NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)10180 No. 6/19/73 Firwood Drive Lot No. 87 Street CITY OF CUPERTINO 2.10 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No. 8564 File No. 51241 Date 19 Application is hereby made for a permit to coni;t2nact a 2 story, Type e 5 I J to be occupied only as Single Family Dwelling (Plan 200-A) in accordance with plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements $ 30,000 FEE$ 101.50 _ Plan Check $ Owner Deane & Deane Address Box 38, Half Meon Bay Cont, Address Phone 415-726-5251 B1256178 State License 255-2575 Approved James H. Sisk/h 0 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 19 FEES Contr. Address Phone State License - Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date 19 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE, $ Contr. Address Phone t State License Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 19 FEES Contr. Address Phone State License I Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California , PD-I S RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING E INSPECTOR PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR FRAME LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. UNDE ROUE FINIS FIXT M0TI FINA ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS MISC. (u _q,Y RGROUND ROUGH a H WIRING WIRING HED JRES IRS L BACK FLOW REQ. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH PARTIAL ROUGH ROUGH COMPLETE MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS �� 7 FINAL APPLIANCE PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MI s CERTIFICATE OF COMPL9'TIO'N BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ...... .. ............ ............. 19.. Building Permit No. ........... ........... -- ------ ....... : ....... ...................... �7 The Building Located at Owned by ...................... ....................... ...... Has Been or Use As:.... < (Al or .................... ......................... 1 t . OFFICE CO(Py�Y/� ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE ' U BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE . CITY OF CUPERTINO, f( 7 l` .. �f.. l...(.).... To You are hereby auA o connect elect 'Cal s@11/ r Owner or Tenant .......... �...A..� ............................... .. � �`�.:'�::....I ............... No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ...................... Size of Switch . MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. Heating Load K. W..1................... ........ Voltage ................................ l • (Light......../....... 110.... :...... e9v Service....' .��. Reconnect ........... No. of Meters......... ..........) / Heat ................ 220............ hree Vdiie.......!L...... Move Service............ No. of Add. Meters............ 1 Power ............... T / hase............. Move Meter ............ eternucnt'Nsaecro Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No . ..... i97r.'6-1 ................. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ...5 ......... ............. Lot No. ........ L11 ............... /* Owner or Tenant ----- v ..... ...... .A .................................................. ............. At...... I ................................ : .............. ............. Tract.................................................................................... ------------------------------------- ------- Date Connected ....... ....... L3 19 ............ DateFinal .......... // ....... f ........ 211 ....................................................................... 19............ ............. a ........ / ....................... ( . .................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR ,ef,F-1 To CITY OF CUPERTINO COPY GAS SERVICE NOTICE You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At New Service .............. No. of Meters Reconnect ... More Service ...... .. ... .......... No. of Add. Meters .... ... ..... Move Meter ....... PLUMBING. INSPECTOR ROUTS SIrP Pile No. Date �. ectG��' _ _.Notes ._:1?orove 10180 Firwood Drive LOT NO. S7 3-703 NO. STREET. CITY OF CUPE9TINp CITY OF CUPERTINO Tax 2 .10 JUIV 19 ,APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 51,241 Building Per. No. Data 19 _. Sanitary Par. No. 4+ N // Application is h eby made for a permit to Construct a 2 story, Type 5-NHR (Plan #200-A) Structure to be occupied only as I -,T in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee $- Estimated Value of Improvements, $ - 0i Fee $ 0/'� Total Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Q Deane $ Deane,Inc. P.O.Box38,Half Moon Bay,Ca. wner Address By �.'DHanP 4 De. an P. , Tnc. AddresP BOx38 Hal oon Ba ,Ca. cant, a Ant Phone 415-72g �-5251 Approvetl State License B175 61 8 Building Inspector NO. STREET ' WZ or GUt,rta0 CITY OF CUPERTINO Q 51 ° 3 �QPPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT C Y`'�2 w QVO J Sanitary No. 3 a Permit No. U Data 'is- w t� ' HO T Fees All ° < Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing aa w pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices w w and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of <1, Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ° O Use of Work To Be . > , Promises Performed z J Owner Ads Y,(1 J Z ALX �O.t Sim J O By Atpres QCopnt�ctor, Agent es JLfee� 7 D rn Phoneyb'y,$3� San Jose, California 95112 wZ ww i 0 a State License ���-� APPrevetl t9 Plumbing Inspector a° _U FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units Fees Water Heater Size ZV Water Closet 3 ! �p Material + !wY - Bath Tub To Curb Shower 5p To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sink rat Not Conn. Dish Washer ' Waste Disposal _Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine ��� Size _ Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb. Sink &Tray To Curb . Dental Unit ,Drinking Fountain Floor Dain WATER SYSTEM . HoPPer Size 11 /. /1 Restaurant Sink Material -r , Sand Trap TOTAL EE ". Urinal Fixture Fee Area Drain M ain Drain Fee �0 Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. Fee Relief Valve Gas Fee .mod Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee + el - .3d Total Fee +" L ,,T za Wz y0 rc LL OJ WU HO 0 O f- a a z� a'" WW rT a f- JLL O0 Oi- a 2J 3� _a Z W Z W 0 t7 .10 —U� 10), ` ✓ I , . , LOT NO: —Z / NO. STREET CM OF LWPLwa CITY OF CUPERTINO OCT 18 19'3APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Dn /� 1' Permit No. Date ,+ , 19 Fee $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. of Pre S G P remiee9 Owner 11 4!v�— 9y,Qor, Agat- c Phone Z?7 T e CSW State License- 2-- I 2-� 5 Work To Be Performed ELCE/,T�j� G,VL- / /` 200 !9 ITEM NEWL RPL FEES Number of Outlets Number of Switches Number of Receptacles Number of Fixtures Ranges or Ovens K.W. Q'(� Size of Main Service JeO JJ� Number of Meters / Number of Panels Signs - Transformers Dryers Motors: /�J ,'fj QJ v N.P. Phase H.P.._Phase H.P. Phase Power Poles Misc. Permit Fee e y p H.P. Charges Total Fees ZO L+ 10180 I FIRWOOD DR.' LOT No. 87 NO. STREET _ p7Y G_ CITY OF CUPERTINO W Z cAPPL'ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT 197 o < Date 11.5.73 19 _ Permit No. pe 30 Pee $ = LL ,0 Application is hereby untie to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to o ` install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to i m install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing = Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. S u Use of Premises DWELLING oc " Owner DEANE CO. • Address REDWOOD CITY M3 o< Z z By BUSICK AIR CONDITIONING CE�ddress 1? • 0. BOX 2189 , DUBLIN O CONTRACTOR, AGENT 3f —� Phone 87fS_17Rf1 u Z W' W o i State License 231092 Approved ao () PLUMBING INSPECTOR ,:p Cr-6 APPLIANCE UNITS FEES as I op Gas Oven Wall Furnace Gravitv Furn. Forced Air Furn. Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Sus . Units Dwelling Kit./Bath Inde end. Vents stem Com., Indust., Inst.Kit Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM - Ind. Ventilation System ' without Comfort Forced Air. Mech. each Power ' Gravity System N46-oLAiLOmilcu, No. of Flu/J n15 cs -QO Stacks for Metal Fireplace' , c0 Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. _Under 15'Hizh Over 15' lligh Comfort Cooling Comp. of 20 HP or less & absorp. units with input of 500,000 BTU or less Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & Abscup. units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000.000 t , Permit Fee .00 Total Total Fee I J ,0,& 10180 1TRWOOD DRTV� 87 LOT NO. NO. STREET z d Cif p;. Cut.611N0 CITY OF CUPERTINO ' a o AP�,LICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Y OLL ��1E�� N Permit No. d/- � a �� o4 4.18.74n FeesL W U 19_ Date , r p Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas o F appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in > F accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all a m other laws applicable thereto.law a 1- use of DWELLING work to Be AIR CONDITIONING (INSTALLATION J u Promises Performed DD DEANE CO. 617 VETERANS BLVD.REDWOOD CITY > m Owner Address Z? B. BUSICK AIR CONDITIONINGAddroes P.O.BOX 2189,DUBLIN,CAL.94566 J Z Conic" 2'1Agant J O Phone 29 ��CC 3 Z state License 231092 APpro n,d m m Plumbing Inspector Ic o. O0 Q O/ _ y� APPLIANCE UNITS FEES Gas Top Gas Oven Wall, Gravity or Forced Air Furn. Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Susp. Units Dwelling Kit./Bath Independ. Vent System Com., Indust., Inst. Kit. Hood & Vent System - .Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM Ind. Ventilation System -(Without Comfort Cool.) Forced Air. Mach. each Power Gravity System No. of Air Outlets No. of Flues Stacks for Metal Fireplaces Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. Under 15' High Over 15' High Comfort Cooling Comp. of 20 HP or less & 1 absorp. units with input Of 500, 000 BTU or less Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & absorp. units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000,000 Permit Fee —. Total Total Fee . pp