) No action achall be hraught. giaratucsnt to Section
r ~~
X751 o1C the C~ov~rnneent Coder s+3 trier to en jrsip ,rn ai"'ici.sl lfrowr
Sri=~latinq, o:: to cal an t~i"licial tv c~orppl~- wf.f:a, the prr~vl.-
'. sivera of iths Covernsient.al Ga~->F11ct o! Interests 71st or v>' Chia
'. ardiaa, u~nh:aa the aaeplaint or pertiti~t hrs been !fled and
sarvrrd within vrte hrtxtdred Weighty (AB1]) days after the violat;ir+n
of 5ecti.an 365 hies oe:curred.
S~C'TIl7T1 ~.t~+1.130. Sta-t.ent of Ur~anc~. 'This c;vurtr.il
haxeby finds. d.e+tert~ai,nes aced declares that this ordirrarncee is ~-a
urgency measure n.rceswary for thie fnsnediata pres~rr~ratian of the
public peacr_, hrtalth and safety, end shall qo ir.t.o ef."ect imcrwe-
dibte*ly upon aclt~}~tior. 'The tacts con~ttitutinq rtuch urgency acre:
7nr. Gov+~rnrrttnt Conflict of intereesta~ )pct. t~ec:ar~ cffec-
tivc~ an .7anuary 1, 1974. 'T'hat Act creates seriouu end m~~lr_ipls
obliy~ti~~ns to. },rak~lic c~ffiriala coverers b}' :.he Act, c~anfera
t,rpad en.trrrc='^.=•rit ri~~hts •a}.Un r. ~.r~:.,+:~rEi o>' t.hC r'=uMl is end ,^rut.ticrz-
i:rr.s i,ublic .r~?~~:~c•ira trr ticivr~t ~yuictc~lir:r.~: •a rsid public offici~+la
anr! r. +. r.+i~r~rs o: rhea i7ublic in zn'.er}~rr~t.ing nnu ~,i,}rly~inca tTie c~~tn-
E.~li~~arta~~! provi::ir•ns of the l~ct. Tirr.rclnre, the City .~~ Cupertino
clc::r:s it ::r~cr~:'starl.• that then yuid~?rocs r~dc>t~t+.rd by th.itt orclinanCt
pt~rs~uent t.o t.h~r Gravernmti~nt,sl Conflict of irltereats let Lrc eff.r.•c--
t::vr_ irnmr~cliat:r'1}• +.:,l~on a+uapr.ion to ovoid inard~~r*rtent violations
of th~r Act, to }~zcvent .~.:nr~ritarious challryngr`s to public actions,
t.r~ pr,;~virle r,.~~:ir;:.m public }>rc~te~etion unripr the Act, to ;-r:~~olve*
c:ue:;tions cn,,r_,~rnir~y thr r..r:.~r:i:rq and applicability of t}~c Art,
and ~.o Y,rUVidr for then or~ierrly end i..zope~t• c:c.~:r~pliance with stn
~~~_r:'I'IU•`_ 7~ti1_ 1~U. Se~:~,rahil its. X1' ~tny section, ,utr
rsw~:tzan. ^~z~nt.r:nce, cruse ar phr,~se of thts ordinance is fue• any
reason held by a court of ~ot:prstant .iuaiyJicCictin tai bre in-alfd,
etuch decision shall r-at: affect ttre~ validit} of the rea:ai.,;ing
portions of this ardire,a-.~+Cl~. 7:ee c.tty Council hereby declares
that it vritrld have paASesd thin r+rdl.nance4 acrd ea+~,'h arcrPian, muJr-
.. ~~
~-wr~tfon, ~-waxt~enrr, cl~runw ax,d ptara~st~ tt~erw~rf irr~s~iaeal~l~ of the
. tact thvst any tnw as' mare eeeti~n, u~,~b~~cct.i,~n, e~Gnt~rat.~, cld~.ia~~e
ar p1~ra~rw ,taw d~ec~ar~ lnv+al~f+l.
~D L'h! w a r ~-y t~l.._.. ~..~.,,...._......~~ 193# . 6y'
tie lollc~w-irM ~atwe
At,C~i ~ J~1cks~a~, 11~cydrw, tiwl?li w, ~parkt~
NC~CAPt tiaYar.
lUl~ ~C:" a ~'ro l L t.h
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2 hert~hy certify that the City cf ~'upe~rtina Ordinance Na. ~ ~_~___~
+sttecltied herc~ta is n Lru~ and carrecr. cagy of said Ordina~riet which }~aa:
been publ i~had or nna:ted pura.~~a~~t to la~-.
K`m . E . Ryd ,
Cit~• Clr~r
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