Ordinance 604A:: !;'t+t":+ii~;JCF 1;)i 'i'I,i: (.'•'i'i .~. ( .. ';~..,. (:~l(.?.itizZ~lr~, /•,~.r4:1'~`i.':. 7'r:k: "i,i:?::t~t'1'1:~J :•l:ii:lf::''.I,L l.ui~'.," l~ CGIIli 1l.:..'J"I173~ l~!' ;'H4~ PL"r~:'L:::r;:'i ri:v~ (:L',"~llilel. S~i*' r:~..0.~Ft:1L:~S tf x" ;fti!:. CI'I ." "1. C::' °.:?;'f I°.°~ ~ C,A1.:1 UF~,''lYA 7'GGZ•±1'lii~: Nl:ri`1 TlK~~~ :: k,t~L1frll:tl;S' C:i)ial:: .A.I-t~,~Ft:!- tt'i ;,~'f`~~l~1CI: !4~ AVI'IiUlilt~}ixJ LY 'P1f~F. ~:whl*kAl. I.R,`~"" ul' 's"1'1: ~rt~l~ t3~ ~:trr IFiJ~?wfA, SAVE 11 '~lf'7` ~'ti~s}: ~'~R~>Cr:l~:: ~~° ~p:iy ~~:ci"::r'v~c4 irOTD~.S ~ ~0.~E »~~~1;~ a>x !'Di1~I1?'1~'Yt . ~~r 'rllt ~Wl7ov1<~ar~il~s r,» •r~r:z~ ~ W'HFIhS, the ;:Iasi#atrtia Stata L,agi~7etura ha(d ~r~resti-l.d~d ,fl4~r ti~1 (c~4'l+~eta~l ersu aubl icrat;oq of the p+a:-r~anEyrit apd gencrtl ax`d3s~aucra~ of cixl~ ao~ Lomas ir. Stct'iunz} 5(~4~2.I---.`,t7p2. f+ u1 e3 5e1;-~2. ~~ at i.ll: Ca1ltr~x~'lia L::r~,~e /~1>wr~slrt,~i~aa; arrmd • 'WHERE.45, the 13aclk, I~ub~.i~hin~, Gc)tittparaT, S(t-art]e, i~""rr~n9n~1~t-~„ tiaal~ ~au-pilled, (3ditt*u and pub]iahed a c:odificraCioa ar tltr perrlaacrar~nC: and g,rr-farat alydina~ces o: ~, the Ci.t~• r.f GuFerC~.rlo, c."~lif(arnitr; es~d r i }~JHF.Ri:AS, tl-crt: hav(~ been tiled ,iarld theca, acre ncstr cal fi 1r !>r- rhr oi'f:cp ©f the C1t>' Clerk, For }xub:lic i.ttt~pe~cr.ioq three ra~pif~lr ref i dc>cun~Ct: dG'eti'ilrled ''Cupert:lr.o Piun.it:ipsl ~'o(ie," tagcthl~r with tt-x`er! cvgriarr af' ~,ac:~l o!~ tih~r s~tcaric,:tr~ Cc~tlc~ Y?lc:r'tsin r,dopt~d by referc•nr.d; . 13 }. 11' }:ti.1C7'I:ll ltY !'liI: CI•li C(Il'ti~IL. Ul' '.H~: l:"iT'~• C)1 C: ('i'~~1`i`.`C~, (:;t,l.)F'U:;*:lr.: ( 1'urratlarit: to thc~ pra~•i!: ic~--(~ (~. tit•:.t •;~tirl!c 5~!.':. J - •`rU!'t;'~ . f+ r~r,c: rG."~::~. 1 ~ Of the G:-lifarnia Cc~d« 1+n1~c)tat('dt th(.,rr it; ~,.•rc•b~• ,~.3.;;et: tttr ",t','~tt,trt:~ ..~.,, r:~}. C~^Il(,tr N5 ruhlasl(ard }»` 1.iU(1'i: P(Iti)1 ~.. 71]111! .., ~ :.ii)'} , ~rr~l }t'. i...,ii':it7;`t/~" ~ :;!v'i' 1, e'•: 1:] ill kllO!i(* !iC)lC?n(18r1' CO•lt::i 7dr7}lt(!tt tv`" 1'C: i:'r•: i`l`(< ?I~' _aL, i (•.' i . rt;, t5v ! t;., (;,r11 , t•r'1. ,. SC:tt f' l,C~}~ls~ llt:ure, SBVI' E111C1 Nx(''_}'t illUtic' rl':"t ::)'71n c'! 