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Ordinance 478
a~rrzrr~ric~ r~o. ~~~ ~ ID~IJ~AI+i~:~: A1' Y'~~f CIT'~ Ot CL~?`1:1tT'INt~ Jt~iENDTNG SEf.T1~Q 1 Qi' Q~.IiIXtlt.L~ t9f}. 2 ~'Y ltl;",:.A~~II~'Y'It~C; A ~:!~RT,AYN POIk'~'~t~ dF 'T?ikT GLY"Y +(~- t~'ERTINO F~0!! ~'LANN~ nLVl;IApl1I£ti~' (P} ~TgI C~~~1!RC~AI. yet I~~~~~r`"a~i:'~~y.Tty'~~ ~'1~~BytI~ICy~~8r17+~ZL~Ue/1y3i~Gy~S, p {fg*,Ay r "~~G~I~~y; (}A~"'~~i~~ly+~lA`~'?L'Y JL-~wR~ /Mk-AiM? W4i'~lfil s~JV if1w1 [i~l liV~t~G7~ ~i~ 3~~t GrL,d~r7 ~ ]'~~ ~t~ ~~- sxk1.Y.Y~C: R~!D 'Z"~t CT'~'X xi. ~l" T',NE GYTY (?F CUFIRB~`~1~7 DABS P)iZltll~ ~',~ ~~: iS, a~ .iarara•aa~~ '~;, 1~~3, sn =Yr'-,f.:.sti®ri xax filstx by City ant t~e~rt.~xa ~~pp~.~i:~.oo 2-~-~11, fat -;.be z+a~aui~g of pxapaerty f zc~s ~'l.~n~ad LbwtlaprwextC. (.~} 4th carsera:l,sl ~ intaeadad Zone to 2'ubiir. ~uix3icsgs (&~} Zana~; a~ . ii~"~b-.q~ e~pan dv~e nat'.Ce aLid after ox~e p~abliL hearin~,~ tt~ '~la~emi.»g ~:uemei.s- s~aa ~wara~wes~desd C+~ thr City GoLracil that thy: xtc.l.aseific:ation b~ ~~r~~a-t~; acid V~.A.St the pr,~pe~s~ty tc~ be rezoned is prssecc9 ty In ac Plurnned I)evv.iop:wer~t (1') wit4c coss~ers3.a1 use iratr:adc!d ;hone; atxd ~S~4Zb~A5, a ~p of ~:t~e ~:zctsje~cs. prapext~,{ i~ aLtat.teEee3 tccc•eto ati Exh.~L~:~ti "A" as a pt'o~pased uwer-dtaent t:s~ Lire Mgster Zoni~xg Nap of the City cif Cupertino; t~3 r THERf'Pr3RE, fiE IT O~'..Jd~IN:;D AS FOLi.C~Ea r sarrtiori X. That thrr fallowityg descrik-ed pr©pexr.y he and herc~5y is re.zc+ned to a Public 8u.iadinga (E~~.7 Zone, suh,ject t~o condit:ian& seC forth i Planr-i•.~g Ccsn- ~riss3ar.. A~salutian Imo.. $55, attache-_d i:eceto a3 F:Yhibit "B" and that E~.~iibit ''A" REt:a~.hed Dter.c~ta i~ Lucid ;•~ccrt of 'he M:3:;xer Zoning A1ap 4f tide ~.it5 cf :,u, ~-~rr_:~:a: .All Chat c.e~r~,.a1.n ie~ `- ~,rr~per*.y s7.t~~ate ire the :;ity of Cupertino C`muttty of ;~atita L,.l.ac-;~., State of t.'.aLi_aFi°;` ~ai.a; 11.4f~ :acres ln~_ar.er! :~~>ut:f~w-e2:". canner of vii-+aenz, Cree'.~ fyr.~,~,:,va,-d anc! ~s:elli*cg itr~ad, sure fully <Iet,~r.ri.~c~~: fn 7tra^he~d f:rhi.hi.t "A" and Exhibit "z~". Scc.~ iota _2. Tt~i:; ~x-e~ir,~tZCe. ~1z3).a t~i+e, +~fze*. r.~• sc~:<J. h~~ i_n fa rr,~~ t,hirty (:}i.'r) clays after A.t4 psASag~~ . 1~i~ls,!~t3U~'{,;•~ r~i. Li ".;@~',i~. Ea,i .ftt'FZ1Tt~; C)1 t~l~ ~.:~.~~' f't1W3)t:X.~ t7 :} ~}?.,'; (:ity tJ'~ CupexCiilO ;,rn fta ~,~,~'#a „. "'r,~ c'+f ~ .~'~GY'tl£3~___T, ' I~37.1, at~d E'a.~CT}~~tt a t a regular a,eK~t3ng cif fiiitt ~:itp c~~a~~,~ 4~5 tF,e ~:2t:y~ c~~ ~:xlperY.iC1v or. 't~se ls~, c;Ry of A'9ar<;t, , 1~7i., tt}~ the tollowi:ng YC-: F : - ~.._._...._.__....-..~...... ,A.lEa: ~Lr~uc°r_~f.tmpri - ~" 11;: ~~-tl'sj~.l~ , .C+'I't:>2iCh, G1•Pf'Il, ?vrie;l., ~:t.C.'~+£'8 AS~S~H'J!': Cc~cncll.~_::y w "3t".~~:+~ ,A.'I"i'l?3'7' _ _~ ~~ ~itf Cs .c .'~..~"_.._...... .......___._ API'Rf1YEL1 ?layor, C o•F Q~upec•titccr Exi~ibit ~.A,~ Ozd. tea. 478 /~5,1 of that ~:a,r~+fn r psopart7 eattanata is tl~e t~.t3r erf C~xpari:iat-t ~.df~tAt~ 49f ~.tata C1arMy State 4~ ~al.i.faroia, ~N'!!! p4rkicv- Aaxl~ der ibed a-s t,arX low ta~ianiu~ at tla~t &oathtw~rt cortex of tlhwtt ctrtaft- 3,2..