Ordinance 580C~!!.L~1t.At,(.E. :.~. `~t3U
:+.Pi C)]ti.)1":A'~t:l: U'r Tli£ C11~' Q}'' rl,'I'i:lt'L'1:1147 r'~t~~::~'1ll::C= ,"slt': }l:~ }: i UF' (~1.'~~1'tiA~;'
i~0. W, WFfls+li }tI•;LA'1'1W5 "I"Q THu itk:t'l1i.Jr+Tlg3y f!i• }~L'.`:'T~'.l!}:.t~1vlS I~'li! FUQTr
ESxA81r.1S11:~fEi;TS, °I'b I1E1.L:I'E 'T1105F diiC)11 F~TJ~bLiSli!ifiL~ l,ii(7SE A.C:TIVITI.I'_
'ICHL' CI1"7C C~1~"'C?~. OP' TNT C~'1CY ~F Cq.~0.~iC)~ ~OI~S f11tI,N1 AS PA3.I,A~HS:
~acCl.an 1. A~renut
Article E o.+f 4)rdinarace loo. 4 is hr;rebl- delrte+tt and in its pl~,cte
iae ~s~et•ed ~hes folXowiatg:
"Food" iaclude;s a,ll ~rti =lee w>txed for gaol, d~ri»k, ct,nfectiortary
or cc,ndime:tt, wh~ti,er simple ar con,pourd, euad ~w1I wur~etanccs ~,r,d i,agrr_cltenta
vsn~ in the prep~,r,~tion thereof.
„Restaurant o.r faced estetbl.ae}~n~at" mea~pe eex,y coffee skrerp, ca•Eeteria,
short order raft, lcsnch~ec~netter Fevert~ be,r sandwich stand, eod+~ fc urtts:ln,
public school lunch raar~ ur cafeteria, .iabew :rnd ranAtructir~n raroap kits:hens
and dining rooms, p~ibli: I'fuatdin~; huus~t! club, nand any ether eewtfng ar dritgk-•
ins establi5hr,ent which sells or affrrrs for salmi :ood to the p,a'~Ifc, ors well
.~zs i~itchr:ns, box ]unc.li ~r~t a1~15:;hr~~i:ts, uc.:-becue pits, bakeri~:s and swll
cafntex•i.as ar restaurants serving com~nerci.~l e4tablish~:~rnts r,s pert ~ f the
arg.-~ni.r.atian and serving the pula?ic, kheth¢-r .:~- c::nplo~ares az visitors. Hcxa~-
~ver, thin ardinrrr;cp shawl l not apply to '"rr_tr. ~l f'taod production arnd marketing
eca;tcw~li+shrr,ent:s" a,a defined in 5r•ctian 2£S$t~? of the C~lifurni.a lieeelth and
sAf~~ty Dade.
.,Utensils" includes l:itcnr.na.--rr, t:+ble~:awre, i'lassw:rra, cutlery,
cantainFrs, i;ai:hinrary ir,,l,)c~r~~•.n•s, r~c~cc:pt:~cIes used in yracrss;:nly, staraYP,
di sr.ribucian ar servinS of ~aoci c,r drink."
Sect'iari 2. t:ife-c~tive Date
'l~h'if orelin:wnc~ shawl] t-e~c: effwc:t .-end be ir, 1'orc.r. thir:~• (3l~) clays
after its ps,s~;:,we.
INFR~fiUCF.!) ar. a rrgtal.~wr mr.~eting al" t:ht4 City Cauneil of then City o.C
Cupertinr thin _~~~~ clay of 1!lairrlh._ __._, 197`3, and F.hACTFdI •t a regular
caee!ttng of the City Counr.il of ttic~-t'i~y u Cupcertina r.hia 19th day ~.~f
.~...~let:h___... _, 1973, by tl;e fal locoing vote: _ ......
AYE'>: Ca•as~cilr•urn ~ Irwin, Jaw r..-:sdn, Me`yera, Sparks, Frr~ltcl~
A]lSEN~': t=nur~c i l,nen ~ ~n'~
Citq t~ ark
A~i~,Xntc, ~'itI- ra!` Cuprrtirto