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Ordinance 603
,~ . ,° y~i 4~.,k/. `' ~ a4."~ Uh.tllAR~ti't;1± OF TNT C7Ty UF' ~UF'I:]t:y':~~' ,41?1TT`tt; CN111"T£R ~~~ 3.32 xU 'I'fti: C:l'4'Eitil`:t? r:1?;:1(:IPAI. GOUk: I::?C+SI'.:v A:i F~- .~„ ti15E TA,K t)ti xhlr C,L','W57`Kl't:TIUti t)F IiL'Y1.nItiCS A ~SJgIL~ ;'~ !!O:'~ ]AT5 II+ T1iF CT1'~' OF L;iJPfT`'rll~t: ~, .~ Z'1~ CI"~ C..a(IIIOCII. KfF' 'Sgg CIl`"C ~F C[1f"~Tllf3 DtygS (3~~A3ff Alf 1+]31~!.fiiw'Si: ,, ~° tie i~t hetrebq ,r~ld+rd tt- the ~upertit:a i~3x C~{r C~t~ptet: ~, #~ ~~ ff~ 3i. ,g,~.~~i~, ~ . Ia~11mt ' K, . Ak .rYF~~.' 1`. Y ~, .~''' 1t ~ thlM ~-v-rpa~+n s~rri intrtrt t'1i t1pR Cif~- ~ih Og' 'tgl! Cit:F (sf ~~, C+u~trtitao i~ s~uat':tittg thin ardi~a-ssm-ee fluff ther't be ra e~cati~ tic 3s~wared ar- '~ tbat coxwttru~ti~ of baildiogr and stab3lr huww Iatr is- t~~ ~it3r ~f Cusprrti.eta-o :, ' wh3~b glut is meted for ~e rt-le pttrpmre of rairittg retua for raiaaicipe-1 ~`F~` ~~, p~u'~+r-sss, ,.,,~:~ _ ''~ 7C'hLs atrdinano• swty bye cited sa trot "C~nrtrct~t3a~r 1"ax O~tdia~tce"' q- ot. thr ~it~l of Cupertino. ~- gectiC~q 3.3~.OY0. 3'1lfi.AtCi~-s. ;~~ (a) 8~::,idin~. Any structttt`e i.ntrnd~ed foir the rte*ltet:, pouring or tClcltsllure, or a].1, of any pexsvn, aaia-a] c,r c.!-a~ttel. (b) _Cianrtruct. As oared in this ordinance, "eattstruc~t" shall resort t eput-ring together, aeserd~ling„ erection ar t].~Cgrir-g df can- rCructiart tnat~-rials, components or modules ir,ta at rttuctutr~, nr ~' portion of r sr.ructutt~t, artd inclt-d~es recvnstrdetln,~, enlarging as slterixtg Any structure. "Construct" a]_sa includes the a-ovinp~, end latating of a builciingt ar portiar- ther~aaf, auto a lat or parcel of land, anti atlao includes the improveme:tt of land as a arobile hom+r lot. .1 (cj aurall_ing_i?nit. A building; used exclua-ively for retcidential occupancy by on~e~.t'asai~y, with facilities far living rnd the evoking and/or preparatit~n of food. (d) Duplrx. A single bu.[l.ding containing +:wv dwelling units. (e) Aparce;~cnt.. u-~+elli~. A building deai,~•ned and used ts~ hc,u~e cl-rre or. mane farilies living ..nd~t~cndentlp of each 4t~~~r. (f) F`arai~. A callcetivr body of Any tiro or moat persona living together fn one house as th+sir corranc~n ho:at- with a 6ingle kitt:hee uxtdtr one head or manegemer~r. related co each ether br bl+~~nd, ~rdctgtivn, or ccma-an ar-ceatpr, or foster chttdrtn, yr ]ivirtg together su +~.tn and Wife or two persons; rte~rvants t+ho dr.vote ~- r-a~oriry of their t.tne to the house:~old shall be included. A single p~ersan tthatl f*ll ~rithin tMe definition. The unir must be nc+n~prafir. (g) Flaa~r_sr~. As usrd in this ot•ciinat~cp, "floor area'" shall mean th+e area of the rev~~eral floors of A building included w,tthin the e~urrru~td-~ ing exterior walla of a butld:ng ar purticrn thereof, r+-clusive of ~•r--t sh~-tfte- ar.~l courts. Tt-e floor :tree of A lauildtng, of pot•t.ian th+errof~ nc-t pra~•idrd with surrounding exteri~aw val~.~s shall be the u:sab]e are e utnd«rr the t~vrir.~ntal proJectian of ttta reef or f]atrr ahoy.. .~ N„ r` •~ lie) Mobi]_e hc+:ne. As uberi in this ordinar•,cr`~, "mobile tBOrDe" Rhall CD@Art ,~, a vc~hic~~ desigt7~d ,prnd e~qui.pped #os humeri {tabttati.ain„ including but oat. limiterd to trav~ei trailers, caste ca:s, recre,etiurwl V1th~.C~.1t~t, t11~it tt•~rilern, alctCoz !lash. ~RtC. (i~ i7YV~~f.~ hove _~~~Cr ~~s u~Np .L.-: t1~a +tr~ixarste, "rarc~tle ~~ ,1Qt/' alralEl ~+r+rr~ti aal- arwt ar p+artia~a tit a i1e basic paz1- tie,sigr~atod, das3~ntrdF nr ufttrci fmz tlxa accra~r ror~' o~ r~rov'b31.• l on a ~'~• tesrprw~rarw,~r sorti-~ptza~sss+t~ eft' ~ 4suti*. ;;° k~~;,~ Cj) IraLl~t ha~f i?o~C1t• As urral iwa tttirr vrdixrarr~ce, "rsabi.lrt have par''" ".. a~sux as"; er~!^~ yr !ttr~~t of laud ~rhere orto ar rsar~e raobilo ttas~ ~~ lot• iztc rental ur• 1er-sad ar hold rrrctt far rent rrr• leaa~ to accormr~adate ararbilr. hatsss used far hu~a>3 habitation, ~`r !(lt) P~~ Ar oral {o thin azdiaure+to, '"parrso~u" a'h+all sie~n Any y`~ dtawootic ar ~ tareign caxpvrrttian, #iro, assawiatir~n, ayrdieatt, ~~ 3o#at stork ca+tpany, parttt~er~eht~+ air auy kital, ioir<t veotur~e, .," C11ib, M#ssachvaetcs bulsirte~# ar CQ~"~ICIn 'SAM tY'U~t, AQCi!'tty Or . ~' irrdiwi4dtisl, • : r (1) 5~rvct~urrc. As used in this ardinar>,ce, "structure" shall mean ,~' araythiry~ c.onstrttcted ~rhich is supported directly cer indirectly trn the ground ist, abo+-~r, ar below thrs r~urface of the ground). Section 3. X2.0.30. I sitivn of Ta: Ate excise taac, at the rates as hereinafter set Earth, is hereby i.m}~osed upon every persorf w!u'i constructs, yr causes to btc constructed. ,+ny building, yr portion th~sresvf. ar arey atnhile hvazr lot, in the City of Cupertino, in which said person hma an equity or titlr ar athrr '.nterest rither' as a,y owner. lenses dT at{14r'wi11!!. Section 3.3z.C14©. Tax Rates The raters crf the tax iatpased under ehis ordinance ehall be established by resolution dt.~ly adopted by the City Council. Said re~aluti.c~z shah bs published in the ~arr~ rnannrr ae-d within the samr time as ardinancss are rr.gt. i red to 'be pub] ! r,~~rd. Sectiat~ 3. 32.p5G. Time of P,rv~r_a • Reftsnd9 Thr amount of tax imposed for the conxtr~ictian of any building, ar partir~n thereof, shrill ba dint and payable at cTae tia~~e a building permit. is issued to 4anstruct the raced, anti the arso:trnt o!' tax icglroar..d far the construr.tian of any mobile hcaat~e lot shall bs dire and payable at thtr tiarta a permit is isLUed to canxtruct and install eiectricarl yr plusrbirts equipment to s3ervice such ~mabile h:wae lot (whichever permit is issued firm); provided that them sha.il be a refurrd of the tax in the event the ~Ycrrait rxpires ar is revoked before •the :acilitirs far trh4eh it is issued are canxtructrd or inr;tyiled. Srctian ~. ]2.Abtl, plac+t of Farv;arent 7'he tax i:n~,osrd under thi>K nrdit~anse shall bk paid to the Director of I"in.tnce of tF.r City of Cupertitno ar his autharixad aC~ent rAt the office of the Urpartment of Ad~in~tstr+stivar Services of the City of l:uptsrtir~.:. 2- s .. ~t ''.' ,,~ .. ~t ~~ : ~ , ¢; . , "'j 4 (,F„ ~a~.t~vs ~y ~•~~.~/Q• ~~~ `~Mi{Yi ~u,'M . ' ~a) Cirtu~x~ta~e~r ua3ts rr<'1lit~ a dull rr`r parcierl ~tiayrraat r~f~ tYHn. rXxcisa mat sXi bsr martarpted az~ listed air folla~rsra ~'~~` Y (~1) ~Ma C~11>M~tt:t~.t*t1 0! ~- arssid~at i+rx dwel l:l~j, uai t ahi ch ,i.lt n " ~ ~' ~ +~~M"ri•. ~.Ot` ri W1~t ~"f4 r~ i :.'Gt~l ~.~lil ~~+~ ~4~' ill" b ;~.. y~.y . *M~r gt,., ~2~ ~~e coscttttruc;Batt ¢g ata a+d$ltian ttr ttrr axinti.a~ dwe:l~.i.rq~ ~~~~ ~ utrilt, ptranridsd clot the tr8ditiarx daees a>rr~t rr.sulr in the "'~ ~ ~; .., craativn of rcn t~dditi.at~l dtirelling unit ~:, (3) l~r ca~a~tt>GUCt:ian a~ a re~idatatial. d~re-lliab unit ar uni.ts +tm ~ r,: lend Carr ~ttich clt~ ~IR~y to the arctQgt that dedicrdCi4~ a! "~` l~lt~l r,ad/br p.i,yrecsnt: of a tee has bean, required and paid ,~~ purrrnt to t:#.ty crf Gluperr`ino brdinat~ce r;a. tiif2, ~rl+i~ch „~ exlrsption shell b~c c~lculatei as faaYcrr;-r: ,~~ ;, 4i) t~hett the exaatpriun #a based upon drdicatian of r.ertl .ti property, the exantptivn shall b+r that portion of the sue pi' the market ~ralua arc ah+swn in tht :recardar rsf thct Caurtty Asraesrtax cif the County t+f Santa Clara t,t °~° the rael praptcrty su de~dtcat+a~d at the timr of dedi~- , '~~ cation, attrtbutable to the lat or parcel upatn whirrh " the cv»strur~tioa taxable hertruncler its proposed. &, ~~~ (ii) ifien the exemption is b,crced upon an fn~lieu fee paid, ` the e~,xe,raptinn than be that partia» of the xuto of the in-~liew f~t,c p~rid rtxtibutabJe to the lot t7r parcel upoa which the cc-aatxur.tiart taxable hcreu--der is prapc,aed. (iii) When the ext~-ptian i~c t~asre! upon a combinatiotr of dedir_~rtion end i»-lia~u fr~e p~r.td, rite! ~:~emptian shall be the bury r,f tt,~e value:t ctilccilated under (1) and {2) above . 1n tta ca-ae shall the exempt.{on granted hereunder axreed the value of ehe land dedie:;steed aetvilar in-lieu fet paalid •e, artd attribur.able to the let car parc,~l upon which the construction taxat,le herr.undhr is pr~~pose~d, nor shall it, in any evc-»t, excrcyd the amount n: the t+ox ache-•- wise payable hereunder. (~i) 'Phr city of Cuprrtitra, thr. Unltrzd States at: a~-.,y sgency or tna,ttumcntalit;r therrr~f, the St.rrte of Californiu ar ~rny ractrty, city artd cauncy, distrlc.t or any pctl3t[c.al sub- divirsian of the State of California, cr any vthar govern- eenRal agency. (5;1 lRccntitstructit,n of a building whlrh kccs damaged ar dr~etrnwed ley eatrthquakt, t#re, flr-ad, ar ut!-e.r r..aur:P over whirls the t avrtcr had no ~cantrol {t,rc+vided tt~:1t coap.iance With any 4 buildin~~ codr. ctz ot~teer ordinance requirc:u~znt Qt the City of Cuperrtirtcr or crf', at~r +~thet' applicabl~r law shall rwt ba " dtraw-ar! a cause carer tirhich the car Fas' tto eontxtrl), but aniy F (~ Y *^~~ i if :;'her txumbar of d~.•e•ll ir-~ unite in zltc~ tn_iitlS~a~ti; is rct increrrsecl and the :rutnb~t of e-gc.nre farst ira the bu~tld?tom detiratad to a•,~y uaoe att:et- tt~nr- dt.~a? 11.r.~; -rn `t i~w not inr:rettmed. If the r-untber ref dr+el.ijttg un9.ta in the bui•~.dit~, anKtfar th6 numbtrr of t~quate: frt-eC acts the '~uildit~g davote-d +tv rtty uae +,t'rter ths-t-, dwelt its ; ~~tit use is irr.• rE.s sed, thten t?~a t•~,x frtinae~i ti+t~ear 1:itir~ r:x~linar.~e stall aplnl;t co suci- irerres~sr+rt r,r~trabar a±' d~+te411*,gec rt~lor a-tch 3.t`~raexl flour are~at. (~a Db*'b!~ Yn tbia ardimtt~er s>haly bu trtr~stx~xerd to impoain~ v taw a~ parr ~~ iwirotritiaxu of avtah tasx n c:~tat iratcttast #.i be ~ap- +riai.at•~ ai` tb+t Cr.~t~tittttiefta o~'r t1~ iJt~itred >~tate~p trr tit er>E: Itlrat Stitre erf Califryrnr.~. Ser€tL~a ~.]~.Q 'G~ rrf' fax 1t-ev~+-vera A17L of Chet canatrttc+tiaa taxes callaeted Pura-aant to thet ptturrisiotts ni finis ardiarw~r+acrr slwl,l b+r p~':.a-re~d ''a a retr~r:rve account w:.thin the General purid which shall be krto~rt as tha >9teestetrore fctx Capital Iztprovestettta. ~rniar ~thia- this rewe<rva acn~rant rr~tll bre uaa-! arx9 nxpetttdatd ectiely tar ttte acq•.xiaitfrrat i~praveaatitc~ tacpanai-a~t ot• iepl+eutrrttatian at the Cxpitni. Iaapravesmartt itragrarr of Cher City of CupRrti:w>, i.:+t+cluditt~; but rtat yiyaitra+d to public p~wric, piay~r~.uad, cult~~ral ~ educatia:*al',* racraati,nt~a-1. po.tice, fires. +nri ,stretat :t mpr.,e:emea r and facilitic;a of thrz Cit,~ of CupRtt:titta~ includ.it~ cot~trt of Mrerrvi.citng booti~t issued itt cannectiatt with ser~'d iwaprovera-ears. Scc-:ian 3.~2.09d« Severabilitr~ If at~y provision of thi-~ ard.',.nartc.e or a}-pl ication thereof to arty p~yrsun or C;rCUtna~Cancesy is hold inva~Lid, such Invalidity smell nat affect other pro~~itaions ar aPl+licatians of this ordir<+tnce ~:hieh can be given effer;t kititiout the invalid provision or applitatian, and to thin rend the provisicrtts of this ordiixxtnca sire d-tcl.gred to bat ram+drabla« SFCkion 3.:12«1(?0. ,affective Aat+~ 7hia ordiriarrce shrill t.+e effective and aperat3ve thirty (3U) days Pram :rnd gfter the cl;tte of its aduptian. IM'ROiIUCEU at a reftul:ar meeting of the City C,auncii of thrt City of Cupcrtitta thft;.~~+:~_. dF-y ~.tf ~~~~~b,~_..~,1974~ end l1JAC7i.L ar. a regular mc~~~tin1; ~~: the c;~c.y l:ouiici). of Chr City of Gupertina this 1Ht',- clay of _ hlarch ^~ ln7 i~ t:v she follo~„ir-~ `rpt:ct: ___ ..___~ ~._____ Vase: :Nr-nbertt of thi+ City ~'ou~,cil AY1:5: Jeck~an~ ?4eyerls., Nallia~ Spntrks :?C-E5 i Matte n$s~'n>iN: .~' ,. City Clcrt~ ~~~avtqu s _ .~ _ tw.tiyar ~ C itq of CUpr! .._.. ~~