Ordinance 594,•,,, 4~„~ ~ ~ ~' ,~ ~a, -~.~ °w A.l+f Ut~UIIICJL1iC:R Op TRH CITY COiT1il,It,. AT~ 11I1: CITY Or ClTP~Tf+'Iq h~!'~tlZ A,P~ /!:'p'f3E~1Z` 7~2 I~ 4A1~TF.h~'; BEl'Wb'Eii Y~R CITY -:`~ : Ctl~ 1`],. d~ ~ 4F' AO!lI~1 ~#iA~' I t~1 1)~~' t,,~ll. ~~ ~~' F~1#~.1:C ~fl~'i' RF3°I~1 1wTt~`~i .!'~, ~': ~~~'~ ~'•'' T!~ C"C~~` 1~. 17~ C1~T C'R- tVIF~tTY"a~~ f~ C13~Ik A~ Pt~d~t ".~ ';: r`~,; , `~' T~att ~raM1 ~t f~ flea Ctsrrtatr.r~t '~•twnlw~ Ith+r t~ft~ Cert~sil ~.,~ ~" ~' t',~ Cit~r ~f Cif a ttlaa iM~ard o,~ Jldrsinfatritt~~rn, Calif~t~ ~•'s~ P~~ iuc l~ asalc' ~>>rt ~~. ~- l~yat~ ii ~trtrsby autb~ar. is~srS. i P of s~a~ ~~~ r~rit~ attars ~r~t4e 'wrrked "p~chi.bi.t Itr'r and blr au~eh ~r.` rafrtlt!w~• • a part hsr+reaf a~a t9ha~;b~ hsrain wet aut inn fully d~. ,µ, ~„ _~~ AG. • h. .~..,,,~,.~.. - r ?Sa~ror irM ?rrrsby #+~tlwrSa.r-d~ e~tpcwr+~rad, and diractwd to ~~ a:~wcvt:w ~~oia asrreadal~tnt for #-nd p'q brltal;g etf said AR~evcy. .,P • ` t-6CTIt~ ~. ~'- .,~ - - '4 "this Ord.ru-nca -ahall take ett~rct thi.rtl~ (3Q) dabs attar tti~r .~ data o>"~ ,its arrcpeian~ and !-riar to the expiration af` fxfr.eari (15) rlayr ~'" ( fa~ucz t.iyw }~~rr:+tsgw ~tlyrrwcrf shall be y~~ul~lizshed at karat: arrce~ itt tiwe Cupwr- •r t i.e~ao !"n~~T I er ~ s r~ uystprrr e; ~,ez'zrrrzl c i z•culst: ian. publ i,~lzed arNd cizr:ulat~rd its the City pf Curartiaz~a end thencrsforth xrrd tltirrrcaftrar. the '- rut~t->~ smell bs it >~ul! torte a~ effect. Ih"I'T,CUI'~~i) w-` +~ ra~uaar s-r~etil:,t of tht- City Cawr-cil of the ~.".ity t+i ~~,. Cup+rzrwfao this 2xtd dew of April, 1973. aa-d FI+IACTiw ~~L a rrhgular merstirig o« the Cite Council of tTra City of Cupet`tit~b oa this ..]~~ ~dsy af_,,,,~,gr1.7._.._ .,,,_. 'k 197 3. ~- t 1-+tv f of l ovi n>I vnt a .; ~ AYi«i: Courrcila:~-rn *roltch. Jarksaa. !#~yKrt, 5pak~ks. Irrrria iJG~:S: Cdaficilw~en -- 1Raaw .~~ AbSl~S'1't Cvu~eilmeA - lggq~, APFROV'1:La d ".._/ r? x I harwby certify that: the t;,ity of Cupertino Urdiz~ance Mo.,,r'"I `. ~ attach~M iti#reto izt a :rue acrd currett ca Py of said tlydinat--ce ++hicb )ra~•"~ been puli2 is7ye,~ ar posted Fua-suazrt to 1 av. ~-' „~ k, '~ ~. 