Ordinance 578
(ti'~,tr.~r~c;~ lrc,. .~~
lI~E ORbIliA!"~>+ Olr •TNE c:17"Y (:C1I3Mi:1`;.. Clif TE#l~ ClY'Y OF frUi'Ek'PI:.A
A1~E»1I ~!y ~ ~!.'7I0115 .~ . l , x . Y /lam Z . 3 ~F a1k11 T riT~1•*!C is b1Q . 38 9 ,
'ifiil~li itl'~.J1'l1~S Tt'] T1iE ?F-13CP~U~.iti i~It FASSACIi O'1~ ATt1~IhJ~3It`>;~S
Ally'! Rt~Ji.1)TI~A7S, TO CON~D~i~! '~ STJtT,~ 1,.IU,1
TiiE ~lx'Y GOifIaC1L aF 'i"11E CITY OF CtrFBRTIlli1 174 F:5 UltUAllt AS F~1?.1.i1M15:
5eetian 1. Ar.~nd~nt t~ Sectiazti 2.1 pf t3*ditxance too. :389
Sectiatn 2,1 of ('~rdinartce 3f39 ix hereby dale[ e~d and in its
place is rnr,t:ted the foli.a~:ing:
"7.1 Fublir_atian
~li!hin fifteen (1.`i) d.tys after its pa~rsa,~e, the City Cleri:
sh,•~11 cause tech ordinance to bw published att least once in a newsFnpe: of
ge;trral cit-r.ulr.cion i+ul~liahed and circulated in the City, or if there is
none, he she?1 ratr!tt it to he pasted in at :oast [[tree (3) }rublic pieces
in t.ttp Cft!; or publi::ht?d in a ttc+'spaper of general circulation printed anti
p,sbli~:h~.~;i in t.hp ('u,:;tt}' :tnc3 cirrulated in L-,e %it_y. It shall net be r,erc~_
Gary !c !r:tvc- a F,,:ti~lication :l:,c~~,F- in reel ~~rclinan,:e but b_y virtuw of this
ord:tranc:p, .~ puhli,~:ttian rlriu,+• cc,c:ri ,tent herr•ait.h shall bt• ac~cmed a part
e~i r~li or~iir:an~:eo-, itr.rc.af!c•r +•r:a~t~~d ir, Che Cit}~ (Cc,verr„•ic:nt C.'c;dt 3h'133)."
Spc:ticrn ~. Ar:rc~ner°.f•nt. tc, ~t~rt inn 1..2 of fJrc~in;,nc.e ~o. _iK9
Sr.ction 2.2 t~f Qrd:'nanc•e tact. s:19 is hcr~~it~• rielt~tes; and in its
plane is Pnact.rd tltr fr~llc,vin~:
'"Cr: t f or, 2. ~ ___ 7i;~t of Y.~e w.:atgr_ L_Retrdin~:_ Cir~encr_ Cli'dinanres :.
. ._._ .__ _ Al t crrtt lane -.~ ___•_ _ ____..- __-.~
Orctirtancer:, athc•t than, .3n urg,rncy ardirt:tnce, wnc~rc: arc'ir<,nc•:~,
err rcryuired by )ati', and rr~wc~lutic:ns i,r.~-nting franchi~efi shall not 1,~ pa::=~:~d
writhirt five (5; utrys c+f !-~=•rr c.,r *c~r]uetion, nor r+t other than a rr~v.ular
r:+•~t i!tg, la:capt ~'h~n further re.•:+rii.n~; is ~aalved by rrgul.•ar r:r~ti ion ~dv{st~~c! 1~}•
un;,,iitrKau vote of the Cot,nci ltac~n prc~rsent after rcr,~din~ crf th' title, or,ii-
nan+~~*a rsctd te:~olutions ah:~il bay read in fu]1. ~ k'ttpn vrdinanreg, titter than •
ur~c~nc:y urc3ina;tr.cs, ar rc3olutivns are reltered after introciuction, t.hcy s.harlJ
be prt:wscd :~rrly at a rewular rn+~cti.nR held #t le:trrt fivr (5) days after
.ltrratictn. C.crrrc•ction!c of r~ tyS~Ugraphic-~1 ar rlnrical error etc net :altc•ra--
tic,n:; vithirt th+r rn~~:rnit~~, of this ~:r.ctinn (Goverrrr,r*nt C'rcle_ ~1G934)."
Spot sort ~. .~.r.,c•ndctir:nt t a "F•rt ic,n 7. 3 of Ordinar.c,• hri. '189
Seetinct ?.3 ::f Orc;inaiice Nra. 389 i5 hereb}• d~let+~d :+nd irr its plr~c+~
fat en.tcted thty fo.llrving:
"+,~ctian 2. 3 fic•µctlut ions fcrr Pa~-nent •.a,f• Manp..`~:.~.•Ti;,rne_ of /ldapC_io,r
itr+aalution~r err ard~rrs fate [her psyttac-tt of itwney ;hall ba
aclop:.ed .t a rt~Rr.lar aree[ing or at n ~rpecial ,rM:eting far which notice of [such
spcr-isl ,we~stbnf, ~;peciCl4.a the L:rslnesa to ire trast~acte~d."
. w ~r~ ,~ ~
Section 4. Ff fccrlve D~rte
Thi,~ r~xdlnar~r.,e shall t:ske efEact .end b~: in force tf,irty X34) days
af't:~:r its peuse~a~a.
Ilt'[~OM1~~1 at • ~ts~~tli-t~ taaatie~* at t1~ra :.itp ~°unci~ of tha City of
C~~pttt;lao thlo _~~, dale of .~.~.~.r_,.+ 19~.~. and ~HAC'1<F~ at a t'e~gstla.r s~~c-
ia~ of tf,• City Cows.cil a! the ~tt7f n, f Cw~ertina this day ~sf
~1i1<<h -, X97'.#, by th~~s tvllv~+in~ ~-~t,e:
A1fs;S: fr~urt~l.Inaa -- - I•^~+~rita, Jackaata, ltiaywrs~ $gark.e.~ Frniich
rx)l:s; Cous-cilt -- 'l~aa
ABS~7: Co~.xn~i3wa~a - l~xa-*
f~'i`'i'I'~T ;
~~ %'.--
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ci ~;ler
Hi.yyCSr~ City of Cup r.rt.inu
1 ?,t:reeby certify t.het r.he City of Cu~ertina Ordinance ?-o. /'~~
ateHChpd h~:rwtc~ is a true ar~d cc-rract copy of said Ordinance whic?~ h;i~ --
trn~n put~lisl~ed o: ported pi~re;umn[ tq lak, ~..-"'~
6hr~ . 1~ . tt c r. ~ .,~~ _ .
City C1 rK
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