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Ordinance 601
~:, ~`iiiJ `~'A.il~l:h t~:" 71~: I~.7t.'~Y t`:~ C:Uf'~R"1'i~tl`' !:' ;:'~.3I;i?i(.= i ; ;'I.~: :ti~ 1, "~';: _.. P~'lr~/3~~l~' +C~f:;~%, .~;•1.~ 1~~:"~~Yt~it1 xdC. +:~R17~".'7nH~; r 1+iL1, ~i E'i , fit' D%I,L' ~ : iwia ~i:~:R::.~"',',"„",:i t~a2[~~1~ ~~ JL~«.~ 1~~i:CE~ I`U A F:."5(1'~I~*~i. ~~~.:". ~ ~ k11~1, Oiw ~ ~'I7Y Lf~ Cl~°tI9fJ DUBS ~?:c:~.".`(w1 ~S z!~1.IW'~'~: feet iat~ ~,. 1',~ u~~a ~ aria: ~.~Ir11-~A v~ i~h" s tirR~i~1Rr~Ctw ~~ to >!tbcal.i~-Yt the 1'~Er:.t~r-t~el ~c,atd ~~sttlt Stt~.tt! ~-rt~ '~~ tre(~tt.l ltutcz~u~c ~o th+~ prrivisiclzt~l rra~tt+rlfnnd {n the ta:-~v~X dlr. ~t~ ~cr~~t~~sn ct~ th~a n~a~axtl kt~(e been d~'er~rS dr~irk "+e Jur try leek n~' re~'r~Etrft,y t•t•,q~ul,tti~,~ invvl~~atxtemt tyi' baard ~,m`rea•3~ attd is ptxreur-nt tr r~co~rda-C~.de- ttt ~+sid Eattiwr:l. Sect ~,ctY 2. r-~ncttne-tt:s tr t'he F'ersc~nnel Code 5ectf.innt 2.1: Th~r'a ahr«11 kre E9elettd i~rv~; Title xII, the 1'rc%'~rrnne~ Cabe, rrtctiatt 1Z s;2, ta.1. rcadi.ng' "T'o~ ~tppaxnt the z~tt~Fre af' ~f+a FcrNCmnel ~t~erd arld tv r~cnueatt of and re!cei~:e from that licard sur:h rc~at'ts r!a the Causwc:..i r.,~y re'q~ai.re." Srst:tir:xt :.2 ~e~r.ic~n 1"'?. 11 . 3 rf `!'_t1e `.I I, the ; r.rrcnr.rX Cadiv c;ittl rE'ferer,e:e tcs t:he City Caunctl .:hw11 b~ : ~~rfdrd tc, reed: "S~`t'ttpri 12:2.11.3 ~C Y4m!Cl;:~'."_ +~11d LSt1CCr1~1~7='(,~1'a 7!t C! 71C:t ~ C+II C11'C'i:C~?'„'+',t'iltjilt c+':l~ Stlti,t'.tlt t C.'3 tC~ {t t'1V tllc. CitW ~ir.riC}YE"I 111,"' Citll@t' ',-rit'E!r`l'.!~t~'4. ~lE'1"`Y:il;~ i i £~I'r711_~^.'~ Sect:'.c~t1 ~'. ~: .r+f'C` t,~.C)t1 12:2..1'x. ~ rf '! i tll~ ~:l f , they 1'r`, r-u:rn^1 Code` with r~`fe+.r~n~:e t4 ;:hy C1.C~ :::~rt:~f;er s.11s111 br €.ti;~lcnctc~d t.1 rrcrci: "~rctiol~ 1,2:2.1.2. ~ '.TCI ~k'~"•r!Ax'E` At1L1 "3Uf7Ft~.t. LCJ tlli' t:it~' CltiltriCl.i :•UCIr ;.-iMC•{, t: `.c.;: I'f`SfC'~ULt,"+:1:., cult's ~+nw t•w.g~lxtinnrs to effect a !~ti~ :~l~att, tt C1n:!:~ fil•:rt ~:~r1 !'t;~n, :~i+).l~n E;c~ve.ti~ri(~, r•t,nc.i; ~ ~ c:1:. of e:':;.p1.a~;.~c"nt +~nd ,at. a-ry t.imc sr,it~~c!4~_(-cnt th€~; c! a each s., cn~~r:ent~ m,- .:r fors vl•,ittic+tl xr,r ner-e<,~3~• nr desirait~la fl~r thc• c+rci~11~ ,.ci~:1lnIRt1•nt:r~n c,f this ~E~ct.inn ".~•: ;rr!ctiarlr~ 32:2.13, .12.:.1::.1, .'-2:."..13.3, 1?:2.1:1.:;, 1: .~'.;3.~ ..r1t1 I;':7..13,;~ c.f 3"it?r. !iIl, thy! P~~rxr,nrrel Cc~ric t:it.h `, €'it•:`r~nrr:, tc` thc• c3uhir--:- ..r1c! 1 ree::;>c)n~:tt+!.1{cleR ~t ih~ t'l~t~,carnl'l Tin~r11 NT+;' itllli .s'"c ~li !'i•~::~.' iC•~+rr^.ii(3 :1~• (lf i.~j11C' y i`.1 ~"1. ~:. L'1: C.WT "w^. vZ Lti'.ti 1yT "11 i°,rirC'. r als;;t i ~•1r '3. hr?~~. ~e i. ••; (+rd~ss. uce ~o. ti~2 ' C~Lt-~ of Cup~t.t-~c1cs dr'dis'~ance loo. ~S$'2 ~rhich ht'r'etr,fi~~*e ~~~~endrec~ 5~cti.r~ny '» :2'.).3, 32;2.13.3, i2:?..33.2, ,i.2:~.].3.3, 2.2tZ,13.~+ staid 1'?:2.13.5 cf ;'~tle ~iY. itsa ~'carsv~n.sw~1 Cn~ie isa era~d 1s hex~ebr+ :~:ep+~ss+led ets of tbce ctfectiv! date of thins ~rrti~nan~e. Se~:LiAtt ~. Effercti.r~ YMte~ _.....A.~..-r..,...., 7'lrie itrdfnaca~e sba.Il talcs raflsc~ et-d bey in f~+v'ca thirty ~3fl) days ssti't+t'r its p~~t+r s rages . f!•"'1"R[1r~bt'~ at a regvl+rr •r~tatS,ag ref thea ~`l.ty Caurcill of the Cit~r• of Cupertiaao t.1te _3~.. w.. d~ of 1973, wnd l~i1LCTll;p at ~ regular meeting ~f the City i.~usnsii,l of the Cityy a~G~uper~tino ua the .,~ da-,y of ~„~,~, 19i3 by the f~.33~rtrsg vt~ste:t ~YFSa C,^cr~ci]mea - yrolSCta. Jsr~:kaaon, ll~Yr~rrs~ ~parlcs~ Ixt~rin !: ~:~?:s : Cos+n c i t st+en - Done . APP 1;0'/~D: 1-..-..: ,ac~~or, Ctty o£ C;c,~;; Cincs_..__.. _._ _ _._ ....._ _-. .-.'i F.S'C Y ~1,Err.:by certify ghat the City ni CuPertirsa drdinancc• iJa. 4!',J~ ~-t;a_hed hereto is a true and Cas-xrct copy aC Qesld drelinarsce Which hASs L~~fir: ptsbliehc:d or i,usl~te`t1 pursuAi~t to Yn-~w. _....~~ bNlr. g. ~ arc, City CI. a:k