Ordinance 599
ORi~lt!?~.NCE IwO: 5°9
Ali OitDIl~~ArC$ aF C'~~"Y CWZ~Cx4 ~F ~'fllt C~'9"': Qr" Gi~i~,~~i7Il~ID
P1~ FOR '~ llc ~ If1:r. i ltl~5 ~PPL, ~CA1ll,~" ~GI~t~Jl1.].~ 4O
At.~ill~ OF C7.TY 1?1r OC1P~t?xi1D„ CALiI~'1'IL~..11I3D
Tti~ OlT'~' CCy1~. l]'F C~ OF (:1T1']:NCI` T~Ol~$ d~AIIA d5 Y.CIrfiSt
6a~ct~oa 1. lhef#~i,tiat-a
The fallaeri~ w~r,rdr and phreres ~arnav~r waed Sa the ard3t.e1nce ci trie City
a!' Cupaztis,o, Cai.~t`r~rnia, shell be canatruod as +i~tfinad ire this racoon uniksa
t`reaw the ranta~t M dif [great meanir>< is irte~rxdw~ ar uriaai diffar~t Haan#r~g
it sp+~ciiicall~r da!'inrt'! arwd user particxalarly dir~rcted. to the uat ~df such words
ot` phrases:
L. "City'' taeanr the City of Cupert iris, Ca] iiornia, ow ~thes area
. within the tert~itar.tal ]irons of the City v# Cuget~;i~rp~
C~-: ~.f`a~rni.a~ and suph Leer i tare out side of tht city over r~~hich
the pity Iura ,~urirrlictlcs:s ar cantr'ol by ~+irtu~t of an,~ e:ot~-
stitutlat~i ar ata~tcztpry praviriaxs.
2. '"Caar~,rutatiaxy of tia~-e" rt~aans the tip wrir,hitt tirhiph rfi act is
tb be ~'otte. It shall be r.e~wrputed br eaccludifi~ the first
day anc~ including thN last day= a~ if the last dry hk Sunday
ar a l.egrl hallday~ that d~-y shell b~e excluded.
3. "Council" raca~n~a the Gity Cnunctl of the City of Cupertino
Cal ifc+rtiiwr '"A.tl itb m~~s-'verr" crr "all cc~uncllm~wn" ro~~a:~ the
tt-ta1 nua~l~rr of c ;uric: i lntn ar caunr i lwe~~rn prt~v idrd Lv the
general 1n-~~r r~x the St.at~r a: Cal itrrrnfa.
~. "'Cpunty" means the County of Santa C1arM. California.
.5. wl.e~-r" ilcfraltes applicable toderal 2rr~ the canrtituticrn and
stetutrs vt the gx~-•.e of Galif.arnia, the ardinancea of the
City of Caprrtls~. and whexr apprapriasM. an]- and x-ll rules
•nd re~ulatiana~ ahiph mar 1-e prn~eslgat.e~d tb~rreund+er.
~r I~iA~`I ~~ perl:,3 ~h~lV~.
T. "?icrnth" reeana a calc~nd,ar eaor~th.
Sr "Hurt" end "Shall"r l~.ach ik• m~-hdttorr.
9. 'bat'h" shall he cr~r.etrrred to inc]tr+~e an aff 4 rmat iax- ar
declarwtion 3n al] cues itswhich. br iawr, an ~xffir~tion rpay
5. Cangir,wsd
b,e substituted .far a~ oath, ~-r-c in such cs~s~ss the +6ir.T'da
'rs~i~Mtit'~ iA$ "~M^Ot'AR ^~lAa.~ ~* ~rquirrrlen" tri tlve wor,~li
r Xar "~Y~ ~ t`~a~ ti'i~'~ i~ wi~w itYl~ ~ t^i~d ''R~!"~' 1~ t~Le
~IIL 'r~'Ia11Ci~ it,
2I. ""~Dacra~t~" ~rsao~ ,t ~,~- o!' chi eit~-; pr~d+sa1 ICieit s
~~ a~ ~p~~SJI ~rnr, s~sisa~stretira sntSaat, a~rer ~~
t~f ~ rescwr~~tL~a.
~i~~otk~iwr. y bae !a~ tb~ for~
1~. "air" sp~pliM to ~- ba3ldia~ ar ~irN,1 izrclud~ ps~tt
.. aw~ser1e ~oiaeit o, tram~-n-t 3n ct+ra~rin, ~ai~t te~rrt er
tam ~7 t rratirat~r, vt the s+hal• or i pwrt of sr~H
'Iw i.1dl.~ +at ,hrs.
]~Y "per MOO" s*~tYi nrrturs] ~iF ~Y~~ ,~+~~ ~~M.rM~~, ~V,,\.t ~CNW~
'caa'l. partner~~-ip, ,tsiaci~-tXon, club, ca~rpaoy, cor-
ps~raeti+nn, busin+au, that, org~arnisation, or the rurntger,
]rss, A~illt, rer+raAt, offfcer Dr eerployse of anlr crf tt~.a~.
li. 'h'sr,ror~rsl property" includes sway, loads, chattels, tY,ings
itr ectidx- ar-d rrvida+ncaa of dfbt.
15. "Prensdir-~" and "follrrti+irsg" scan noaxt b~efora and next
sf tar, rrespactiv~tly.
16. "Prt-pert~r" ineluda• rceal arx) persar+a] praparty.