1~. R• ~ ---.~. ,~; x ,~r N n Y ~ ' Y ~~ .~ ~ .~"~ * ~, y. +~' C ~ ~ ~; 4 • '` 'fit 'rd C+d" lldrwd.~istrw~t PttbX#~ ~Loy+~,a' i~e~t~ ~, #~r~ri,~arx . ~ r~trexred to as ~, . t CY ~Y ~xr. ~f then C~Tx off' ~arx~, ~~~~• ~,- F~r~ed to e.e 'Fut~~.ic Aga~c~ law1~ ez~tere~! fat.v ~- co4a~reet ~r detGe ~ ~'r+A,~ 1D, ~?, ~lfect.ivl~ Ault 3~, ~~7, e-»~! ~ prCrr-idtd b~» Chap~tcrr~ ~.~ s~all ~~.fi, S't~tut~ of ~,, vbict~ pt~vidc fnr p~rr•tic3.pactitw, c~C' ~'eebl..i~ A~encF in a:aid '~~at~re, Herd +end z~.tc ' Agerrr:y her~rby age et* fo1,a.~r~t: e A. ~'e-ra~rnphe ]. t1~r~ ~ ~ are tear°v~by st.rlcl~cn Frt~ mid cantrau~;t rxrcuted tfTe~Ctive 1!ugc~act ,, A;~57, ~,ra he•rcby rrpl,eced br t~ t`t~ll.zr+rin~, pAra- gr~.pb~ nr~bc rred 7l through lfi i rec to s ive` ].. hl]. words nrxy: t.~z~: r~~tcd hrrcir, which ai a de~invrd ire t.tat Fub]!c F,:!opl.ayc^c~s' R+~tirc:^~ent ~C.a~v shni.l },:ivc the sao~r:x»ir~ r-r- d~ri~d ti'rcrr'ein unlr:a-a atk~ez•wire ~pcca:C~ic~.;1.]~• ;~z-o~•iciccl. ""P~car~e]. rctirrment aft." rthr~].~ rx~c=ar. arc fry ft>r raS.tcc:-,l~r,~cau~ r~~;:.;c"r. r:: a~ a ~5 #'ar lcrta~I na1"cty :r~c~^~ba ^~ . p, ]"ub'ti.c A~rncy t~ht-],1 i>rsrt lt:Ips:t^ In !.ht F':.~1,C F.:a;~]c~~•.:rr•" R~tirc::rnt • ~y~lt:m from atrc: a~'trr August 16, 1~.:;7, r1;;in~ itt: r: r;,r~lCyyc.•tt~ a;~ 1rc~r~c- in~-~'ter providtrd, rse~rsbers off` raid ,yr.;.t•~ "i.rb~yGt t~7 ell p; o~~i::icr:.~ oP tht• PubXi.c ~.laycas' Rertii-rmesnt i,,~-~ c~>:c:cF•;. nuch als ap]aly c~~rly an cle~tlori of • rantrr~r.tir~g a~~i~cy n,nd .are not prraviticc. S'~:: h:c; c , ~~ ~^~ • #.C, e-1.1 ar~ndtrr~nts to reRid Lxv h+~rr:tsftcr rnarctet! cxtrcpt. such t-e: by cx- pt~ss pro+!isit~. thr.:~ct~f apply only on Lhr ~iectiar- ~F co~nLratt;ing ~9.~8!?C ~: t*~ . ~. Lhaployr`cs t-t` Public A~;enc,y in Lhe follawit~; c]^..^.r:rs r:hal.~. t>r.cr,::~c~ r.t;a- bers nt' ~:~~a F;etir~:;.cnt S~•tste~rn rxceF~t a:.