Ordinance 598'A •~ a u~' .a: .o A ,fir ~" ry. ,; ~: 7~ ~~ >' r CI47 CLfCJ1~IC~. aF y1i1: r.:I~ C1F CU:'F,ItTI11~D DD11S ~ltJu-'.~'f ~ FC~.tt Sit ~or~ 1 iTtaerrsva~ n~cwe+~a+ery to aeaktt crn inspect ion to eerlfures r~rry ardinarres ar rtaalutiat-, ~r v-~avcsr, t8es•ata is rawronabla caunr• to 1f+~lisvs there satiseta ,tn rrrdlnancte ar reeal~tic~a viairitian in aay bui]din~t ar upan aagp- preegirea ~rirhir, tha jesri~3ic:iari of t14a~ city. aay aatharis~ olfieial t-~ thi City ©i' rupertirw, CaI1.~fat•nia~ iare~, upon pressntatiara Of p~raper c~rsdwntiala, ~,ntsr such bvi7.dirrp ar pxmnisers at all raascrrwble tiz~ea to inspHect tit sr~e ar to p+erC`oe°ee rerr~r dusty i~pas+ed upnr. hies by nrdinanta; Pit~t7VIbLD, that exr~rpt in es~w,rCer,c;~ situcetinn~e az when consent of tha ot~rnsr and aceupant tra tha inetip•ectfon has bean otherwist ab.air,ed, he ahe11 givre the ow~,sr and oc;cupr,ret, if' tha~y can be 2oratcd of trrr rea~o3uebls affr,rt, t~rer.cy-faun hr~urs wr,,ttea notice of tha a~,.horfzNd crf~'icial's intention to inspect. Ths notice tr•ar.a~itte»d to th~r rkan~-r ~-r~d ac cur ant r-h~-11 stage that the prap~rty c+wzi~tr rend r~rrupanL hnve~ the right ca rcfuaa entry and that in t4'ae event reur.h entry iex tefuxed, inspcctian tea}• be r~.:rde nnly upon ira~irerre a! a srrrerch waz•rr~nt b}~ a duly ++u r.i.ori~:ed r.~:Fistrrtke. In the event c~ithfr the awrtesr or ac cupant refus,ss c•rat r}• ref tr.r suet, rrc~ucst has brrsn tledr.~ thce ufi':[cial is hereby rrnpo~~c•rved to ~Ne1: r~a:sistz~r:r.E Eros, any c:ouirt bt cors~pt"tent juxiadictlan in abtairtit~ sucks snlry. Srctiot~ '' A1,1 ot;~~r c+rd?n~nce ~rrr.tionm which grrer~t any official of this city re ray r.Cgrt of rentcy arty i~wreb) rep~.sl+ed. . 1~ WiDI1iAt1C1s 4'F 'YHIi CITY C~3C''tiCIL d1' 'X`H~ CY.'1"'y AP CtIP1'3C1#0 C1#~~T~G A RXC~' ~~ ~Y 'T4 NUT1i~:I~~ CIS r Ofp'l~L PCIL ~E 1'~7CTIf1~ Ql? P.t1I1.DI1~i: ~ P1I F~ T~ L11i' OP PSlI'e'Il~AC1~S OI- '~"~ tl~]~ ~ 31'i~ Section ~ 1 arw. This orrl!nance shall be pubaishe~d and becaa,e effcc:tive as prr~vidrrcl by 1 IN'1"RODUCZ?1y at a refute. eeeetirag of the Cite Council of the GAty of Cupers.ina tbier ~_,..da}r af,. ~,~yz.ill_.__...___~.* 1913, and 1'PiJ'.Cx~ r t e ~•e~,~11ar :seat tng trf ,~ the City Cnuncit. o!' the City of Cupertiru~ thi.e._.....l~ilr.h..!d'a)° '~i__,dpxiL -__.--.1973 ~ the ftallrivir+rg voka: f i 1~.Y.:S t . ]~'!&~ r 11b'$~ i Cite ~:c-ua~iI.ta~ - Prc-lic'~, .1ore.lcw+tat~, l~y~rri, $~tk#f Ir-+ri.u C~nw~il~~nti ~- ~C;~+-ann ~ qtr • ~"~~~ S fr• ---....""""""" L herreby certify t.het t~-e Cit.y of Cupertitia Ordin~er~ce loo `` ..~~~ iittacr~~d i,~rreta is~ +~ true •ncl carr~ct ~crrpy of t-aid drdirta t~hictr hirer t~r.~~n pull i rhed or pc,st :rd puraus~c C o I aa. ~ ~~ _+r'~ .~~~..__.,._..._. r.:11. ~ . ~X ~ pity t. rk w~f