~lt} acres garcex of lead aa~ t+4 uparx that Ceztaia lttp aattt2ad Ord of Sitiat~-~' of I.et~ad at 19aatuliesc Cao~pas~r i Ftiet~ar`a Locat,iae of P'aoGhlll C.alls~~c Site ~itti « 2, "' which ~ ve~a filed far record ixs look 315 of ~s at f'xge 3S, Sarsta C.ll~-ra CountT f~ecords; Mace 1. D'49 ° 17°' E. aloes tLhe ideaterly lint of sail parcel for a distaafie of S1.2 feet= care or 1a:as, tv the Southwaat corr~trz of that certain parcel of 1s~nd dea~cribed aye ",A~equisitian P'areel lAo. 3-T" iu that ca~rtai~r Deed of Dedirattion fart public Street Fuxpas~es Eros Faoathill .Yunior College 1'ti.strict to the ritF o£ Cupertix~a, e~2yirh Zte,r~l ksg filed far record an march 2l, ~.9bc3 in Doak 8~-73 at Page 735, Ssnta Cl.srm Cr'ua~ty ltacord,a; therxce :i. 89'15`43" 1. a3ang the Stiutherlr 1faMre of .Cant said parcel fcar a diatar_ce of 92+b-.93 feet; thence :iv-eg a ta~agetrt curate t~n the xig~hr hati ing a radius of 54.00 feet and a ceat.ral angle of 90°05' for a disr.xxnce of 78,f-~ feet to t.:~e Northv~est ctirner of thst certain parcel of I,as.d d+rs~crlbed as '°.A,cq~isition Parcel Na. .3-Y I" in the above-•menti.aned Deed; thence 5. 0'49'17" W. slang the Yieatexlp .line of lae~ct saiai palccel for a dista~r-se of 462.48 feet to the'~.outhxr~:st coiner thereof, said turner being on the Southerly line of the above-- a-enti:~ned 1?_.8QU acre parcel of la~~d; thent:a~ t~. 89°15'43" N. along last isaid Sautt~erl;~ line for a distance at 9)S feet, acme os 7.ess, to the Point of BYginnirag; cUnt,~ining appraximatelp 21.46 acr~:s, mare or lesn. ~. ~ t J ! wwr.ti w.~.~ ...... ~n~~~.r w. ...n.r....r.r~r....o...... wr~~.~Mwr+- wrr• i K~ ~~ ~~~~. ~ ~~ ~ - _..............,...w.._~.__.....y._._...r,r.~..._...w.._.....rr...~.~.............w..r ~.~._...,......~_..._ ._ ~,. _. ~,,. ~ `' .,,r< 9?~-°, P • ~- T~~' ~!~`~ ,,~~1~1llOl ~ G DEC ~~''~ ~~ ~t e ~~ ~ V x i ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ r M ~~ ~ I ~ 1/ ~ 1~ r~/(/',~~/~( ~ err s~rr ~.rrriwwwrrw ~i~.rrr~rrrw a; • K #, ;, :~, ,.. ~, z QF '~'tER Px~!t';;~=NQ yt}~SM,~ S:I1E1N Q~ ~}{~ CY~'Y Gl~' C}.~.PF~II~t~ RF.~~NT?xNG ''}.'til: C}RAh~'INC CAP A ZUN~° C4,ANGF f'+~r ll.~f e~.res oi' it' (ri~~.ttned Devc~opm:~rit - ccmmorc3s 3. use intended) tcz ~A {Pu~2;f.c Bui7.c}inl,s~ A~''FI.ICA2~"~"; Gi~~y n.° i;upertina~ AiIT~t> i03L~ ~+~rre Avenue, Cupertin©, Calli'ornia ~' yLi~rs$I w v~~~uA~.Y''~~ Gn D Z~.t LUCA~I4N: $OUth•MOSt cornea of Stevens E;reek Boulevard end $te~.2ing .RQad ~ De Anta Colie~e grai~nds 1 'LCKINt~: P ~plenr~cd Dcvz-~.opm~ent~ w~.ttz cor~eerciaA use ltatercded A~"EA: 3.l.ttfi aeres ca~r~~xaxs l.~l~t. ~tandsrc3 Condl.tions { FASSM.D lk?3D AUDFTED t~;is ^e:'.Zng oS' tn~: .~'lanning Sts.t=~ off' Cal~.~'o2"S'~iA, k;y AYRS: Com*riissi~ners I1!AYS: Nonc AP.SRi~"I': Comr,,~.ss.ian~r 2~tY, cia~+ cif January, l~~ ~., a~ a rc~~~lar Cor~.rnxssian of t;i:e City of Cu~Oertina, t~~e fallo~rin~ roll call vote: B~.~tl»nuth, Irwin, b4cyers, Puetz iS.rsharz PPPR(3VFn: e~`a ~: ~F'ue~; `Ciz~~.z man Pla:lntn~ Com~uissior A`T'Tl.ST l~>aar,K•~Sri~ I1ie'~:etcar ,.