1 I l' ;'( ~s:1 r,1: '.' (:S`<ji'fi '~', r.l (' ' d(`l:atc:d (~r t:adlfic:u l1V L'l1e })rCv`.'J°:iUriR ()1 Cl,r. 't(;~!1,.'rtiil(1 iiltlti('if~.") l.iv:(4~." Serr.t.inn ". 'rit•lc - Cit'arinlt - kefurr•'t1c+x This Cad':! Fl1Ct11 1`(! kr.n;•n :1 :: tht• "i'1•;~`rt:ii)(• `~Iu~-1'(i},nl Lr; `~" .tl1t: 1C , .,%~1; l)(`. !:I11fiC.t~•li tU ).::rl'1' tU !+:-iJ liviia' ati t.i,:` '(.1:(vf`It 111r~ ~!'1:;1(ir~;~l t.::•i,." !h e::' })1'l1S('CIit1Ci1 iU]' t:lli.' Vitvlil:.l(ill <`r rtitti' l>1'C)\'i:•It~ll ti~.'i'r'':1~ i~r ~(: :tllti' i~tu1 4 ,..I1'. .., l :(ta 1)r (~(lu! t ~'. l r !JIM l i)(• !,ui f i r irtlt tt~ ~i •:• i t'r,::; , ..n..• <~r~~ ir:.r11:. ~ ' 1 :1)}• t • , :IIl:('lllij~it:t Clll'1(iC:t:iil[; lv1' ir'l1.'ai 1(l~, a~ i C, :' :1fi:; l'aIt t~` }~!ir t r:~i~ tlt •!'t i'1 :(:: .... Frll/i;1'1(111 t(I, F,II:(:ItCi'1`(:Ili wO, CU1'1'l'..'! lttl C.2 / `iv'.:Ai t,11 l1, "(:U`•t'1'LIC1: ..t1:t.1 1;x:.1 ( "~•.~• 1111"1"ill: l' 1'~'fl`.1'f'T1CC 1:1(1\' l)(' i-8il t.(1 tl1C t l t la!! , C'il« }"C1~:.. , ~.l': ! l U1):f :11;..1 ''.l!:i:~1'(.i l: . . Of the "Cupt::rt_::r-a *1uniCi}~,•tl (:rdt`" Mac! !~ur.t. rw•ftrr~!•na:c•r :.1•;-11 .iFa}•l j' ; <~ thrnt 1'.(' •, , ~.('. C1t1C, r`h:i(`i(:T, 4r.(:t.l(vi- aT .'iUhSf'12t1.1171 A!t 1~l :1~vlr(.(IT"~ ITl Ill(" ('r1tlF!. :it'CC l l')Tl 'i. Cc)(l i i i t•at ictlt ,',t1, 11~~1 l t v 'i'hi!. 1•Odc' (•c111:;1r+':tt u' rill th(~ t.•,:•.tisCt)r-~• ,u;d ittrltal prcli(:;,r)ces t,:lv('. :I~:! CXt:NI)i 'tUttin ;, t'1':~f i :l: , :hlai •'t'!'I .I 111 OI ttl'l' tvr,!1lltra111`t.`• tk.~ i t li t. i l i bC ~Cld! f1~•+i ar' :i 1ntcl' dr~t+:, :tnd •.t•rt:lin c)f tilr rt ~.!:t~iatt.ir•.It i~'r• ,~r(lin:l,lrt• : clf t}IC L:1Cr of t,-I;~t`rt t1°r. , Caltfc)rni,1, t:.(>~ific'~1 17tlralrant t(+ thc• prctvi• i,ms (:t t~r;•..'t•:)s SQ07.:f.1--S~t7:':'.'. ..1.: (~_'UU.!'.ICJ ,'~~ tI-1: t,:tlif(11'1(1~ (:tIJ~• :'.:t-lt?I:(tc•ci. a. - 5rcti.c_s:y.-.. .~:.'_~~`Y_'..'----_,pnl;.c::: t'-'.__x'.11 i~i;,G:n;I,,;c~,lr.