~ch ij~ garb ~i.cb ~rl~r~: t:~s n:c exclu,3t~d by lau ox this a~;: t~r.r.c:~nt: r. I.aea.] pr,'_.iccswen (i~creit~ refc~rrr~I to e.s lt~t-l s.:.afcty tcae°~,b~~r. ); b.. Laced tireu~ta (hcrcis- r+~terred tea e.s lt~cal. ee.Tcty mcmtNr: m); t:. implflyecs pt)ac* thsn local .;a~'cty mrrabcrs (berei ;•~ rc!'rrrtsd tty a~ u~i: t:~llz+,~coas ~h. ~bcrs). Tt't tr+] I.tywirxg canfllc~yrt`s shs].1 be excluded frta~ tr"crr-bc~rwhlp in se,i.t Ratix~et~ent Sg"~te~n: • f3•~t, . Fang '"~1,2-1 fi, ~ ~ .~ .. ... M~ r y.., , • 1.. .. 4~•u.;.ic~., o~ 1'a.,_.'1. c: c;..;~c.t7: •'_° .~:.r. to b.. i,, r;~v3riG"C3 i'a. ,~c:h Jc~~cY c;,r ~:rcdltc-u prior :xrwi r.w•x•~rrt a:~.rr•.cc c-,: c. tai:.*.e17.re_lc::a:. s;.~~Lcr~ 4~poz, r+~tia•,~ms•a`L a4, r>nrn~sl rcti.rr:a~;nL n~t+ aaY+~]1 be; r~.pplfccl a~ pxor•Jt}Cr~ is -.;. ; ectica°rf ~:i.~j1.9.~ cif ~~iid ~e'.:i<rctstetz"'. ~.~.w a~rul Y-ad~tced by ane-thin. ar• ap~r~.iect to 'k~rrt '* ,~` t t~":a' ° is :r, i,rr~l ccmpcrsa~-erti+nr- ~+h3.cii dvrwa rat ~xc $11~C- nth t"c~r ~sr~w c~-+ar~ met Fe~er~t ~ociaX Sezcvtrit~r pz~+-`,i,, honer, that i~ x~l.a tr+~cti~ irla~,'~. e-~p3~' wig ret~,~t ~~.~. eerr,e~e ~:~x6 ~r ~r#,1~r ar rro~C t~ rwicre 5. frskctioorr ~' F'e~;, c~oarr~ti+rffi 1wa ~ pa~'i~~ far ~ +.,r aP cr~c~.a-tr•~i pricrar t^rr~t ~rtr^r`irte ~ C lvcttl r.~'~ty ~r~~ Sll dti~+~arvain~ f~ ~ trig aioo ~~'.~ od' tine ~~tia~~ i«erw .~ ~:~i '~.9. be t~'~ $rpr x~ o~vrrrned der Fe~~ral. ~cl~-1. cu,.~ity iu +~cca~°d~xatc+s ~~ 1~atit~lt 9~• ~"~ ~ t d .: rat pr~,-+iri ixxg . d #t ~d-itS frtwct~- ~~ b~ ~ ~~ t~~''tbixd iar +~pp~.ie:tatxtxx i.a the i"ir~i, O~p.t~1 pe~• srp~t~ls- ~~' F3.~-1 ~~ntia~n ~' a:rgr ~r~•mla~sr tr~-e p~ftiara !.~ r ~F F+ed~rwtl s9~i~~ *aritj- 1"tar• ~r17. rrervicc or s~~;r<h amber, wixe~tr ar riat than ~~rrrrirr i~ it~:w+e1 ia~ ~'ecle:t•a.l ia~ cayrity. ~. Contributions i*`tar rai~tx2its~rvut~ ~,rad lc~as.X. ~Tety t~~brra ah~11 be staDw „~C.*et t~o ~~ctics ~~ adci ^'~rx2 vi` paid R~stir~tuMent lt~a+w r~t,arp~tfi+velyy paid ~cet.ibnF prxx~5din~ i'+,~~` tt rc~awCtf~ 3n rr.#.ert oT' ct~ntritautirrrt ~-s cur~h ra•~r:•t~ rtlate ~ t3~ae tf t•i~t ~l7.OQ o3' monthly woeape»sr-tiaaa +dr'ae3 1bC~ oT asueri rstee~ ~ e"y ~-pg]y to t.ta~r r~ir~:lcr or ttre ryantkaly c.~~crxat5.ora. !