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Ordinance 477
4RD1:t~ANrk: Nth. 477 ifs C>RD1~illNCE [tk t~~ C1TY al: CUf'LR1'ANU A~t1rNDI;~Co ~>+CTIUN l aF' tl'RGIi~4ll11CE ;titU. ;c t3Y e~~G.tASSIFY~iNC A CEftTAilV i't~Rx'Idt~ t'~F : eiE Cx2'Y OF i'+.~P~R1"::~~ ~'R~li~Q, At;R~CtJX.'IVFt,A.L--RI':SID~:Nx'IAL sZiiG1.F;- 1!`~lt Olfl:-atC~E Lfi1'~ {A1-43~ Z~~.)NE To Ad~.i~trl TFtRrilr td1-215} eS' • Ala'P'P:-:1'YZ#1LTRLY !~.1 Ad.:R~.S LGCATFlI l~ti?itTNP,,R2,Y pF Al@D IBi?J,AGs'~'' T4 1kt3~[3l:S?EAD Fctk2I~ A~ APl'RtXXIJ!fA'~Y bC~ FEAT NlS1'~tLY df? SARAy'UGN:~Si~Af,i: 1t~7~lldt !~ ~'iX ~.'On~ICiL CtP 'TdE CITY Of' t~TTI*l~X'Zii+t~ D~t1ES O1tDALfrI Af~ FQ>r.iAW"~: ill~Rf3A8, op D~ecesdear 2I, 197C, as applicat:lon Mai. filesd ~ fltS.r fP. !'orgy arsi >ai i~. f~bYge (Applitat~iot~ 2tt-Z_7d} , for the rey~iaag oft pre~erty ftraa dgsrira~.l.tMra1->Reeider~tial Sf.nElewfaa5ly nae-acme lots ~;AI~-#9~ Zt+sar. to Agrio~sitax~-g (A-22.3? ?~-a~e; aadt t~ u~`w due notice rscckid after ane p~rblic he.writ~ the Flanning Co~wir- sftaa rae+^sexrr~actded to z::~ i:ity Coaacil. that the r. ~eclas+aificxtiaa ~ grenresd; and Ii4lgiCgA2„ the p:~rtr to be res~eoae*3 is vresently is an llsefrlcultwraa° 114taidential. 8i~le--family ona-ac. a iota (Al-1-31 ZrnY~*.;, alyd ~ttF118, a rRap of tfxe aubj~ect prep~erty ~Ls attachad P~erPta as Exhibit :~~-:, aa~ a px•nposcsd am~endeaent to tJ~ Mast.er Zoning tdap of t:he c.ty ref Cupercira; 11i0M, T!iE1tEFURE, EF 1T t'~RLIAIISED AS fr6LL0~1"iS S~ctiaa 1. That the ic+llowing described property be aad heathy i~~ x~esorrd to as Agricuit}aral (A-21~) Zane, subject to cfsaditiana stt forth in I'l~eanir~g Cawt- ~~.ssirn fiGeso.lutioa No. g48, aettach~ed ha~reXO as Exhibit "B" a,:id that Exhibit "A" attached hereto is tRade pant of the A`.a$ttr Zoning !Mp of tht City of CupHrrtinvs All that certain rtczi property aituat~c in the City of Cupertino, Cot~aty of Stsnts Clara, State of Caliirrnia, sppraxiasatelp 4.2 at.rts located na~rther.l.y of and edja~:cnt to 4iomtretRatt Ro+ed and af~proxiznatcly bW feet ~,restc:rly of Saratoga-Su-tnyvasle RR~ad, csore fallydltscribtd in gttachPd Exhibi+,: "~-"` and Exhibit "B". Sectiar" _2. i'his Orcli~nce shall take effect a;xi bt xa tarce thirty (34} days s~: ~r it s c;aaeage. IN?lGODtfC~ at a regular ~ae~eti,ng of the City Counci:- of the City of Cupertino on t1r+r ~lst day of ~ehruar~r _, 1`i71, aad E!siACTEA at a regular w~eting of the City Ca~uncil of the City of Cupertino, can the 16th day of f'~b~y~~ _`_, 191, by the f'allaerizsg vote AYES: Caurrcilmen - f!itsYeerald, Frolicb, Gra~aa~, goal, Stolr.ea NC1ES : Caunc 11~aen - )~oae A~FSF.1~'T: Counciltncn - Noe~e A'i"[E52: .~ Gity Clerk Al?"PRON NR~' , Cit of peror C:zd#iT.tryce :,77 EiL~YNAt1MG at ~e point itt t';~e ctntexx3ate of Fias~~,stc.