Ordinance 468 Atl t1It.~IM4~l~C1r t7F TRf: (:YTY /JF CUPEIt'1'I'dp REGdt£Jl', 1:~ ~ C:I"'Y AF'.c:~i'['1"~'C.- 7(I~ A2iD SYTf; Al'PRC-tiAL C:~l~i`IITxF.E, gtt-JVIDIl1G FY.:~it 1'Hf: !iPr{'1.irTt~E,F.'..7(' o~ l~ass~s ~»~o~, R~:r>s:~rr~xlvc Tait: ~asaz~RS ~~~ rrurl~s car' s~rn t7f)1~3T7"l~F ARtt Rlr!'1:Al.INC At.L cDlt~Ii~AHc ES tti t;lkflrLt~CT NCttt~ 1Tr# TliE GY'tY GttltlGll. ~F TRtr CITT OF CLti~Eln'7`f10 Wt;S +~TtI1AIN A5 Fi'tl`Y.~7NS Seetiatq i. Stated pux~ras~ Ilse puzpoa-e flf erctaite,ctutal and sitr. plan approvsl sha1Z be ~.~o promote t4~~ orderly c2evrrlaptaent of t.ht City of Cuperti.na in ar.cc,r~lait~r.~~ yrith the r{•irit And intt-nt of the G+~neral t'lan; to prc*mote the stabi.lit?~ ~i lar:d values, deweiopsent a'~ #r.~stittentat far the general Krelfa~:a; to t>3aitstazin the character And iategrir.y of neiylhborhaods by prcKaoting high attend;rds of devrlapment its harttwxay therewftls, Ca prevent the adverate t!ffectat of the erection. addition or alt~ration~s to buildings, structures. signs, Iight- ing or lat~alscaping by piti•irg propt_r zttrettt3ar- to rit.ing, or to u,~~t;i.ghtl,r, inapprr; s iate or affensSLe apFearanct:; and, to dctt.ermf.ne. rU;,tpliance vitt. this ~rdinanre, ardiaances relat StzR to xonicsg and rsthi~r pert iaent ~-+r.linances. 5rct ion 2, lldo~t iron of System 'T'he purpose of architectural anal site piaci app. oval as h~~rrinbefc,re stated and the wetr-od, s4ster and pruca~c#ures for obtainir-,~ =ax-~: as taereiri- after inure specifically d~zrriberi and cited as H-Cvntro, i~ 17erea'c>y advpt~•~?. Section 3. Le~isla'ive Intent The City Cotsnci'. hereby de^lare~s its intent that this 5:sid r-Cr.r~rol Ordinance shalt be the enabling act unc-tir which administrativy :ores. :~.~~;~:- lutiorss and guidelines ma--y be farmslated, adopted, amended. Nnfr,c°c•ed .sad r._pFaled with the same farce sad effectiveness as if said adrtinistsa*_iv~ rules, re;~ulations and guidelines were set forth herein; the reasc~cs being that architer.tusal ewteepts, construetio7 ataterial:; acrd aesthetic $tanda~rda Halt vary froo- one time period to anothez, frow one neighbort~ovd to another and from one C#.ty adtainistratian to another $G as to tasks imprsr~cirahle the inc'lu- sxan herein of said administrative rules, regulations, and guidelines; prr-- ~~ided, however, that saki administra' j.re :::.',..y. raguletions end guidelines ar.e clearly set forth and on file in the office of the City Clet-k far public. revie4r. Sectia~ti G. Establishment of !~tchit=.>.ctural ai-d Hite Ag~ruva-1 Cvrnrs;.ttee Thrre ire hereby established an Architecturai and Site Approval Cara~elttee wlhiCh said Cottuui(tee shall he campzised wf fi~te (S) :~ernbet>S appoirttrd by the City Council from at:sarsg the q~ialifir~l ~yl+:ctars o~.; the City of Cupet'tint~ to terrsss of four (4) years tads. :~rmbQrs s~z appoiatted sh,3i1 serve without cFjcupensatic:r. and may be reiuavrtd by xa~arity vote a; ;he City Cczur~cil. 5ece:ioo S. Author~~ of the Committee Tt-e ~-Corttral Coaeeittre sba21 rcvirv azchitectural and site design, landsc~-ping, Sighting and sigcss in zaneat where a;ach review is require! ire _~_ conformance with the zoning o: ~~thEr }~ertin9nt ordiraancES of the City of Cupertino ur where required by a crnd:.t'on to ~, Use Per»it or a Varian~.e. 't"hc Couuuittc~e sha' 1 ,make a re},ort to the f.i ty Gounwi:i an all applicac i e.~r~s for architectural and rite approval .and ceconauartd either appr~svel: or denial of the applicetic~n. Scr.tion 5. Rrala,s anti Re~u2atinalt The li-Gontro2 Caamritt+~ shall have that ci.ght to r:avelo}~ arr~d sha11 sslapt its awn rules aa~ regulations vhiclt :ha21 be sabj+ect r.o .app.raral. ~y the City CouACil. On apprcva'! axnd after having bean fired wiith the Ci.t~r Clerk .said .