~ ..... _ - _.. _._ .,... r " iVi1G'nrlVC.'T ri t'''ri:I:'lll'FJ 1'i Rl:3G@ ttJ ~Ili,~'r C'17{j(' iS thtr "C1I~,4,'Tti»lt? ::.trliClpA1 t:c7d~." or t.Q .~n;~• r}c,rtiun t:~lr•rauf, dsX' Lp ar<nw ordin.~lt'ce of Ch~~ City ~f Cu~S2rtLswo, .c Califvro«~1, th:y rrwfrranra :shall a]ioi~~y to a31 ~{lnertrits(~a~l~.~, eorrer~tic,a~ and ,~v ad+•titic•nsrt h,xrc:tnfarar, tzal• ar t,c~-~s,~ft.e>: ln~rde. Fh' `~ 5,e[tioa, 5.~~1itle~Gtt,~r.[ir aid SerCtilaxl H+erdia;~tr "'" - Titter chapt•~x acsL+d ~tr3cti,ar~ haadiin~s cacatsttrted herein aha21 nat twe ' d$etn~s,d to ~o•,tetrxe. lf.eait, alvdify a~ i.zA aztq naer affact the sc:c-lpa„ )aeanin~ Qtrt ,,.. `~ intent of th• p~t-~vieli.~ola of tuty titYe, ~ti~apter ar sr~rlttiast hes~eaC. .~ ,~. ," ~ectian b.,_ ~t+rafer~nce•ta ~,~±~c•tfic_prdinwnr.~r~ ~S` ~'° T:'re provisianr~ of thial ca(ia Rhtt.li nat in any tnann~sr airf(~ct: tnattetr•>at c-f `' ~~ t'ecard twrh3clt r~efar .p,, ar ~tre ot;he~uiat+e conitieatc~d ~i.th ttt*c#fnancess ~~h1c:h arts therein l~pec~fically d,tsl~tzated by ryumbt~r or t~therwiae and Which aro included •~ ~rithir, the ct~d~a, but e-ac;>, ref~arencx shc-11 b+sz ct-nsrrru+~d to apply to thr_ ctirresr;~• ~„ }>c+ndin~ rr,ovlsiat~vl carntainr~d within this code. ~~: '' Scctiran 7. )'offer : p!` Ct~uo. r.+s~ F'alat Actions ~tttd itb~ation~t hrither tlzc adt~ptivn of this ccldr: nc,r the repeal or amlandrnent.s3 hereby aC :say ordin;cnce ur pact c,r pol•tic;n of tiny arclinance of ttzc~ City shall itl arty r:~:.irutiwr Llf fact thr_ {,rosrr.ul'ic.n fa; •vio.lations c+f nrdinrlnres, 1+1hi,clt vialAtil~tlls were ,_c~.l.nitt:ed pz'ir; to :hu ('f:~:l•l.lvc clatr! i+creof, nor be c•c~n:struc:d as r+ ~ra:ivcr a. rt,r1,• i.ire:nsc, fee, or p•~nalt}' ,)t. waid Gff4~ctivp dat;~ dzle and unpstid llndcr such ar.di-• • tlzr'+res, nut be conlstt~ued :i.~ ,~Cfectina any of the prnvisic+nr3 cif suit ar<iinrtnCan rpl.~atinai to the collF~cti,tin of any r;llch license, fee, ur penalty, or rhrl penal pxcr-- vitiivr~:; ttpplicaule to rz;ly violation thereof, nc~r to affect the v:alid.ity of any i,c;nd ar r.ez.•h rlepn,it in l ttau thare;.