Ordinance 588~,~°.' , ;. Gi ~• + .~ y/ +M4Y (~ ~ra' r • a~r.~t~lw wo. spa /~l~Ni~ ~~..yy,~~~~-Fi f~~~y~ . •k ellf. Md6~L~Zy,~i~iy ~b)~y~Mq/T~+~ ~~7~ D~iL.+q~I. Z ~qn .~1 a~ sir rnu~,~ » l~r~ mar »t~ ~r~s~ar~s, io +r~ar~uwar n~s'r~t ~r ~- ~1Gs pro. ~~. ~~ ctrr ~c~cxt a~ ~x~r ~ r~~rx~a oo~ a~arr~ ,~ lror~.o~: Sac,t~~ ~. /1~-~s-dsr~C. Satr.icm 1l.5 a# Otdirraa~etia ilc-. ~-7' (lta~vieetMl~ !,s har~ebr delatad ar-d ita it:,t l+lacsr f.a .~~nact+rd the follarri~z Sectian i3.5 - '"l.a»e! far 1'utrli~e_ r1a~t ~Phtrs, a prolrveresd park, lrlay,~:vurtid, t~c~a~nl ot- othst' public: users shdrMp is a ,aaatar plaet is lacatec', in whol.e~ oar to parr ~rithia a swbdivia.as7, tba seabdiwider r;hsll r+~- ,rerve ad~~gesata rpace for sue:b purpo~s is ~-vcte pt:sta vithxtr the nsbdivisierxr; to be: arquiramd b7 the Pu17Jlit lttlerxrcy wi~un the City Caur~-cil, up+ari r+tca~~c:-endatian~ of thr advisory a~e:.cir, f irrc~ia the r.•yuirearr~rrt to be reanortably recra~asry tt- the public raervrt:iw~ar;, itiee+lth, ~fetlr ar weal-~ f:~re. ''bff-•Tt~et_SCarr.. i?:,yinnge FeNees~ 1'l~r. subdivider t~F-aI"~ ,~sey, ~s +r c„t;~iitiarr of a}~praval nf. u firuul s~~t~clivitriun eRSp, of f-r.ract starrt dtaina~e fc~eer ir: arcardancrr v,th zhu !`4AS'T~it STC}R!t 17R~1I2't+~CLe PI.APi A,i':7 t:C1S1' S?'iJ1)Y ~,f the C.~ty eyf C~ap+rr~z3no, dsttrv! N.~rrclr 27, 1951, s,~hich is irrcurpor.atud as Burt of this urdirratrce send ta~;da • pwrt h4rer~f, T?te Bees sa xrceaiv~d ~h~ll t,e de.goritecd irr a "sp~rial .harm drainmge fund" of Ch+e Gity to be use>d for this carSStructiarr of r.e,zne d':^ir~age~ facilities fn the lcye:al dtairka~er a,rr~a ar ~:o rr.ita4~urbes the ~,anctal f. .end of the ~wity far rr;~nier :rhvanced wittrtn the le~ct~l drair~x-~ge :,rrax. Ordir+.arr~ers !`io, SQ acrd ltersalut io.a two. 4 G6 are hc: ~b~y repealed s+ex of the effective drte aE thir arcii~~artce inVafeer as their serr. incdrrai.tterrt with the t.~rc;visinrrrt of thin vi`.iirtr~ncta«" Se-ctian_ 1. _l:f fec[ive Date. 'f'lr;.r dcriin~ance :shall t:~-ka e~ffact and be ira faxrt ar, wkre thirttetti, (3Cth) play after ita paNaa;;a. a rl~P'~KCrTKlC~,~i at w ~~•gu~rar e+ec~tii~~ of the Cit9 C,our~cil cif the City of Cupe~`ti~a, this ~-~~,d~-~- of~..l~-• , 1~i73~ an•" 1:~'1~CTFA at s se~t~lr~ e~eti~ ot~ ~~'~+~ City Covtiteil of the City vi C:upeztiuo, an that ~~~' 4~~.-..._..~...~ ~~T~~ ~y t~1e ~G~ZG~IA'~YY~ Y~CR. J-Y~: Cc~iy~i].ar+war - I*~te~. ~~em~ Mrr~rerx'#, ~~. ~rallcb ~~ s C, ain't l~ate~a _ Mtge 1+115 ITT : Cn+unc i Lien -- 1e JI.T'PROL'FD M~yar, City of !:u~prt ino ~~. _.__.,~.,.. J-T7 E.S ;' cir:,~ Clerk I 'hereby certify thwt &1ne City of CUnertino (lydinenc~s lsc,...,, ettached hereto gs a true wnd correr_t copy Qf crid brdiru~-nce which Yusr ~ea~ publ ighed ar poete~d pur~tssnc to lev. Wr. S. Ryde w Cit; Caen ~..