17'. "heal praparty" includes lsrn9s, tornr~ents +snd h~redittuer~ta.
ld. "l5idn.~lk" means that partian of a street betwaen tha curb
lira snd the ad,gacent propr.,rt~~ lime lntrrfde,3 for the use of
;~~deatr ierys .
19. "Stara" mc~'one: th4~, 5tete of Cwl ifornia.
2p. "Streat" includes all streets, highw+ry*, avenueR,,:,onea,
alle~rs, ea~~rte, plrcas, s~uores, curbs, ur other puM]ic
gays ire this cit]r w?~ie.h have been or may lnnrsaf ter be cltd 4catwd
and opear to pulalit usu, or such other public pr.nporrCy »o
doaai~n~~red in sny laM t-f this slats.
T1. "Te~~rant"' ,end "act:tap;+nt", apptiad to a tuildi.ng or ]and,
irrcludo.t+ any person :rht+ acr.upies whole ar a part of su::h
huildirrg or lai^-d, whether alone or with atha~'s.
22. "7itlr of Office" lSs~r of tha title of an,y officer, FmFlayesce,
lw.~trd ar r.omrzis$i.an mr2~t1~ that officer, emplr~ye~s, clrpnrtnrnC,
hacrrd ar rrc:siis~t4an of r.ha city.
2~. "Written" 4neludes printm~d, ty~7e~+ritt.±n, miao~agraphad ar
soul t i~rwp had.
74. "xaar" scone ~ calendar. y~rar.
., M" ., rv
M ' ' Z5. dl;. uur 3s .~rn-1 }-t+z:ar.us Thal x be construed raxfd undarstor~d
accardinC i•o thr: ecc~pan and approval ust-g~e of the lzng,ua,ge;
' , uLt tachnicrrl words nad phz~~-,xcsa xtnd arur~k~ athess ss nay
turvtr ~-cNuirad a peculiar atxd appropr ~lrti twraair~ i~t that lair
r~irsll ba con.~truarl wncl undtex~-tt~ attar-sdy.xtg tr+ peculiar
aasit apprapr is :.a n-aa~ni.ng .
.", ~fi. ~ su art is r.quirsd by are c~rdix~ztc+~ i-,tt t asses lwti,~
~~t t~a~t f.t wsy ~ dta as wrei.l b au
.~ y sa 1rMr ttva
lA~~l~ sash r.gr~itst ~uhsll bs ~ts~~ a• ~~^ iaclud.
;. _ all suut'h acts perfax~ed 67-` stn aath~ria~i sgaatt.
gtwction ~. Grarmatical :ntarpretation
Th+t fa11a'rt~ -,~raswaical rvlaa shall appl)r ~.n t~ or•dhrts of t~ City of
CuF *x t i~u, Cwl1f o~Caia:
1. Gander. Au)r gender includes the at:her ~;andarr-.
~. E3t~gulex end Plural. T1~e xti.ngular nuanbar includes the
plural and the plural includes the ei.n~ular.
3. T.r-,res. Words uaett fn tht pr~rsertt r.sase include the peat
and the future tans4s and vice ~~draa,
~4. Use of words and phrases. Worda~ anJ phraara net spec ifically
dtefiryed shall he construed accordini; to the cr+n~ext r-nd
apparovad uaag~e of the lsan~uaga.
Bastian 3.__~t'rohibi.terd Acts lnclude_Causin~ Yerrt~itt~ing, Etc.,
1Jhenevar in the ox•dinanca~a of the City of Cupertino, any act ar omir~aton
is made unlawful, it shall include causing, allowing, ,~ara~i.tting, ~:iding,,
abetting, suffering, or car+ccAling the fact caf r;urh aci~ or t*rni.ss±on.
!~pction G. C:or-»tructiott
T:~t praviaioris of the ordinances of the City of Cupurcino, and el.l
procersdingrt under thorn are to ba construed with a vitew to effect their objc,cr,s
and to praroate jur~tica.
Section S. Rep~~l_Sball :Nat Revive any Ordinance~a
Thte respeal of an ardinance~ shall not rFp+ral t1~cs x•apealing clause of
auth nrdin<~nce ar revivr any ordinr+i~cr, which hsas been repealed thereby.
INTROPt3CE~ at a regulwr. ;nerting of t~,e CiC±~ Councf.l of the City of Cupxtrtino
this ~sxd __ day of A~l_ ~_,.-..._~, }973, and LKA(;:f ED at a r.~~gular meeting of the
~ City~Gauncil of the City of C~~pertir~o this. 1°~t!! clay of YA,1-ril---..__ _---,143,
by the fallawir-g vats: _. .~.~~.. -.
,, ~ '
-Wr •
~i „
~~', r
A~'Ey: CauneiY~e~~a -- Fztallch, .7Ytr.1`ca~b~e, l~eya~ra, 8parktr, Ix~r~r:
~'i3E~: 4nu~rcilmatq - •~olt+~ .
111tS~Pt salmara ' ~
~I~II, CtCy f Cupertico ~~
A17EST a
city lark ~. .~•._ _.~..~__..._ -
altCachkrd Y erti.f
I herab ~: y thaX t:he ~~ty of G1,pert.tna Utdinancet ~o,
?tereto lac a true and r.arc•ect ca_~.~.~~'''•
hee~ ~ubli~ched ar pasCeci purevuat~t tit 7aw~y of Saud Ardil:yanc ~ ~----~-
~,1~ich hob
city ~xp
M .y t w „~