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Ordinance 586
~'1RI~-I~1ANC~ li0. ,~1I~1 c~IN~ASC~ ~F SHE CITE[ DF CE'fN'~ .AM~t]'ili~ 88CTI01i ~ IMF ~?~~?~AN+Ci,~ w4, M4~ MI~lIC1~ 1~SEt1~ITE8 ~"1!~ ISEt'f C1P PH1~'S TO SELL PII~~RlG~ - ~; !~`~~ ~`t~SD'" '~+0 ~E C~l~l~t"~` EEF~tRS1rIC~ ~'~D 8'~A'i'B L1tii.~ iiS ~.I"~`Y ~(ilICI~. C)F ~'!~~ CIS' 4~ C1~E~'PI1~ pQBB QAI N AS ~':..LC1-~S a Se ct f t~ri I . Aaarand~rit . geatlan ? of Ordfnt~,nc~t Flo. ~~17 fs hertb~- draeted and fn it,~ pl~-ce fs enacted the ~'crllr~wing: "SecLf~i d. Far the pur~poarr of this t~~litwrnce, ffrewcrrk~ art thane att i'orth in Section 1250 of the H~ralth and Sttt`tty Cade of the State of Cr~llt`orrria." Sc~ctlan t. £PI"ectiye Date. ~'hl.s O.rd~nar~re shr;l~. ta~k~ effect end be in i`or•ee ©n the thirtietT~ t3t7trh) day ~.rft+~r ii.s F,a~s€~Ke. 1NTNUDUCEA at a regular rr,e~etin~ oY` the C1ty Council of the Ctty of Cupertino, '..his ~~ day of _~~._ ~, 193, and ENACT~:tJ at a regular tneetitig or the C1 Wir c~wnc~l a~~ tht Cit;. oT Cupertino an the ~, dsy o1' _T~~~_~~~_.~_. Y97~, by the fol loxl nir vat~- AYES: Counci lrr~rt Jacksrraa. lYlsyirs. Sl+srksM I~l~ l~i0~.8: Counci lme~n ~iaryi AHSf~N'i : Counci l;rren ~toiiwb QPP 1~: ~ ~ , ~it:y a f G`upe rt: i no 1' here}~y certify tPuot tht Citr of Cuperr.l.r-a Qrdinsnct sttrrchrd h.cr~t~ it re truer +~rrr1 rorrsct ca ~'`~'"~ ,,~'' b~tn publ ishrd ur p~~tLred put•SUNUt td~ ]s~,Py of s,~id L'1'tdir~ai:ce ~ich hes _ ~ rt. 1~ ltyd ~ ~ ~-- - C~ry Cl^