Ordinance 490(a)~ F.p 7 i~kP+C is N~.~ . 4 ~0 ! ~+ }
/':ta f,RI~1i'iAhC,c. UI' '1'1I8 C1'iY bf CLiYi:P,i.P•L} /U•ii:"3Lt.'I,W iJFtD1?tii~.;?!"•~ NQ. 4t~t} 8Y
THE DE,•I{:2:ATIt~N p'F .~ Si'E1r:p I.Iiti17 aN BO'LL1,i9C:EP, RU<~S7 GI'i'H13v 'rN1E C,I'I~Y
THE ~C1Y GC~I1t±iCTL OF TH£ CIa'Y t7F CtiPER7IN0 L~OLS 4~a;~~1IN AS flG' I.pDi'S:
S+sct3on 1. Pn~r~os~c
:'he T'~-e#fic Y.agine~er hays determined Eros, $n engineering and
_caffic inv~estigati.an ghat a spe.~d limit of thirty-five !~5} aailea par
haur on Boliing«~r Raad, between Saratoga-Sunnyvale Read and Blaney Aver:t~e,
~+rrald f~ecilieate: the ardet•ly mavemetat of traffic. The City of San Jose
hus previously Qstriblisred a speed limit af. thirty-five (35) miles Far
huut~ an the portian6 of Ballinger Road under their jurisdiction. It it in
thr best interrst of unifrrmity anti enforcet~ent practices to have the same
speed limit established nn this sect inn of roadway.
Sec.tian 2. A.rnendmf:nt
Txhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 49q is hc•rebv ar~endcrl to include
Bullinger Road presently or hereafter within the City•of Cupertino and
situated betc;e~en Sara4aga--Sut~nyval.e e2nad and B:aney Avt-ztue as hsving a
thirty-five (3S) male: per houz speed limit and henceforth shall r~•ad as
the attachr~d Exhibit "A" datEd Or_tobor i8, 1971 sinr.il further amended f.n
1 ii!e r;~rmer.
>r,.tl.vi, 3, Sped _}..irs,it Si~t~,s
The City Manager i.U ,~rrE.by i.nst.ructed to have d standard
type of speed limit Sif~Il 1:24 Ca11Fd at each rlpp}.icable intezserti.>n r,f af.d
street ur hi8hway enumerated on the attec.hed Exhibit "A", t},e casts of :•hict.
are t~~ be paid ,t'rom the apprapriate funds of the City.
1NTRODi1CED at a regular meet ing of t;~e City Cauncil of the City of
Cupertino on the 4th _day of __October __ _, 1971, and )r~:~1CTlD at. a
regular sheeting of the City Cauncil of the City of Cupertino nn the. 18t_h_
day of _ ~Jctober _-~~~-~ 1971, by the fol•lowin~? write:
AYES: Cos~r.cilnszn ~- F'itigerald, Fralich, Irvin, Siokes, Noel
i.OES : t:ounc ilmen - None
A}iS1:P~T: Counci.'~men. •~ None
Y hezeby certify that the Gi.ty of C:ut,eztina Ordinance 1!to,
attaci~ed hereto is a true ~"l`JL~`
~'~ Yublishecl ar posted i'u~uAO`rictla~PY of said Ozdinance trl~i.ctt has
CttX ~~
N - I I LX~t f-'flit f~ t+
~-rd . tic, , 49ti {,~ )
::~etuber ~, 1G7I
AESiG"1A'Pi~v OR SYf,"!,7 I.r"'il~'S U2~ CF,RTA'sN S~'P.1'.E:T5 OR ti:Gt?hiA'l$
DY~LhZED F11I24A Fl-CY r
I~AliR OF STR.F.`Ef OR P:.!2'Z'1~7i~3 AFi'L~G`t'~!3 St'E~:fi 1.1tyCT ~_~w..
.EOI.L,i]~iG~R 1~0l-1F pxraeat~ty ar t-ereui~Lalr k•1.t;J~in the City a~~
Capertixxp erd raiti~sce3 "~exwtetr Saratokss-aua.nyvalt Rasd and
Btan~-y Avereue• ~~ adle~ pact ':cur
F00'!°H1LL Bi~iTLEV11.kD prx~sent2y or hrre~,fter r+ithip ttyt City of
Cupertino ;.nd Fituat.rd between McClellan Road and Stevens
Creek Baulevar~2, 3S t+zt tact ~str hr»zz
FUOT.:I.LL BOtIi,EVARL prr..sently ar herpafte:' vithixr thr. l.ity rf
Cupertino and situated between Stevens Creek Baulkv,~rd and
Juniperp Serra Frees<-ay. 4S ~i 4ex I~r: hour
NON£5TEAD ROAD pt~esenily oz hereafter within the t:ity of
Cupertino gnu! situated bet-wx:en Faathil.l Baul4z~ard and a
paint. 8S0 feet , mace oz less, east of Tern! bu Avei;~~e. 35 Sri lets per hair
MILLi;R AV1;NL(E p:, sently ur hereaftex within the City of
Cugerti.na and si~uated berw~en the southerly Giti* I.ic-its
and S:pvens Cree?•_ I3aule~•~rd. 30 rnilt<< per hazer
F'R!itir'tIllC,E AVEiwt7E siCu:.r~tid t;ettiaeen {Jcslfe F:odd and a F+oint
3.50 fF•~et, ma -e ar :E~sy, t.~ast of Tantau A:~enue. 35 ni lee pct ha(sr
SAF.A't"OGE~-SCfi~AYVAI.E ROAD ~°,ftu.ited betvt~r:(- Ballinger Road aiad
a point 450 feet, to+re at less, north c£ Pacifica Urtve. 40 mtlF:s yet hour
S.AR.4TOf;A-SUtiNYVAL:; ROAD sit+~.ated betwF~en a paint 450 feet,
mare ar Less, .north of Pacifica Drive a .d Alves Drive. :30 miles per hour
SARI!TQt.A--SUYNYVALE ROAD presently or hereafter within the
City of Cugert~i.na, and situated between Alves Drive and
iiom~stead Rand. 40 ::.:l.es +er hour
S'I'k:VE;hS CA,*iXON ROAD pres~nt]y ar hert~afr_ez within the City
of CupE•rti.na and ~;it~az~t:e~I betweet~ tt~e southerly City I.SmitE
ar~d HcCgellan Rcad. 3S ra1lf_s per hour
~TFVENS C'etLF.K BOULEVARD presenl:ly ar hereafter within the
Ci2q of Cupertino and sf rusted betwees~ the westerly City
L3. mi is and Blaney Avenue . 35 m:f.l «~ ; oar hour.
`aI'E'JE'Ala Cit.EEli fiUULEVARA 5.f.tua,ted between Blaney Avenue and
a point 7S0 feet, more or less, ea:a4 ~}f Finch Avenue. 45 xailes per hour
TAN"'/4t3 AVE:JUE situated b<}tween StFVens Creet< Boulevard xnd
1901(r,'Q trod Road. 35 xsd l+rs per hour
KOLFE ROAD situated betw~eerx Stever.R Crer.k Boulez and and
Homestead Raad. 45 mf les per haeu'