Ordinance 4884RDIRANCE N4. 4tiR AN f)I:llI":.1IiCE OF THE CITY COt1NC1L GF T}tT !'I1'Y Of CU°i:kT7NG A.'~iE;?L'+.L:::; 04tItI',y;L'tiCE TiI'LE III Olw 1'HE CI1Y OF C"JPF.RTINO KNOw7ti AND GITF~ AS T.hiE BEs"lh£SS 'i.ItJF~SE COUE PAOVIAINv FOR THE i~C)hT2AittEn Ll{:EtiSI!iG OF Bti;;11vESCES,, TR~I)F,S, PROFxSSIONS, AI1~ G7HER ACTIVITIES, i~1ftBTldER f!R NC-"," C.bMJtIG71~ F(DR 1vROPIT; RST.~IBLISHING SGI4L~'Dt1LE: IG'QR TAXP.S AND F'EL5; PRIi$CYtI`$Yl~ FF.,~IA.TI'E5 F'rDR .VIf3GATi0N TtiER.LOF p.ND REpF~1I,IliC TILL CpN- 't"L1CTtNG t>ILbIitiAN^E5 APiD P120V1SIt7"3S THEREOF THIS CITY i;OUNi.'.i7.. QF THE CtTT GF C1lPkhTTNO X1;5 OIt17AI~i AS FOLLOWS: Srctiar2 1. Chapter 7, Aa'tS.cle 3, S~~ctiUr- .3 of Ordinance Title lII, is ~'.4'r~'by amsnc3ed to delete and repeal the fc~ll.owing re•fprence cor2tair.nd therlein: ""Carnival, circus, menagerie, wild t,,est: show ar any t~il2er ] ik~~ ~~xhi.bitiort: First Aay Each Additional Day ,^F70U. 00 1ao.ao „ Cwction 2. If a:2y sP_tion, sub:~ection, :,entente, ciausc~, phr.3:~e, or part io.l Ui this ur~iina;iee i.s for any reason held to hc: invalir3 or u~~c.~n~.t i•- tUt lUaat il': t fl!' <le'C] ~; lUn of anV C[7l)rt&. Of C'(7G11)(.'if.'llt 1112"iSdiCt iC?'i, :;1.'±'il ye<•i:~ion =.i,~tl l nat ,t i-c.ct tre v.~l i(ii ~.y of. t11c~ rc~l;,aining, por:`.ir,;l;, ~~I t ni> ur~Iirl.~nc.F.. 'I'}le Cit~• Council of the City of C;l.lpertino il(_rF•~~ti~ ~iF•i•iarr,r~ tl:a'. it ;a0i11 [t }1:?i'f• ~~.iililt F.•!I T}I1S ai'din811CC, r3 rld e«Ch S: f'C t.lan, 5llC ;E":tl(Ni, '; F'ti°i•21 ('f.', r_.a,l~e, F,il,.~s+~, r~r }port i>.~n thc.reaE, arrt.spectivc~ of ttlE~ f~ic~t L't~.at ~."~4' c,:,w, i,,* r(ure ser_tiun.5, ~.ui:5ectiuns, sentences, clauses, phrases, or pcxrtions he dc•cXe-red invalid ar unconstitutional.. Ser.tic"n 3.. This ordinance ~ha:11 take effect and be in farce thin}' f iCl) days from and after date of its passage. it.'t'??C)E)11CE•:D at a rFbul.ar ml~t-tiny of tha City Coun!'il of the City c;f Gut~t•rtill~~ un ti!e l It,l ciay of _May-- --.' 1971, and i•:`7A(.rtD ar. a rel,;l:lar ;.( r•* Ing of thy' City Council. of the City of Cupertino an the %'th day of Jcl*~e 1971, by t_t"c following vote: AZ't~S: Cc~urlri.lmen - Firrgerald, Fralich, Green, Stakes, tioel hL)?~'S : Lour c i l m~:n -- 2rc•ne a~ <; ENT : Cuunc ! lr~z~n -- hone k?I'FST: .~ _~- itr Cl ~ritt AP a'Xt?V£.A ~~ yor, y u upert~io -___