01120096 (2) CITY UILDING DIVISIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10626 FLORA VISTA AVE 01120096 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE KRIS REDDY 12/27/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. µOO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO &0— BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION z 5 N? Job Description O Z`—'0 1 hereby(d IT that i and.3licensed under previsions of Chapter,and kibm" F=�� with Section]000)of Di " Sof the Business and Professions Code, era my b«axe HEATER & A/C pmg ` 'son full fo cmd cfjyt. z of¢ Licentt pI)s .�_p� _ Lie.b °'O a L' Date A ��/ <ua-L Contractor - O fn ARCHITECT'S DECLA A C F— -t 1 undc'mnd my plans shall be used as pubo c records ddar d o O Licensed Pmfesai...I n OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the F 3< nstruct following reason.(Section]031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $5500 ' � which requires a permit to co .al¢c w improve,demolish,or repair any se are u°•jR priorto its issuance.also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement. n 3= that he is licensed pursgent to the provisions of the Commerce,License Law(Chapter 9 _ _ -, c�s,.g� `Nor,j�('ea- Valuation (commencing wuh Secentfro00)ofe basis oof the thealeged csand Professions Code) L ,}'yY3',2'O V' u:3o .'V Vi 1} nF I `" or that io is 31.5 t zany aeom and the bas's for the alleged the cap p g tpam.Any violation of Section by eery opPlicanl for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty' of.nol mare Nan five handrel dollars ls5001. 301 Al"Nibbft PLUM13IN Occupancy Type Cl 1,as owner of the progeny,or my employees with wages us their sole compensation, -will do Ne work;and the structure is not intended or ofered for sal,(See:70M 303 - - ---- Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 304 - ROUGH ELt'E9 ke4 d9*ppetions '• ' '- ' .nor of p pony Who builds p v. the e n and who due,such weak himself or throughh' ply provided that sn improvements am ofintended or .__ 5.05_--_F.INAL,-ELECTRICAL... _.. _ off-'df- -le If.however.thetidd' g p mentis i .-Id thin oneyarof - q o pl urise c owner-budder will have the burden of pmvi g N t h aid not build or 7 — FINAL PLUMBING improve for purpose or sale.). 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL L3 1.as pwnerof the ro n _ ._,..__. - ._ _. .__ ._.. ..___...... .... ___ _ ____ ......_.._.._ p pe y,am exclusively commdmg with licensedo Contract., to I^., _ License he present face.](is,Bas s and Professions Code)The Contractor's and we Law does not apply man owner of property who builds seimproves thereon. ..and -- Commences Liven.forsuch Prolene wird a commemr(s).licenud.pursuam m.Ne_ ____ __ ___ ___ __ .., _ _ Cot t e L cense Law, ❑1 ame creptm1cr5 s• B&PCfar thsrcasonOwner )'v • / WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION ;. 1 hereby if nto under penalty of pebury one Nitro following declmauons:-- S O 1 have unit hill Cert Cenof Consent to self-intro for Worker's Compensation-asprovided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code,-for the Ijimformance'or Nc work farwhich this permit is issued. 01 have and will mainmim woiko's Compensation Insurance.as required by Section - 37W of the Labor Coda for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.MyW k,r',C p Invu //77r and Poi y h are t C OFECE\IPTION FIOMWO(RK� t^) ` - t- .r 'o51 "COMPENSATION INSURAM10E^'.,, .:. ...�' ._......__..._...__.,-...__._.....__ ____------_._...__._...._._._ ------- (This is sceiion'n .... dollars .,_ ' ,.., ( end not be complaed if the tis for one hundred Aollars Th permi lS I W)or less.) 1ri fy that in Ne perfamiance of or he wk for xhl h hispermits xaaw r ... .._. shall dot employ any person in any manner so as to become object no theWorkers Compensation Lows of Califon in Date ..Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT If.after makr,gthsC nificamot Exemption,you Would Z become kubjentthe worker's Compcnsauon pronsions of th<Wbor Code,you must Q O forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit.shall be deemed revoked. ._ .. . __.. . .._ __-.. __, __ _ .. _ .._. ._.. .___ - -___._. . .__.- .... :F ti -•( CONSONLENDING AGENCY - ia a, I hereby ffm rthat there sso c .t n . ding agency for the performance t r. of the..,it for which this pcm issued sed(Sec.309J.Civ.C.1 L ' "Lender's Name. - __ m _. . .. ...._: %D Z fender's Addrcu. .Q correct. certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is E. rmet.I agree to comply with all city,and county ordinances and state laws relating 3q (, to building co®vuaion.and hereby achorim representatives of this city to enter upon } (i the above-mentioned pmpeny for inspection pur,ost, F„ d (Wc)ages,mi sole:indemnify and keep harmless the Ciiyot Cupenirio against rn liabilities,judgmem.v.costs and expenses which may in any way acme against said v_z Clry'nc qucnce of the gdartin,of do,p it.- - r 'AI l LIC1 NDENSTANDS WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON= POINT'" so k LATIG . ,./L_ Issued b �' �'``.'/ 2`7 .v/ Y Date - 7gnn! fApplcanvc t mr - .. - -- Date. Re-roofs •/ u HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE wore -ppuum rt ebtmng np t.treoin meha:Nxltledm' ......Type.ofRoof. -{�._,. ; .,: U, ... as defined by th C p ' e no Municipal Cod Chapter 9.12,and Nalth e Heand Safety .- ^ can.,Section 255320 s s ,< R r•- All roofs shall be mspec[ed•prior to any.roofing,material being installed. __ Will theo future building p t equipment devices wit nn If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection;I'agree t.o remove em t M1 Ibbl cit l t den d by lh B,y ,e�,A Q I'ty Manag meal Di' ae all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with • ❑Y ❑ - all non-point source regulations: - -- -- �-- 1 lime read the Safety Code.Smamn t 505.2 533 a a der Ch puk 6.95 of theCAf •' - iIfile ing dos Setty Cede have ns tenan505t itis andmists )undersand Nat bro does currently have at nth lit'. Yr,p eofis t aft the .. ..- .-.. - . ._. _. _... .....;.. ... .___ _ _ occupant o.the r semen¢which must be and prior m'xsuance ofd Certificate ofOccu " - -_ .,/ ��.�->• 2"-z — - Si nature re of_Applicant _ _ .- - Date _ r anmonrdd agent I ..to All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better :. -. . .. OFFICE. . . . . .