Ordinance 472QiWIA:ANCE K0. 4~2 ~ Qlt.'~Y1~C~ i]f TAS l"X?'Y 4ir ~' ~ J':RJCIt~O A~NAitlG S~'.t`"~'YiA+I .1 t3F tail ~!. ~ i19t lRF~^D1tY,tC A C~R'1`AIi~ PURTxoH Ur TiiE t,'tRJlfx'Y k`k.i1i'i lUEic4il8[AiAD C''(~4iJ~L (~iU2i',fT CN) Z~ 1'Q iX/1L C~i~tClAi. (CGS /t1~i,- D '~ X~ CITY'; 117P!"l~fi~KINA?ELX .7'8!l + ~ ItC~tE, LC)t'.ATBD St)E!x`f~.S7 tSDle1~E~ OF :,'1"~.Yl.I~G itQAD Ai+1D IiCC~.~ >i~ T~ C'l1Y t`~ATZ~CI?. OF TitE CI?!' aF CtT?iL!!T'21It1 DOE'S tlitllMLliO AiZ P't~.LtSiS 'i!$, axt Aug~t Zl, 197~r, an appl3cxtion a-ae tiled by t~Ill.i.I1'S Y'i+T~tfli ~,~!"~K, ~plicat:toa 13--E~-~'~ly for the greianittY of property #raa "ltei~borhoad Coewtreisl (Coaanty GN) 7.e~ne to Ge+aeral Caaaeraial (CG) Zone; aed iiiii~'AS, tree praptrty to be preso~oed is pree~ently i~ a liei~s~iorbaod ~- ~erercial (Carutty CN) Zaae; Fund ~, upon die notice zc,d after one ~wblic heariaq the P~uuir.~iaatg Com- sisaioa reco~nded to tt~.e city Council that the recLrsetficatioa b.. granted; aad ii'~tfiAS, a reap of the aub~eLt property is attached hereto gut E.ytitibit "A" as a pro;poaed amen~dAent to the !Laster 7on~iag Main of the City of Cuperrtino; tiOW, 2]iERvt''ORE, pE YT 4RmATNED AS lF[]].I.OWS: S~ctio~ 1. That thc~ fallowcing described property be and hereby is prezutstd to General Commti<rcxal (GG) 7.ane when annexed to the City, subject to c.onditiorrs ret forth inn Planning Camwission Resolution No. BU+;, ,~tt,eched hertta as 'Exhibit. "B" and that Exh±bit "A" attached hereto is wade part cif the Master Zoning :~,°,ap of the City of Cupertino: A11 th.m*_ certain real p~Caparty sitarate In the Couxoty of Santa Clara, State of Califs~rni.s, ~~f approximattly .788 + -acts, located on the southwest corner of Shelling .Road ansl McCle]lari Road. Section 2, This ordinance shall take effact as~d b: i.a force t°hirty (3U) days after ita rassage. Ilfl'TtaDUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino an the 19th. dny of Octot~er 174 and ENACTED at a regular eaeeti.ng of the' Cit3 Gouxicil of the City of Cup~ertina or, tche Zed. „day of Novrmber !°?^ b, the fo].],uving voi:e: '~ '~~~ ~1ES: Couuci?~n - Fitzgera-d, c.~D iCh, Green, Neel, stokes !i(3~i~: Cau~ilraen -~ None AB* !:N t : Counr~ i loan - Non e A?'8'EST : .._-~-./ G4'-J- Cx exit AF'ERtri- ~''~ . /4..+yGa~~.~C r lea r , ~ iw4pe=t f.t10 ~~ L~:Libit «w~c Jill that cett,~in seal p~*operty aituste is ti->a Coe~Cy of Santm Cl~sra, Stn~te of Califarol.a, desrribac as follows lA~i'~L ~Mlrn$ a part of the lbrtbteas~: 114 of ,Yectioa 23, 'ta~uehip 7' :3awtb, ~y~a ~ Wat, 1t.U.E. i K., aAd eo%-e partniculat'll- deaartbed as faltare+s: EJlCI~tT11G at an i:•na pipe staudiseg at xbe iatersactioa of tha iieat~:rly 19.ne of the Steliins Road sand tier ^wutbsrlX line of the Mr:Clslia~ ~a,iwd; thersrs: aloof asf,d Sautl-erly 1,ixRe of !lcClellsn blond, Sautb $~1` Sd' i~tst 22t16.~DA fret to att iron pipe; ths+c-ce leaving aaia 3.ipe of said road 8c~utb 1~6{3.fls'J feat z sp I.tror- gips; thence parall+el to said NcC:lellau $oad 14artb.gg• 56' ;F,s+st x?$.AG feet to an iiatt pips in the ~+ossterly lime of Stalling ydv+aal; thesxcce alot~ amid Westerly lino of Stalling Rnadi 180.t?0 fact to the p{~.i.mt of beg~.L~--- mi~~. E~CEf'I'Il1G ~'BERL•"FROt~~ that portion of said lapel described as Marcel 121 and Faresl l3-II is 5upcerior Co+art: Eminent lbw~+ain Prac~eedings, Case !1!f16+D4, Santa Clara ^waunty, camme~aced May 5, I96i, en;.itl~df "t:ity; of Cupsrti~x- vs. .John C. hlunte•r, et al." said n~ze particularly described a-s follawec: f'ARCBI. I2-I gECINNING at the Soatheastetn cx~~~ner of the above-referenced parcel, acid roracer being on the iieatecly line of. Stelli.n~; Rdec9 at 40 fact in vtdth,; and running