~_ "EXHIBIT B,. ;' i t s r,, 4 C t-;~~ a C, r,r~ ~ X~ Cll"T "TA9~~}AW3 UJtVff.C~}',fi;Ai'~ CUN~I!'rONS ., Streae widt~~.ing, i~tvunaGnts, ,and d~:dic.titioc~s she,al be in aacat;daitice with City . ~standar~lo soak up~-+cificptior.s area a:r rcm~xrirca~ aY the City ingin~e~tr. ~:« ~.:~ra~bas gutters, sidewalktz and ~stx:ri;.rures *hall be ius.talled tb graders and tv be ct~ro~ttructad ill at^cordanee with standards epecifi~~1 by the City 4~tggineer. 3. 5tcrte lighti~ sha11 Le iAata~ll+ed aad aha.ll be ~,~ atppraded by the City Engineer. t1n-site ligfitit>g shah be as xaquired by the I#rct~ita~ctur~:1 an3 Site Appxo~~al ritCeca alld ardi,~uancee~ aAd r~cgulatic~aa „f the City. .*t.ll ore and off sf.tt lighting sha2~. b~ desip~d to is na way interfere i-it:h adjacttat ~rea~ ,rnd shall br nn hip~har than the ~~ height p~er~itte-d by the sort in ~whi.rh 1.3s,r. p+c~prrty is lasted, i. Fi.xe hydxasa~ts shall be lacsted as xtq+aired by the City, 5. traffic c:cmtaol sigxta will be_ placed at locations to be spcscified by the City. b. Surat ErrtaR will bt plssotad in the public right-of'-way and shall be of a type approved by the C:Lty in acc.z+rdao,c~: brith Qrdit,ance No. 1^~. ?. Grading shall be As appY~c~ved rind required by the Gity ~.ragineer ir. acco:d<~nce~ ~ait,h Urtdi~aaz~ce Na. 214 {a) . E, Drainage within and without the development shall be to the satisfaction of the City F.ngirneer. !. Thee applicant shall be responsible .for complying with the requirements of the TAndrrground Utility t3rdizsanfie No. all and other related ordinances and rs ; al.atiezas of rise City of Cupertino, and shall make the necessary axrangements with th~~ utility companies involved far t"tae iztstallation c-f said facilities. The applicant shall sulaaft a det:xilt~f plan showing utility undergrounding provisians. (This plaza saust htaare isri~,r ap~sroval oaf t:k-e utility companies and the City Engineer) . 10. y'1~e location of all buildings, fences, rs~adways, parking areas, landscaping, and arhet facili.tfes ar features s:~a~.l be as Shawn on the site plan submitted ~dbeled "Exhibit ~.", except or utyless indicated otherwise herein. 11. Parking msr~t n-eet the regairraents set fnrth in Cupei•tina City Ordinance No. GAZ(q) and w~us: be 'fin accaxdance vi.th the approved plot pban. ly. A s-a~-.an~ry wall will be built by any comrner~-ia.1 developer to separate such cozam~rcial area fxom any residential area; such caall x~hall be six fret high above the ht ghes' ad,foi:~img finished gradz. 13~. Landscaping ~ereas shal.i. be osaintaiued ae sho>wrn on sits plan. Detailed landscaping plans, related to arrangement,, selection of plant aatesials ana sizes, shall be appravcd by the Architectural and Site. Approval Committee sand City Council prior to isRUance of a b~aiAding pexrait. ~. 1~i. Yh~s applicant shall be responsible for coarpleting the: site ag Shawn on approved plot plan au! shall be required to enter imta a develop„ent agree~nez+t with the C1ty of Cupertino providing for payecnt of necea~nary fees, including but not Baited to, checking ~ood Inspection fees, st:ozm drain t.ee, and underground utility fee. Said agrtrernt sl-all be exetu~ted prictir try the issuance of a building perait, .w 9J23170}