Ordinance 490
A.~i t)R1?fl~'HlpC'F CiF 711E ~CY?'Y ttk rtT1'F!t'I'J(1gU DF.STGN/~TYI~ 'SI'81'~ i~YMI75
011 CERTAIti STBT~L"iS 'WtT31XN TkE CITY At~q 1tI~!'LAt.YliG AI.I,
THt; CITY Ct~tfNi:IL of '1"ifif: t;l'T'f C)~' CIJ1'ER1'I!VO ir7E5 HE1tE$1' t~F+i?htN AS
SE~rcivt: 1. l~ur~ase
tt is the expresq f:urpt~. ~: cif thf.s C,rdiratxce t:o consolidate in one
ordinance all speed limits estr~bli~,hed pursuant to authority rontainPd ~n
the California Vehicle Cade Sections 22357 and 2735$, upon streets or high-
ways pxesc~ntly or hereafter within the Git-y Limits, and tE) provide a +t:ear.s
far .f.ncnrpt~rr~tiag t*carein all said spEied Xitni±s that tray hereafter be so
SE>rtiE>n 2. Uefinir.it*n
i'ursunnt to authority E~r~nt:~n,d in t-he CaliS~ornia Vehicle Cadr_,
it is hf•.r(~by d<~tt~rn,i.nt~d uplin tt,e I>:+s t.; o~ -, r, r~ngit-,ef>rin}~ artd t.rxffic: survey
that: t, .,~~f'c~~1 i;re~.tPr. t>r I,:'s~;f?r th,-:r, t}•,at ut,.-u,it::ed by Stage l~,w as appli.r_a-
ble up~~n t. ha foflowi_nt~ ~~t1'Yl•ts t~'ctuld f:,(i 1 :t:~tE. the ~~rder)y mv'~r,;,E~nt cif
vc_~,icu?;3r traf~f ie and k•c,uid be rt~:~:~1'n<-r'~2E. and safe un(iE'c the ronditiotts
fnund t<~ Fxi.s: upon such strE~ets, and it i~~ herE~;~~,, dE~rlarc~ci that the pricy.-,
f ~ariN s,,:•ed 1 imi t Mahal I be as hr:~re.i,~af t..er set forth un Lhnse streets or
parts o streets herefri designated when signs ara c°rc>c.ted givi:,g notir_e
thereof .
Sr'~(_t it.n 3• Re~~~al -ot•-,Ordyfc,an,es
Thost~ 58c t ilins :end nruvi~ ic~+is of C:i t.; of Cl.,pertint~ ordinances
Kumaers 1~9, 4?, b6, 129, 191, 2t)1, 317, .374 and 37~, and all sectic,r.~ and
j~[ltiVi;,l~tll;:> Uf (,tllt:r <:lt}' r,f 1.11}~f'rtlllt} l1t't9lnaYl('t,s in C~~nrllct herct:Sth, ~rE:
hf.•reby r.e~c~alf.d a~; r,r t;,,; ref {f't•t i~'~' ~i:,t~ <~f t},is (?r(ltn,i;ir;~..
Sf:,r~.+, an ~. Fst .l>) f~~f~r •r+t laf f'rim;t s:,~r,lf. ~paerd l :tait~;
ThF p;:in'.+ facie sFsr~ed 's.inits or. Certain streets :~r highways.
sit+~ated wit.hir~ C,+e Czty ai Guperi>.r,~7, ~:t.ate r_f California, as sect forth ict
F,xhieit "A", at_ta~•t,t~d }~+creco anti trK-adc t3 part hl~~ ~vf, are herEab,y esta:;l i~=,hed.
Thk. t':ty ;~;,f;.'~f,~. is ;rtrra>by Sn~;;. rurtt:'d t.v }~avr: a st:~ndard type of
spr~+~d licait --if;n irzsL,slic'.` dt r~,ch ,,lrpTi~,•:~}~le intt«,;~ertYnti ref <.~.id ytr4'<•( or
highway ~nur.,t•r. tFd ..~++ t.hc .atta~hl.d 1':xitlt,it "A", t},e c:~sts of wf+:tr.h ace to be
p,~id fx~~~ L'rte ai;.~ptupt i~,~.e ;t~::~ls :~f :its C•dty,
1tdTItA2}t~~:i'. at ~ regular esr~~t.ia~ cif the Ci~;~ Cavnci.l of the City- of
G~~pit~rS:~c ~~r~ tl~~ ~lBt. day of June ____, 2911, and 1~~tAt'T>aB at a re~ule:r
maatl.u~ t~f' the C.f.t~~- L`rru~ncdl of Ch-: City of Cupertino on thr 6tri. day
o'l` a~u~.•_ - 1971 by tt~ foll~:wit~~ vote: '
.~x:~: CoucciS.men w Fl.tz~erel.d,, F: o1:2ch., Stroke€~, Nr~e1
h~: ~ti; ~:a.~nril~er.a -~ tlor~e
Afs~£NC: Cnuor.llusen .. None
Mayr~r, City Cupertina
ti"; :'ES"C
' rl~
.. ,.
C' rv CI ar /j
x hereby c:f•trttfy t}~ac. t4f~ ('iry of Cc:p~•rrinc OYC~inance Nn. !.' ~_~ _ ~
ac td~ lied l~ezeta ia~ a r, rug snd c:or. r•.<~ t cagy ~f ~ai.d Orc3 iriance xt.2°ch has •
bean pubi3rhed, car i,a~ted ;~ure~urnt rc~ ?av.
thn. E. R.- et ~
~ir~ ci~~
^ I Ittf~ I ~
r'F.xhlb~t ~~t~
Ord. Imo. ~9#a
i"~ivSlG?tA'1'I,O*; CtF' ti1'F:k:t• !~It`~IIS, ~iti t:~ttTAIIi STRzi'1'S OA 4iIt:fI1JA7I,>
I~~Ci..APt!~D 1'kl:-~, l: Rt;1 E
KAPlE QF STR~F:Z (IF; P:]~:`TI(JN Al:"1""Rt:T~:I? ___..,..-~PE~,It 1„I~•ilT__"._..,.