thence along tbee 5outhex~.,y line of said pe+rctl South 89° 56' Hest ZS.00 feet to the intersection xit:h a line dra~Wn pax~al2.ek to .and distant Veaterly at right auglrs 45.00 £eet frou~+ the c,ent:,er ~.ine of Stalling Road as aforesaid; thence e-lontg said parallel line Sue 7r'ort:t 19.97 feet; thence friorthsrly; Northr+estecly ,end ~Jest~e;rly along the arc of a curve to the left ha~iipg a radius of 30.00 Beet, th.re-ugh an angle .af 90° U4' ax- arc distance of 4~.1b feet to ~c poin-_ of tangency on a line dra>wn7 par+rY.le1 to and distant Southerly at right auigles 3Q.00 feet from the cen~:erline of McClellan Road a; 4Q feet in width; thence at righ' angles North 0" Obi' Nest 10.00 feet to the Sauthe~:ly line of. Ilc~ClelJaa Roacl as aforesaid; 4hence along las: ~enti~-~Yed lips apd along tt,+e ~'arth+erly line af` the aforesaid parcel North 89' S6' East 55.E f+uet to the Nartheasurrn corner of said parcel; thence slang thR Eaut- erl~r line of sand parcel and slang the Westerly line s~f St~elllag Road ae a~orssaid due Savth 13x,00 feet to the point of begi.nza:.ng and contalaing 0.115 acres of land, esoret or less. PAxCEL alx-II llE1:I~IIMG at the ~Iorthi+eertsrn carder of the above-referenced parcel; a~ad ruaaeing tlsssuee along cbe Southerly line of McClellan ltoad~ st 44 feet i~a vj.dth atarth ~t9' !~i6" East 17.96 facet:, thence at right ales Soutt~ (D" 0~-' Ese-t lfl.00 !'set tt~ the 1.aterssctian with a lips drawn parallel to and diata•cst Tauthetrl,~~ at right angles 3Q.UU feet :frt+m the cea2crlixke of i'DcClellan Road as fAreaaid; thence Nsatsrly aiaryssaid paralanl 1.'lne South 89" 56• mat Ig1.97 feast; tbe+acs Iivrtt,rrly alapg tkue Me+st+irl' :Y.iae of said panel. dos lWrth l~-.QO fret to tbte pa~[rxt at btgi-a-ain,g lend cantaiaitag 0."D~-p~ scree, of laswi aaxe or lus. c err - . d r'~' ` '~> . { ',. ~i Y' ~:'~ ,fp r ';. i, . ~~'~. .a. ~;. ~, ~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ L ~~"..' ~~ ~ $ tai` ~, r ~, ;~ ~4~~1~t~~~~tit:~~-~ti~~:. ~~~~~~ .; t a s t ~, ~. _ ._ ~..... M-s~ ~~` ._ d~ o ~-' _. ...». ...,. ~I~ ~~~ A + N~ `~M~` ~~ ~~ ~r ~. .~ ~~ . --- ~, --- ,~.~.. ~°~ `~ ~w,.,~ .~.r.'~...._ .y ~ tM I i I o I f f °i I I A ~~~~~~JI~'![~~~~~.~~.~iil ~~~~~aT~ ~ L ~M ~? ~z~~~a--t r~ ~~ - c~uut~ ~ e~ c ~~~ _D~~~~ =-a:-2a ~~ t ~~r.-~o ~' ~ 7Ji liter ~~~AM W~~~~~ ~ i1~6 Ll~l ~~ V{/F G~['~~?~I~V ~CtilA~1~LiKe °~E ~~. UT /~ 7liT~IG of . '~~l8 + sr~e:c lra~a, a t3ooatp f~i ~i~ehe+-d xc~l? ~d di~trilct to a +i~ ~~1~~ ~rris-1~ dE.ael•irt w~d.t~.t.e t1Mt t~~ eri b~rrtt~a dd''l4IGA~'a ~~t.1I1~+a Pw~txala~ Ca~p+aerp •i~ s P.O. 'Oeac 7~'QO<~i, itan Fra+ati.aco, California s~ttes •~ t Z2, Alit LRlCA?'YQt: l~aat.~+enst co~reu~r oSC dt~rcllios lta+rd aaad ktCl.ell.n~a lt,aad ~OMII~G: C~twa'G~ f~-dhrigb-'rorhaad Co^~etcial ARIA: . T~ + - JAcre a~ml~~ AIiD ~ F~x~$ 1-12 . s tandarc4 cc mi~ltiorre 13„ In lieu of: a si.x (6) fact muiioax~r ra~ll as r.e~~raired by Standard CondiQiu~n l7a» 5, a s1x (6) foot viseurl barrier ahal2 be erected subject to the appro~ial c-f the Arwhitectural asrd S~iwe Apprr~val Co+maittae, I.3. Thix re:coniag is .subject to coaplation cif ~~anexation proc~redirt.~ga to the City oiT Cupr:rtix~u, aaa.; will take effect srn the dmtr of Che rttif?catioa o.f sucn anneratioa. PASSED AbtTi ADOPTED this 14th day rsf September, 197C, at ~- regular ,aeeting of thrs Plancaing Co~aisaion of the City rsf CupertSno, '~~t.ate of Galif.~az•nia by tltie fallowing roll .:al"1 vote: AYES: Cowaeisaimnera 110ES : lone AESEIN7.': CQ~iessi~oners A1•TEST : Irwin, tteyers, PueCr !3uttre:xuth, k~iratroyz ~, ~~ ~ ~..•~ _ ,,/ Jasea H 5..ak , ' P2.aaniug Di.a°+ector APPRQVEt) Gerald is.~l~uetz, Chairsnn Planening Commission