~f rtsgl.llred to be pu:;Ced, filed o. ,i,apct:sitc!d D+!il•w,,:mt t:o any ot•dinr~nc:e anti all r.ight•s and ti.l i~,.-ztiorls thcrc•unclet :aF}+ertaining r,h:ll.l coat inue in fu1,1 farce .end rsffect. Sc±c~tic,ri 8. i'ffc!{~t ive !%ate 'i'bis code shall bcr_ut~~ 1•if{:cL~ivt. cm th{A rlat:c~ the c~r,lin:lr-rr. :Icini,L'in}; t!li:i r:c)drr ;,;; tl,cz "C:ui~r;rtin:, i•lunicii,;3] (:c,dc" sh:lll t~ec,,:nr. c~if,!ctivt•. tiert ic,tl !], r'c,nst:l tut: ic;na].i.Ct' if ..lay :;action, r1l,Usc~..tion, t,r.ntunce„ r;l:lut~a ar uhr:lrle of thi"; rn~le is f~,- tlnv rc•~~san held to 1,r1 invalid a;' llncc,tt::tit.utiun.il, such decision shall nqt :lf (~+~t t"e vrllicfity of t-hc rcerntlining }'•~rtfo115 rf t.h1t~ curie. Tile Cuu11Ci1 llerCby clr,!c•l:,ral~ ttaaat it walllti bout pa:;:led this rode.! e,n1 taw:h sc:ettntr, ctllh:ie!ctiun, :,~ r.t.•llcc!, rl:lll!;ro and },hrn'.,c rhl!reof, iz'rl~::pectiv~! of thr fa{:t: that: :lt+~' c,nr or niur~• . ~'t' t.: OIlSi . :i111.1S1'l` C irh~ ~ !i{'llt CI1Ct"+, C: 1 :l l;<iC ;i OL' }~111',i'iC9 113(1 1,l'Qrl lli!C 1:r I'r'_4; ill •'{11 i ti O: +r-~••~:rt';e.it,,ti~mal+ ;uul lf. i~ur uny :'~•a•~c,ll t'lis c:c~d{r :,hauld l,e lic•clrar;.J itlv:llid c,r u!l~~rrls=titutic,nr+l, th~Yn ti:c uri}in:al ordir'..~a;ar.~ nr c;r,fiarln{:cs .,h:r11 l~l~ in full force .ln~f r[fctrt. r:."I"!tODUCfiU r;t :~ re•;,u1:+r ,r,retint; of Llre c:ily Cunnril of .'he City r,f Cu},crr.inc+ .thi:a .118th, d:ly •.,i ,ldtr~e 1'~7a, cuta f:::~1C:i'la~ ,rt ., rr;u!:,r r•:'cirting ut the t'itp rl,~l~lr°il of the! C;itti' c>C ':)-,rtt.ln:, tilir; 2nd•.. day c,f .Jinx. ~., 1c.)l3, br the t'"II~,W~ng vc,t~: ~ . ', .. h ' i r ,.'~1.::: CuuY,r3a1~•+fti~- - ~~q'r~'1~ch., T~rkscm. 19~ys;r~t, 5p;~r1c~,, ic-wc:i .~~ X14.:3: tr,i>UYIt' 1 I,lt:•~l;il I~CYCIt~+ 1 l ~~-~'~ ~'''' ~. -Cie; c:i~~rk Ai'I'l:~iV~.~J: K~ ~ ~ ~- 1 ~ 'T _ ~ u. ... ...n.~;Y I )ii~~rrby ce~rt~f)• t.t:r:~: thr• Ci:y of Cupr~rt tnc~ Or~lir,ni,cr. ?:n, ~'?%.)': ,~: t ;: r.}~cc} ha~.~,rr ~, .f ~, ~~ ~r,ir .,~,,i cl~x~: crc ~ ~:of.y of :;a fri <~r,i.i ii;~~,;~e which ..h;t+~ 1„~i:n (~itl,lir,hrd car }u~:;;.,.1 ),;u~t,~i.inC to ]:~t;. ~r"'~~ `r' /'~ / City C}«~`1: r ,y ~ ., ~I