•:c:~rbers ti~i~asc pu~si'txo:~~ a.re ,axc2uded f'rc..~ ~c~rial security ~eaveraLt Rhe-ll cc~ntr#l:ui.~ Stx e-rrrux-:ia-ra+ct vith 5cctiCr:ats ~~ :~izd ?~~~t'zr ot` r:aid ~ct;it•c:mcrrt 1.r-u aac ai~plic'd to the :Cu'L7. fc~rrsulc. ~,•ithout r+~~cliTicat~art. "~. atyc fol.Zur:i:a~; ~ddtt;ran>al provissinns off' ttac F'ubl.ic ,``.rah+lu~vct`t3' ~ici.~r•c~r.~%•ni. LF-rwr which apply araly uprm rlectiua ot` II- co:~tx-eacLi.n~ r~~;,i~ncW r~hal.l c~r~p:~y te> the Publir~ Ag~er,r~r ~-rxi its eyrployrrWs. +~. Thant. lraz`t:t7r'r c,i' -ecztiazr :?l~ji..13 uh3ch ~~,rov#dcc for zrductfon in L1-re prrrcrmnta~re sit' 3`ins]l ca~pr`nsaatiort frar rc~~int}cry ccwc•rcd ttrraer Sar#r~l &~rcuri;.y. b. ~cct..ion ?1~2~.I (pravidSn~ for incressh: in ~1.1.a:+rzrrc^t• to r,+hich thc: alrsrnattl cr~st~af'-~livin~; i-rt,viaciont; app]y, prsy~bi.L f ~r t•Ir.~~' rcma- arten+:iis~; on tt•~c S`i:•st dax~• r~, the c~sir.n~r~r r.~7ni~h cc+inc#riin~ wit?~ o: next ft~ll.t~u#n~; the etfect.~ive ai:-tp of t.hic a:rr~rfttci--::nt #•p ar on ~-ccaunt ai' prr: ona; reti.rcrd ar mctub~Y~:; cleccs..cd rti or prior tc~ • :y .• ~', H. i'ubl.ic E-ucnr_y shsl.l contribute to ss:d .Rct ircra~t:nt ,~a•4tem ac i'a].1oWS;. ~.~ ~. 1~'.tt,h re~apect to r~ir rcllancrous r:~rlrc•r~, 'L.he pubi.ic cai;enr,~r srsr+ll •. rc~n:.r tl~uixr the :'ol.'.zowin~ ~xrrcenta~;~srr of r~ont~~aly r.trlaa~ ~crs eaa•~ncd ab miseclltanr.MOu~ +;~tc~bei°:. of ~r~id `'y. i.c+n; ~1~.j G.!"~'3 percc»t until June 30; 1~~ azx account raT the licbility i'rar prior :.e:rr•ir:c brncfits. ~p~ j'.1& pCrccnt ep nrcaunt of t;.hc 1.,abilft~• rtir current ~crr~ace 'bcrrefita.» • bona ~t32' .. ~ p ~;~) C. !() p~~z'c:c:rnL :C~r ::?r:•t~ `_~'1 -v•••:rr: i'z•ca;: .,.,~• e11~C•ctl'~'e c1::tr: cal` tbi~ 47t;xpn,i~~r~t• ti~ ~z~c3-.:.~~; 1.::.. L~:r,c:s'.i'_s u:•,;icr ~:cc'~~c~ca ~1:.~'~._. cad the Ctrvctrru~~nt, C:~ic , ~. A rarr~,aca~bla fusrcrtiu,:: par dra~lut~-, a~ f"17ccd 'h~• Herd •r4 cover tiha cir~t~ o~ 1~itreiateri~~*, said Sy~tac~ as it ~~~cci.~~ tha caplc~yc~t~a a~ Putal.ic A~Irr; [yDt i.xr~l.t~3fr~ t.5e G+C~t~ Saf ~t*c~.+r.l r-m~.