Ordinance 483Oatrilt~AtirE ~. 483 01t~}I1ciAt7CE OP 7liE CXTY ~7E C4PE~t2'1Nf3 1NCRF.A5:NG ZS rtII.R Sf'EEA tl"!iI? t0 ~a 2t.LLES PEE lIOtJR Qti ~tIt•;..°R A :PRQIS ~+"TEYBi~dS CRLF~ DO~II.EVARD TO SOUTH <.;1TY i.I?QTS L TBE CilX COM7MCII. 0!- THE CY?Y c7F ¢~,PEltt37i0 pt1E'S O~AItI'.~i J-S Y~'OLI.t1~S ii9~, pasa~mnt to authority c~ata:imsd in the C~ifarai+s iFai~tcle Coda, it 1aR bex~by detsxsiaed upon the basis of as enEi~eriaR a,r~d tra!`fic sarv~- tb~-t s ~ptwd met:x C~us- tb~at paz~itrMd bar Etats ~av as +~pplicalr~.e wpsrn klllat A~n~ae #tnas gtwriw~ets Cr~c lb»alev~ard to ~tb City *.i!aits li~se fa+cAlitate the ordetely ravaw~t of vahic~.ar traffic ,~ vtm<ld be rsesox~a~ble cad rafe ~dir the condf.tions foemd to euiart upoa t#illex Meeue cad that amen speed licit eLs15. be effectlv~s apaa the erectiaa of appro-- pr3ate sagas Eiviag notice thereof; NOW, 'PHl~0E8, ES IT OEDAZIiED that s speed licit of 30 miles per hour be and saws +same is hereby determined and dsclarsd on and far Mi~.lter Avenue from stly®ns Creak Haalevard to Sauth City Limits line. HI+. XT 1~ OICOAINEB that appropriate sagas giving notice of the said ~apeed limit herby detersined and declared be erected upon said Miller Avenue. Thin ordinance shall. take affect god be in farce thirty (30) days after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days from and after its passage, this ordinance shall lre publialeed once with the names of the members ~rotix-g for or against the a.ame in the Cupertino Cr~urier, a newspaper published in said County of Santa i.'1ara. INTRODUCID cat a xegular meetinf~ of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the 3rd. day of Mey , 1971, anti ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Cupertino on the l th. day of t''laY ~, 2971, by the following vote: AYE;. ; Count ila~en - NOES: ~:ouncilmen - A3SEtZT: Couxicilmen - ATTEST: F.rolich, ~i~een, Stoke, Noel None Fitzgerald ity ~ k APPROVER ; ,. t~yor, ity u Cupertinno