~ci ,Road , ,9 ist e-r~t~ ti~~asaaas~n &auth 9'9`47' ~+~~ct lU.?7 chais~4 (~1~~..N2 ~~ar - f rRtc aia u~rir_r Y ~toa-ttd Sacnoite r,cstyu~snt rsat ax the iru.te~~: af` iuLeYarcCi~oa c+f st~aisf ~{4l4ster'..ri~ of i;o~a,tteati litoax; tr~.th t1~e r_+!~t~.x•~.s.t~E of. S~«rxtc~S~rM S-al: said paint cf i~sgr,i~ b~rica~ ~,h~. ;Saut~t~r~s~te~x•ly~ carrt-ex n~f that cextaln 11.~5~ acgw trac~.t~ ct~is~reg~ad b;- iittuc..stta !lielr~ax•i et vii to G+ratAt A. Rri~ga~, by Deuci dxCetl .1-~ril ~'1, 1L314 ar.~ secnrded April. 2A, 1'!14 i'.sn 1To~.~.nae 41 it a!' l~aulx, at ~'agc~ 39, re-~air~ thmccs a1anS the Atst~exl~r 1i.,n~ ~sf! the rx,;ct n~a c:anwe~d to iirftus, Ilozth t1'~0• meat .Lq.4S:3 chaiaa (59G`.0'~ feet) to a stakre awetked D.~t.l. a,et an tits Saurt!lutr3y line af< that ce.ttaira 20.4A +t.:ra tract of load cum~~sXed by l;. ir. tiElps et >~x ,tee Tcsn,y Jal.e.skn bq :~+t:ed dated O~ctnber 2'9, 1919 and r~eGnarded OCtOb!!r :!9, ~ 9r14 in trolt~e 4 ;a aE Dayeds, at f?'a~;e 250; rurtnS.~ taence aannS the Sau~the~rly line of kan~i so conveyers to ~'~a2eska, Snc~th 89'47' ~Nrt 9.3!~ <hsi,Ka~ (613.80 tF~¢~t} tG a i" ~r 4" pagL asx~iced G,2 $et oa the L'.i~~~te:~'l;l line oL that ccrt~ain x0 acme Cract of band canveye~'. kn Bank c~~: !'mrr.'.~.i hlnti.onFr.t. 'trust and Savings /~-~asociat~.an by Trcnste~a `~t Daeed d.et.atf De:.~bex 13, 1935 ~,a3 recorded, t:eceabe: 17, 1935 undNSr Recaxde~r's Nusaber 64645; running tlaence "-oucherly ;Hong said last ~a~:ntion¢~3 ::Rfli•~r:iy sine, 10.455 chaic;a (b90.03 fee~tl to the een~rerii.ne o.f Hcnnestesti Ko~ad; xhei3c~ along the centerline o£ Homestead Ruad 'Nc-rth 89°47' East 9.30 chainH (613,A0 feet) to *. .tie point of beginning, ExcepCing therefrom that portion ,o£ 4iomestea~~1 Road deuacate~i £ar public roaduasy purposes , CaunGy !assessor's Fa~rcel Na. 3;21-4.172, R k i ~ ~~r~i f\ ~~..TC. AC. ;~ U iJ .9,~'"i'.~c ,~ ~I `/ ~ ~ ~ h :~ / G f}pgc. ., ~/ ~. ~,~ ._._~_ N ~~+ ~~ `~7 '~. e L "_ 1 ,~ ~~ ,~ . ,„ -_ ,i".~"~,~; ~ ..fir- ,At.~" .> rr .~` ~ ~,~~ ~, ~„~ . -., ~ ..~„ ~ ~ ~ _ i1 4 A L...,~ ~, ~ ~ w A .!'ii'M~ I ~''t.~E~1Jii~" ~~~ JM r~')~1 fIP 7`~itL 1» t~ ~JW Z'it~'~ ,IRI-~~ ~,,A~riicdal~seYa~.-~.~t~i~3~rr~ti,~c1,~ c,~ ~~~~~,'S ~~,~x~:.re~.~ c~;sl;r Al~~~z 2i~~,~ ~u~:~~ ~Rd~ 4°.x;ar~~tt~~, ~ti~`axn~ta t.8C.A7~i~1f s !Wx ~4~e~[11- off: ut~ ar~ct jar;a~nr ~~ as+~arawl 1~~~, d~zoa~~.wos:t~elY 6C~(? ~~t ~~~:rly ~~ ~lurs~- StYn~ay~+'a~a lloa~ ,~-~0-~ !~1: 9»~ aura CtfNDTfix©~1r o i~~i.n~: I'~~SSF'~ ANT, A.T~34'T~U Chits litti c~taq cC Jar.~u~r'Y, "45t7Z, .at ~ rer;ul~r ~,~ting #f zl~e Planning C.ommi~~ion of t3~w t;i5.y ref CuPertincir St:aCc:. •3? ^.~..~.Lfcsxnia, bar C~d~e Fol~~wi.ng doll c~~al vote: A`~ES : Coa,~i~~ f.ar~~r~ Fii k~~;trt-, ~' xsrlr~, Heyes~ R Pi~~~e:~: N1iv:~ : Nts~:e AB~TAIN7N:.z Carom?.s~~,%,r-e,x' Ha~tZs~ea~utrs APP.~(7Y~~ : A'~iTF.S'i': t .-' ..~~ awes 'Ei. giffik ~,. i'1»pnintg L~irect~oz ~e~rald :~.. Pueiz, l~'he~.r. - plan~air~r~ t:r.~rmfx~9.~n