~astir~tim ar thrA pa~ri.od- i~• ~,x~v+~~ti~t~.e~t anrd ~-~1t~t~,cx"'~ re~quir~rr~! try ~+. c. A ~easct-'~e ~~ as rim ~' ~' '~Oatd, ~~ ~.n crn~ 'lb~ta~l- ~ ~w t?,+~ t:esicr~ at"t, ~oer~r cnstw-~ o~ r~ZCi~at ~.etatiwts uwa acct'~un+t aS e~+i.:lcr~reas at' Fubi~e rnr:y', ~-r~ costa ~' the pewlt~9- ~e~l inrr~sa•rii~taon aril ~a~.ust3~rx :~r+gta~.'cw~d t"y . • ~. C+ahtributia~xs x'ac~uirr8 by F`ublia Itncy t~rrd it~c r],try~aero a~risl,~. tre a~~b-- „t ~ rkl,tn~ernt 6y ward c~ aced»t c'~3' an~dt~ente x.o tha ~iblic ~9yaaa' R~rtixrn'~ I.~-vr +~tx~ c~rr acco+~t d~f' ' erpe~i~ca unc'tear t"h~s *t3.sr9t la~rate~„ ea dertarmit~ed b~v t2-a ~,crieadira]. in'eaati~.t'-d~ rrrx[ ~t-r~.tio~G- ~+qu~ir by erx~d R~a'L~r~arer~'~ Lwnr. 1Qr. ~t~n~~x'~b+ut~iattei r~uirnrd aT Pu'~Xic A~ncy arm i~t~t ca~l.crycse~ a:~a21 be paid bar I'"raUt,l.e Agertct- 'wtr the f~tire~rat :3yate~ wit.?~Sr~ thArty days aS`tcr tha ~trA ti+t tt~a i-ez'fad't.~a +~Yeh ~r-td l:Carr4rlbiat•tt~?~ rai`ar. fit' arorc~ ar ].,*r~s than the rorz-art erru.~utYt eat cotttr.t'hutionc 1s . pafd i'OZ' etry ~r1aJ, ;~r•ar ad,~,~r,tr~r-t. sh;~I]. ~ coda in cat~uractian wit.'r autracquen*. r'er~itSaancca, ~r •d,~~ur~tr~enta tart c~cca.~nt of rrror~ in canCrS~,utiona r~q:~ired oS Y" ~~pltxyee r~u~' ba rcwaclc h~. 1#~rect carsh ~ra,rn-~*ntrr betweer- trine t~erpioyec a.nd Aur:,-~. ~'rca•;w,~:rrts by ~'Ublic. :~(;c~ncy t.~ R"J~17~'. r~rt,y 1tr1e z:r~~:fe in tt~ c-rr!- at` vur,•entr~, l,rr.:~ cP-rr.k~, ~•crti:`ieci c~l~rwt~?~e:, r,.~nc~• a;rdarW, or• ~;a~rh. H. T,ii.r, rrrir~rr~l~-t•~~t :~h-r11 l.f: r+;.tn~r.l~~•ri t.o rr:ld t~c~~itrr:.c:t. +~ncl r"ta*+I1 t"~ c•ffr~cl eve ~sn the ,y..w.__.._~._.,..~._.~._._._....~.. ~.__._......---- d~,y c-f __....___.._...___..___ W_.....___,___..___...,...._... Mftc~aa cur a~r.{lra ttiia d~-y s~2" HLtJ~Rtf ~'~.ly4l T1 ]. tS'~`!~ TI O!'1 ~18Y.x~ E'•;.f'I.f7~~".Y::i' f~F:*CT~~~~.NT :y7:."T'~~K H7 _ _ G'~Xi~~a ls. i'ary;i~c,- k:xc~rut.iv~ ~fri'.i'-.l~c~~r C 1~7 •'COC!?~II. b~" ~' ,..~ •~' , r ,' •• `• ~ 1'i~c~riciin~ pt'i'Scr~r ~. . ,r ntt~~t: ~, 1, r r}c .__ _,,._..~, _.~_ ~...___.~..~_ ~_.___,..._.~...._.~_......,._ stet , Fo;rrK •T~~y..,~