-ales and regulations becomr_ effeCtiye. Aa~ndn~nti to said rules and regulations may be made i.n the scams mater. Section 6.1. Said rul_.es and regulations shall. provide f.s+r the haldiag of u~eetings, U.lec.tion of officers, quorum and voting pros•tsiona, hearings aru3 natirea, application fees and racy provide for such athe.r mat tare as n4ay be iu the $en- eral welfare of the City. Section c.2. Said rules and re~ul.a~ians sha22 contain srfficient a:~d suitably information so as to provide to any applicant a guidPlin~e as to ghat matters r_he H-Cc~ncrol ComQaittee will consider !.n its re•/iaw. Section 7. Cites Stz~ff _Assistancr. The H-Control Cnrwnittee stia.] ?-gave avai inble t© it such assi.stauce of L.fty staff as ray br requires to pr~fa~ its fur:<tia'15, said staff assigi~.- ments and adrain;strative proced:,res t+~ hr i,nrie~r th~r g~r,~ral di.rectian and supei~-i_:?ion of the City tL~na~ger. Section $. Revie.:a and A~rr~vai_b~_the City Ca~,ncil Tt,e City Council shall review and snake the firal decision on recom- roendatians submitted by the N~-Control Co:a~.fttee ats3 after, which the city Clerk shall sa notify the applicant. ~att:ing. rontair~ed i.erein shall limit [he authority of the City Council to approve, r~rdi#y ~.7r d?sapprc~,re any appli-- cation notwithstanding recosraen+iatiar,s oz conditi.tirss as ray have been imposed nr subrn:itted to the City Council by t:te applieanL, :he t:ity staff or the I#-Cantrul C~~awritl-ee. Se•~tion 9. Conformance _ta~pravel No permit shall b,° Issued far th+c erection, a;#c3ition ar alteration to anv building, structuYe, afgn Iightis3g ax land ,rapirs~; ::izESre archite~tura). grid site approval is rE•quirrd p~.ersuaar. to this k-Cc.rrtrnl Ca~.3.inance unless said approval has been brsntadi provided, hcrvever. a,.,thar. i zat i ~., f`ran*.e..i '~y said permit shall he s~sbject co any and all of t.hos~e condiLlt~ns that z~av ',lave been imposed by the City Council as g part mf any approval given to :he subject application. _y_ Sc:ci.'iun 1~. Co.tst i t«i_i~jrt;~li.t~ _C~1,~~:~e Ii' ~rn~ secti.c~n, subswarian, sent-F~nr.e, c].au:ce ar phra:ar. of chip Qrdinancte. is far any reason held by ~- caur: of c.nup~twnt jc~ri.edi.ction to tie invalid, such dcxciafan shall- not m#'fec.t tFce v~x],idity of. the remai.Irix~, Z~ar- tious u~E t3ais Oxdisxanc:e. 'The City Gnu;xril of ttxe f:£ty t7f Cuper~t.inca ttereb} deca ~re~; L}tat it ~pu'id have pasgrd F:his O- dfixart.~.e ~sxtll each :c,-cat : c,,~, sub- secY.ion, renLence, ~:iatsce, .axed },ixr.ase thererif, irrc$pcrctix~e sxf t.t~~ fact. that taa~y ozae yr s,-.ce o~c:sionts, aubsc*ctianxs, sentenccrs, caauaes cxx~ phrartea~ he held i.nve).id or unc•oacritutiana,. Section .11. Y?ffect +:r. rLct.raactivi~t~ hothir~g contained herein afil+l-1 invalSdat~. any actis~ns hereiafare taken ~lr the !'itq Council., the H-Central Lumen#ttc~t: car the city staff Futnuant to provisit~ns ai tTrrl.inrxrlce No. 306, at: aenend~d. Section l2. Ordi.rlencea µR_ep_ealed Ordinances Nct. ~Qfi s. d :106~e;, are hereby tey~eale:d as of the effec- tive date of thus £wControl Urdirxa~tce;, provided, ktn,deveY , that any act ion commenced under r•r~inances sa repea:la:F shall. 5c val.ic! anc} :~txall he continc.Ied :fn full force a,r~d effe<;t just as if r>aici cax°din:cnc:•~s Clad r-ctic be£a repealeE~. €iiT"F~.ODL'CETi aC ~ regr~,ar Inc~r~r:ing of the r,zt~° Cuurtc.il of the ('i~:y of Clx~+er- tino on the 17th day of AuEust, ].9'JG~, grid f;:~~At~T..D a' a r~f~~lar n,E~r`.ins:7 of. t}~~: City Courl`j.l of. nc~: City of Cupert.illo c~x~ the $th ci~a} o, Si. ptc~rr,},~r, 19`'C~t py the full-c,:~itiF; vale: AY£.S: L:c~uncil~<:n - Pztzgeraid, f'rc:lic.h, '~GF1, Sto'r.c~s NOES : Cc,ICric. i.lm~Il - None ABSF~iT': Coy-InGil^__E'.il - I,tPPIl ^` ~ r /~^) ~ ~, ! ~J/ /~ ~:ayor; C.ity,,cff ci"ipex'tilio A?T£ST: ~ry / ~_ .~ Citl- G;.crk I hert~q certify tl;at the :i ry of Cupertino Ordinance I3o. .~~~/' attached hereto to $ tr~aa: ar~tl correct cony of said Ordinance which has beets yublisi:ed of posttid gursleant to l.av. .... Wit . E . Ryd ~ ._.-.._Y __._.~ City Cler