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Ordinance 600
f~It1CIt~J~ •'~~ IvO. ..,61~. ~~.1]~~ ('!~' '1' ~~~'Y CCIAI~C~L t]kr" ~~ Clrt'Y +t~l'` C~J~-'1!'~] 1~ O-I:ik~11~~+~E l~Cf. 57g ~D ~L-G ~v.~t~T~U~1 ~.'~ (~~~ ~h. 1.3t~. 1~1'I~'~4~ It~L.~Z`ES "~'~ O}~~'I'R~IG'"l"'~~~ ~l~ ~~- ~'PIIPIZ~ l~~lM~"- BY ~'~`RTIw DIVZ8~C9l~1' C~lw ll~~P~-Y~ ' C.~T'SC C~1~ bl~' '~iB CI~"'.~ A~` CAFIa~t'~I~11A l~l±~ f?RT1Al~t ~~ ~: ~ecti~r~a ~. ~~l t9rdinance No. S79 ire hereby reg~ea~ed. 5e~: t ia:y ~ . 14tter~c3rrra:~~n t ~....... w.~..,_._ _..Y. ~er.tivr, 1. ~ ~f Clydinance Nv. 1.3t7 i~ hereby deletrad knd in itra pl~rce is enacted the fc~Xlrn,•ing: "Sept icxn l . 5 StandArd~S eci fic•~tiyrta "~`he term "Sta,rd;~rd ~~eci ficatians" shzrll mean thr» St~t>artclard S~-cwi t'ieat ivn~ cif the Aivisi.c~n of: t#ighw.~ys, Department of Purl is 11ork~, 5tatc a~' Ca:l ift~rn.ia, ciat_ec3 Janrrawy, 1.97." fir•.~tiun 3. ~:ffrc#.ive bake Thal rardinanc~~ shall t:~ke, c f'f~ec.t and be.' in for~.e thirty (:io) days after ita paaa~ag~•. IN'x`RODU('.FU at a rc~gula~r. meeting, of t;he Gitry Caunra 1 of t1~c~ City of. Cu}~c~1'tino thi _,~ c#~~y ~~F .__..~z'~.L___~~.~_.____ i`~~~, rinc# k;NAC7`~t~ ert a rc±r~ul:~t• mr~etinrt c~i t•hr~ City Cc~urrciil Ui~ the' Ci.t.y of. Cui~rt ino this ._~15C~,_ dory of .__....~A,R1r~l_.~__.___...__ .._-------~ lg'13, by the ~c~l,lawing vote: - AY~:S: Cc~unc:'lmr~n _ ~r~lich, .IACiSQt~Ar ~tnyer~, 5~ur.k~~ Ir~rin I1C)IS: Cc:urtcilmen •- I~onrc l-I3;'f•;NT: rc°~unr. i lmti~n - Nona ~,rxrH~v~:z~: mow, ~ I her•el,y ~grtif attscheci yPr Y t}s~at tl~~r Cjt ~,rpn pubY~ra?rrd ova '" rare wnd cox~r cr~ ~pupert~ricy Urdin~r;~ca Nr~ Po~at~ra ~.ur~rtactC co PY of +~ui,c! ~ ~~~ ~+r•w. C1r:.ti.s~ancc~ uht~t~?' dl~