Ordinance 470[CW7l ~:.. QR~xN,,NCE ~~ .. 4~0 Aft ORDI-TA?iCE CALLIK~ A SI'ECI,#.L ~UNICIPAI. RUNU ELEC9'I~~N I1J THE CI'I`X Qfi CLTPSRT'INO y FDR THE Pt~AP^C?SA of SU~ITTINO TO THE BLEC- ~ TUAS Ole SRYD CITY THE MFAStTR'tiS OF INCtH~tING A 8t~liDLD I16DEDNF,S3 Cllr dAID CI'I'x P-'~ THE AGQ1Ttdx'1`IUN, COlI:fTRU ~'TItN~ ACID Cp~2t~ . DF THfi FOx.,~.~'I'.~ '~i'!-NIcC »PAL '.~+tPPl4YN"!'S, ANi1 SaCA OF ~"NEH$ TO i..'~'?': .. (1!) PARK SITF,S; (~-~ COi4~U~lYT 1 C"ER 8U X LDZNA AND PA~iI.{ II+SFRt}VEME'iTS; AND (C} ltZSTC1RICAL MtlSEtN+l;, fJR;CLJ~RINt3 THE ESTIMATED C03T t1A SAXD ~lU1~I- CIPAL Il~'R~11/EMENTS, AidD EACH OF THE~+t, THE AMdtA~IT OF THE PRINCIPAL 4F SAID INDTsBTEDNZ?SS TO 8E INCURRED TitE~tEFOR, AND THE AAXIMtJP[ Rt~.TE C3F Ii~'i`EREST TO ~ FAID "HEREON; MAKINq PRO- d'ISYON FOR THE Z.E~TX A11D COLLECTION OP 'T'AXES; FIXZNC THE DATE OF 3.AID ELECTION, T~iE MANNER OF !~*JLUIKi~ T}IE Slalp:, P~10YID:N{i POR NUTIC'E THERSl~F, A-+1D CO?tSOLYDA7'INa SAID SPECIAL MUNI- CIPAL BAND ELECTIt3I+1 ~!ITH THE STATE OF CALI- FCDRliTA t-ENERAL ELEC1'I0~1 TO HE ;iELD ON NoYE~a'~.R 3, 197C NIHFABAS, the City Council (the "Council." ~ of the City of CuperCino by resolution duly passed ~tnd adopwed at tweeting of the Council aiul~y arad reduls~rly held, by a!'fir~tive vota of rwre than t~ao»thirds of all. its ~nDer~s, dxd detexvl.ne that the public inte-~est and neaesstty dswtynd thr aa+qulAttlots, Qooatawctior~ ar~td elation cyf the e~unie~ipal la~pR'Q~rMMttxts, and each ~-t theme, ~ ~aer~sinafter motioned, ~d Oid !'urtl~ss ~t+a~Sae tAat the aswt of 'aald proposed auniai.pal lat+rrew+~we~ats, and eaebj of tl~nr, ~riil bQ • r 1 M, ., ., , " :y ~~~. ~_.,~;. ~P1'* A! ~ 'h _ S•~+,..,~f,~ .~..~rw+i• ~r» ,.ate .S ' ~i..~4 ~: ~ yri 1: -N "..~'lW.u. ~ r. ~lRf$'n~ ~l~! i L. _".^.S^'~ J• I,~~' ~~ too gt°eat to be paid o~~t of the ordi;~~ary annual incema and revenue of said m~~nicipi~~ity and that each of said, nunic'.p~rl improvements w11I requi~•e an expenditure greater than i:he aattrrsnt al2awed tl~refor by *he unnusl ts.~, Ievy, and wi7.l r+~-- ouirr. the ~.naurring of $ bonded indsbter~neas thQretor, which reaa~ut~.an was du:~Y entered on the -~inutea of said seeting of the Counall, snd is now on 'file and of r+acord in the Clerk' a oti'l.ce of said City; IridObi, THEREI~QRE, T}IE CITY COUNCIL OF TIT CT.TY OP CUP'ERTINQ DOES ORIJdIN AS FO1.L4WS : 3erti .4 specials municipal bend election shall be and 2ss hereby ordez~ed and will Ise held Sr. the City of Cupertino (hereinafter called the "City"} on Tueadmy, I~ov~em~ ber 3, 1970, at which elect:.or~ shall be submitted to the qua11~» Pitd electors of the City the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness of the City for the: objects and purposes set Earth in the following meassirea, and each of them, to writ: CITY OF CUPEH'TINO BOND J~ASURES ,___.. : ; MEASURIE { }: Sha31 tht City of : {Park Sitps} Cupertino incur a ; : bondee'! inde Dtednesa YES : in the principal amount of ~750,t,00 for t2~e following amarsicipa]. impro~vemer~t, to : ; writ: Acquisition of land Ccsaamon].y knowrn : ; ats tha "}3;~,rsst Ranch" consisting oT '16,08 ;`" ~ : acres nwr~ ar less and land commonly : : krovn as the "DaA~ico properly" consisting : of 8.6 acres wore or less 1'or park sites NO snd i.~ro~rea-ent thereof t'or park and t reareatiorxal purposes tc~x~ the Clry of ; : Cupertino? ; ......»......,........~...._.. _...,.._.................,..,... »..,.,._. .,... ~ ..~.,.....,.,_...........~...W...~....,.» PIgASt,-AF { ) : St~.all ~.1~e Clty of : {Coau:~u;~rity Canter Cuptrtia~o inc-ir a Nuild~.~~~ a~e~3 Park bonded ~.rxdtbLad~~caa : : lmpra~vr~ruen!a) ir. whe p~rS,ncipal YE5 : ascent cf ~1,00O,O~DQ for tha :-o~uii:eition, c~natruct!.o*.~ and ooe~• : : pletion of th+r. tollaring municipal l.mprarr.» sent, to rit : t;a~anunity recrr;at.~.on center : Lauile~'.ng and p~.rk iraitroreawents, including : : , _,~;,,,,,,,•„~ : reare~ntional buildin~ga, ce»tral and neigh- _ __ , : : borhaod parl~a, t~eereati~rtal tacilitita, : : : egvip~went sn~ apparatus, P1ayRro~unda, play- : ing i"ie3ds. picnic areas, aprink2,er systems, paring, lighting, site isprove~nta, cage- Na cents, rights at ray and ether aorleg, prop» : : erty ar structures neaeasary or co:tvanient : : for avxanwnity rrereation canter building and park laprovements for tha City sit Cupertino? ~. .~ l~J4S~URE { ) : Shall the Citp of : (Historie~l Musetatw) Cupe~^timo incur a : : bonded ind+~btedncaa : : : : it the principal amount of f:i~y ht}00 for the : Yg5 : acquisition, canatr~uctian at~d ro+apittion of : the following rnuraicipal imprc~rrment, Lo wit: : Public hibto: leas museum consisting Uf btt.ild-~ : : : ing known as i.e Pttit ~'rianon, including re- : isaval thereof t® nrr site and raconatructtan„ :~~~a~~ reh,~.biSitation snit ispravewent thereat, to : house and exhibit hia~oric records and hits- : : toria and artistic objects and pravide cul~ : tural activities, lan~it3, easeses:ta, rights : ;:C of way and ott~tr tiorks, property or atrue- turea rNecesaary or canvrnient for a public : ~~'w.r~ historical museust fcr the City ci` rupert.inc? r~ ...~..~w~~w ~~ : : 1 1 . v~.r.~w ~°he rstit~ted cost A.Y' the municipal ieprovexrent as get forth in Measure ~_) {Pane Sites) !s the sue of ;75C-,OOfl and thee attiavnt of tyae indebt~:dnesa propos~rd to tie incurred for said tuur:i- aipal ittt~prnvetttzent is the suw of $750,OOti. Tt~e estita+a-ted coat of the eunic:pal xteprovcr~ent as set forth in Measure (_,y tCa~esunity Center iiuildinit and Park Is~- prorrewents) is th~~ su>A of !1,000,1100 and the mount of tha ix~- det-tedness prclpoaed to ba incurred aor said iunicipal ittt:pro~re-- sent 3.a tt~e gum of ~1,OOID,~000. The ttatiwat~e~d coat off' the surtiaipos3 lsprov~asent as met i'ortb in. Meaauz~e t_•) (Miatorteal Mvsaus~ to tba sus at ~l~'.'i,404 t:~ek1 tho aa~aunt of the indebtadfne~ro E-raP~'~! to bit irse:~ for said taurictpal .it~provesent 3• tbs aw t-t' ~1~~,'JOtA- 3 .. ;l Thr eati~t+~~# cart ht~r~r~irnat ,v4 ,r~;~sted of each such aunloipal iaprov-nraenL lt;r`t~dea~ la~t~-i ar~d ~t11 other fees inci- dstntai +:o or c~onne+at:eb with the auth~ri,tatio~, isaN~u~ce and sane of the btartds evidenciri~ th+s ind~tbted~lts~ pied to be inaa~x°xed for such a~#nictpa~l ~te-prove~-rent arrd t6ae ati+ats oi' prirstin~ said bands and all other costs asdd +rxp~s~rs .inci.- dental to or canrreeted ufth the duthayrxsatioa, issv~ce rend sate oS aai~! buds . Sectixo~~ 2. 't'he Cc-uracil does her+t~ay sutbsfit to the gv~alifi+ed elr~:tora ~f the City a~` r~ai+6 special aauel,cipai band eler.~.3.um a~,9tld 1,~e8-saares, and es.ch ut' thers, set foY`'tt, in Sec- tion ~. 01' this ~ere~linan~ce, and desityfrta~.tea arrd refers to said n-eaaurea as the se:aaureaz xo be u+~t ~'ortt~ tics tt~e tral~.ots ~re~- inaf*.er preaarired for true at said erlactic~r~. da) 3aic~ ap~*cial asunicipa~A bo[t+'~ ~~!i4RCttC~n echall De held and conducted t and th» votes the~f rareyan~-eG,, and the returrta~ xhertof aade .• at~d the result thereof aeclrtmiRr~!d and detex~ined, as t~rein ~srravs ded; end 1n all pa.~ieulara :~dt prescr4t~ed kcy this ordilRa~ce, saYd electiasa shall be h~~itj as rr~+vidcd bx xaw, Cb) A3.11 persona etusiixiRd to votes gt sw~3.cips.l electiana in the C3.ty aeon Lhe dale of the eleati+on herrCl:1 provided far aha~.l tae ~+ux-:~ifl.ed t~ rate up+rn the raeaaures aabadtte+i Ott astsl~t apr~+cia~ icipal t~ru4 election. tie) "fha pc;l~la Ott th! pailin$ places hereinafter desX~ated snail De opened tt x ztit3 a• cloak J•.~[. of said ~aU- of aler~:ttlon ana9 stu~il 3yt ka~-t ~h aon~tinuo~asly tt~rreafter w~til ~ ~ qty ~ • clo;.k P.. ~!. of said dRy f~f ele cti an, when tAe p+~l.is shall tae ^losed ~!~~xcept as provided i~ l3eatlaxx 1i#~~ o! thw ltlectiuas Co~1t~, sA~ tlR. s~.aattt~ a!'faaers staall kbe~vre~patt praete-~~!1 to eaavasa tlfw Iv+Ml,lCq~ts tesstt tb-~ereat. «~ w {c!} maid specs al municipal bond elet~tian hereby called shall be an~dl is }~itr.~by consolxdat•ed y.ith trey ,~~tate of Calitor~aia General Llrati,ora 4.o be held in the Git,r on Nove~a- bex~ 3 ~, 197C, all as r+~qui rgd by and pursu.tnt to Saw; and the elect~.on pr~e~c'~ncts, palling, p2.ac+aa and offir.e~rs o! alectinn xithin the City fnr sai.d~ s~secial ~uniaipaS bond eStetitrn hereby Called shags be the eases ~-a tho~ce aeleatod a~ ~slgnated by . the Beard Af Supervisors of Santa Clara Gnvmty for said ~ern~- eral election an~~f set forth or to be set forth in the notice of e4ectXon rfficers and p412ing places ~'or 8aid general cle+c- tion published oi° to be published by the Registrar of Voters • 04` saS.d County, as rewired by law, to ~shich rstatiae reference is hereby spec.ifl.-^al~.y n:~de i'vr a designatiar- of tike preainetz, pulling places, and election offitcers of the special municipal bond election hereby callr.d. Only qua3lt`i4-d:~"~titern of tee City aha1T to permitted to vote at said special aun4..aipal bond elec- tion. T13e Re~4st:raar of Vrte~^ts of paid County ?~~ authorised +:,~ canvass the returns of said apecia.'2. municipal Mond electi3on Hith ~-espe~ct to the voters cast .Ln t*aC City Gs~d tG certify the resu.lta to the Counca 1. ;e) Urt Lhe hailata to be used at said general elec- tion and paid a~ptclal municipal band ellection S~ereby consoli- datr.+~ therewith, in addition to all other matters rEquired by lax to be printed thereon, shall appear the measurer, eat forth in Section 1 hereof,,. Each grater -say emote an any or all of said wleasores. E.a+~h eater to eats for any eeasure hereby subwitted , and for incoming said bonded indrbtedneus at-all stamp a ~~ross t •) in the blank space e~-os ite th~~ aord "Y8S" on tht bag ~ of t+a t1~ ri6lrt ot` said +eas~re, and to ante against any weaaur+e sled a~aie~at 3y~eurrl~n-g sale! indebtedness aha2.3. atop w crrrnsa {+) la t&~e blaax spaa~r opiwai tit the word *NO" on tbf Aa1S+~t to the righ : of aai.c! meaaux~e; ex^rpt that if and to the extent that Votoao~tic ballot c*.a-d.a ar~r used at sa~,d etactions, ~+ach voter to vats ~'~r ar~y +~a-a~~r« hereby submitted and fo~• inaearring _ ~-aid Dr~nded insl~eb~ced:~e;~y shall punch the Rrallat card 1n than hole ax'ter the Hord "!~3* to the€ r~i~t of se-xd saasure, arts to vote against any aeasaure and ~s~a".nat incurring aald indebt~- edneas ahaal punch th~r ballot card in the hole after the wga~d "'li0" to the ~ri.ght of said wtas~ure. On absent ~rotsr ballots the 3rosa (+) rRay be ~r-rked with pen ar pe~:cil; except that 1~` and to the +~xtent that Votronic ballots are provided for ab- sent votars, aach chap. t tinter aha~.]. !'fvalRp A tgarK (o) 1n the blank ap8c:r opposite the word "YES or opp~aite tha word "NtJ" on the ballot to th~- right, of said nes.sur~e. Absent voter b~-lluta setting forth said meaaux•e shall be issued to Qual~.fxed. electors residing ~+ithin the City er~:.itleci thereto, 3.n the manner provided by lair, and such abse:tt voter ballots aha2~ likewise b: canvaaaed by the R+~giatraa• of Yotera of said County. (f) At the next regal: r meeting of tP,e Go~~nei.l r~c~ur- ring after the ret ~>xns ri said apecl.al r+rurticipal bond election Rave been canvassed by that Registrar of Yoters of said C:r~unty, an~8 `the cerL3fict~tion of the resu]tR theraot to the Council, or at a ~~pecial ~et~ng called thr~ratter for such purpoa~e, the Council shall cause La t-a spread upoA its sinutea a statement ~; A: the results of said special munAcipal bond electian as sacer~- tAinrd by ~f,aid canvass. 3eret:ion 3. The Council propoae+~ to issue and sell bcanda of the Cit1 for Lhe raapeetire ob~meta and purpones, but nat exceeding the respective amounts, sp2clfied in maid re- speotive measures, it the required number of the qualified elec- toret voting e~ each separ~-te eraeauure at acid spoof a3 ewnicipal band •leatfors shall so+~e ian ~~'avor of crash of •aid ~aeasarea~ 6 provldad a hcried~re~r, thc.t the votes rash .t'or c~nd t~txa..l.nst +cuch of aa:td x~ra~rctirr~r wer~aures;r shall be counted sep~eratcly ard, . when the rtqui~s-d nvaber s~f the gv-al.ifi~e~ci w~ectas~s rot~~fg o:~ Ws~y Arta at er~te~:~ p~sur~.~s rote in tarr+~ t!ierevx', ~urh r~we~aera __ aht~ 1 be deem ddapted arld bc+~r-~ dg t#~a G ;ty ~ n the ~~ gate ~~ ~cper~sii"1ed- ixt the r~eaaure or ~a~u~^ers ~t~a.i.eh aarsr~ed b3 thiR dtX`1ary4Mtt~,vt w~te of the r+e+quired nueaber ~sf the yuali~- !'h.ed ela+atcx~ nt the pity •oti»g osq said measure ar ra~r#aurea St ~caid el.ectic~t- shall there'! be authoarised to ba iaacued and sold far the rab,~a~cta and paxrpQSes ~tpeCi~"led .ire nai3 meeaaure ar measures which reee.Aved such Q*.`f~rssat~.ve r~-c~uire-d nor of wates. Sal.d bonds shall be negotiable i»~ form and a! tt~e ck:arectzr knovrn as -serial., ar-d ahe~.1 t-ear iratereat at a rate not t+a exceed seven perceraL ~7~~ par a-r-rsum,, payable s~emian-~ nually except that in+cxrest for' the ~'irat gear after the dr~tr of aafd bands ~ b+e' scads payaable at or ~ic~tox~e the end of said year). ~a owis~.on ie hereby Bade for the paymrnt of the prxn- cipal ai' and inter+!at ott said bar::a as falloMa : At tt~e time of making the ger~teral taY xev-y after incurring the bonded in- debtedrnessr and annur~ily thereafter uct~til the bonds are oa.id ar until there is a sum Sn the treasury se•t ap,srL tar that purpase auffi+~ient to asset all PaYmenta of s~ri,rycipa~, arsd inter- est on the bands as th+e~r becaa+e due, the CouncAl ah~31 levy and collect a tax sufficient tQ pa;~ th~t interest on the bonds and such pa.rtc of the! pz~incipal as xlll beco~* due before th+~ Qroeeeds at s kas leM~te!st at the nest general t=ax lam KiIA be s~vailab~.e!; pro~-1~!se»`r has~ver„ t+~at !f said bonfire are aa-th~-rixed to bs issued at said e:lerctian, and it is sapected that a1i or any ps,~rt of aal.d bps mill be solri ai saoF~ tia~ that the p,rin~- aipa~i of +~ itr~ol~-t aaa sash iresttds rrtl.k b~ccaae des be#n~rr the T ~rroceeda aP a tax levied ai"ter such saxe vaulci bb tiv~til,ethle to psy s~ac:h p.rtn~lpal ar interest, trie +"ouncil* at ti~,rt w,ixre af' C'iacr !ng the ~tnnu~-1 t~tx s.evy, a~ay levy a txx in an ets~~,tnt c2.earxy ataffiaieret to pay thsrt pox°ti.on of the C,r. in+ciC,al of and intaY~ast. ran said bands vrhich it is eYpevSsd ~slll become due b~rtars 'tha procaeda O!' Hatt next xuco~e tilx Jewry will be ata~,lable. I't' t3ae ear~li~rat staturiity at the bt~a is aa~~ th~ax~ ante ?ear af+Gbr the 4ate fit' San~aance, the C~ounai,l IMiaa'il leer and aallsbt a~xnu- ally a taac sutft.aaisnt to pA, tht lntert.ect ss~ it falls due and to aa-stXtute a sinleing 21u~ t'ar the patent ~~f tlar pr~knaipa3. an ®x- t~cr*c-re ssattYritlr, Swah taxrs shall be ~,e~ried ~,~ aollae+~~Ged as othr4r City taac+~x ~tnd ~ct~all bt in ~edditican to ~til. ott~t- tax~aa snd ahal?. tie used o;~~,y for paytaent o!' th~r botlds and the inter~- ~ z~ t ~ he re+~r~ ~cti~an 4 * `Che C9ty Ci.~srk r~S the Cl.tr is htr~r3air dlire^ted, u~pan the pa,e~ra6e sad aduptlan of this ardinstYae, to ,~utal2~cri the sastir. or+~e s ask i`or ~ ~++~eks in the CUFtSR'Tit~:~+ L`UURIER, which is ~: neMSpaper cri' ~gan~rratl ci.rculatiar- published Aess than a i .t (6) dais m wwre k itt the Ci. ty , and such puA l i ca- tiott ahs,l~, ccmz~L9,tut+~ rtat;ice of said eX~rctier-. pa other .no- tice a: Ghc .~xr.rtion hereaa cal'lcd need be giYen. 3en~5. 't'his nrtl.inanc~ shall tie Parth+aith enured upon tk~e wxnntas 4~P the Couocil snd in the 4r~linance 8oa~r ui' the City. This ord:.~nae, b~ritog an ordinance cal2ing ar,ct c-r- dea-ing an a~lection, s-tiall take effect fraao, and att.3r St,ae f*.naa passage ant! apptAaal. PA3.RED A~tD 112~P7."ED this l.Tth day oi' August, 19TC. ~~. by ttae: foll.t~ing Grote: AYE$: Councils+sn -- lit:~arald. Fr~licl~, )iarcr St,4lc~es 11UE3 : M~sunr A~~Si~It'i~ ~ Cauoc ilswi ~-t t.~e t .. _. t C ~EJ-L~ ~e°" f o ~ d +~~.tRK'S CBR'~YFIC~-TE 1 , ~ City ~:lerk cif tha rtty of Cupertima, S•catw t~--. Caliifo~rnia, do bdseby- cert.lfy t'aat tiro fo~ce`oins ordi~ce f~c s fvli, tx~n+r and corract copy of . arm ordinaxR~a~ introduced and road at a regular x~st•ting o.f the Covacil of said Cit~r dnl~r and re~uiaxly and le,gal.ly held on the 3rd day of Au~wt, 1S7{!, and said ordins~oce was there- after duly psstseel aad adapted by wot~ of at Ieas* twa-thirds a~f al:! of tJbe ~ber:~ of the Cocracil, at a re$u2ar rotting of ZBe ~.QUatcil d}~ly and resulariy and legally held at the regu- iar meeting place theraer#' an the .1.7th day of Apgast, 197{!, of whist wetting ail of the we~rbora of the Council had due Aatice, as felJ-o~rs: AYf5 : Caunc i iwe~+ - I'ltaS,stald, ~ral~.c'a, Mayor S~ak.~rs MOfS : Couuac i twen - acme l13SEM'x : Gonnci lwen ~ tireeo, Anal 'That I baere carefully cawpared the s~r.~~ with the or,igiasl rimvtea of said westing on file ancY of x+ecoxd in ^M ~affice aad that ss~id Qrdinance is duly ente~cc~d of record in tl~~ minutes of tbr: C:ou~acil and in the 4rdin~ance Book of said Citlr, aad tbE fare,gaing is a full, true and corrtGt co~~g of the Srigirr-aai aYdinaace adopted at said xteating and entered ~.n paid eiuutes aad Ordiaaace Book. That ss~id ordinance has not been anr~aaed, wodified or rescinded since the dente of its pasu~-=e abd xb-a2 the sanee is now in full force and effe,ct,. IfI`TIihSS ar haad and the seal of the City of ~Cuptrtino tbis.~ dal- of August, X97Q. . . t• 1 ~~ d~C O ~~~r-"ra"3~'"L"u'pert .AO, ,' ~ ~', 1 • ; Cal O!'n~a ~` J j ~~: rat' ~ ~+ + f' .5 (, rid v ~, ,• ~, ~ t .i e • 'fie ~'a~~eg~ir~g ox~c1lttancC ~raa ~Y•z~e°nt+~d #~o r~ee l'c3r app~rovaX and is h+~~eb~t xtiav~dl thin 17+~h day a~' l~v~uut, 1370. ,..,., M O~~` ~' ~ ~