;rCO'1-HILL BUtTLE~'.~RD pres~=nLi}' ~~r Yterr~ft~T' v~fxl~fn tht
City of ~upert.inlr ,.,nd si :ua:e~d h,•t,;,,•t,r ?tr:(.iell»n
Road anti Stevens Crtek $uu t c°-~ ~, T ~~ . ~~ tni Ies per h.~;ur
FC?01'HiL BUL;LEi•',~RI) preseRt.l•. c.r !?rr~::xfter >«it'.{n the
City of t~~peTtirro, sad sit.ttatt"-, hc'~~:t•t•t; S:t~••.-~-.:5
(:reerJ. t;•~ulevard and .iunip¢~rr.• 4e•rra Fr~•rt~~a~• D5 rr.iler, i:er fr•..ilr
aCrtti•:;;T':n~ NC~:L.r) 3,. •iritl~; ~:,' }, :,ft.r .•;t}•,.. ~'.~E. t'.at'w
of Cu}~rrtitro, artcr r:3tn~it~~ `:~:.t•t:rr"~~nt~:;i'_ .•rit..~rci
aTld a },r)li'lI $_`,() :~-e•i,, •":ITt f T' •1,••.5r i:~:tii [-: .:dnidu
>z.c•nrse. 3r7 tri i~>.: i~.•r ~~.,;~-
;;i;,i.F'}: ,~\'L'~t;i; F•r~•sE>ntl~r t~: t. •~ aftY: ut~t;ir rise City
OJ ~.Uj~t'. .1RU, :d"tCi Silt.ait•t: }'.•t ,."rY•{1 t.lr` '"-.i ., t. f./er1V t,'i.tt'
Limits aRd St~v~nt~ i:r~•~k Fc>>,;,• r:tr•3. 3t? tai lc~> }..->• i~.:,t.tr
PfiL'NEk1UG£ AVF.?.U~: sieuatc--ii '~f•t ,:t•c•.n ~.:;..fe fi.r.<<~C anu a
pc,int DSO .set, tore ar !e::>, t. :•4 t. of ia~r ;,•~ i1~Ik•t~,ie. 35 mi3F=~ _~e:• itf:tir
S,~kAT~K;h-5i`\NYt'A?.•3: 4:rrAU ., { t ~; ,+ . ~~ %,.•t ... •Kt ,Ki• r : i ns•t>,
Road and a paint 4>(t f+:i t, •~.~, t cyr Jt•s~,, t,,art'ca oI
Pac.if~c3 Uriv>z +~t3 mf tes F,r; 't•c,u'!
Sr".I:.~17UCA ~i,T~ti~'.'ALF ROAD st tt,4Ced t,e rw~>en a .>ai.nt
450 feet. rrvre nr lass. nnriit of Pa~.ifica i~r.ive
and Alves Drive. 3>{! mtle*s p>Nr horsy
SAaAIt7r~, SI'i:::'r'':.at.E «tt~:>p i>r c •r;t 7• car Pit•r+ Sit-.•r with
in the ('1.Ly Ut C'~ti~~_'/'f ~,'.'1U, ,i'i,~ K, l t r..,tt•+3 t C'~'~:t ~:R AIYt'~s
Drive and }{ame•s~'~ad :~r..,ad. 40 miles re•r h~~ur
Pagr. 2
E;E£SICIrATtga~ OF fiPE~di I.:`iYTS CtN t;~•:R'I'AIN S'TREE'TS OR.FiT"~H»AYS
c"i VF.i~IS GAN~'i.~A' RC`AD t?reyently ar i+~a~~aft.ft.r wi.ihi.n t}re
r#ty of CupPrri:+o, anr~ si.tuate?d betweer. [hE~ sr~3therly
t.:;~ Li'Itltfi ~-+d"r.Clr~ilan R:~at3.
~.:~_':?•:VS C:Rt'F:iC 5t;~'J_~'.'AkD ntcc:,r~ntl-: ur klr,re•aftet' <.:ith3.n
*: ~ c'it} of Cur+~rtina, anc3 ~,it:+atr:;} }.c.tk•:.•r•n tYr~ ~;r.gt-
r.'_ r.It}• 1.{:nit.. a-~~ B'_.~nf-~• ."~~:ra:~vr~.
i tiS ~ u r.Y. P;(f!'I r .'A:'L, ~ i ! ~::? t .'~, i.~ ., . •r~ ~' ? ~anry ~:•, f•nui'
,~• ~' :, I~~~int 74U .`Ne4, cr>rr~ r.~r^ ?~, : , .t _. .~ f nr ~, ..:~ rl ~••.
•.~..« li~ 's'«~L~ ~. `,i t~_nt Etj l.~C'+'.:ef it ~~... ,... (~. .'«~, It .. i'i}! X15 (j
:;,.: F E. R~)AI:+ ~ i t ~.at ~d rae tw~r>n Lit j. c.•r,t> (r ..~.}. E/<.,u i ~ ~• :r-G -•.nd
... -.,-s; f~~cl P~,~d.
n~;C~.ARi:U PRZP[A F?,CI F:
3~ rr.3lr•~: ?air 'rc~ut~
4 m i ? t~ s. p q~ ~r t, r;u r