Ordinance 616G-FtI.11J:A.w/ir h0. ~lfi J e . S' ~. .': ~` ~,~ ,:;, pry: ,~ AC~t C-RUINA,.rli~.;,~ UF% TtiE CI7"Y OF C.tTPi.l~: IIi(1 f,.R;~",tiu C:r'G S~:CC°1U,'^~ 15.OF . f7'?~ IJI' ~'Llg CUI'Jf9t'~Il~C1 2+'_rAJ11IGI?AL ~7b~ tir'IiYCH REU..71~ T~ 6JA'f~R SkR~'xCl~5 1~t7R S~t`~lPiATE I'R.'~ll~'~!ES U~"DER SI?~).IW CA~t'd'ROL T1lig CITY Ct7111~G~L. OF T Ct.I'Y C~ C.LYI~'1L~tTINO AO~g f7R,UAiid 11.& FGL.X,.OM1i'S: ~ctian 1. A~a~~t ,~. Itea A of S~rciFlnri I5.p8~.Q4'D it lr~rreb~ +~en~rd to ,reaa~ es ;o2lcnrs: ~~rtr s~rr, ~n•,Y-er ~~u~]a Contx•c-1 ~, ibrpe.r~r.~e pre+ai.e~e~r under ningls corcytral or ~~r-geassnt shall i~r 1~at-ni~sll-+~'1 water through re~arate irtdividaal sar~ce r.r-n- taattissr~s unl+e~es tk~e Crty exerts ot.herwiae. ~eperwte ltcrt,-ss~t, LavilalYa~s, Living ar. business qusrrxats aa~ th+~ 1~seu~ lut, pi+~cr c~7r pnrcerl of land or ot- sdjainir,g late, pier~es yr ~arrela of ]and, u,aaer a Pringle control ar rnar-eger~rn~ sha11 Res ~ui~iah~ed water, ax they csption o~ the Ciky~ by eir.hrar aY' Ri-~e Ioilt~nwi.n~ saethtrdr 1. T~-r~augh separate serer-ic• con.r-~ertYr~ns to each such hmaraQ, building, or lir~ir,g mr busi~n~rss quart~rr; ox• a I ~. 'I'hrt~ugh a singly. service crinnecti+aa to ,rrrpl+ly all of wuch t-c~uxes, buildir-gw end living attid bush-e~s yuatr::rrr in which ~:aee wnllr one +sartthl.y a-ini.~ur- charge sha11 b+c applied ;end tht respa~nsibility f~rr paya„ent of charg+~s far all water f~lrnished slia~tl be ~~aici by fire r~n~;umcar f~avlnk si,Ch r..or-tzol c,r raanage~^^nt. S•ectian R. 1;f,lrcrivR Date Thi:~ t-rdinr-nce rrhall t.srkc effrct a,-d '-,e ir, force t.~-irty <,3a) d.:.qs ad'ter its },,asrr,rge. 1.&"CRC~IaUCi~! ~,t a rirRul.a~r meeting of the Ci*.y CnunCtl rrf the City :-f CuiaNrtinu this ._~,,~ day ref ~~er -_-_' 1973 and E~d7-CTTrD at a regul-er nwerrting of ¢he Ci.ty~• Council of the City of Cupertino, this ~,______ clay of __-,~.i1.i:4SaL;~,.„.. _ ....,• 191 r. by the f o I l cna i r- ~ vc- t e : dYk:;`: Ceuncf.le-ea - yralich. Jeckarn, Me;rer~a, ~pnrka, 'l ruin f'JCIi;'S : Govnci l mrn - l~cme Ag~E14T': Caus~cil,r-en - hone ~rrrs•r: ~ti cltt~• cis 11!'I'RUVf.A: l w.~}yot, City of Gupertiht~ . l: