Ordinance 602~, u., ,~ t'' ~~, ll]i C{l•.l .;y',~ O~ Tlil: CITY UI~ C~JI+I~JtTl1,~! l;~G CHN'7~t? ~,:. 5.78 ~U i•i41: Ct:lal;H7I.~ Hi,.':t1CIlA.AL• C00r. c~.~fiLI.Sliltia ~' ltlfJ!r'tl"1.11'[ 141: 'l f01t 1l1i~IGl"l"Y~1 it lc 1,I1 ~ .!`AY:IlM:7 tlg gI~E5 , C1R !10'~l't, gL1iA g,I~N~ ItE`~CI11"LilIW4L :~~ 1r~lID liFt 9.4'i~."".V1fiI'i- ;~ . „W y"1fE CITY' l1CII. tfg T!f!: C~T"~ Qg' t~,it'l:Ix'1'1liD 4D d5,1-AIIi A~ ,r`7? 1.LYi18 t 11Aee'e ~ ~r~l+~ ~ t•s t:3~ ~trpertioa ?furpitigal grade Chapter 3.28 .` M~te`lr i`s to t•+arfi air irtollra+rnz ~' .,, ""~ Section S.Z~.t11~r. il~u-,~+Ne M~' 7~hie ordirAans=.+ ss ein~t~d t-a~r+aeta~t t+a i~+t rruthori.tl- 8ramtsd ky Sar.tiorz `' 1,1517 and 11546 of tltirs Husir~rrrstt ~ Tx~frrsrtairane Core of the Staate of Califar;aie. •~ '9't~c park and recrea<ticmal IrMCiI.ltier for ~i~ dedicet3an of laz~d attd/ar pa;re~rrnt "' of a fre is re~ga_wrd lpy this vrdir+atrsee a:rt i~a :+ac.vrdarr-ce with the Uprn Spare aced Cvnrervartic.n 81raa~t of ~irae ,arcc.i flan rsf the Cit]- vi' Culrertittd, adapts '~ by the City ai Cuperti~do exat 11ept-rrr lii, 19'2. Thus ardinartce icy 6o tilted as tbrr "lari.. Dedicstiaa drdi.,nanc+~" of ;' the city of Gupert3tto. 5rcti.on 3.28.020. R~uiren~rs»ts " Apt ar ce~nditian of +splrr~uval of a final •rabdivie~ivx^.:aap, th++ r:ubdivider aha11 ctrdicate Land, pay a fee in lieu thrrtevf, ar bath, art the aptiar, of t'tt City, t'ar I,erk yr rr`crrartio~~a1 purpvt+re* at the Liam anc3 sc:vtdin8 to the st,sn- da~rdx; atr.d formula its ttyis ~~rdit-anca. ~ ScrYlan ;3.28.O:dd. (,4-,ierarl "t~ndard It i, hermby fnund axed determined ciset the I,ublic iritfirerst. c,~ri',"atatrr;;re, health, 4eifarr and smfcty rr*quir+e that thrr~r (3) acres of praprrrt~• tar cash 1,Oa0 prrr~ons~ be dt,vcatr.d f,~r nti8hb~,rnc~,ad park and racr+•a~tiC,nA1 purpnsFS ~nr: that ts-a xnd me-ha,1f (2•-1/?) acrrca of property for t•atch l,OUt) ptrxvnr. rz•riclinl: i.n the City br devoted toward t•ar+squnlty park and rrcra~atic•nrl pur~aa~eat, with the cu~nuW ' lilt eve trta~-,~iard of 5.5 rtrtra of prc~pertr tar each 1,t~00 per.uxrna. :~.~~ct i an 9.215.040. Statz:datrds and 1•'oraoul a for Ded i coat ion of Land ......_ _. .___.....__..._........__.____.w_._~.~.....,,.._._...__._... _...._ ..~ ~. Where a hark rJr r,rcrestianal facility has br ~et~ clr:signa+ted in the G~,tr. Space and Ccrns~trva": tnr. r:lrment of tltie Grrtral !'1an of the City of Cut,rrt ittrr ,' and i~ xo be located in whGle ar in part within the pr,,i,c,srd sr.t,clivir:ioa tc r;rr•.•r. the i~x,ecliate and twturr~ r~ersd c-f the r;:sidcnta of the ,ubdivirian, t.h~* Rubdt~~ic'rr shell dedfcatt lead fc~r aN Icatal park suRficient in rrizf• and ,:opagrephy tv 1~r`rvr` the rrrr"iderats v.f the sutsdivielan. Ic is herct`;v determined Chet r.ha nubdivid~-r ahaell I,rr.vide park ]and. as related tr+ the need for a nr.S~;hba~rhood I~arrk and it is th~^p•efar~e dr.termin,»d that the formula far dedication a1' park i:-nd tvr rr±;identiel dwvr~lc~prr:rnC t,hvuld bf bused upon three (:1) ac r4.~t ~af p;~rk l,~r~d per 1,U00 p2rsvns, The fc-rrnula fur ale*tern,itrin8 rrcrea~e tv brx dr4dt"~~ted shall be rr,: follc><ra A~tera~;r~ lrw. of Persc~nr/1'nit .~ ] ~.t?OCl~gapur at ton._ nark acrtaMgr ~; a~ndard t (Es,r<a-y+le tar trin8lrr iaeill- iSU: 9. b -; ,1 "~ ~ Q.OIAe atalU Y'Arrt follawiz~g table of papulati'~n de:rxait,y is .:. as .-~ fo33rr~red t .d ~diaatiwc~a Po~la 'Tabhe ~` Aveza~t II~Jra 1~rq+r«. hsr~ diavua- ~currhald eetr,, s,~ar~d a of 7>~l~i~~s hold Sixr/>~IJ Sise n r 3--acre i~trar+dard giagl~ p'~l~:~r ~.b 3.3 a~ t+p 0~0~ ~, r1aY,, "!ledt~ l.r~r .. ~.1 3«q w 3.~ ~I.DQg~ ~~ C.l urterro ~~i~ '~rJ ~.~ r. d.S V. ~Ap~-rtamcnti ~. ~ ~.. S -- ~ . ~. 0. l7~Si lan t1~a C rpartrhent-~ttrn ad Xa~and i~- subdivided ~ thr park laexd d~rdi- . r.~at,lnax faxeaula shall bre appltrd as rrlated cap thr a-aximuxr exurrbrr of uxYits prr~aittad by tht acrxtiaxg cla~ssificrtian cif the px•opertl-. Sect ie~ ~. Zll. G50. 'Formula for Feea in i.i e:u of Land lkedicatirm (r) General . arnmrl:i ]t the~r+t is twa pa:1k ar reereational facility d~eaignated is tAe Upon Space +~an}1 Gc~nser~vatian 7rlenw~nt of the Gener,~l i'1Rn to be located i.n wholr cr prrt within the prr..po!s~sd subdiviesion to aerv~c the iaaaerdiste and futurr t-~resds at the resic9enti of t1;S subdiviaioxx, the subdivider sha11, in lieu of deditatirtg lead, pay a fee e~;ual to the value of the laud preacribtsd fc-r dedic~ttiari itt Swettiott 3.;d8.t940 her~•c~f ar-d 3n an a;naurit dater~nined in ae~ r_orciancwr with the provisiana crf S~eetiari 3.28.0"i0 herraf ~ such fee to be ustd far a lafal p~rrk wht.ch will verve the residentx of the area being subdivided. (h) Dees in Lieu of i.and; 50 Parcels or Less 1.'` the prcapol.ed suLdiviKicst~ rontainx fifty (50) parcels or lwsca, the Aubdiva~ier shall pay a fee cgwal to the .land value of ttiw ;+ortiaq of the laral park ree}uixec~ to serve the nr.eds of the rnsi.dents of th~r proposed .:ur},divi*ior~ as ~rf,scriba~d is Swctiort 3.78.p40 hereof Fund ire *n amount detcar- r..ined in ~-r_rorci~anca with the prawi~sians of Section 3.28.G70 hereof. (c) Ua~e of Mrar~el- 'the r~an~ey call~rctr.d hcrtunder shall be paid to then pir~zctor of F'nrnce Qf xht Cit7r of Cuperii~to ar his authorized agent at thr afficr of tht ~ep,rrtt of A~'r~iniMtratiwe 5+~rvices of the City of Cupartina. 5airi sar~~ry she?I bit placed it1 ar reserve accaunr. within the General. Fund txltich shall be kn~~wer as the. Rr~se;r~~~e tot' P~erk,t and Rrcrestiorial F'acilitiRa. l4cmiea within thin re~earve accounC shall ua used and expended ~o]eIy for the acqui- siticm, i~~rprov~r~~ent, expansion ar ir.~p}e~entatian of parka and recrea~ticrr~al faritiYi~ts of ttMt ~. g .~ City a[ is:apcrtino. said tnatx9.es, r,s thty r«~latte to fer~~ paid for any given s~.~bdivisSon, shall be used fits;. for the purpose crf pt'ati•i~'in~ t+ark c,r rec- rcxational facilities re,esana~bly related t:a serviag s~ti,d aubdivisio,n by Bray of the purchase of nsr.essar~+ a+~ws~d, mr, if t1c~s City Crrunci.~. dens that th+~r~> is saffici~rnt land available for that sated +~u}r~If^via:laia, then aecc+ndlp said taaaiea s~..ttll ba used for i~r+arin~ of reach lresxd !'esr park ~d recifeatisrnaP pwrpas rzs . , !},eetwl.an 3.28.Orifi. Cxdtt~ex~a fate ll~~air>l~w~ 8tak~a I~t~cetia+e s~ ]gee .r .. - -- - - - -- ---.. ~_ ---, _.. _. Ire su~li.vi.aic~cxe et~f carer fifth (~0~- ~.ats, tth+r wu~rd~~rlder shall bath de+dieata land and palr s ftr+e ins lieu thereeerf fct recordante with the fallawir,g fvxwrula: (a) Nheta only a }•a~3aa of the land to ~e subdivided is proposed vtt the Qprn Space aad +Gs~trsrratisrn E~.+awrtirt of the C~erieral Flan art the site fc-r a laca~l park, •uch por!!an swap ba dedicated far 1a•cal - pax•k purpas+~s attd a fee ~twput:crd putctuaxtt to the pravisxona of Sectlur~ 3.28.4170 hera,of shall be paid tctr atdry srdditiartal l+eoa+o that wauid have beerx required to be dedicated pu.'rsu~tt t+v section 3.28.1760 hereof. (l-) When r; tna,jur }~axt ai: thes local park ox recreational site' has already been acquired by the City and only a stsall portion of lydnd is nt-eded fiatr the subdivisior+ to cuu,p:I.r~te the site, such retraining portiari shall be dedicated end a fete carsputed pursuant to the previsions of Section 3.1'8.07A hc+reaf shell bas prod :;sx an amount equal to the value of the fared which would otherwiae havr been requix'eed to be dedicated pursuant to Section 3.28.040 hereof, such fear, to be uae:d far the: improvement of the existing park and rec- reational facility ar for t•he itapro~ramNnt c+f other local parks attd recreatiansl faciliCies in the area ser~~ing the E~ubdivisior.. section 3.28.070., Ornount of Pee in Lieu of Land Dedication Where a fee is required to to paid in ]ieu of land dedicat.ir~n, the amount of such fee shall. be based upon Che fair market value of the amount of land which would othr.:rwise be required to bt dedicated pursuant to Section '3.28.04(? hereof:. The feu small be paid pursuant to the prravisicns containr_d in Sect ton 3.28.110 hereof. At the time of the filing of final subdivision toap for approval, the Director of Fub:.ic Warks~ shall. in those cases w~1~Te: a fee in lieu of dedication is required dither irl whole ar in part, determina-. the fair market value of the land in the proposed subdivlsinnb arts this determination s}~,all be used in calculating the fee tv be paid. if a subdivider objects t;v the fair t:,arkec value deter+,ination, he may at his awn expense, obtain +ut apprsi:tal of the property by s qualified real r.stace appraiser apprvve,i by the t~ity, which uppraiswl crf fair market: val+ra naay br. taccepted by the tatty Council, if found reasonable, Altetrnat:lvely, chr. City and the subdivider cnrty agree as to the fair market valor.. SRCtivn 3.28.1780, Subdivisions Not Within Ccneral. Flan Where the. prvoatead aubdivicaion lies o:!•thin Mn area not than but t.u be included within thc~ C.t.ty General, Plan, the subdivide: shall .i- .. ~ ~_ - • r dadi~ete lased, pay .r ia~e itx lieu th~tre~r i, az bath, i~ a~crordance with the 4dopr~d pa~s'li ~d s`stc>t`~taT.it-a~tal ptigeipla~ a~~l ~staadr~tda of the pity General Plsrr rnd in ac+caY•d- aeastc~e ~itb '°tbe >prv~siats~t al tble osrdiss~ax. etiic,~ if the rw-l.etlaoabip b~setrv+eas>a • P~O~~ s~t-di~tan ca>ataia Sq perc~elu t-r san>Re aed sthe Upea gpaae aid Cassstvsti~o- fit. irk naa~:laarr, the City ~auncil a'ball detess:sisw~ ~rathar it +ecraptr aan~d dedicatia~ ar el+btcts tm require payswsst of a fee iv tiaw therwraf by cosu~ider~tiaa of the iollrrr+l.~; (+~) Tap~g~r~y. ~~1e~Ry, aces a~qd x.acrtti.aan of land issst tta~ »~'~w dfvi.~it~ evail+sbl~c fax ~ledicatia~; (b) gixe a~ad rhrpre of the subdiviaian and 'tend available for ded>Tcatiwt; (c) ~'he feasibili.ty a~E dPdicationy (d) Availability c+f previously acquired park property. ~"be determination o.f Xhe City Cauncfl sa to whether land shall be dedicated, ose rrhetlitbr a fee shall be charged, or a comisinatiaa thereof, dha11 be final and canclusivre. Section Y.28.100. Credit for Fri~~at4e p~n~~c~e • Whasca pr3.vate open space fax park end recreational purpoaPS is provided in a propos~td raubdivisicm and such apace io to be privately awned and maintained by the +uture residents of the subdivisir~n, partial credit, not to exceed fifty (SOX) percent, may be given against the requirement of land dedication ox payment of free in lieu thereof if the City Cc-unri~. finds that tr. is in the public interest to da sa and that all the i'allaNing st~sndards are mei (a) That yards, cr~urt areas, r~etbacks, :end other open areas required to be maintained by the zoning and building ordinances .end regulations shall net be .ncluded in the r.otnputatioa of such private open space; and (b) That the priva[c ownership and maintenance of the open space is adequately provided for by recorded written agrec;r~ent, conveyance, or restrictions; ast>!d (c) That the use of the private v}San sps~ce is restricted far park and recreational purposes by recorded covenant, Khtch runs with the land in favor of th~r future or~ners of property ar~d which csnnat ba d~afeatad ar elic,inated wAthout the ct~r.~csit of the City or its sruc:ceas+~r; +and •- 4 •- ~. r ,~ ^,~ fir". ,~a ~~~. ~, td) t tliwa ptrapat~d pr~tvate: ~'~ agact it# rtruraxttrtbly ad- ~~ a~tt~b~i+s tar s tar petit aad tt~ecsewt ie~a1 put~potfttc, it~~ iwi+a caatti~rrar3,r •uth fatctars a+~ ai.s~e, tthtt;pt, '~~~~ tir+~+?'~ gaoler, a~ttra, aad l.ocafi~t; atd ~~. ,~ (~) Ti~wrt f+~tr~tlirios prtrparad far t.~ op~tt ap+e+~ era ita sub- _ ataats.a.1 asaordanca with thss provisions of tht•t t?p+m Space ~~' att~ casa.otrr-atian iwtt of the C.~sral rl,tm; and (#) ~t+st el~t ap~r futr whitcb Credit i. givtn ptravidtr ~: tt ~ of tiwe (S) r-f ttrs lo+~al park bar~.+t altttta -~ iiat~d Q~iaw, or a rawbitaatian of such andl otha~r rec- ~, tiaaai ~Lntprovtit~watnts that trf 11 ',mete that s-~tcific -' tr~tt~titarm pork nte~ of that futur# residsn~ts of tht. ;,. erase: Acr~as " 1. Ch11.+itrrtm's plal- apparatuas terra .50 to µ. i5 ~~ 7. l.attsdacape Bark-like ar-d quiet areas . ~0 to 1.OG 3. l"at+tmi,l~lr pi+cxsic arts .25 to .75 ., 4. Caner r~mmtrt area . 25 tQ . SO ,•'. ~. 7urf play-fitrld 1.00 to 3.00 fi. gait,: pool (#2• x 7S' aith adjacent deck) and laser aretes .25 to .50 7. YiCCrearicm Cetmtet; ltuildin~ .1~ to .25 >~cfat~~e credit is givRr,, the City Cvuneil •~i~a~l make written #inditr~a that the above tmtandarda ar~r met. ~ctian J. 2$.114. procedure !tt the ti~mwr of approval of the trnt;ative »bdivision m~-p, the City cv-.nril sha11 determine pursuant to ~r.ction 3.28.090 herepf the lent, to b+e dedicartcd andlr~r fe.ra to be paid by the s~~bdivider. At the tirr+e of the filing of the final. subdiviaidn -aap, the subdivider t~hall deeiicate the land~ax prey tht fees as previouwl.,y determined by that Cite (:a~.-~nCil. Opec~ m~pact caven~tr. for privates pork or r+acr+eatin~nsl faCil- itxesa shta+ll be subxaits~ed to that City print; to approval or tnt final s;ub- divi,elt}n ss~p wed sc'~.~l,l be rtr.Arded cantemporatincoutily frith the final sub- diviricr,n amp. sect#trn !. 2$. X: Q. Cam+o~rncen~erit of Uev~loenc At ,)tier t iFwe of appraval c-f tht final subcliv3.sion map, the City Co~rncil shall sp+erifl- when develcptnrnt cf the pat"k ~r rtr.restianal. tarilis.irs shall be ~nrxr.~t~ced. r c r L~aCtioer 3~y6.I30. l~on~rew~aentia_l 5uhd#vi~i~n~r p;:av~,si,ons a~ thin ordin*r~ca shall not apply t~+ croo- re~sidentirl ats~i~isions. Se~t:lloa ~. ~. ~~d. ~bi,,,,_ ~.it~, r ~ teey prowi~~oa of this a~A.~a er ippli~tfa~ tit tw- apy plrta or oirctolq is hatd ~lf+ilr !~ i,rrw~.ii~Lq 3x ~t ~-f fit far ~-ew*~risiaMr~ ar appltta~~ a~ t'bis or~N~~ ~~ c+rxi ~ ~i~rara •ff~t er-~[art ter i.ti~w-a~ iii ar; a.~lurt.~s. a~ tv this ~,~ thrr pr+d^r• iriaaa ~ t+w ~arrdliaar~rp~: arrR darclat+~d to ~r are~c- . able. 7!lrier a>ed tna rrc • sl:-r-11 'ba of f er t errs aad opera t..~e~ R~ritrt~r ~~ days l~tor nerd afke~r the data of ita +wdc+ptt~. l~~D at a reagvlas >AOratierp, of the Cit~r Caarrcil of grow City of Cupertino thin 4th ds~- af~Y__~___,197~+, a~ pJfAiCT71~D at ow reSular mettfng of thct Cik~r ~:ouncil of the City of Cuptrtiere this,~„~~th d+rv ef_x~M~r~ _.~..~. • 1y74,, ay the fo2.lovin~ vote: Vvr.e M~bo~:cs a!' the Cit~+ Caut-c AYES: Jackson, Meyera, lerrllts, Sparks ~"t7~,5: ?lane ABSIFNT: ~'colich AaS'~AIN: AF'PROV~DI , 1 ~ 1 ... I hereby ccrti.fy that the City of Cuperti.np ~Jrdit~ance t3a.~ ?~~!'`~ attached h~sreto is n true rrnd correct copy df said Ordinance which l~sa beetn publiwwhred or posted pursuant to Iav. ~. rer, '- - - -- _~.~.. City C ~srk :. ~, ~.. .. ~ ~